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Dude with a Cool Car

Page 25

by Siobhan Muir

We passed by Dollhouse sitting with Scott and Oriana, and I waited for the protests at my returning to their home. But while Scott scowled, it wasn’t with the furious animosity I’d seen when I’d left that morning, and Oriana merely watched me with wary curiosity. Dollhouse nodded, but I suspected it was to Karma rather than to me.

  Seriously? They don’t seem to know me. At all.

  We found Loki in his office with Neo and Michael while Viper and Attila finished telling them their part of my death deception. Neo didn’t bother looking up from his tablet but Michael nodded to Karma before his gaze landed on me. He’d grown more serious since he’d rescued the sex slave victims, but I didn’t feel any animosity.

  Thank glory. I still wasn’t sure who he was, but I definitely didn’t want to be on his bad side.

  “Ye shoulda seen those wee bastards swarming around the wreckage like ants.” Attila shook his head with a wry grin. “We couldn’t stay to see that Ainsworth fella get all bent outta shape, but the helicopter kept circlin’ the wreckage.”

  “Ah, Karma, glad you got out okay. You, too, Mr. Marshal.” Loki shot a look at me and winked. “Sounds like everything worked like a charm.”

  “Yeah, I guess it did.” I nodded as I glanced around the room at the others. “Thanks for all your help.”

  “Och, ’twas a pleasure. I love watchin’ cops run around chasin’ their tails.” Attila gave me a nod. “Not bad driving either. They thought they had ye until ye gave ’em the slip up there in the toolies.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “How do you know that?”

  “I was listenin’ to the police bands. That’s why they brought out the helicopter.”

  I laughed and Loki grinned. “All’s well that ends well, ja? So, we help you fake your death, give you a new identity, and in exchange, you become our pet dick, ja?”

  I didn’t like the way he’d phrased it, but it was a reasonable deal considering all they’d done for me. And despite their nefarious reputation, I liked the Concrete Angels. And I definitely don’t have room to talk about operating outside the law.

  I nodded. “And if I refuse?”

  Karma’s eyes widened and the others around me stiffened. Loki didn’t move and his smile didn’t change, but his eyes became harder.

  “Then we return you to your life.” He shrugged but I got the impression he meant my life as Cooper DeVille, U.S. Marshal. “And you’ll have to watch your back for both Backlog and the Concrete Angels, ja? The choice is yours.”

  I nodded again. “Yeah, that’s what I figured. I just wanted to see what I’d be missing, and it turns out, not much. I’m happy to stay and help you find out more about Backlog, and be Karma’s mate.”

  The tension drained out of the room as if everyone had breathed a sigh of relief. Viper shot a look at Karma and winked before she turned her head back to Loki. What’s that about? Attila grumbled something about contrary Americans and Michael’s lips curled into a half-smile. Only Neo kept his stoic expression.

  “Det er bra. Welcome to the Concrete Angels, Mr. Marshal. Over the next few days, we’ll set up your office here in the clubhouse and you can continue your investigation, ja?” Loki grinned but the humor had a calculating edge to it. “Neo will put together your email and phone, Numbers will set up your expense accounts, and Viper will help you with surveillance equipment. But this can be done over the next few days, too.”

  “Thanks.” I think. It was everything I wanted, right? Well, almost everything. I didn’t have a cool car anymore, but I thought I might be able to find a good chassis in a junk yard somewhere and start building again. “I look forward to having a new base of operations.”

  Loki nodded. “You might also need to look into personal issues of the clubmembers as part of your inclusion here. Everyone has something worth looking at, ja?”

  I snorted. “Yeah, most likely. Sounds fair. Should we get this in writing, just so there’s no misunderstanding or wiggle room?”

  His grin widened. “Ja, that’s a good idea. Neo?”

  Uh-oh. Neo tapped a couple of things on his tablet and the printer in the corner of the room spit out a couple of pages. He gathered them up and handed them to me. I looked over the contract, reading it carefully just in case his name gave evidence of who he truly was. Do I really want to make a deal with Loki, Norse God of Mischief? When put like that, I’d have rather eaten an entire rattlesnake carcass coated in gangrene, but the contract read clearly and the terms were acceptable.

