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FURY: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 6)

Page 30

by Tracy Lorraine

  Her gasp of shock that I know she’s there makes me laugh.

  “I always know when you’re close to me, Ruby. I feel it.”

  Finally, I twist around and look over my shoulder. My eyes almost bug out of my head at the sight of her leaning back against the basin in just her small crop top and panties.

  Her eyes hold mine for a second before they drop down my body. There’s not much she can’t see right now, seeing as I’m standing behind just a glass door.

  She bites down on her bottom lip as she lifts one hand to brush her hair away from her face.

  The air in the room crackles with anticipation as I wait to see what she’s going to do.

  “Little one?”

  After a beat, she spins on her heels, opens the cupboard above the sink, and pulls out my toothbrush and toothpaste.

  She bends slightly, sticking her ass out toward me as she loads the brush up and begins brushing her teeth.

  “Uh... I think that’s mine, little one.”

  She shrugs before bending farther forward and spitting the foam out.

  My fists clench with my need to drag her in here with me and have my way with her.

  My cock aches as it bobs hard in front of me.

  I know if I asked nice enough, she’d relieve me, but I really want to do as she asked and hold off.

  I slam my hand on the shower faucet, turning the water off, and step out of the shower. I stand right behind her, her ass against my stomach and my cock brushing against her bare thigh.

  I wrap my wet arm around her waist and force her to stand, bringing my lips to her ear. Her eyes find mine in the mirror and I hold them captive.

  “You’re playing a very dangerous game, seeing as you were the one to set the rules,” I growl.

  “Maybe I like breaking the rules.”

  I wrap my hand around hers as she lifts it to put my brush back.

  I take it and hold it out for her to put some toothpaste on it before lifting it to my mouth, refusing to let her go despite the fact she tries to wriggle out of my hold.

  “Ash, you’re wet.”

  “I know. Are you?”

  I can’t help myself and slide my hand down her stomach. I figure if she’s really set on not doing anything, then she’ll stop me.

  But all she does is gasp, her hand falling back against my chest as my fingers slip under the lace at her waist.

  Her eyes close as my fingers part her and search out her clit.

  “Eyes on me,” I mumble around the toothbrush still in my mouth.

  Her dark green orbs immediately find mine once more.

  Dropping my fingers lower, I find her soaked and more than ready for me.

  Throwing the toothbrush into the sink, I lift my now free hand to her throat, feeling her pulse thundering under my fingers.

  “Fuck, little one. Woken up a little horny?”

  She nods, her cheeks flushing. “But you weren’t there,” she whispers, making me groan.

  “No, I was in here. Naked.”

  She whimpers as I spread some of her wetness around her clit and pinch it between my fingers.

  “Shit,” she gasps.

  “You want to come, my little tease?”

  She nods slowly, her eyes growing heavy with lust.

  “You’re so fucking addictive.” I bite down on her ear and her hips roll.

  “Ash,” she moans, her body locking up as she gets closer to her release.

  “You going to let me watch you come, little one? You gonna be a good girl and keep your eyes open for me?”


  I drop my fingers to her entrance once more and slide two deep inside, my thumb continuing to tease her clit.

  “Who do you belong to, Ruby?”


  “Say it,” I demand, nipping her earlobe again.

  “You, Ash. I belong to youuuu...” she cries as her orgasm slams into her.

  Her eyes flicker with their need to close, but she holds our connection as her body clamps down around my fingers.

  “Fuck, you’re sexy.”

  I drag my fingers from her pussy once her release has faded and trail them up her stomach and over her breasts.

  “Open,” I breathe, and she does without missing a beat.

  I slide my fingers past her lips.


  And she does, her tongue swirling around my digits, making my cock weep to feel the same thing.

  I release her throat, pull my fingers from her mouth, and spin her around.

  “Fuck, you’re perfect.”

  I slam my lips down on hers before she has a chance to respond.

  I groan when I taste her as her tongue caresses mine.

  “So fucking sweet.”

  Lifting her into my arms, I wrap her legs around my waist and carry her out of my bathroom before ripping my lips from hers and depositing her on my bed.

  I take a step back and smile as she reaches for me, her chest heaving, and her skin flushed from her release.

  “You’re really testing my patience, little one,” I warn, taking another step back from her.

  “Consider it your punishment for pushing me away.”

  She tilts her head to the side, I’m assuming trying to look cute but she follows it up with a leisurely perusal of my naked body so it loses its effect, especially as her eyes lock on my very ready cock.

  She runs her tongue along her bottom lip as she stares, and I almost lose my damn mind.

  “Ruby,” I warn. I’m about three seconds to telling her to fuck her rules and taking everything I need.

  She pushes to stand, her eyes lifting to mine.

  “Ash,” she breathes, and I almost reach for her when her lips twitch into a smile and I realize that she’s playing me. “We really should get ready for school. Wouldn’t want you to be late on your second day.”

  Before I have a chance to do anything, she bolts for the door.

  “I’ll be ready in thirty. Maybe you can give me a ride?” She jokes, wiggling her brows before barking out a laugh and disappearing from my room.

  Fuck. That girl’s gonna be the death of me.

