Speak with Impact
Page 22
Ummo, 110, 147
unexpectedness, 67
uptalk, 111–13, 203
using this book, 11–12, 166, 205–6
values, living your, 204
arriving early and preparing, 130
attire and, 132–33
avoiding loud venues before speaking, 134
knowing location of, 130
practicing with, 89, 103
watching videos of your speech, 140–41
videoconferencing (two-way audio and video), 175, 178–80. See also web conferencing (video and audio)
visual aids. See audiovisual aids; props
visualization, 48, 49–50, 56–57, 199
closing with, 59
Vital Voices Global Partnership, 6
vocal fry, 113–14, 203
vocal tone. See tone of voice
voice, 38
confidence and, 106
delivery and, 94, 103–8
emotions and, 107
emphasis and, 107
executive presence and, 201–3
exercises for, 107–8
exercising leadership with your, 208
expression and, 106, 107
facial expressions and, 107
finding your, 5–9
fullness of, 104–5
gender and, 105–6
language and, 106
nerves and, 105
pitch of, 105
protecting, 134
sense of purpose and, 106
speaking to children, 107
speaking with clear, unrushed, 202
strengthening, 115–27
tone of, 38, 104, 201–3
vocal variety, 3, 87
walking, 102
water, drinking, 134
web conferencing (video and audio), 175, 177–78
content, 177–78
delivery, 178
webinars. See also videoconferencing (two-way audio and video); web conferencing (video and audio), leading, 19
Wells, David, 54
whiteboards, 146
Whitman, Gordon, Stand Up! 211
Winch, Guy, 116
work environment, negative, 117–18
Zak, Paul, 68
Zuckerberg, Mark, 190