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FURY: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Rosewood High Book 6)

Page 31

by Tracy Lorraine

“Y-you’ve got me.”

  He lifts me into his arms so my legs wrap around his waist and after unlocking the door, he jogs up the stairs and crashes into his room.

  We fall onto his bed in a mess of limbs and dirty kisses.

  “Ashton,” I moan as he rips my shirt over my head and throws it behind him somewhere.

  “Ruby, fuck.”

  Holding himself up with one arm, his lips trail down my neck, his teeth graze my collarbone before he drags down the fabric covering my breast, and he sucks my nipple into his mouth.

  “Ashton,” I cry, my back arching off the bed.

  “More,” he groans between soft kisses and sharp nips to my sensitive skin. “I need more.”

  He kisses down my stomach as his fingers slip around my back to release my bra. The fabric joins my shirt on the floor before he drags my skinny jeans and panties down my legs and dropping my sneakers to the floor with a thud as he pulls each off.

  He stands at the edge of the bed, still fully dressed, staring down at me.

  “So fucking beautiful, Ruby.” My skin burns and my core aches as his dark eyes take in every inch of me.

  He drops to his knees before me and hooks both of my legs over his shoulders before kissing down my thigh toward where I need him most.

  “Are you wet for me, little one?”

  “Yes,” I whisper without any hesitation.

  “You want my mouth?”

  “Yes, Ash.”

  He pulls his head back before he gets to my core and instead of using his tongue, he trails his finger over my sensitive skin.

  “Perfect. Fucking perfect.” He dips his finger inside me, just enough to tease me before he leans forward and sucks my clit hard.

  “Fuck,” I cry, my hips lifting from the bed, the sensation of the suction along with the tip of his tongue teasing my clit almost too much to take.

  My hands thread through his hair, but I’m unsure if I want to pull him closer or push him away as his assault gets even more intense. I thought this morning was good, but that is going to pale in comparison to what’s building in my core right now.

  Every muscle in my body pulls tight and the only thing I can focus on is the ball of desire that’s about to explode within me.

  “Ash,” I cry. “Ash, I’m gon—” My release slams into me, stealing both my words and my breath simultaneously.

  The pleasure comes in wave after wave and he doesn’t stop licking or stroking me until it’s subsided to nothing more than aftershocks.

  The second he pulls back, he stands, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, and pulls his hoodie over his head. His chest and abs are immediately revealed, and my eyes eat up the inches of perfection as he works his pants off and kicks both them and his boxers off.

  Just like this morning, he’s deliciously hard, the tip glistening with his need for me, and my stomach clenches, more heat heading straight between my thighs.

  “Shift up a bit,” he demands, tilting his head to gesture for me to scoot up the bed.

  I rush to do so, and he crawls in between my legs, quickly reaching out to wrap them around his waist.

  His length teases my entrance, and I can’t help but roll my hips to get more friction.

  “Greedy girl,” Ashton growls, dropping down so his hands are planted on the bed on either side of my head. “I fucking love it.”

  He drops his lips to mine, not giving me a chance to respond with the question that’s on the tip of my tongue.

  His tongue licks deep into my mouth and my lingering taste hits my tastebuds, making me moan.

  He kisses me deeper than I swear he has before. It’s not just a kiss, it’s a claiming. He’s branding himself on my soul and ensuring I’m never able to forget.

  His hand skims down my body, teasing my nipples, pinching them so that I gasp, stealing his breath, but his kiss never falters.

  He circles my clit, awakening another orgasm before his touch leaves me in favor of his cock. He teases me with the tip, coating himself in my juices and gently pushing inside of me but never giving me what I need.

  “Ashton, please,” I beg against his lips.

  “Who do you belong to, Ruby?”

  “You, Ashton. I’m yours. Only yours.”

  “Yesss,” he hisses as he sinks inside me.

  My walls ripple around him, adjusting to his size.