  “Looks good. Got a pen to sign with?”

  Loki laughed and chills ran down my spine. “Ja, this one.”

  He held up what looked like an old-fashioned quill pen, but it had a small, sharp blade on the grip. He scraped his finger across it until it bled, feeding the pen with blood to use as ink. Holy glory. He signed his name with a flourish then handed the pen to Michael. He dropped the pen into a small bowl of water, swirling it through the liquid until it turned pink and the pen was clean. He dried it and handed it to me.

  “You want me to sign with blood?”

  “Ja, this is how we do things here.” He nodded to the pen. “It makes the contract completely binding to everyone involved.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Even you?”

  He smirked. “Especially me.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him but followed his example by pricking my finger. The blood oozed down to the tip of the pen and I signed my new legal name. I could try to weasel out of the contract by insisting I was Cooper DeVille, but I wasn’t planning to go back to that name. Besides, I wasn’t in the habit of breaking contracts, particularly with people like Loki. Something told me the havoc he’d wreak would be astronomical.

  The air rippled as I finished signing my name and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. What the hell was that? I shot a look at the others in the room, but no one else seemed to have seen it. Loki grinned.

  “It is done. Tomorrow we’ll have an office for you to start your work, but today we celebrate your escape from the police.” Loki rose and gestured toward the door. “We’ll send Gopher for the beer.”

  Attila groaned. “Och, not Gopher. Knowing the clueless lad, he’ll bring back a lawyer this time.”

  Everyone one laughed, but I agreed with Attila and wouldn’t put it past Gopher to do just that in his quest for alcohol.

  “Are you okay with this?” Karma squeezed my hand as she tugged me back toward the front doors.

  I shrugged. “Yeah, I think so. It’s kinda new right now and it hasn’t sunk in yet.”

  “Not to overwhelm you, but I have something for you.”

  I raised my eyebrows. “What is it?”

  “Come with me to find out.” She gave me a secret smile and dragged me to her cabin. “Ready?”

  “Close enough.”

  She followed me inside and closed the door behind her. “Go sit on the loveseat. I’ll bring them to you.”


  She winked. “Just sit.” She pointed and I plopped my ass onto the loveseat. “Good guy.”

  Her approval warmed my heart as she disappeared into her bedroom. What could she have for me? I took a deep breath and my ribs twinged, reminding me I’d had some fairly traumatic injuries recently. I’d have to figure out where I’d be staying or find myself an apartment nearby. With the documentation the Concrete Angels had provided, housing wouldn’t be a problem.

  “Close your eyes, Eric.” Karma used her Madam voice and my eyes closed on their own.

  I heard her come back into the room carrying something. She sat down beside me and rearranged whatever she had on her lap. “Okay, open.”

  I opened my eyes and found her holding a large box wrapped in brightly colored paper.

  “What’s this?”

  “Just open it.” She grinned as she handed me the large box.

  Stripping away the paper didn’t help reveal what it was so I pulled the lid off the box. Inside rested a black leather jacket with the club’s patch on the back, the gargoyle with a m
aniacal grin on a motorcycle with flaming wheels. The banner at the top read “CLUB P.I.” and the rocker at the bottom read “PROPERTY OF KARMA.” I stared at the jacket and my throat closed. Tears didn’t quite hit my eyes, but it was close. I raised my gaze to Karma.

  “Are you sure, Ma’am? After everything?”

  The smile she gave me warmed me better than a leather jacket. “Yeah, I’m sure.”

  I ran my fingers over the supple leather. “Thank you. I’ll wear it with pride.”

  “Good. Then I can give you this.” She handed me a much smaller box wrapped in the same bright paper.

  I opened it to find a set of keys on a keyring with a Marshal’s star hanging from it with the words “Deputy Dick” inscribed. I laughed as I held them up. “What are they to?”

  “This cabin and the gate, so you can come and go as you need to.” For one moment she looked hopeful and insecure as if she wasn’t sure how I’d take having keys to her place. “That is, if you’re okay staying here with your Madam.”

