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FURY: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 6)

Page 15

by Tracy Lorraine

  I rip my eyes open to see what happened to find Ashton standing over Axel with his chest heaving and his fists clenched. I glance at Axel to find his nose spewing out blood all over the floor.

  Time seems to stop for a few seconds as I stare at the scene before me until Willow rushes to Axel’s side and helps him to sit up.

  “You fucking asshole,” she barks at him. “Do you know who that is?”

  “Fury’s latest fuck toy. Ow,” he complains when the feisty little redhead punches him herself. I knew I liked her.

  After another second, Ashton seems to break from his trance and he turns his cold, furious eyes on me. He takes two steps forward and I press myself back into the counter in my need to keep some space between us.

  I’ve seen Ashton angry a few times now, but never like this.

  Fear skates up my spine and without realizing, my hand releases the drink Axel had pushed into it.

  “Let’s go,” Ashton grits out. It’s so low and deep I almost think I imagine it until he reaches for my arm and pulls me behind me.

  “Get him to give you my number,” Willow calls out behind us, but I don’t dare turn to look at her for fear I’ll end up on my ass with the speed he’s trying to make me walk.

  “Ashton, slow down,” I shout behind him. His grip bites into my forearm as we make our way down the hallway we entered from. “Ashton, I can’t go this fast.”

  The second we’re through the door, Aston stops, and I breathe a sigh of relief that he’s going to let up, but I soon discover that’s wishful thinking.

  “Ashton, put me down,” I squeal as I fly over his shoulder, his ass right in my face. “Ashton.” I kick my legs, hoping that I can connect with a part of him somehow. “Ow,” I squeal when his palm connects with my bare ass cheeks.

  The realization that I’m flashing anyone who might be watching us gives me a new lease of life and I punch his lower back.

  “Put me down,” I scream but still he refuses as he eats up the sidewalk, carrying me wherever the fuck he’s taking me.

  I breathe a sigh of relief when I feel him cover my ass with the hoodie I was wearing when we arrived. That reprieve doesn’t last long though because his fingers creep up my thigh until he’s palming my ass.

  “Get the fuck off me.”

  My head is starting to spin so much I’m worried I’m about to puke down his back where the blood is rushing to it so fast.

  “Ashton, I swear to Go—shit.” His finger slides through my folds, finding my entrance.

  He says no words as he continues forward, his grip on my legs almost painful as he continues to tease me.

  “Ash... fuck,” I cry out as he pushes a finger in deeper.

  I look up when he pauses and realize that we’re at his apartment building. In seconds we’re inside and then he’s jogging up the stairs as if I’m nothing more than a feather on his shoulder, his finger still inside me.

  He kicks open the door to his apartment before slamming it closed once we’re inside.

  Releasing me, he places me on my feet and I sway, worried that I’m about to pass out, but I don’t get the chance because his hand finds my throat and he’s right there, in my face, his breath mingling with mine and his eyes warning me about what’s to come.

  “What the fuck did I tell you?” he seethes, it’s so quiet I almost miss it.

  When I don’t answer, his grip tightens but I don’t panic like I probably should, if anything it just makes me even more aware of him, of his scent, his anger, his presence.

  “Answer me,” he demands.

  “Y-you t-told me—”

  “To stay by me,” he all but growls.


  “You took a drink from him. You let him touch you.”

  “I didn’t—” He sucks in a breath through his teeth. “I didn’t drink it, and I didn’t let him.”

  His eyes flit between mine as if he’s fighting some inner turmoil before his fingers twitch once more and his lips crash to mine.

  His kiss is bruising, dirty, wet, wicked and I give as good as I get. My anger at him, desire for him colliding headfirst and making me spin out of control. He releases my throat, his hands dropping to my thighs so he can lift me up the door and wrap my legs around his waist.

  My bare core aligns with the fly of his jeans and I can’t help but rub myself against him.

