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Healing Hearts 12: Road to Happiness

Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  He licked his lips. “Still working at the urgent care facility?”

  “Yes. Haven’t gotten word that anything has changed.”

  “Any men?”

  “Not that we were made aware of. If you want our guy on her twenty-four seven, then he would tell us immediately.”

  Charles smiled. She knew not to cheat on him. He had disciplined her so well for all those months.

  “Not yet. We have things to work out but have him ready to take surveillance up a notch on my order. As we get closer to completing this operation, I’ll need to know her routine better and where she is every moment of the day so he can make the move. Be sure our guy is paid accordingly and ready at a moment’s notice to move in and proceed with the plan on my order. Things are going as according to schedule. The small bumps in the road have been fixed, and although the feds have cost us a little more time, we’ll pull through with this. It has taken time, but I think we’re doing well, Visado, and we both can achieve exactly what we planned on achieving. This deal with Uman could be our last, and then we can completely disappear off the radar.”

  “Indeed, Charles, and you with your woman by your side and in your bed where she belongs.”

  Charles rubbed his chin and smiled. “It’s been torturous, but when Amber is mine once again, under my control, in my bed, and at my beck and call, life will be complete. Keep me posted.”

  He ended the call and closed his eyes. “Sweet, sweet, Amber. Too much time has passed, but I’ve done so much to ensure our life together for eternity. No others have compared to you. To your beauty, to your submissiveness, obedience, and of course your attributes.” He licked his lips as he envisioned her in his head. She had matured so much more in the last two years. If only he had enough time to grab her that evening and to take her with him. He was already out the door when her brother and his team of assholes attacked. Those fuckers would die, and when they did, they would know he had Amber, and there was nothing they could do about it. Nothing.

  * * * *

  Danny arrived on scene at a warehouse where evidence was found linking containers to the ones discovered at the vitamin store. He and Kyle, along with other federal agents, were investigating.

  “This is definitely connected to the other evidence we’ve gathered. The bodies, though, a bit extreme. We could be dealing with more than one group here,” Kyle said to him.

  “Who owns the warehouse?” Danny asked.

  “A guy by the name of Manuel Forte. He owns various businesses and operates a coffee supply company in California. Coffee is imported from Columbia,” one of the other agents informed him.

  “We’ve got agents there already?” Danny asked.

  “On route as we speak. A thorough investigation into all of Manuel Forte’s affairs, his businesses, the books, and the employees is being gathered,” the agent told them.

  “Make sure that we’re in the loop. Where is Manuel Forte now?” Danny asked.

  “Cooperating. He’s going with the angle of not knowing his warehouse was being used. That it’s been vacant for three years and he was planning on selling it off.”

  “Any validation to that?” Kyle asked.

  “He’s got a real estate agent who claims that she’s been waiting to list it publicly, but has shown the place privately several times in the last two years. Its location off the grid, not near any major highways, is a negative,” agent Franks said to him.

  “Not when you’re trying to be inconspicuous with what you’re having delivered and shipped out. What does forensics have on the residue in the containers? Anything yet?” Danny asked.

  “They are working on it, but field testing shows drug residue in one container so far.”

  “Okay, make sure everyone is thorough with this. We’ll follow procedure. Let Forte think that we believe his angle on not knowing the warehouse was being used. In the interim, I noticed some surveillance cameras outside. One hidden in the treetop by the corner building directed toward the roadway and another in the back. Don’t ask Forte about those. I’m sure he’ll claim that they aren’t working. However, there’s a little red light on one of them. Get our guys to get the feed from those cameras.”

  “Got it. Good job, Danny. We didn’t even see that when we got here. Our focus was on the dead bodies and the trail of blood,” the agent told them.

  Danny and Kyle arrived while the forensic teams were conducting their work. It was obvious that this was a military-like hit. Very strategic and precise, and not amateur. He pulled Kyle aside.

  “You tell me, but does this remind you of that situation six months ago in Texas? That one guy who lived said these men came in like military operatives. He then retracted that statement when those lawyers came in and we were all told that a private party was trying to avoid a negative public image for his company where the incident took place. It was outside of a warehouse, as well.”

