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FURY: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 6)

Page 14

by Tracy Lorraine

  “I’d love one.”

  “You do that,” he says, nodding to the bathroom. “And I’ll do this.”

  I follow orders and with the bag in hand, I make my way to the bathroom, grabbing my case on the way for everything else I might need.

  Although it damn near kills me to do it, I don’t look into the bag before I get in the shower. I put off seeing what he thinks will suit me in favor of a hot shower.

  The second the heat hits me, I sigh in relief. After being cold for so long, it feels incredible.

  I take time washing my hair this time and scrub every inch of my body, washing the long journey off me.

  I step out and wrap myself in a now warm towel thanks to the heated rack, and I set about moisturizing and spraying myself with perfume.

  My need to know finally gets the better of me and I reach a hand into the bag. What I pull out can’t possibly be a dress, it feels like nothing more than a scrap of fabric.

  “What the...” I hold it up, my eyes almost popping out of my head.

  There’s no way I can wear any underwear under this thing.

  “Ashton,” I snap, pulling the door open an inch.


  “There’s no way I can wear this dress.”


  “Have you seen it?”

  “Uh... yeah, I picked it.”

  “Why? To make me look like the whore you think I am?”

  “No, Ruby. Because I think you’ll look hot.” He quirks a brow at me. “Now, show me if I’m right or not.”

  “I’m not... I can’t...” I huff.

  “Don’t make me come in there and put it on you myself.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “Wouldn’t I?”

  My lips part to argue but I realize that yeah, he probably would.

  “For fuck’s sake.” I close the door again and examine the fabric. I may as well go out naked. With a groan, I drop the towel and pull it up my body.

  I secure the straps over my shoulders and look down at myself.

  The fabric skims over my body perfectly. If I didn’t know he’d picked it in a shop, I would think it was made for me. The swell of my breasts are more than visible with the low-hanging neck and as if it wasn’t short enough, there’s a split up to my hip.

  I can only see the top half of myself in the cracked mirror over the sink, but I can’t deny that the top half looks good, despite my wet hair that I’m not sure what I’m going to do with because I didn’t bring a hairdryer or my straightener.

  Sucking in a breath and hopefully some confidence, I pull the door open and step out.

  Ashton has his sandwich halfway to his lips when he looks up at me, and I can’t help but laugh when he drops the entire thing to the plate resting on his lap.


  “I’m basically naked, Ash.” I lift my arms from my body in frustration.

  He has to clear his throat before he says anymore. “You’re wearing it.”

  “I can’t. If I even so much as bend over then—”

  “Don’t bend over.”

  “Fucking hell.”

  “Here,” he says, pushing a plate toward me. I look down at it and my stomach growls loudly. “Eat.”

  I do as I’m told but only because I’m starving.

  “Mom’s got a hairdryer and all kinds of shit in her room, you can use it,” he says, resting back on the couch once he’s finished eating and runs his eyes over my body.

  “I... I’m not sure.”

  “It’s fine, little one. I’m going to have to start packing it all up tomorrow so it may as well get one last use.”

  “Are you really sure, I don’t want to...”

  “Go, it’s fine.”

  I put my empty plate down, grab a few things before making my way into his mom’s room, and pull out the stool at the vanity unit.

  He leaves me alone for ten minutes while I dry my hair, but he must get bored, or lonely because he’s soon standing in the doorway watching me as I apply my makeup.

  “Where are we going tonight?” I ask, suddenly feeling a little excited about discovering another part of his previous life.

  “Here,” he says, handing me a small bottle of vodka. “Take the edge off.”

  “Thanks,” I mutter, lifting the already open bottle to my lips. It burns as it hits the back of my throat, but I welcome it.

  “Just to our usual hangout.”

  “You’re going to introduce me to your friends?”

  “Something like that.”

  I narrow my eyes at him but he doesn’t say anything more about it.

  “You nearly ready?”


  I make my makeup heavier than I usually would, team that with the almost obscene dress and the vodka and I’m feeling good. I don’t know anyone here and I’ll probably never see them again. What the hell does it matter how I look?

  “Is this place far?” I ask as Ashton directs me away from his dad’s car and instead, we walk down the street. Thankfully, he allowed me to pull on one of his hoodies before leaving so at least I’m not completely freezing as we make our way to his mysterious location.

  “Nope.” He slips his hand into mine and tugs me along behind him. I’m wearing the shoes I packed to wear tomorrow, and they were certainly not made to walk the streets of Seattle.

  Thankfully though, after only five minutes, he turns me down a dark street.

  Butterflies erupt in my belly. Where the hell is he taking me?

  He brings me to an ominous black door before he pushes me up against the wall and stares down at me.

  He hasn’t touched me since he walked out earlier, yet my body is still embarrassingly aware of his every move, waiting for him to strike.

  “Ash?” I ask, my nerves about where we’re going evident in my voice.

  “You stay by me. You don’t accept a drink from anyone but me, and you don’t go anywhere with anyone but me. Understood?” His eyes bore into mine, expressing just how serious he is about this.

  “O-okay,” I agree when what I really want to do is ask if we should even be bothering. We could just go back to his apartment and order takeout or something.