  His kiss pauses but he doesn’t move his lips from mine. We just stay there, frozen, breathing each other in, and absorbing the sensations of the moment.

  That is until he rolls his hips and sets off an explosion of sensations within me.

  “Fuck,” he groans as I tighten my legs around him and scratch my nails down his back. “This... this right now. It’s fucking everything, little one. Everything.”

  And then he moves. His hips piston as his tongue sweeps into my mouth once more. His hand slips around the back of my neck so he can tilt my head just so to seal his lips to mine as our skin begins to glisten with sweat.

  Every one of his movements sends me higher, making my body pull tight as I get ready to crash.

  “You feel so good, baby. I’m gonna come so fucking hard,” he grates out, his eyes holding mine captive.

  His fingers find my clit once more and the second he pinches it between his fingers, I fall. I fall into blissful pleasure knowing that when I get to the bottom, he’s going to be right here, holding on to me.

  “Ashton,” I scream, my back arching, my nails digging into his shoulders as I ride out my orgasm.

  “Fuuuuck,” he groans. “Fuck, Ruby.” His cock jerks violently inside of me, sending little aftershocks shooting around my body.

  He drops his head to the crook of my neck as we both fight to catch our breaths, although he makes no move to pull out of me.

  “Fuck, Ruby,” he pants after long seconds of nothing but our increased breathing filling our ears. “Do you have any idea how hot that was with Krissy?”

  I tense at the mention of her name. “Don’t say her name. Especially while you’re still inside me.”

  “Ah, little one. This little jealous streak is so fucking sexy. But trust me, no matter whose name I say, there’s only one I’ll be calling out when I come.”

  I slap his shoulder lightly. “This isn’t funny. That bitch needs to keep her hands to herself.”

  “She might from now on, baby. Did you see the print you left?”

  I shake my head. I was too angry to really register any of it. It all seems like a blur now.

  “I was impressed. But you can’t go around slapping every girl who looks at me.”

  “She didn’t just look,” I sulk.

  “True. I love that you’re possessive of what’s yours, but I think Hartmann might have something to say about all the girls at school walking around with a Ruby-shaped handprint on their cheeks.”

  “You’re assuming all the girls at school want to—shit,” I gasp, realization slamming into me. “School. We should be in class. What time is it?”

  “Too late to be worrying about going back to class. Plus, we have other things to be doing.” He drops his lips to my neck and sucks my skin into his mouth hard enough to leave a mark.

  I’ve never skipped school in my life, and the knowledge that I’m doing it right now doesn’t really help me relax.

  “Stop worrying. It’s one afternoon.”

  “I know, but—”

  He presses his fingers to my lips. “Relax, baby. Let me distract you.”

  He unhooks my leg and finally pulls his now fully hard cock from me before falling down beside me.

  He hooks my leg around his waist, allowing his cock to tease me once more. His hand cups my cheek, his fingers threading into my hair as his nose brushes mine.

  “Did you mean what you said?” I blurt, unable to keep the question in a second longer.

  “Mean what, little one?”

  “W-what you said in the cafeteria,” I whisper, now feeling stupid for bringing this back up. He pr
obably didn’t mean to say the words. Hell, he probably doesn’t even remember saying them in the heat of the moment.

  “What did I... oh.” A smile curls at his lips as his thumb tenderly caresses my cheek. He stares so deep into my eyes that I swear I’ll never be the same again. “Yeah, Ruby. I meant every word.”

  I gasp, not really expecting for him to remember, let alone have meant it.

  “You’re like no one I’ve ever met before, little one. You’re so strong, you don’t take any of my shit. You’re just... my number one.”

  I swoon so freaking hard that I can barely breathe. “I love you, little one. You brought me back to life.”

  My bottom lip trembles as my eyes fill with water. I try to blink them away, but every time I open my eyes, the blurrier he gets.