  “I do remember that. We both knew it was a strategic operation,” Kyle said.

  “A connection. Perhaps the same unit of individuals? Who the hell are they? What are they after? Because it seems to me, they aren’t after the drugs, the guns, or the product. They’re looking for something specific. They left without taking anything.”

  “I know, perhaps they’re looking for ‘someone’ specific, not something? Could be a vendetta against the operator? If that’s the case, these individuals killing the bad guys might just wind up handing our guy over to us. Wouldn’t that be nice?” Kyle asked and smirked.

  “Yeah, with a big pink bow over the guy? I don’t think so. I think this is going to get a lot dirtier.”

  Chapter 5

  “Oh my God, Amber, those two hot soldiers are back again. He needs to get his stitches out. Can I please take your place with Dr. Ford?” Cindy asked.

  Amber felt her throat close up. She was about to say yes when a jealous feeling hit her gut. She had thought about Ace, Cliff, Danny, Corona, and Briar for the last few weeks. She avoided them as best she could and played along with the lie she let them believe about her and Dr. Ford.

  “You know I can’t do that.”

  Cindy made a pouty face. Amber sighed.

  “Instead of me bringing them to the next available room, why don’t you? I’ll be there a few minutes after,” she told Cindy.

  Cindy grabbed Amber’s arms. “Thank you, thank you, thank you,” she said. “Wish me luck.” Cindy adjusted her breasts in the low-cut blouse she wore and strutted back to the waiting room area.

  Cindy was more their type. More their speed. Fast, experienced. Forward, and ready for action. The jealous feeling grew stronger. Now her gut clenched, and she felt angry. Well, it was her own fault. Those men were scary. They were big, super tall, and muscular, and she was only five feet three. They towered over her.

  She slid her palms along her nursing pants and then adjusted her top to be sure no buttons were undone. Let Cindy give them a show, ask them out, and flirt with them. Cliff and Ace would probably say yes. Hell, they were so sexy, so seasoned, Amber might find them sprawled out on the examining table with Cindy.

  “Grrr.” She clenched her teeth and took a few unsteady breaths. Her palms were sweaty, her heart raced. She liked them. No this wasn’t a smart idea at all. Why five men? Why five men like them?

  She couldn’t wait any longer, and as she went to the door, knocked and then entered, she couldn’t believe the pissed-off expressions on Cliff and Ace’s faces, and Cindy? Cindy looked sad, insulted, as she adjusted her skirt and then locked gazes with Amber.

  “Not worth it,” she said and exited the room.

  Amber looked at both men.

  “What was that all about?” she asked and took a seat by the computer and began to open up Cliff’s file.

  “Nothing,” Cliff replied in a snappy tone.

  “Okay. So, how are you feeling? Any changes or concerns?” she asked, her fingers on the keyboard. She went through a series of questions, and Cliff’s replies were short and hard. She t
hen stood up.

  “I need to take your vitals, and then I can get Dr. Ford in here to remove the stitches,” she told him. When she took his arm and began to attach the blood pressure cuff around his arm, Ace needed to move out of the way, but he didn’t. She bumped into him, gasped at the attraction she felt, and she knew they both felt it, too. She held his stern gaze a moment, and more guilt filled her heart. They were angry.

  She wrote down the blood pressure number and then took his temperature. So badly she wanted to caress his skin, feel the scruff of hair along his jaw. He held her gaze, and she felt his palm on her hip. He stroked her, and she did nothing about it. Couldn’t. The timer buzzed, and she removed the thermometer and then got him ready for Dr. Ford.

  “Let me unwrap this and see how it looks. You’ve been using the ointment and making sure this doesn’t get wet?” she asked.

  “I know what to do, Amber. In fact, I could take those stitches out myself, but then we wouldn’t have gotten to see you again,” he said softly. She felt his hand on her hip, and then he caressed her.

  “Maybe you should have,” she countered.