  I set the box with the jacket on the floor and dropped the keys on it as I rolled to my knees in front of her, taking her hands. I met her gaze and put my whole heart into my eyes and voice.

  “I’d be honored and very pleased to stay here and serve you to the best of my ability, Ma’am. I’m much happier with you than without you.” I meant every word. She was the only woman for me, even if she wasn’t completely human.

  She swallowed hard and her smile wobbled a little as she cleared her throat. “Good. Then I can give you this.”

  The last box was long and narrow, and had a fair amount of weight to it. I sat back on my heels as I unwrapped it then lifted the lid. Inside, nestled in black satin, rested a thick, silver herringbone chain. At one end it had an open loop and at the other, a small, elegant brushed gold padlock lay unlocked with a small key. The words “For Karma” had been engraved into the back side of the padlock.

  This time, I couldn’t stop the tears from flooding my eyes. “Is that what I think it is?”

  “That depends. What do you think it is?”

  I cleared my throat to keep my voice level, but it wobbled anyway. “It looks like a collar, the kind a Madam will put on her devoted submissive.” I raised my gaze as the tears spilled over. “Are you collaring me, Ma’am?”

  She nodded, her smile hopeful. “That’s exactly what it is, sweet man. If you’re okay with it, I’d like you to be my mate, my sub, my handsome Marshal from now until forever. What do you say?” She lifted the chain out of the box and held it up. “No one has to know what this means, beyond you and I, but it’s my equivalent of a wedding ring. Would you accept my collar, Eric? Would you be my committed submissive?”

  I barked a laugh as the tears ran down my face. “Yes, Ma’am. Oh glory, yes, Ma’am.”

  Karma reached out and fastened the chain around my neck, closing the padlock with a tiny click. Again, the air swirled like it had when I signed Loki’s contract, and it felt just as binding. The chain settled onto my shoulders and chest, the lock resting between my collar bones and most of my worries fled from my awareness. Whatever happened after, I’d have my Madam at my back, and I’d serve her forever.

  “Thank you for this, Ma’am. I lost the last piece of jewelry you gave me.” I grimaced to hold back the disappointment. “I don’t know what happened to it, but when I woke up in the hospital, it was gone.”

  “Are you talking about the cock jewelry?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I’m afraid they destroyed it when they took me in for surgery.” It still pierced my heart at the loss.

  “Were you wearing it during your beating?”

  I blinked and nodded. “Of course, Ma’am. I would never remove it unless you gave me permission.”

  She gaped at me. “Even after I asked you to leave me alone? You still kept it on?”

  “Yes, Ma’am. It was a way to stay close to you after I left.” I glanced away and bit my lip. “I needed to feel it there in hopes I hadn’t lost you forever.”

  “Oh, Eric.” She gave me a watery smile. “I wasn’t thinking very clearly. Can you forgive my stupidity?”

  My own smile was pretty damn watery too. “Of course, Ma’am.”

  “Good.” She reached out to smooth the necklace against my shoulders. “This is beautiful on you.” Karma closed one fist over the key. “And I’ll keep this safe for you.” She sniffled a little and gave me a warm smile as her phone buzzed with a text. She picked it up and smiled wider.

  “What is it?”

  “I have one more thing to give you.” She pushed me back and stood, lifting me to my feet.

  “More? Why are you giving me so much, Ma’am?” I’d never needed much and it seemed an abundance after the way things had fallen apart a week before.

  Karma stopped, her expression unusually solemn. “I’d give you the world if I could, Eric. I love you to the moon and back. You’re my everything.”

  Her statement struck me dumb and I allowed her to tug me back out to the yard where we found Torch waiting on us. He leaned against a peacock green and cream 1956 Chevy Corvette soft top, a cocky grin curling his lips.

  “Wow. That’s a helluva car, Torch.” I was rather envious.

  “Do you like it?” Karma bit her lip, her expression hopeful.

  “The car? Yeah, it’s sexy and sleek.”

  “Good. Then it’s yours.” Torch tossed me the keys and I caught them out of reflex.