  “I love you too, Ashton,” I breathe, forcing the words out through the giant lump in my throat. “I don’t know when it happened, but I do, I love you and I never want to go another day without you.” A sob rips up my throat and the tears I’ve been fighting finally spill over when I see his own glistening at my confession.

  “Ruby,” he whispers, gathering me up in his arms and holding me so tight that I’m sure he’s about to crack a rib, but I don’t so much as flinch because it feels so good.

  His lips press into my hair as he whispers again and again that he loves me, ripping me open in the very best way with every word.

  When he finally allows me to pull my face from his chest, I find his own cheeks wet with tears.

  “Thank you, Ruby,” he says once more before capturing my lips and showing me with his body, as well as his words, just how he feels about me.

  The feeling of something vibrating against my thigh forces me to rip my lips from Ashton’s. I’ve lost track of time just like I’ve lost track of the number of orgasms he’s given me since we fell into his bed however long ago. All I do know is that my muscles are quivering and we both really, really need to shower sometime soon.

  “What the hell is... oh.” I pull Ashton’s cell from beneath me and see Dad across the screen. “Oh shit, did the school call him?” I ask in a panic.

  “Even if they did, I’ll sort it. Don’t worry.” He swipes the screen but the slight frown on his brow doesn’t deepen as if we might be in trouble, instead a smile pulls at his lips.

  “W-what is it?”

  “Your mom and my dad are going to be out until late.” He throws his cell back down on the sheets and rolls on top of me, pressing me into the mattress at my back. “You know what that means?” he asks with a twinkle in his eye.

  “That we have to get our own dinner?” I ask, slyly.

  “Hmm... that and... I get to make you scream for hours yet.”

  “Oh my God, Ashton,” I squeal when he bites down on my nipple, his fingers dropping to my core. “I’m not sure I’ve got it in me.”

  “Baby, you’ll know when you’ve got it in you, trust me.”

  “Oh my God, you did not just say that.”

  He smiles at me and winks and I can’t help bursting out laughing.

  “How about we shower, then order some food. I’m starving. Maybe we could watch a movie or something, you know something a little less—”


  “I was going to say energetic.”

  “Okay, baby. Shower, food, and a movie. Sounds like the perfect date to me.”

  “Hmm... it does, doesn’t it?”

  “You deserve better though.”

  “We’ve got the rest of our lives for that, Ash. A night in with you is everything I need right now.”

  “Fuck, I love you.” He sits up, threads his fingers through mine, and pulls me up to him. “Let’s go shower before I dirty you all up again.”

  He lifts me into his arms and carries me into his bathroom. He stands us under the shower and allows us to get blasted with cold water for a few seconds.

  “Ashton,” I squeal with a laugh.

  “It’s okay, little one. I promise to make it up to you. I promise to always make it up to you.”



  “Oh look, here they are,” Harley announces loudly to the entire team and squad when we walk toward them hand in hand the next morning.

  We figured after our little show the day before, there was no point in keeping anything between us quiet. Everyone in Rosewood High knew what we went to do the moment he threw me over his shoulder and walked out.

  Mom and Stephen came in long after midnight last night and thankfully, neither tried to find us to give us a speech about skipping or for slapping Krissy, so either they don’t know yet, or they’re saving it for when we get home later tonight. Whichever it is, I don’t really care. I stand by what I did yesterday. Krissy has had it coming for a long time. I’m surprised I was the first to do it, to be honest.

  “Thanks, Har,” I mutter, coming to a stop in front of her. Ash stops at my back and wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on the top of my head.

  “What? We all know what—or who—went down last night.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you’re just jealous. How are things with Nathan?” It’s a low blow, but I can’t help myself. I’m too happy and high on the endorphins from the multiple orgasms I had before we even got out of bed this morning.

  “Great, thanks.” She rolls her eyes, telling me that maybe things aren’t all that great in reality.

  “Hey, look, Ashton and Ethan can start an ‘I’m banging my stepsister club’,” Jamie, one of the JV players, shouts. “Ow, what? I was just saying.”

