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Royally Tempted (A Royal Sons MC Book 3)

Page 15

by Elle Boon

  He punched in another code. The door locks disengaging loudly in the quiet room. “Wow, this reminds me of a James Bond movie. You aren’t going to take me down there and toss me in a hole, and then make me put lotion on are you?”

  King’s laughter made her laugh too, dispelling a little of her nervousness.

  “Ah, if I were to do that, would I really tell you before getting you down to my cave?” he asked, leading her into the well-lit entryway.

  Once inside, he pulled the door shut, making the locks snick back in place. “We can open the door from this side, the locks only keep those on the other side from entering.” He showed her the code to unlock, easing some of her fear.

  “I have no need to lock a woman in my basement, Little Dove.” King held his hand out again.

  Ayesha looked at his gorgeous face, his tanned skin and muscular build. His arms were covered in tattoos, but what drew her were his eyes and the knowledge in them. No, this was a man who didn’t need to lock a woman anywhere. More than likely he would need to beat them off with a stick. She let her eyes roam down his body…pausing below his belt. A really big stick if the bulge in his jeans was anything to go by.

  “You keep staring at my dick and I’ll have you up against the wall with your legs around my hips, instead of in my bed,” he growled.

  She had to shake her head to dispel the image of her and him in just that position. “You always say what’s on your mind?” she asked.

  “Figure it’s better that way instead of wondering and shit. You ready?” he asked, giving a slight tug on her hand.

  It wasn’t until that moment she realized they hadn’t left the landing at the top of the stairs.

  “I’m ready,” she agreed. With every step they took down, she became more aware of him as a man and her as a woman. They may have only met a few days ago, but none of that mattered. He’d been more everything than any guy she’d ever known. Patient, kind, funny in his way, sexy, and god love it, dominating. She wanted to find out just what that side was like. When he’d threatened to spank her, she’d felt her body respond in a way that had nothing to do with anger, and everything to do with need. The need to feel him follow through on the threat.

  “This is where I come to relax,” King said at the bottom of the steps.

  She looked around, amazed to see a normal looking man cave type of room. The large open area had a huge black leather sectional with a chase lounge on one end facing a wall with a massive flat screen. They continued through to where she saw a small kitchenette was off to the side, completely kitted out with everything he’d need to survive without going upstairs. “This is like an apartment.” Of course, his space was nicer than most apartments in California she’d been in.

  “Back here are my two favorite spaces.” He pushed open a door and led her into a bedroom.

  Ayesha’s eyes widened at the gorgeous space. “That bed is big enough for a football team.”

  “Not quite.” He went over to another door and opened it. “

  She followed, feeling a little like Alice in Wonderland. “Well, that’s almost anticlimactic,” she joked. The bathroom was nice, but she’d been expecting a jungle or something exotic. Instead he had a huge walk in shower and the other necessities.

  “No need for fancy shit to take a shit in my opinion. Come on, I got one more room to show you.”

  The next space he took her to made her pause in the entryway. It looked like a workout room, with modifications. “What?” she asked.

  “I work out in here, but I also needed a place for me. Have you ever seen one of these?” He tugged her over to a bench that faced an odd structure.

  “Is that what I think it is?” she sat on the bench, her legs giving out. He’d told her, basically spelling out his desires.

  “Yes, and yes,” he answered.

  “You don’t even know what I was going to ask.”

  “I can read women. You want to know if I want to see you up there, and the answer is yes.” He moved in front of her, between her and the St. Andrew’s Cross.

  “How many women have you had here, on that?” She raised a shaking hand.

  He squatted down so they were almost at eye level. “I’m not going to lie and say I’ve never had a woman here.”

  She swallowed. “Why me?”

  King’s eyes narrowed. “Why not you?”

  “I’m not…I’m not special or like the women you’ve probably been with. Why would you want to be with me?”

