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Dude with a Cool Car

Page 26

by Siobhan Muir

  I’d been with the humans for millennia, watching and learning from them all the time. I envied their ability to love so completely and fiercely that they’d give their all for their loved ones. It was both inspiring and baffling. I’d always protected the people around me, stood up for them, and defended them, but I’d never experienced the love they displayed, even for the littlest things like kittens or a garden.

  Hell, I wondered if I was even capable of feeling that kind of love. Watching my friend Scott fall for Oriana had made me wonder if love was only a human emotion, something denied those of the Elder Races. Oh, sure, I’d felt love—the pleasure, kindness, joy, and compassion held for people who needed protection, whether human or not. But never the gut-wrenching, bone-deep love that made people sacrifice everything for someone else.

  But Karma had fallen for Cooper-cum-Eric with the same desire and fervor I’d seen in human couples, and he’d returned the feelings. I’d never been jealous of anyone before, but the green monster had flared in my chest when I looked at them.

  I stared at Haley and I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She listened to the kids with patience and focus, never touching or intruding on their space. Her whole body radiated calm, patient, kindness, and I wanted to stand with her to boost her signal.

  Yeah, she doesn’t need you. She didn’t. The kids were drawn to her strength and followed her as she led them toward the dorms of the shelter. I could stop watching her and my heart pounded with the need to speak to her before she got away.

  But at the last moment before she left the room, Haley looked up and met my gaze. Time stopped and I fell into her eyes, seeing the heart inside. I’d been chosen to protect the people of our world and to help them in any way I could. But Haley had been born a protector, too, with a core of steel and a heart of fire, and she’d fight for those she loved.

  I want to be one of those loved ones.

  Then she looked away when one of the kids tugged on her sleeve and the moment was gone. I blinked, released from her spell, and time resumed its relentless forward motion. Except instead of the usual calm, boring progression, my heart pounded and excitement flooded my system.

  “Hey, Michael, are you okay?” Nightingale touched my shoulder, her eyebrows up.

  “Yeah, I’m good.”

  Better than good. I had research to do. I needed to find out more about Haley-who-worked-at-the-shelter because I’d gotten a glimpse of my mate and I wasn’t about to let the opportunity escape.


  Play List

  from the Strip Show

  “Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga - The Kilted Nutsack

  “Hot Hot Hot” by Buster Poindexter - Firehose

  “You Can Leave Your Hat On” by Joe Cocker - The Schlong Ride

  “Wild Wild West” by Escape Club - Deputy Dick

  “Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone - Pocket Rocket

  “Infinity” by Guru Josh Project - Kiddie Pool Shark

  “Concrete Angel” by Gareth Emery - Hank Hardon

  “All of You” by Betty Who - Harry Longballs

  “Get Me High” by Kelde - Wally Ballbanger

  “When Can I See You Again” by Owl City – All


  Of ANGEL INK, coming May 2019


  “What the hell are you doing, Michael?”

  Luke’s voice intruded on my thoughts as I viciously scrubbed the kitchenette in my cabin. I resisted the urge to snap at him as I threw down the sponge and turned to face him.

  “What the fuck are you doing in my cabin?” Okay, so I sucked at resistance.

  “Damn, who pissed in your Cheerios?” My older brother raised a golden blond eyebrow as he tipped his head. “I mean, I’m not expecting rainbows and unicorns, but usually you’re usually a lot more mellow. Someone piss you off?”

  He could say that. After we took the victims of sexual assault and forced prostitution to the shelter, the fury over their hurts hit me at odd moments. Like now. I stared hard at the bubbles in sink, trying to find beauty and peace in their iridescent marbled surfaces as I strove to calm down.

  “What do you want, Luke?”

  He tried to look innocent. Heh, the devil innocent? Not likely.

  “Can’t I stop by to see my younger brother?”

  “Seriously, I don’t need your poking. What do you want?”

  Luke sighed as he ran his hand over the angel wing tattoo on the back of his bald head. “I just wanted to check on you. You haven’t been yourself since you raided that make-shift brothel. I half expected to come in here and find everything painted black. What’s going on?”

  I sighed. Anger was exhausting, but I couldn’t seem to shake it. “Nothing.”

  “Come on. We’re not teenagers anymore.” He smirked. “Come to think of it, we never were teenagers. That would’ve been fun. Can you imagine cruising the streets, lookin’ at hot chicks?”

  I snorted. “I suspect you’ve done that thousands of times already.”