  He squinted at her. “And not get to see you? To inhale your perfume? To ask you to lunch?” he added.

  “I thought we discussed this?” she said and stepped away from him.

  “We didn’t discuss anything. You informed us that you’re seeing the doctor,” Ace snapped at her.

  “I didn’t say I—”

  The door opened, and there was Dr. Ford.

  “How are we doing? All set to get those stitches out?” Dr. Ford asked, and when he came by, he placed his hand on her hip and asked her to grab the things he needed. She heard Ace and Cliff clear their throats, and they looked super angry.

  “I thought for sure you would have canceled the appointment and taken the stitches out yourself. Special Forces guys are tough,” Dr. Ford said.

  “I could have, but everyone here is so nice,” Cliff replied, and the doctor smiled.

  As soon as he was done taking out the stitches and talking to Cliff and Ace, she excused herself to go get something. She would go back in there once she knew Ace and Cliff were gone.

  * * * *

  “It’s nice to hear that you like the place and my staff is friendly. I have some of the best people around,” Dr. Ford said and handed over papers to Cliff.

  “Certain ones stand out more than others,” Ace replied and gave the doctor the stare down.

  Cliff was jealous, and he kept looking at the guy, wondering what he had over Cliff and his brothers.

  “Ahh, Cindy pull her magic and ask you guys out?” he asked.

  “She isn’t who we’re interested in,” Ace said, and Cliff was surprised.

  Dr. Ford squinted, and then he gave a small grin. “Not my girl Amber?” he asked.

  Cliff felt sick and angry, and he wanted to punch the guy. This was insane.

  “Actually, yeah.”

  “Wow, no wonder she’s been acting funny the last few weeks. You guys should have asked for her number the first time you were here or even stopped in. She’s always working. I adore her so much. She’s sweet, but very shy. She isn’t Cindy,” he said in a tone that sounded fatherly, which shocked Cliff.

  “You aren’t dating her?” Ace asked straight out.

  Dr. Ford chuckled.

  “I’m gay, and taken,” he said and then walked out of the room. The door closed.

  “She lied to us?” Cliff asked Ace.

  “She’s scared of us. Think of the little things we picked up on. The things Briar told us, and her reaction,” Ace said in a low deep tone. Cliff knew that tone. That look.

  When the door opened, Amber gasped as she walked in.

  “Was there something else you needed?” she asked, walking by them to begin cleaning up.

  “Yes,” Ace said and closed the door. She turned around, and Ace crossed his arms in front of his chest.

  “Why did you lie to us?” Ace asked.

  “About what?” she replied but didn’t make eye contact with him. A sure sign she knew what he meant and was lying.

  “Dr. Ford is gay.”

  Her eyes widened, and her face went flush.


  “Lied to us. You said that to make us back off and not pursue this attraction we all feel. Three weeks, Amber. Three fucking weeks I thought about you. About how fucked up I was for wanting another man’s woman,” Cliff said to her.

  “Oh God.” She covered her mouth with her hand, and it shocked him as tears filled her eyes.

  Ace uncrossed his arms and stepped toward her. When she covered her head and turned in a protective position, Ace stopped short. Cliff’s jaw dropped, and a trillion things went through his head.

  “Jesus.” Ace closed the space between them and pulled her into his arms.

  Cliff immediately pressed up against her back and kissed her neck.

  “Who hurt you? Who made you so scared?” Who?” Ace asked, and she cried.

  Her body shook between them, and in that moment, Cliff knew that he wanted Amber as his woman, as his and his brothers’ woman, and knew that she needed them. Possibly needed protection, and someone had hurt her, made her so fearful of men maybe, that she lied to them and pushed them away.

  “Easy breaths, baby. Nice and easy now. We got you. You’re safe with us. With our brothers. My God, baby, please, please don’t push us away,” Cliff said to her.

  She slowly pulled back, but they both kept hands on her, held her between them. Ace reached up and brushed her tears from her eyes, and Cliff stepped slightly to the side, but remained with his arm around her waist.