  “No,” he barks, ripping his lips from mine, his fingers digging into my hips to stop me moving. “You don’t get to just take.”

  “Ashton,” I warn.

  “Maybe if you’d listened to me, it wouldn’t have been like this.”

  “It was always going to be like this.” Disdain drips from my words. “I hate you too much for it to be any other way.”

  His eyes are impossibly dark, his jaw popping with frustration and the vein in his neck pulsating. He’s not just angry right now, he’s barely holding himself together. Part of me fucking loves it. That I can make him lose control like this.

  My nails scratch at his scalp as he lifts me higher and pins me there with his hips, freeing up his hands. His huge palms skim up my sides until his fingers wrap around the thin straps over my shoulders.

  His eyes hold mine as he tugs. The fabric is so flimsy that it rips immediately.

  “Ash,” I gasp as the cool air of the apartment surrounds my breasts.

  Dropping his head to the crook of my neck, he sucks the sensitive skin below my ear into his mouth until it starts to hurt.

  “Ashton,” I moan as the pain causes a flush of heat to wash through me.

  He moves, but only slightly before his teeth sink into my skin.

  “Oh God.”

  He continues down my chest until he’s nipping and sucking over both of my breasts and teasing my nipples with the tip of his nose as he passes them.

  My back arches against the door, desperate for more. My fingers twist in his hair as I try to pull him where I need him but he’s too strong and denies me what I crave.

  “Bad girls don’t get what they want, little one. You’re at my mercy now and you’re going to learn what happens when you defy me.”

  “Shit, Ash, Please.” I have no idea what I’m begging for really, but I know I need it. And need it bad.

  I squeal as he pulls me from the door. His fingers dig into the flesh of my ass as he walks us toward his bedroom.

  I fight for him to put me down but his grip doesn’t falter until he throws me down on his bed. My dress is already around my waist, exposing everything to him but the second I stop bouncing he reaches out and pulls my dress from my body before my shoes hit the floor with a thud.

  “Much better.”

  He pulls his hoodie over his head, dropping it to the floor beside him before he toes off his boots as his hands go to his waistband.

  My mouth waters at the thought of seeing him bare. He’s had full access to my body before, but he’s always kept himself hidden from me, forcing me to use my imagination where certain parts of him are concerned.

  His jeans drop from his hips and he kicks them off, his eyes never leaving me.

  “I think it’s time to resume what you started yesterday, don’t you?”

  Butterflies take flight in my stomach at what he’s suggesting, but despite my nerves, I don’t waste any time in scooting to the edge of the bed. I’m too desperate to bring him to his knees.

  I already know from the hard set of his muscles that he’s right on the edge, and I can’t wait to finally push him off.



  Her chest heaves as she sits on the edge of my bed with her huge green eyes staring up at me. The only time I’ve seen them this dark and full of desire was Halloween night. The night that’s been imprinted in my brain ever since.

  I wanted more that night, I’m not going to deny that. I was expecting more that night. Hell knows she was up for it, but the second she came down from her high and she passed out, I knew that was the end. I also knew I wouldn’t be ab
le to hang around and look into her eyes the next morning, knowing just how badly I needed her.

  That night might have actually been the only night I’ve ever put a girl’s needs and feelings before my own. Fuck knows I don’t usually give a shit after getting what I wanted from her. But Ruby was different. She was always different, and not just because she’s my stepsister.

  The first time I looked into her eyes, the feelings that rushed through me almost brought me to my knees. Most of it was hate. I hated her for the life she had, for everything she took from me. But there was more to just that and the revenge I craved.

  My entire body flinches when she reaches out and tucks her fingers under the band of my boxers. My cock is already trying to punch its way through the fabric but it gets even harder at the thought of what’s to come.

  Reaching out, I thread my hands into Ruby’s hair.

  “You gonna keep me waiting, little one?” I grate out.

  It’s impossible to miss that her hands are trembling against me. I know she’s a virgin, she accidentally announced that to me after I fucked her over with her mother—a little reward that I wasn’t expecting after that stunt, but one I’m happy about, nonetheless.