  He pulls me from the wall but he doesn’t move, so all I end up doing is crash into him.

  “Remember what I said earlier. This,” he says, cupping me between the legs. The heat of his fingers burns my sensitive skin, making me damn near desperate for more of his touch. “No other fucker gets to even think they have a chance.”

  I nod, my words getting caught in my throat.

  “Let’s go.”

  He moves this time, his arm comes around my waist and he pulls me into his side.

  After knocking on the door, it opens and after a second, whoever is at the other side must realize who it is, and it’s pulled back.

  Ash walks me into a dark hallway, the only two people are what seem to be guards at the doors.

  “Fury,” one of them says with a nod as we pass. Ash returns the gesture but he doesn’t say anything as he leads me down the hallway.

  The music gets louder the deeper into the building we get before we come to a set of stairs. He leads me down and that’s when the party reveals itself.

  “What is this place?” I shout over the music.

  “A basement, little one.”

  There are couches everywhere, each one littered with people. There’s what seems to be a makeshift dance floor in one corner with bodies grinding and gyrating against each other. There are other couples dotted around.

  “Oh my God, are they having sex?” I ask, my eyes almost bugging out of my head as I take in one couple on a couch as we hit the floor.

  “Probably,” Ash answers without even looking at the couple who’ve caught my attention.

  I always thought Ethan’s parties were wild, but this really is something else.

  Eyes turn our way as we make our way through all the people. The sce
nt of cigarettes, weed, and whatever the fuck else people might be smoking fills my nose and I swear I get a little hit from it alone.

  “Well, well, look who’s decided to show his fucking face,” some guy says from a couch as we approach. Ashton brings us to a stop as the guy stands. The two embrace briefly. Ashton releases my waist so he can thump this guy on the back. “It’s good to see you, man.”

  “You too.”

  They part and the guy’s eyes come to me.

  “And who do we have here?” he asks, his hungry eyes eating me up.

  “This...” Ash says, turning to look at me. “Is mine, motherfucker.”

  The guy chuckles. “And when does Ashton Fury refuse to share his toys?”

  “From right now.”

  I look between the two of them, trying to figure out if they’re joking or not.

  “Well, that is a damn shame because she is fine.” He shoves his hand in my direction. “Name’s Axel, but these motherfuckers call me X.” I slide my hand into his because I have no idea what else I should do in this situation. He lifts my hand as if he’s going to kiss my knuckles, but before he gets the chance, he pulls me into his body and drops his lips to my ear. “But I don’t care which you use when you scream my name.”

  “X,” Ashton growls behind me before his hand grips painfully onto my hip and I’m hauled back into his body. He wraps a protective arm around my waist before sitting down on the couch after someone gets up for him.

  I fall down on top of him and am forced to sit there while everyone stares at him and glares at me.

  What the fuck is this place and why are we here?

  “Hey, man,” the guy next to us says. “Sorry to hear about your mom.”

  Ash nods at him, accepting his condolences but I don’t miss the way his entire body tenses at the mention of her.

  “I’m Cash,” he says, turning his eyes on me, but unlike Axel, he doesn’t strip me bare with one look, hell he looks at me like I could well be a guy. It’s a relief.

  “Ruby,” I say with a smile.

  “Got this one whipped then?”

  I look to Ash who’s talking to the guy on the other side of him.

  “I’m not sure that’s the right word.”

  Cash smiles at me but I can’t help thinking there are things he’d love to tell me.

  I look around the room once more. We’re sitting in a square of four couches. Most of the seats are filled by guys, there are only two girls sitting on their own with drinks in their hands, any others who are here are on guys’ laps, some sitting less innocently than others.

  I watch one couple for a few minutes. I know I should look away, but I’m weirdly fascinated by their shameless public display.

  She’s straddling his lap, and he’s quite obviously fingering her as she arches her back and throws her head back in pleasure.

  I’m so engrossed watching them that I don’t realize that Ashton has finished talking.

  “You like watching, little one?” he growls in my ear. “It sure got you wet last week with everyone’s eyes on you.”

  “Fuck you,” I spit. “You can’t compare what you did to me to... to that.”

  “Hmm,” he groans, his grip tightening as if he’s about to turn me in the same position as that girl.

  “I need the bathroom,” I say, pulling away from him.

  “Right down there.” He nods toward a door where another girl disappears.

  “What? You’re not going to escort me?” I ask, widening my eyes at him.

  “I can watch your every move.”

  “But who knows what I might get up to in that stall.”

  “Don’t test me, little one.”

  I smile at him, loving that I can get to him quite so easily.

  I climb from him, trying to be as elegant as possible so that I don’t flash anyone, and walk toward the door. His eyes follow me the entire way and when I look over my shoulder before I push the door open, my eyes lock with him instantly. Unfortunately, as I look away, I catch someone else’s. Axel’s. Where Ashton’s cold stare might scare me somewhat, Axel’s downright terrifies me.

  Ripping my eyes away, I slip inside the bathroom and breathe a sigh of relief when I only find a couple of girls reapplying their makeup in the mirrors.

  I spend longer inside the stall than necessary as I try to get my head together. I need more alcohol for this.