  “Hey, no one ever told those kids to do shit like that, I just never bothered to rein ’em in.”

  I rubbed my forehead and reached for what was left of my legendary patience. “Why are you really here, Luke?”

  He lost his smirk. “I really am worried about you. I’ve never seen you like this. You always bounce back. What happened.”

  I dropped the sponge and turned on the water to wash my hands and rinse the sink. “I seem to have lost my faith in humanity.” As his smirk widened, I held up my hand. “Don’t. I don’t need to hear it. I just don’t understand how humans could do such horrible things to each other for the simple gain of money.”

  Luke frowned. “Come on. You’ve seen this for millennia. The powerful hurting and killing others for gold, land, hell, even water. They create wars just to make a buck. What makes this time any different?”

  I shook my head. “I dunno. I guess I’m tired. Tired of battling the same shit, different century. Tired of comforting the victims of all these atrocities brought on by their own people. I’m tired of the love of money decimating everything around us.”

  “Are you listening to yourself, Michael? You’re part of the Concrete Angels MC, a group that runs drugs and weapons to make money. Drugs and weapons hurt people every day. Isn’t this a bit hypocritical?”

  I scowled. “I joined Loki’s crew to keep him in balance with you. We’re two sides of the same coin and we balance out Loki’s chaotic neutral. We balance the scales of action and consequence”

  “Right, and without us, Karma wouldn’t have anything to do. None of this has changed, but you’re still pissed off. What gives?”

  I sighed again and slumped into a chair, rubbing my face. “I don’t know if I can keep doing this. It’s all the same shit, day after day, year after year, nothing getting any better and nothing to look forward to. I think I’m losing faith in the world. Why defend people who seek destruction, pain, sickness, and the very atrocities they claim to abhor? What the hell am I doing here?”

  For the first time, Luke wore real concern on his face. “Michael, you’re the one who told me to look for the good things in times of darkness, and glory knows, I’m supposed to be the harbinger of darkness. But one thing my millennia of being the Devil has taught me is people only let the darkness rule for so long, then they rise up with light bright enough to blind. There’s an ebb and flow to their love of light or dark. It’s a cycle they have to learn from. Without the dark, they can’t appreciate the light. And they totally need us both.”

  He reached out to grip my shoulder. “They need me to be the Dark One, the one they revile and blame for all the wrongs in the world, including their own choices. And they need you to be the bright, shining example of love, compassion, and determination that allows them to swing back the other way. You’re not really fighting for them, Michael. It’s more that you’re fighting to show them the very best they can be and how to vanquish their own inner demons.”

  I consi
dered what he’d said, wondering who would fight my inner demons. No one knew my brother very well, though they claimed they had an insight into him. But only myself and a few others knew his secret. He’d been asked to take this role rather than “fell from Heaven” as the humans told it. And he’d accepted, with far greater grace than even I possessed. He’d become the Dark One everyone blamed, because he had the most compassion of all of us.

  He tilted his head and narrowed his eyes. “I can’t believe I’m asking you this, but isn’t there some brightness you saw that helps you find the good again?”

  I opened my mouth to deny it when the face of the woman who’d taken the kids filled my mind. Her name was Haley. Like my big brother, she’d shown nothing but compassion to the child victims, listening to them as she led them through the shelter. She had a strength in her kindness and presence that called to me with a yearning I’d forgotten in all my millennia with humans.

  “Ah ha, what just went through your mind?”

  Damn Luke’s sharp perception.


  Luke snorted. “Don’t hand me that. I can tell when you’re thinking of something good. You actually glow, you know that? Might want to tone down your grace a little when you think of…them. It’s a them, isn’t it?” He batted his eyes with excited delight. “Oooh, tell me about them. Tell me everything!”

  I rolled my eyes and pushed him away. “Sod off, you wanker.”

  “Oh, no. Not after that reaction. I told you all about Angelina, now you have to tell me who it is that makes you find the light in the dark.”

  I didn’t want to tell him about Haley, not until I knew her better myself. But Luke had a way of pestering people until they either threatened to kill him – which was never a good idea – or they gave in. I was stronger than most, but it was usually easier just to give him what he wanted.

  I’d only met her once—and stole a kiss from her—but she’d seen my wings, which weren’t normally visible. Except to those who are our true mates. True, other angels could see our wings, and sometimes the other Elder Races could as well, but humans were usually oblivious. I’d originally blamed her momentary vision on my distraction.