  I scrub my hand down my face, realizing my mistake almost instantly. I can smell her.

  “Fuck,” I bark, loud enough that I’m sure she’ll hear me.

  I dress and gather everything I’m going to need for the day and invite myself into Ruby’s room. She can fuck right off if she thinks I’m going to knock after already being knuckles deep inside her this morning.

  I drop down on her bed, taking in her room and the flowers that I dropped off in here on Sunday before she got home.

  She only makes me wait a couple of minutes, and when she emerges from her bathroom—already fully dressed and ready to go—she doesn’t even flinch that I’m here.

  “How’d I know you’d be waiting in here?” she says with a laugh.

  “Am I that predictable? I’d better up my game.”

  “No,” she says harshly, stepping between my thighs. My hands brush up her legs before groping her ass and squeezing just enough to pinch. “We’re done with games. Either we do this or we don’t.”

  “Oh, little one,” I say, pushing to stand and taking her face in my hands. “We’re so doing this.”

  “Okay, but...” She looks away nervously.

  “But what, baby.” I catch her eyes again as I wait for her to say what’s on her mind.

  “Can we keep it on the down-low at school for now? Just until it’s not so new. People are going to judge and—”

  “Whatever you want.” I drop a kiss to the tip of her nose.

  I don’t really give a shit who knows about this between us, I’d more than happily go and shout it from the rooftops if she wanted me to, but I agree because I just want her to be happy, and if she wants time, then I can give her time.

  “Ready to go?”

  “Yep.” Hand in hand, we make our way downstairs. There are signs that our parents have been h
ere. The scent of toast fills the air and there are two dirty plates and mugs in the sink but there is no sign of them. Not that I’m going to complain.

  “What do you want to eat? We don’t have much time.”

  “You,” I say, wrapping my arms around her from behind and sucking on the skin of her neck.

  “Definitely no time for that.” She chuckles, breaking from my hold and pulling a cupboard open. “Here.” She throws me a cereal bar before pulling out two travel mugs of coffee and kick-starting the machine.

  “I can hardly take one of those on my bike.”

  “I can drive.”

  “But I’ve got training after school.”

  “Okay, well... I’ll take your coffee then.”


  Only a few minutes later, Ruby slips into her car while I throw my leg over my bike and start the engine.

  I follow her all the way to school, trying to wipe the smile off my face the entire way.

  I take my coffee from her once we’ve parked, and she takes me to the benches where both the team and the squad seem to hang out.

  Her friends look between the two of us suspiciously as we walk toward them, and the second Ruby breaks away from me to join them, I see them bombard her with a million questions while flicking glances my way.

  “Morning,” I say to Jake, who’s got his arms around a pretty blonde.

  “Morning. Brit, this is Ashton,” he says to his girl.

  “Hey, nice to meet you,” she says sweetly, her British accent throwing me off for a second.

  “You ready for this afternoon’s session?”

  “More than ready.”

  “Good.” He turns his attention back to his girl and I look to the rest of the team. Zayn, the guy who was talking to me in the locker room last night, has his tongue down Poppy’s throat while Harley continues to question my girl.

  As if she can feel my stare, Ruby looks over her shoulder and directly at me. She smiles and I swear it nearly knocks me on my ass.



  I know the second his gaze lands on me. I feel it. My body feels like it’s burning up from the inside out.

  “Ruby,” Harley warns when she notices why my attention has drifted off. “Stop trying to tell me nothing’s happened.”

  I tried to play it off after we walked here side-by-side, but neither she nor Poppy are having any of it. My only saving grace is that Poppy is currently preoccupied with Zayn’s tongue.

  “Okay fine,” I sigh. “But we’re keeping it quiet.”

  “If that’s the case, you might want to stop looking at each other like you can barely contain yourselves.”

  I shrug. I can’t help it.

  “Fucking hell,” Harley moans, throwing her hands up in frustration. “I need to find new friends. I can’t deal with you and Poppy both being loved up. I hate being the third-wheel.” Her eyes roam over the members of the squad who are already here, as if she’s choosing her victim.

  “Seniors are out, they’re all bitches and leaving soon. Ooooh... Stella.”

  “I think she might be leaving too,” I say before snapping my lips shut. Was that supposed to be a secret?

  “What? For real? She’s amazing. We need her next year, damn it.”

  “I don’t know for sure. I don’t think she does either.”

  “Well, we need to keep her.”

  “Agreed. Have you put much thought into next year’s squad?” Harley asks me, successfully distracting me from Ashton’s heated gaze and onto cheer.

  I shake my head at her, not wanting to get ahead of myself.

  “Let’s head inside, I need to go to my locker.”

  The morning passes, classes pass in a blur of boredom and lust-filled stares across the classrooms where Ash and I weren’t able to sit together. The ones we were, however, he didn’t exactly take the whole keeping it quiet thing seriously as his hand got higher and higher up on my thigh with every minute that passed.

  I have no idea if anyone else noticed, but I felt like everyone knew as I damn near melted into a puddle of need on the chair.

