Book Read Free


Page 10

by Lynda Filler

  “Come. Be very quiet no matter what happens. Shhh.” Luci smiled at the children. She dropped a container of something Rasha couldn’t see along the soil behind them.

  Luci spotted movement to her left. She raised her Glock and crouched down. She could hear a gasp and looked over to see a large grey wolf-dog staring intensely at the group, a low rumble building in his chest.

  Luci was prepared. She quickly raised her left hand and shot a dart at the animal. He slowly toppled into a heap on the ground.

  “Let’s move. Quickly now. We don’t have a lot of time.” She carried the boy while Rasha carried the girl. She led the group towards the water, up the river’s edge for half a mile to the waiting BMW bike. She turned back to check and saw two guards standing by the limp dog looking confused. They seemed to be stuck in the quicksand—courtesy of Luci—unable to move. They cursed in Hungarian each blaming the other for their stupidity.

  “I think we’ll walk the bike close to the tree line here. Be quiet and still.”

  Rasha leaned towards Luci and whispered, “Thank you for saving our lives.”

  Luci nodded, looking over at Amira who again clutched the hand of her adopted brother. Why are the women and children always the ones who suffer the most when men make war?

  The displaced woman, her daughter, and a young Muslim boy began their walk towards the airport and a new life.


  Washington, Oregon airspace

  “SO, COMMANDER. I bet this isn’t how you thought you’d be spending your evening.” Luke kept a keen eye on RB’s navigational system on his iPad, and let the military pilot fly their newest toy.

  “No Raven, I didn’t. But it reminds me of my test-pilot days when I got to play with the Boeing prototypes.”

  Both men often had late night chats in the great room in Anacortes. They’d become friends over the years meeting over private government operations. At some point, Luke realized he couldn’t force the old dog to his point of view, so they often agreed to disagree. But when it came to matters of national security and terrorism on American soil, they were of one mind. The old dog would do whatever it took and lie about it later if he had to.

  Luke lowered his voice and flicked a select switch on his iPhone to activate the scrambler. RB knew how to design things that would make sure a conversation never happened.

  “Here’s how I see it. We followed the guy, got the thief on tape carrying the gym bag directly from his vehicle onto this commercial fishing boat. He’s filed paperwork with the coastguard, and he’s headed out. There’s no doubt in my mind what’s in that Nike bag. Whatever he’s up to, it’s not good. We should be over him shortly.”

  The Commander nodded.

  “Now that I have your undivided attention,” Luke dropped his voice lower. “I don’t trust this administration. If we board the boat, seize the cargo and turn it over, you know what’s going to happen.”

  They both nodded. “We don’t want the captain. We can’t take him without his crew. With the transparency of the media, the story will get out, and it will be twisted. We don’t want to alert his benefactors. We’ve followed the other fugitives to the Oregon/California border. We believe they’ll try to board a flight in San Francisco. But they are definitely going to have an accident—after we have a conversation with them.”

  “Look, Luke, I know where you’re going with this. That’s why you wanted my best and most loyal fighter pilot on this plane. You don’t have to sell me. Dangerous times require men of tremendous courage and boldness.”

  They had an understanding.

  Luke nodded.

  The pilot was a trained spy. He had a pretty good idea what he was going to be asked to do. And he would do it. Not because it was an order, but because he too knew too much. Sometimes when he took his girlfriend out to dinner at P. F. Changs, and she went on and on about a party they were going to, he wanted to shake her. He wanted to tell her about the Bio-weapons developed on American soil, the tests that had endangered the lives of tens of thousands of military personnel over the years. He wanted to warn her of the terrorist cells that lived and plotted right here in Seattle. Instead, he showed the correct amount of interest in her latest drama and kept the secrets to himself.

  He knew if Luke Raven was involved this was an unorthodox operation. And he’d sworn to protect his country. He’d do whatever they asked him to do and die before he’d ever reveal their secret.

  Luke got RB on the phone.

  “How’s it going on your end?”

  Luke looked out the window towards the south. It was an intense weather night with significant storm warnings. According to the marine website, it was too dangerous for small vessels to be out in open water tonight. They were flying low enough to see the lights of the massive cargo ships move slowly through their shipping lanes on the way to the Port of Seattle.

  “Luke, you should be passing over the ship in 6 minutes. Let me speak directly with the pilot.”

  “Yes sir, I can hear you.”

  “We’ve painted him green on our image. Can you see him yet?”

  “Yes. Looks like the boat is dead in the water. Strange.”

  “Luke, can you see what I see?”

  “RB, what is that? I’m looking at the radar. It’s too dark out there to look for a visual. What is it?”

  “It’s a helicopter, dropping a winch.”

  Luke and the commander both shook their heads.

  “Son.” The commander addressed the pilot.

  “Yes, Sir?”

  “All I can see down there is an accident waiting to happen. You’re good to go.”

  All on board could feel the powerful blast.