  I’d only been at the Museum because we’d been tracking one of the cops on our erstwhile member Roy’s list of Backlog members. He’d quit the Fort Collins PD and hired on as a security guard at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. I’d managed to get one of Viper’s little spy gadgets onto his phone, but he thought I was trying to pick-pocket him when I put the phone back and that engendered the chase through the museum.

  I don’t know what made me kiss her. Maybe it was because I knew the goodness of her heart after I’d seen her take in those kids at the shelter. Whatever the reason, once I’d kissed her, I couldn’t get her off my mind, and it worried me. She’d been there with the press, which meant she was probably a reporter of some kind. Not a good combination with a biker with dubious humanity.

  “I don’t really have someone.” I shook my head and he dropped his chin with a dry look. “Seriously. I’ve never actually met her.”

  Luke laughed. “You know, your shoulders twitch when you lie. You should really try to curb that tell.”

  I scowled. “I’m not lying. I’ve spoken maybe three words to her.”


  “What and? How do you know there’s an and?”

  “Because I know you. Have your doubts about your worthiness of love totally derailed you?”

  “What the hell has love got to do with it?”

  “Hey, hell is my bailiwick, so let’s just leave that out of it.” Luke grinned and thumped my shoulder. “Love has everything to do with it. Well, at least to do with you.”

  My scowl deepened. “I’m the Archangel Michael, for christsakes. I’m a warrior not a lover. The lover is Gabriel’s role.”

  “And I’m known as the Devil in most circles, but we both know the truth. Or at least I do.” Luke squeezed my shoulder. “It’s okay to fall in love. Anyone would be lucky to win your heart.”

  I shrugged him off. “She didn’t win my heart and I didn’t win hers. She doesn’t even know me.”

  “Well then.” He gave me his best wicked grin. “That’s the first thing we need to change.”

  I swallowed hard. When Luke wore that look, it usually meant things didn’t go as expected or remotely well. At least, not for me, or the person he had in mind. I just hoped the woman I’d kissed wouldn’t hate me for it in the end.

  About Siobhan Muir

  Siobhan Muir lives in Cheyenne, Wyoming, with her husband, two daughters, and a vegetarian cat she swears is a shape-shifter, though he’s never shifted when she can see him. When not writing, she can be found looking down a microscope at fossil fox teeth, pursuing her other love, paleontology. An avid reader of science fiction/fantasy, her husband gave her a paranormal romance for Christmas one year, and she was hooked for good.

  In previous lives, Siobhan has been an actor at the Colorado Renaissance Festival, a field geologist in the Aleutian Islands, and restored inter-planetary imagery at the USGS. She’s hiked to the top of Mount St. Helens and to the bottom of Meteor Crater.

  Siobhan writes kick-ass adventure with hot sex for men and women to enjoy. She believes in happily ever after, redemption, and communication, all of which you will find in her paranormal romance stories.

  Connect with Siobhan online at:

  Or sign up for her newsletter to get excerpts and cover reveals and other fun extras.


  Other Books by Siobhan Muir

  Queen Bitch of the Callowwood Pack

  Her Devoted Vampire

  Bad Boys of Beta Squad Series

  Bronco’s Rough Ride

  The Navy’s Ghost

  Rimshot’s Hard Target

  Bam-Bam’s Inked Hart

  Deli’s Take Out

  Cloudburst Colorado Series

  A Hell Hound’s Fire

  The Beltane Witch

  Christmas I.C.E. Magic

  Cloudburst Ice Magic

  Cloudburst Coffee & Spa

  Concrete Angels MC Series

  My Forever Cocky Biker Encounter

  Dude with a Cool Car

  Elemental Hearts Series

  Wildfire’s Heart

  Rifts Series

  Take the Reins

  A Centaur’s Solstice Wish

  In Death’s Shadow

  Triple Star Ranch Series

  Rope a Falling Star

  Star Light, Star Bright

  Capitol of Second Chances Series

  Second Chance Succubus

  Ultimate Recon Series

  Darwin’s Evolution

  Warbler Peninsula Series

  Order of the Dragon

  The Valkyrie’s Sword

  Burning Yuletide

  The Ivory Road Serial

  A Walk in the Sand

  Outback Dreams


  Spank or Treat 2014

  Spank or Treat 2016

  The Cocky Cockers

  Coming Soon

  Courting the Dragon Widow (Cloudburst Colorado #6)

  Angel Ink (Concrete Angels MC #3)

  Star Spangled Banner (Triple Star Ranch #3)




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