  He might have got me off this morning, but as good as it was, it wasn’t enough. After the time we spent together in Seattle, that short moment between us really didn’t scratch the itch I had. I knew from the moment I found him in the shower that I may have made a mistake the night before telling him that I wanted to take things slow because all I wanted to do was strip down, join him and let him do the kinds of wicked things he did to me in the shower in his apartment.

  But I stood strong, knowing that I’d made the right decision.

  It’s just a shame I question it with every second that passes.

  He’s not in my class before lunch and as I sit there with my stomach rumbling, more than ready to go and discover what we’re going to find in the cafeteria today, I wonder if I’m actually hungrier for food or just for him.

  Thoughts of Miss Kelly’s office hit me. There’s no way she’ll be in there, maybe we just venture down there and have a little time to ourselves...

  A hand slapping my shoulder startles me. “You’re doing it again,” Harley snaps.

  “Sorry, sorry.” It’s not the first time this hour that she’s laughed at me for zoning out on her in favor of thoughts of Ash.

  “It’s been one night and you’re like a lovesick puppy.” She laughs.

  “Do I complain when you go on about Nathan?” I ask, lifting my brows.

  “Well, no, but I’m sure I’ve not done that.” She wiggles her finger around in front of my face in accusation.

  I lean into her to ensure no one else in class hears what I’m about to say. “That’s because he’s not made you come yet.”

  “Ruby!” she squeals, earning her a warning scowl from our teacher.

  “Facts, Harley. Facts.”


  “So more on that subject. You planning on giving it up to him or you just hanging out some more?”

  “I’m not sure. We haven’t talked about it. Plus, we haven’t exactly ever met anywhere to allow much more than a kiss.”

  “Maybe you should plan something. Get a little one-on-one time, see where it goes.”

  “Yeah, maybe.” Her eyes glaze over as she loses herself in her thoughts, much like I’m sure I was a few minutes ago, but I don’t point that out.

  Finally, the bell rings, allowing us to pack up and go in search of food.

  The hallways are packed as we move with the crowd toward the cafeteria.

  “Look out, lover boy is already here,” Harley says, her height giving her the advantage of being able to see through the mass of bodies.

  Turning, we make our way over to our usual tables as a smile starts to twitch at my lips at the thought of seeing him. I feel ridiculous, it was barely over an hour ago I saw him, but I miss him.

  No wonder Harley wants new friends. I’m annoying myself.

  Just as the crowd parts so we can make our way over, someone else beats me to Ash.

  My teeth grind and my fists curl as I watch Krissy once again slide up to him.

  Didn’t she get the fucking message yesterday that he wasn’t interested?

  Something inside me snaps the second she lays her perfectly manicured hand on his chest.

  A growl rips from my throat as Harley’s hand wraps around my forearm, but I rip it away from her and storm toward them.

  He doesn’t have a chance to push her off, but his arms are rising to do so as I grip her upper arm as hard as I can, making sure my nails sink into her bare skin and I drag her away from him.

  I swear to God the entire cafeteria sucks in a breath as they wait to see what’s going to happen next.

  “He’s not fucking interested,” I seethe so quietly that only she’ll hear it before my arm flies out and my palm connects with her cheek with a loud slap. There’s a collective gasp that rolls through the room as Krissy’s hand comes up to cover the glowing red handprint on her cheek.

/>   I step toward her as her tear-filled eyes meet mine. My chest heaves as I wait for what she’s going to say, but she doesn’t get a chance because I’m spun around and hauled into Ashton’s arms.

  “I’m not even sorry,” he growls before slamming his lips down on mine.

  His fingers thread into my hair and his arm wraps around my back to pin us together.

  Silence still surrounds us as his tongue pushes past my lips to claim mine.

  I have no idea how much time passes before he pulls back, his own breathing labored from our kiss. Conversations have started up again around us as he stares down at me, everyone clearly getting bored with the show.

  “Fuck, I love you.”

  His hand grips the back of my neck and his lips capture mine once more, but I’m so stunned by his words that I don’t respond.

  “We need to get the fuck out of here right now.”

  “Uh...” Before I know what’s happening, I find myself flipped over his shoulder as a round of cheers erupts from behind us. I don’t look up to see them, I’m too lost in Ashton.

  I stare at his ass as he marches us out of the cafeteria, and he doesn’t set me down until we’re in the parking lot.

  “Put this on,” he says, thrusting a helmet at me the second my feet are on the ground.

  “W-what?” I ask, taking it from him when he gives me little choice because he releases it and climbs onto his bike.

  “Put the fucking helmet on, Ruby,” he growls, the roughness of it hitting exactly where it’s meant to, and I squeeze my thighs together as I do as I’m told.

  The engine comes to life and I climb on the back, assuming that’s what I’m meant to do, and no sooner have I wrapped my arms around his waist do we fly out of the parking lot.

  “Oh my God,” I squeal. I’ve never been on the back of a bike before but I think... I think I kind of love it. Or that could just be the man I’m wrapped around like a koala bear.

  The journey home is shorter than I think it’s ever been in my life and before I know it, I’m on my feet beside the bike and Ashton’s lips are back on mine.

  “I need you, little one. I fucking need you right now,” he growls into my mouth, his grip on my chin almost too tight, but I freaking love the possessiveness of it.


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