  King let the back of his finger run down her cheek. “I’m a man used to people obeying me. I need my woman to do as I say when I say it. The lifestyle I live demands that, not just here in the bedroom, but up there.” He jerked his chin toward the roof. “What we did for you, we do for others.” He took a deep breath. “The first time I met you, talked to you, I knew you would fit me. I saw passion in you that fired my insides. I want to see how this goes. This is part of who I am. It’s not something I can deny, nor do I want to.”

  He wasn’t going to lie to her or make apologies. He’d decided from the very beginning he’d show her all of him. Of course, he could’ve fucked her. She’d probably have let him do lots of nasty things to her and loved them. However, he wasn’t willing to do that without showing her the real him. He’d had many partners, submissive women in the lifestyle, and club girls who just wanted to fuck him because he was who he was. With Ayesha, he wanted more.

  “What if I don’t like it?” she bit her lip, looking away from him.

  King wouldn’t let her get away with not meeting his gaze. He gripped her jaw with his palm. “If you don’t, we’ll talk about it, see what it is you don’t like and fix it, or work around it. I have faith you’ll love everything we do—I do, to you.” He’d never had a complaint and wouldn’t allow Ayesha to be his first.

  “Can we start somewhere other than here?”

  “My little puritan,” he said smiling. “I didn’t plan to strap you down and beat you into submission.” His words had a grin spreading across her face, which was what he’d hoped to accomplish.

  “That’s good to hear. I’m also happy I didn’t see a deep hole anywhere,” she joked.

  King stood up, grabbing her by the waist and placed her over his shoulder, making her squeal loudly. “Ah, but I forgot to mention. I do have a fetish for lotion. I enjoy rubbing it on and seeing a woman’s face as I make her come from my fingers alone.” He yelped as she pinched his ass. “Woman, did I mention that I’m the only one allowed to deliver punishments?” He slapped her ass again, rubbing the firm flesh.

  “I think we’re gonna have to set some ground rules, Mr. President. Ground rule numeral uno. You don’t speak of other women you fucked with me,” she growled.

  He gave her ass another firm swat, wishing she didn’t have anything on between her skin and his. “I’ll concede your point, but that doesn’t negate my rule of you don’t ever hit your Dom, baby.” As he was speaking he’d walked them back into his bedroom. Before she could argue he tossed her onto the bed. “How do you feel about those clothes?” he asked conversationally while she lay sprawled on top the covers.

  She pushed up on her elbows, blowing the hair out of her face. “What?”

  “Those clothes?” he asked and gestured toward her. “You like them?”

  Ayesha looked down her body, eyes coming back upward to stare at him. “Yes,” she answered with a bit of hesitation.

  “If you like them, I suggest you take them off while I watch.” He grabbed her foot, tugging off one sock and then the other. “Come on, we ain’t got all night.” Her sister would be returning soon. He didn’t plan to allow their relationship to be dictated by a teenager, but he would make allowances for the younger girl.

  “Am I the only one getting naked here?” She scooted to the middle of the bed, getting up on her knees while she spoke. Her arms crossed, gripping the bottom of her top, lifted it with a swiftness that she should’ve been embarrassed about, but all she cared about was doing what
King had said, quickly taking the material up and over her head without pause.

  The breath froze in his lungs as he got his first glimpse of her full breasts encased in lace. “Shit,” he said. Lifting his arms behind his head, he pulled his own T-shirt off, dropping it next to his feet.

  “That’s so sexy,” she whispered.

  King looked down at the floor, then at her. “What?”

  She pointed toward his chest, her eyes flying to the top he’d dropped on the floor. “How men do that.”

  “That’s a rule of mine, too. You don’t speak of other men to me, either. In fact, I am going to pretend you’ve never been with another besides me.” He pointed toward her chest. “Take that off. Let me see what your nipples look like.”

  “Okay, let me just say, that totally turns me on. Which it shouldn’t.” Her hands went to the clasp between her breasts.