  The shipping trawler sunk far off the coast of Oregon. An unidentified helicopter was too close to the blast and went down with him. There would be no survivors. The Coast Guard would be advised that in the interest of National Security a freak act of nature, possibly a lightning bolt, caused irreparable damage to a helicopter. It exploded over a fishing trawler and they both sank.

  The military pilot took a turn towards the north and headed back to base.


  Paris France,

  TWO WOMEN AND two children emerged from a heavily armored Mercedes at an undisclosed location on the Ile de France. A team of experts including a technical advisor from the Raven Group was on hand to welcome the new arrivals. During a flight from Hungary, it was disclosed that Rasha was carrying a map provided by her deceased husband that would be of utmost importance to the Syrian people. Rasha had no idea what it meant. Her husband thought it might be better that way. But RB recognized its significance when Luci sent a screen shot through from the plane. He would provide secure transmissions from an underground facility in Washington State to a team of operatives on standby in the Middle East.

  Back in Anacortes, Washington State, Luke was certain Zach had a team of operatives to do what had to be done.

  “Zach. Are the boys with you? Can they hear me?”

  “Yes, they’re with me, virtually speaking, and they can hear your instructions.”

  “Ah, so they’re in place, where we want them, yes?”

  “That would be correct.”

  “I’m sending through the map. I’ve verified the legitimacy. And double-checked it with a thumb drive our friend was carrying. You and Israel will want to take a closer look at it and identify precise locations. From there, you will know what to do.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  The house was in a good safe area of Paris not too far from the Embassies, and the upscale shops on the Avenue Champs-Élysée. The local restaurants were mostly French with the odd Italian café; Middle Eastern food was gaining acceptance slowly in this very traditional arrondissement. The smell of fresh baguette and brioche wafted upwards from the bakery on the first floor of the apartment building. Luci realized she was hungry.

  She’d sent instructions from the plane to purchase appropriate clothing for Rasha. Now she would be able to wea
r her Hijab and dress in the manner that was correct for her religious beliefs. She also had her team purchase toys and clothing for a girl of seven and a boy aged six. They would need food. It was early in the morning but the local Syrian restaurant, upon hearing there were new arrivals from their war-torn country, opened early and prepared a welcome feast.

  “Samaar, I cannot thank you enough for everything you have done for us. But I must ask, is there any news of my brother-in-law and his wife?”

  “Rasha, shower first, I will make some calls; and we will eat and talk after.”

  Samaar returned to the living area to talk with the security force. She watched a couple get out of a black Citroen and enter the building. Rasha emerged from her room with a sparkly Amira chattering and smiling, hugging a Barbie doll. Young Kamar shyly clutched a Superman action figure.

  “Thank you, Miss Samaar, for my doll.” Luci bent down to give the child a hug. She thought of her own daughter Alice. Maybe one day these two could be friends. They shared much in common and would both grow up to be determined and brave like their mothers.

  They were interrupted by a commotion at the front door.

  “Rasha, would you mind seeing what’s happening at the door.” Luci was helping Amira place a warm jacket on her Barbie Doll. One of Luke’s security men spoke softly to Kamar in Arabic. The boy was slowly responding.

  “Rasha! We were so worried about you. Thank God you are here!” Rasha’s sister-in-law started to cry. They held each other close.

  “And my brother Rasha?”

  She cried harder.

  Luci chose that moment to introduce Amira.

  “I think you want to meet your Aunt and Uncle, yes?”

  Smiles and hugs were exchanged.

  “And this is my brother Kamar.” Amira pulled the boy along beside her. The family gave him a hug also and welcomed him to France.

  Fifteen minutes later the reunited family conversed so quickly that Luci had difficulty following the Arabic. The food had arrived from the restaurant, and Luci was a peace.

  Her phone buzzed.

  A message from Luke.

  Zach recognized three of the seventeen locations. They were already on his radar. Rasha’s husband had other exciting diagrams, and there were files hidden in the thumb drives—files within folders. He also had a microdot on that map. It showed some very revealing schematics of everything in the presidential palace. We think it might hold clues to missing bodies.

  Luci shook her head. Would the evil of this world never end? She continued reading.

  Fortunately, we have enough people on the ground to get eyes on each structure in the next twenty-four hours. Things will move quickly when we have confirmation.

  By the way, the President of France has sold our idea to his cabinet. They’ve voted to accept our proposal. Expect his announcement in the next seventy-two hours.


  Somewhere in the Swiss Alps

  THE NIGHT AIR, although crisp and cold, showed signs of the end of winter and the emergence of spring. Still, in the discreet 17th century home in a quiet yet expensive part of the Nordic village, a fireplace raged. The few members of this secret group welcomed Raven’s voice on speaker as they discussed what the next step would be. NATO had become a dinosaur, a huge lumbering giant with no bite, no power, and constant friction. If you wanted something done, you had to take risks.

  This group was made up of some of the wealthiest private power brokers in the world. Each had been vetted before being invited to participate. Tonight, they would make a decision that would change the course of history.