  “Shut the fuck up, asshole, before I make you,” Ethan barks at the rest of the JV members who have gathered to watch the show with his arm slung around Rae’s shoulder.

  “I’m just hoping it’s contagious, I could do with one myself. Ow,” he snaps again.

  “Leave them alone,” Chelsea pipes up. “They’re cute. Let them do their thing.”

  Laughing at them, I twist in Ashton’s arms.

  “Hey,” I say, smiling up at him.

  “Hey, little one. You ready to head to English Lit?”

  “Sure am. Har, you coming?”

  “Yep, I’m with you.” We say goodbye to Poppy who’s cuddled into Zayn’s side and head toward the building.

  “Who’s Nathan?” Ashton asks, clearly eavesdropping on our previous conversation.

  “A guy from Maddison Prep that Harley met at Ethan’s party. They’ve had a few dates,” I answer for her.

  “Ah, dating a prep boy, eh? I hear they don’t put out until at least the tenth date,” Ash says with a laugh.

  “Shut up, you idiot. He’s a good guy, right, Har?” I’m not looking where I’m going and I slam straight into the back of her as we walk through the doorway into our classroom. “Har?”

  I step around her and take in her pale face.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, looking to see what’s captured her attention to find a guy with light brown hair and bright blue eyes staring right back at her like he’s wishing she’ll go up in flames right in front of him. “W-Who’s that?” I ask, looking back to Harley who’s on the verge of tears, her entire body trembling in fear.

  “Y-you remember Kane, the guy from my house on Sunday?” she whispers so only Ashton and I can hear.

  “Yeah.” I look back at him, noticing the similarities and not just in the angry stare.

  “That’s his little brother, Kyle.”

  “Okay. And why does he look like he wants to kill you?”

  “Probably because he does.”

  Are you ready for one final trip to Rosewood?

  LEGEND is coming 11th February!



  I can’t believe we are at number six in this series. Originally, Fury wasn’t meant to exist. I was going to go from Hunter to Legend, but then I had the opportunity to write Faze and Ashton and Ruby’s story emerged while I was driving one day and then it just had to happen, and I’m so glad it did!
r />   Ashton has damn near given me whiplash writing this. I’ve hated him one second and then hurt for him the next. At one point he had me on the verge of tears which is quite a feat for me.

  I loved every minute of their rollercoaster of a story. It took me to some new—dark—places, and I must admit that I’m more than intrigued by Axel, Willow and the other Kingston boys in Seattle!

  I hope you enjoyed their journey as much as I have. It was certainly a wild ride.

  As ever, a huge thank you to my alpha and beta readers for their timely feedback, and for loving and hating Ash in equal measures.

  A huge thank you to Ellie at My Brother’s Editor, and Athena and Darlene at Sisters Get Lit(erary) Author Services for polishing up my baby and getting him looking as good as possible.

  Another massive thank you to you for still being on this crazy journey with me. Book six and you’re still here, that means the world to me.

  There’s only one book left of the Rosewood High series, and I don’t feel ready at all to leave this crew behind.

  If you’ve been on social media recently, hopefully you’ll have seen my recent announcement, that while this series might be coming to an end, we’re not entirely leaving them behind because we’re moving to Maddison Kings University, and I’ll be catching up with a few characters you already know and love as well as introducing you to some new ones. Plus, there’s always the chance a few of our much loved Rosewood High characters might make an appearance or two!

  Fury is my first release of 2021 and I hope that it’s the beginning of something awesome for all of us, we all need a little bit of magic after the previous year!

  Until next time,

  Tracy xo

  About the Author

  Tracy Lorraine is a new adult and contemporary romance author. Tracy has recently turned thirty and lives in a cute Cotswold village in England with her husband, baby girl and lovable but slightly crazy dog. Having always been a bookaholic with her head stuck in her Kindle, Tracy decided to try her hand at a story idea she dreamt up and hasn’t looked back since.


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