  “It’s yours. I figured since you had to sacrifice your Caddy to save your life, we should make sure you had a nice ride to replace it.” He pushed off the car and waved at it. “A buddy of mine had this baby lyin’ around his junkyard and I was workin’ on it for fun. I fixed it up and had another friend paint her. He finished cleaning her up today. She’s all yours now.”

  “Aw, Torch, man, I don’t know what to say.” It was true. Thanks seemed completely inadequate.

  “You’re welcome, Marshal.” He grabbed me and gave me a back-pounding hug. “Good to have you as part of the Concrete Angels. Don’t fuck it up, okay?”

  “Yeah, gonna do my best not to.”

  “Good. Enjoy your car.” He tilted his head a moment to take in the new necklace around my throat. “That’s fuckin’ sexy right there. And it looks good on you. Congrats.” He winked as he sauntered away and I rubbed the back of my neck as my emotions overwhelmed me again.

  “You okay?” Karma stepped up, trailing her fingers over the chain around my neck. I shivered at her touch and nodded.

  “Yes, Ma’am. I’m better than okay. I’m home.”

  It had been a long time coming, but I’d finally found what I was meant to do. I’d continue to investigate and hound Backlog, and I’d serve my Madam to the best of my ability. And I’d drive my cool car. I guess I finally got some good Karma. Good karma and a good future. I was all for it.



  I’d seen a lot of shit over the millennia, stuff that would curl anyone’s toes in horror. Humans had the amazing capacity to hurt each other in ways even my older brother Luke hadn’t devised. But they also had an overwhelming capacity for love and compassion that outstripped the ugliness every day and twice on Sundays. I’d seen both in one day and I reeled from the tug-of-war between the two extremes.

  When we raided the sickening brothel filled with sex slaves, I’d damn near hurled my breakfast onto my shoes. The women and children of both genders we found wore expressions of defeat and despair, their bodies the only thing keeping them alive. I was certain most of them would’ve chosen to die if they could have.

  Some had been drugged, other beaten, and still others had been bound by fear of retribution from the guards keeping them in. All of them had made so much profound sorrow rise up in my chest I feared I’d stop breathing. It was all I could to do to load them into the van and clear the tears from my eyes enough to drive.

  Nightingale performed triage in the back despite the cramped quar
ters and her face told me more than I wanted to know. She and I had often worked together to protect the people around us from the rigors of human existence, but it was the first time I’d questioned why I stayed when such evil existed in human hearts. As an Archangel, my job was usually pretty easy. I gave counsel, I helped people see a different, less violent path, and when all else failed, I committed violence to make sure the evil deeds didn’t get out of hand. But the sight of these people so hurt by others made me want to do harm in ways that wouldn’t bring redemption or healing to anyone.

  Sweet glory, we’re gonna take down those Backlog mudfuckers and give them a helluva retribution. I clenched my jaw and pulled into the parking lot of the Hopeful Heart Shelter. Oriana had found it to be the best shelter in Fort Collins for victims of sexual assault and I couldn’t think of a better place for the people I’d help rescue.

  It took all my grace as an angel to convince some of the women and kids to come out of the van. To them I represented the biggest, baddest, most frightening man they could imagine with my dark hair, scruff, and arm tattoos. They didn’t know the tattoos represented challenges I’d overcome, like the one they faced. But I tried to smile at them with all the compassion in my heart as I fought tears. None of these people deserved the damage done to them.

  Nightingale led them inside and stopped to talk to the director of the shelter, a tall, slender woman with weathered skin on her face. She looked as if she’d lived as hard as her charges had, but her core of steel had allowed her to help others. She didn’t hesitate to take in the victims and find places for them.

  “Haley, could you come help me with the kids, please?” The director waved at another woman across the room.

  “Sure, Evelyn.”

  I froze.

  The woman named Haley had a soft smile for the children that made my heart ache and her rich brown eyes crinkled at the corners with her warmth. She’d pulled her dark hair into a ponytail and the luxurious waves brushed her shoulders as she turned her head to listen to one of the youngsters.

  Sweet glory of all, she’s the One.


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