  When she still doesn’t move, I lift my other hand and run my thumb along her full bottom lip.

  “Anyone ever been inside this pretty little mouth before?”

  She shakes her head so slowly and my breath catches in my throat at her admission.

  When I looked up from doing that line earlier, the coke assaulting my senses, I thought I was hallucinating as I watched X reach out and fucking touch her. He’s a stupid motherfucker, he’s proven that time and time again, but I didn’t think he’d do something so brazen after I warned him to stay away from her.

  My fingers tighten in her hair as my anger returns full force. I might have let her go to the bathroom alone—I’d just watched Willow walk in after all—but maybe she was right to be surprised. I should have fucking escorted her.

  I thought she was safe with Willow. I trusted Willow with things that Ruby doesn’t need to know about. Her fucking brother though, not a fucking chance.

  My knuckles ache as I tighten my fists again, moving her closer to where I need her.

  “I’m not going to wait all fucking night.”

  I feel like a prick, but I can’t help it. I fucking need her just as much as I need the memory of him touching her out of my head.

  My words spur her on because she tugs at the fabric around my hips and allows them to drop down my legs and my cock to bob in front of her.

  She gasps before her tongue sneaks out and runs across her bottom lip where my thumb just was.

  Cupping her chin, I tilt her head up so she’s forced to look into my eyes.

  “Don’t stop until I’m coming down your throat, little one. You owe me.”

  She swallows nervously and my grip tightens as my thumb caresses her cheek.

  “As long as you don’t use your teeth, trust me, you can’t fuck this up.”

  She nods and I release her. She stares at me for another second before focusing back on my cock.

  Her hand burns and I suck in a sharp breath as she takes me in her small fist.

  “Fuck,” I grunt as she begins to jack me. “Ruby, I need—” A groan rips from my lips as she leans forward and licks at my tip. “Fuck, yeah. That.”

  At my reaction, she gets braver, licking at me and gently sucking me into her hot little mouth.

  It’s fucking mind-blowing but the second she properly sucks me past her lips and to the back of her mouth my knees almost give out.

  My fingers tighten in her hair as I try to stop myself from thrusting even farther and forcing myself down her throat.

  I watch her as she pulls off me, her cheeks hollowed as she sucks on me, her eyes locked on mine, and her lipstick smeared over both of us.

  “You need to remember this the next time you let someone else touch you.”

  She shakes her head, wanting to argue with me but I don’t give her the chance to pull away and say anything. It wouldn’t matter even if she did. X isn’t exactly the kind of guy who waits to be asked before he takes what he wants.

  He and I have been in competition for years. It’s turned ugly more than once, and I know he wouldn’t bat an eyelid to try to take Ruby from me. Anything to hurt me, to look like the big man in front of his boys.

  I shake my head, forcing the thoughts out. I don’t need to think about any of it. I’m not here for them. My time with them was severed the second Mom’s eyes closed that day and my life here officially ended.

  Needing more, I forget about my earlier promise to myself not to push her and I flex my hips until the tip of my cock fills her throat.

  She gags and splutters around my length, and I let up a little.

  “You want me, little one. You gotta take what I give.”

  She nods at me and eagerly sucks me back into her mouth.

  She takes me deeper this time, relaxing her muscles and giving me everything her innocent little mouth can manage.

  The image of her before me, the heat of both her mouth and hand, and I’m racing toward my release sooner than I’d like.

  “Ruby,” I groan, my eyes locked on her bobbing up and down on my length. It’s the only warning she’s going to get. If she wanted a nice boy who would pull out, then she should be sucking one of the posh boys from Rosewood, not this scumbag from the backstreets of Seattle.

  “Shit, fuck,” I bark a second before my cock jerks in her mouth and my fingers tighten in her hair as I empty myself down her throat, just like I promised I would.