  The second I pull the door open, my eyes lock with a blonde’s.

  I walk over to the sink to wash my hands and her stare follows me.

  “You’re with Ashton,” she states.

  “Uh... I guess.”

  I turn to her as her eyes drop down my body.

  “You’re not his type.”

  “Oh, is that right?” I ask, my brows lifting in shock. “And I’m assuming that you are.”

  “He’s mine.”

  “Oh really? Funny because he’s never mentioned you.”

  Her lip curls and she steps toward me. She might have a few inches on me, not that it’s hard, almost everyone does. But I’ve no doubt I’m quicker and stronger if she wants to try something.

  “Leave it, Nat,” another girl warns as she emerges from the other stall. “Ash made it clear he was done with you, in case you’d forgotten.”

  Nat growls at whoever the new girl is. “Go and find someone else’s cock to bounce on tonight to get over it.”

  Nat opens her mouth, I’m assuming to rip this girl a new one but at the last minute she must change her mind because instead she huffs out a breath, turns on her heels, and storms out.

  “I’m. Willow. Ignore her, she’s a whore who thinks she owns the Kingston boys.”

  “T-the Kingston boys?”

  “Don’t ask,” she says with a roll of her eyes, turning to wash her hands.

  “I’m Ruby,” I say after a few seconds.

  “So, you and Ash, what’s the deal?”

  “He’s... uh... my stepbrother.”

  She whistles. “Stepbrother. The way he had you on his lap didn’t exactly scream siblings to me.”

  My cheeks burn bright red.

  “Hey, no judgment here. You can ride him all the way into next year for all I care.”

  My chin drops at her words.

  “You want a drink?” she asks, taking a step to leave the bathroom.

  “Y-yeah. I really think I do.”

  I follow her out, grateful to find someone other than Ash to talk to.

  She leads me to the other side of the basement to a makeshift bar. I stand there awkwardly as she makes us both a drink. I have no idea what it is, but I need it and I decided back in those bathrooms that I trusted her.

  “Thanks,” I say, taking the Solo cup and immediately lifting it to my lips.

  “So, from the look on your face, I’m assuming this is the first time you’ve been to a party quite like this.” She lights up a joint as she asks the question, and my eyes widen. She seemed like a good girl. She chuckles at me as she takes a drag.

  “Is it that obvious?”

  “Yeah, just a little.”

  “Apparently, I’ve lived a sheltered life.”

  “Well, hang around Ashton long enough and he’s sure to corrupt you.”

  My face heats at her words.

  “It seems he’s already started. You fucked him yet?”

  My jaw drops in shock that she’d happily ask a stranger that question outright.

  “Oh don’t look so horrified. I’ve known Ash for years. He wouldn’t give a shit. He certainly dressed you up like that for a reason.”

  “How’d you know I didn’t pick this?”

  “Honey, please, don’t insult me.”

  “Princess,” some guy purrs as he walks up to Willow. “Long time no see.” He pulls her into a hug and she happily turns her back on me as she falls into conversation with whoever it is.

  I lean back against the counter and continue watching. The temperature in the room is definitely higher than when we fir
st walked in and the cloud of smoke that fills the space is much thicker.

  There’s a couple off to the side, the guy’s hands are all over her, exposing her to anyone who cares to watch like they’ve got no care in the world that they have an audience.

  There are groups of mostly guys sitting around with girls either trying to get their attention or already grinding down shamelessly on their laps.

  I sip on my drink as I look around. I have no idea what I’m drinking but I do know that it’s strong. Strong enough that it’s already making my head spin.

  I locate the couches where I left Ashton and watch in shock as he leans forward to the coffee table and snorts a line of coke.

  “Holy shit,” I gasp, although I don’t really know why I’m shocked.

  “You look lonely,” a voice says to my right and it makes my spine stiffen.

  “Nope, just checking the place out.” I regret the words the second they fall from my lips.

  “I know something I’d like to check out.” Axel’s eyes run down the length of me and my skin prickles, but it’s not with desire like when Ash does it.

  “So you’re friends with Ash?” I ask, hoping to turn this back to safe territory.

  “I’m not sure I’d describe us as friends. But we like to do certain... activities together.” An evil smirk curls at his lips as his eyes lock on my chest. “I really think you might enjoy it too.”

  “I doubt that. This isn’t really my—” My words are cut off when he steps closer to me, his knee pressing between my thighs. “Do you mind?” I snap at him.

  “No, not really.” His eyes bounce between mine. “You really should drink up.” He passes me a new drink, but I refuse to take it, Ashton’s warning ringing out loud in my ear.

  I look up to see if I can get his attention, but Axel’s frame is too big, and I can’t see past his shoulder.

  “You think he’s going to come and rescue you? You really are a stupid little rich girl. What I can’t figure out is why Fury hasn’t broken you yet. You’re the perfect little toy.”

  I tremble as he reaches out and runs his fingertip down my neck, over my collarbone, and down to the swell of my breast. I swallow and close my eyes as I prepare for him to go lower but the second I do, his touch is gone.

  “Motherfucker,” a low, familiar voice roars before me.


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