  “Everything’s in place. I have the necessary manpower on standby. We’re ready upon unanimous approval to make this happen.”

  At precisely 12:01 am in Switzerland, an announcement went out to the World Press. It was carried on every newswire and directly sent to heads of state all over the world.

  The following is a map of Syria. Each location circled with coordinates on this map represents a site where highly toxic bio-weapons are stored. The areas are now carefully mined with qualified personnel standing by to guide UN Teams of experts to safely begin the disposal of the contents. Should the Syrian Army, the rebels or ISIS attempt to interfere, they will be killed immediately. We’ve got weapons in the sky. This will be your only warning.

  President Assad, the world is watching you.”


  CNN Headquarters

  “A MUCH-ANTICIPATED announcement is coming out of the Élysée Palace today Bob. What do you think French President Pablo Matisse is going to say?”

  “Well, I’m not sure, Jim. It’s his first major address. But I know the ladies will enjoy looking at him. He’s got them all excited!”

  “Bob!!” A pert young blonde, the third person on the desk of the news team, gazed seductively towards the cameras. “Be careful! You don’t want to get fired for sexist remarks!”

  “Amanda Sue, I do admire that tasteful dress you’re wearing today.” He winked. She blushed.

  “Here we go.”

  The President of France, his partner Simone seated an appropriate distance off to his left, took to the podium in the massive hall. He looked out at his audience and began.

  “The world has a very short memory, doesn’t it? After World War II, most countries agreed to protect refugees with the creation of the 1951 Refugee Convention and the UN Commission on Human Rights. However, the world at large is ignoring the wars and the human rights violations in the Middle East and Africa. The warning signs were there. Those who have the power have chosen to look the other way and allowed a horrific humanitarian crisis to unfold.

  Ultimately the only way to end the crisis is to stop men from making war. Do you think that will ever happen?

  There are more than 21 million displaced people in the world today. More than half are in the neighboring countries of the conflict areas; the other half are dispersed around the world. In 2016 alone over 1 million migrants and refugees entered Europe.

  I will not get into a philosophical argument about this issue. We all know it’s a fact that we have a crisis on our hands.

  On the outskirts of Paris, we have unemployment at 50%. That is unacceptable. We don’t have a place to house or educate refugees, I admit that. But today, I am proud to tell you that we in France have a solution of epic proportions. Our answer is not only for France, but we will start here and spread it out over Europe.

  On the border of Brazil in South America, we have a Department d’Outre-Mer, a country called French Guiana. It is part of the European Union and owned by France. This country is the size of Portugal and yet has only 200,000 residents most of Creole heritage. The primary language, as in France, is French. It is home to fisheries, farming, products now exported to France, and many untapped natural resources in the mountains.

  It’s also no secret that France has an enormous national debt. A consortium of very wealthy Foundations has come forward to address this humanitarian crisis. They are willing to pay France twenty billion Euros over a five-year period of time to purchase this country which will be colonized by refugees and migrants.”

  President Matisse stopped and let the crowds applaud wildly.

  “Did you hear that? 20 billion Euros to buy a country to house refugees! I think I’m speechless, Bob. I wonder what our viewers are thinking.” CNN hosts looked at each other in amusement. President Matisse continued.

  “This money will eliminate half of our national debt and create a place of refuge for hundreds of thousands without a country. Those who apply will be issued passports and working documents immediately.

  This is a well thought out proposal, and temporary housing for the first ten thousand people is almost complete. Much of the necessary equipment, food, clothing, and medications, are being supplied free of charge by wealthy corporations around the world. Let me also say that all major airlines have scheduled flights starting tomorrow, free of charge.

  For the last two days, we have been
processing applications as quickly as we can. With the agreement of each family, they will be able to board flights almost immediately. Every trade, skill, and level of education will be welcome. We will need schools, hospitals, housing, cooks, shopkeepers, doctors, teachers, plumbers, mechanics, anything you can think of to service a new country.

  One last thing. An International Space Station is operating in Fr. Guiana. It will remain there and become part of the new country. The revenue from this project and the people who live there will continue to be a part of the new economy, but the land the space station sits on will remain a part of France. We find this agreeable.”

  He stopped to take a sip of water.

  “Today I can say I am very proud to be a part of this new world. For once we are taking steps forward. You will see on my official documents the countries that have agreed to help expedite this process. It’s only a matter of time before other countries in the world with uninhabited land, will see that it’s possible to create new regions and economies to help eliminate this humanitarian crisis.

  I want to thank the generosity of the leaders of the twenty foundations who formed this group to aid the displaced people of the world. God Bless and thank you.”


  Seattle, WA

  “A TOAST TO our host Luke Raven. We are proud of the way things are progressing. We’ve found the ultimate way to give back to humanity.”

  Luke Raven looked around the room at his assembled guests. Jack smiled, his wife Sandy, and forty other people enjoyed an evening in a private dining room in the Four Seasons Hotel. Their combined security forces would be keeping the kitchens busy, and the traffic snarled for a radius of five blocks.


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