  The second I pull out of her mouth, I slide my hands around her waist and lift her into me, slamming my lips down on her and wrapping her legs around my waist.

  I can taste myself on her tongue, but it doesn’t put me off one bit, if anything, it just reminds me of what she just did and ensures my cock doesn’t stay soft for long.

  “You like sucking my cock, little one?” I groan, my words getting lost in our kiss.

  “Ashton,” she moans before sucking my bottom lip into her mouth and biting down hard. The taste of copper fills my mouth.

  “You,” I spit, narrowing my eyes at her. “You just fucking drew blood.”

  “Yeah?” she asks, a smirk pulling at her lips. “What the fuck are you going to do about it?”

  “Oh.” I chuckle. “You have no fucking idea.”

  She squeals as I launch her at the bed before the sound of my name echoes around the silent apartment as I walk out of the bedroom, leaving her alone.

  “Where the hell are you going?”

  I grab a bottle I’d left on the side, twist the top, and throw it somewhere as I make my way back to the bedroom.

  My steps falter when I find her still naked in the middle of my bed. She watches me as I lift the neck of the bottle to my lips and swallow down a generous shot.

  The high I’d found tonight is long gone and I need it back. I need everything I can get my hands on right now if I’m going to attempt to forget about what tomorrow is going to bring.

  “You gonna share or do I have to watch you drink it all,” Ruby sasses, her eyes running down the length of me and locking on my cock which is once again standing at attention for her.

  Walking over, I hand her the bottle before crawling onto the bed at her feet and pushing her ankles wide.

  She’s clearly not expecting that because in her shock, vodka spills from the bottle and drops onto her chest. Leaning forward, I lick up her breast, collecting up the trail of liquid as I do.

  “Oh God,” she moans, dropping the bottle to the bed to give me better access to her body. It’s at that moment I realize she’s more dangerous than the alcohol in her hand or the blow I snorted earlier. She’s the exact fucking distraction I need, and I’m fully prepared to make use of every second of her tonight.

  I continue licking at her, sucking her sensitive skin into my mouth and nipping at her until she’
s covered in little red marks. Finally, I suck one of her nipples into my mouth and tug hard as she arches off the bed.

  “Ashton,” she cries, her fingers tightening in my hair, holding me to her. I sink my teeth into her, and she squeals as if she’s already close from this alone.

  “You want more?”

  “Yes,” she squeals as I suck on the other one.

  “Why? Why didn’t you listen to me tonight?”

  “I’m... I’m sorry. I didn’t think... shit,” she moans as I start kissing down her stomach.

  “No, little one. You didn’t think. Those parties, they’re not the good little high school parties you’re used to.”

  “I... I noticed.”

  “You don’t watch your back here, someone will stab you in it. It’s every man for themselves. So if you want to make it back to Rosewood in one piece, I suggest you start listening.” I have no idea if my threat is necessary. After the way Axel looked at her earlier, there is no way I’m letting her back into one of those parties. It was fucked up that I took her in the first place. But this place, me, we’re fucked up.

  I shouldn’t have rubbed her in his face as I did, but he fucking deserved it after his last little stunt. I might not have given a shit about the girl he took from me, but that’s not the fucking point.

  “Ashton.” Her voice drags me from my memories, my feud with that prick.

  “You wanna come, little one?”


  “You want me to eat you again until you come all over my face just like last time.”

  “Yes, Ash. Yes,” she begs, her back arching and her hips rolling with her need for me to touch her.

  I kiss across her pelvic bone before I lift one of her thighs and sink my teeth into the soft flesh, sucking until I know I’ll leave a deep red mark behind. My fucking mark.

  Any other motherfucker here even gets the chance to get anywhere near her, they’ll soon learn she’s fucking taken.

  When I pull back, I can’t help but smile at the darkness of my brand.

  “You see that, little one?” I ask, looking up at her.

  She glances down, her wild eyes take a few seconds to focus but the moment she sees it, she gasps. “Ash,” she cries.


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