  “I can’t do this,” she whispered, her voice cracking.

  Ace shook his head and stroked her jaw. “Slow, sweetie. As slow as you need. We aren’t going anywhere. We aren’t trying to use you, or to hurt you, or play a game.”

  She shook her head. He held her jaw and chin, tilted it up toward him as Cliff stood right there, as well. Her eyes darted to Cliff’s and then back to Ace’s.

  “Come to lunch with us. Cindy said you worked the late shift. That you’re officially off the clock. Come on. We’ll talk some more, and just get to know one another better.”

  She stared at him, with tears in her eyes.

  “I don’t know what to do. I’m not sure I should say yes. I…I just don’t know.”

  He held her gaze and placed his palm against her cheek.

  “Right now, with Cliff and I touching you, with you pressed between us, do you like it?” he asked.

  “The truth, Amber. We expect the truth because that’s what we’re giving you,” Cliff added.

  She glanced at him. “Yes,” she said.

  “You feel the attraction?” Ace asked.


  She stared at Ace, and when her tongue peeked out to lick her lip, Cliff wanted to kiss her, and apparently Ace did, too. Ace grunted.

  “Jesus,” Ace whispered and then pressed his lips gently to hers. She tightened up, then he released her jaw and gave her the opportunity to pull away, but she didn’t. She let him deepen the kiss, and when he pulled back, her eyes were closed, and a tear fell from them.

  Cliff’s gut clenched. He reached over and cupped her cheek. Her eyes popped open and locked onto Cliff’s. “It was bad, really bad, wasn’t it?” Cliff asked her.

  She nodded. Inside he wanted to rage. To tear apart whoever hurt this beautiful, sexy young woman, but he didn’t show that anger or that rage, or she might think he could hurt her. Instead, he licked his lower lip and stared into her eyes.

  “Nice and slow, Amber. Your speed,” he said and moved his lips to hers, kissing her next.

  * * * *

  Amber didn’t know what to say after what had just occurred in the examination room. She wiped her eyes and fixed herself to make sure no one could notice her emotional state. The two large, commanding men, who broke down the walls she had up to protect herself, stood there waiting on her. Waiting f
or her to accept their invitation. She turned to look at them. All those muscles, the tight T-shirts, the seasoned good-looking men had her heart racing. Both had the same color hair and both had dark blue eyes, but Ace was a little taller, a little harder looking. Like a man, a soldier, capable of anything. Cliff, as serious as he appeared, showed a slight gleam in his eyes, and the way he looked at her was softer than Ace. Either way, she was turned on by and attracted to their personalities, never mind their looks and the way they made her feel. She was scared again. Afraid of handling them. They were dominant men.

  “I worked all night. I’m pretty tired.” She started to make a lame excuse. She was panicking big time.

  “You need to eat. Then you can go home and rest after we make more plans,” Ace said in a deep, orderlike tone.

  “I…I don’t think I’m right for you. For your brothers. You deserve—”

  “No. Come with us now, and enjoy some company for lunch and conversation by the water. We’ll go to Casper’s right down the block. Come on. Grab your things,” Ace insisted, but in a way that got her moving, not shaking with fear but totally aroused. He took her hand and led her from the room. She couldn’t believe this was happening. Was it right? Should she really do this?

  As they walked out, Cindy gave her a wink. “Lucky lady,” Cindy said.

  “I think we’re the lucky ones,” Ace replied.

  “I need to grab my things,” Amber told them, and then she went to the staff room as they watched her as if she might make a run for the emergency exit. She considered it, but that would be immature and stupid. Cliff’s words remained on her mind. That for three weeks he had thought about her and felt guilty that he wanted, wanted, another man’s woman. She had been fantasizing about him, and Danny, Briar, Cliff, and Ace. She feared the many steps ahead of today. After the meetings for coffee and lunch, maybe dinner and some alone time. Then kissing, exploring, and they would want to have sex.

  She grabbed her things and headed back out to the two very large, muscular, gorgeous men standing by the front desk drawing everyone’s attention to them.


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