  King waited, his hands itching to remove the black lace that she was taking way too long to remove herself. Once the cups fell to the side, she shrugged her shoulders, making the bra drop onto the bed. “Shit, berry red. I knew they would be.” He placed one knee on the bed, the other moving until he was kneeling in front of her. “Seems a shame I haven’t kissed you properly, yet.”

  She nodded. “Yeah, you should fix that.”

  He chuckled, palming the back of her head. As he bent to seal their lips, he kept his eyes open, wanting to watch her expression. His other hand went to her chest, molding one firm mound. He took the moan she made into his mouth. If asked, he couldn’t count the number of women he’d been with, yet none compared to the one before him.

  His tongue slid inside, running along the roof of her mouth. Releasing her breast, he pulled her closer to him and felt her…skin on skin. Fuuuckk, she was like silk.

  He worked her pants off, thinking of nothing but getting her naked. Her slim hand went to his waist, clumsily trying to unsnap his denim. “I got it,” he growled when she fumbled. His dick was so hard the head was poking out of the top.

  “Dang, how did I miss that?” Her finger touched the tip, running across the head, making him shudder.

  “You stared at him enough. I don’t know how you missed it either.” He sighed when the zipper came undone, giving him some much needed room. “Hold that thought,” he told her, scooting back and off the bed and kicked out of his jeans. He opened the side table and got out a condom, placing it on the top.

  Ayesha eyed it and then him. “Wow! That’s a…I’m not so sure about that, big guy.” She pointed at his cock.

  King wrapped his fist around his shaft, pumping it up and down. “I like the way you’re looking at me. Lie back, let me look at you.” He raised one brow when she didn’t immediately comply. “Rule number one, baby. You remember my rules don’t you?”

  She licked her lips, nodding. Her gaze jumped behind her. “Should we pull the covers off?”

  He smiled. “Ah, thinking about the mess we’re gonna make?” King walked to the head of the bed, his dick bobbing with each step. “You gonna help?”

  His sexy Little Dove crawled up to the top of the bed, giving him a perfect view of her peach shaped ass. Damn, she was built like a pocket Venus. Lush and curvy. Together they folded his comforter down, placing it on the chest at the end of his bed. “Better?” he asked, raising one brow.

  Ayesha hurriedly lay back in the middle of the bed, fanning her hair out. He watched as she placed herself in such a way that she almost looked like a sacrificial virgin with her legs crossed at the ankles and her arms folded over her stomach. She made the sexiest damn picture. He itched to pick up his phone and take a snapshot so he could look at it anytime he wanted. “I want to photograph you just like that. I’d be able to take my phone out at any time and look at.”

  “Oh, I’d be like your personal spank bank material?” She shivered but her voice was husky.

  “You’re already my personal jackoff material. I have an amazing memory, but seeing you like that is giving me all kinds of ideas.” He grabbed his dick, squeezing a little harder near his balls.

  King got on the bed, taking her legs in his hands, and moving them apart to make room for himself. “Put your hands above your head on the pillow. Don’t move them, no matter what I do,” he ordered her. If he had to, he’d tie her up. Actually he wanted to do that and would, but first he wanted to see how well she did with him just telling her.

  It took her seconds, but finally her arms lifted. Her eyes shone with need. “What now?”

  “Now you let me enjoy you.” With the back of his hands, he trailed them up the insides of her thighs, but didn’t touch her pussy. “I like this.” He ran the tips of his fingers over the top of her bare mound.

  “One of the perks of my salon.” She squirmed beneath him.

  He continued sliding his fingertips over her skin until he reached her breast, those perfect berry tipped nipples so hard and begging for attention.

  Ayesha gasped as he pinched both little buds between his fingers. He couldn’t wait to see how she’d react when he put little jeweled clamps on them. His cock was so hard, so achingly hard it was demanding he slide inside her, but King pushed his need back. Usually if he got off first, which happened often since he liked blowjobs, he’d make sure the woman he was with was pleasured multiple times before he fucked her. Now, with Ayesha, he wasn’t thinking of anything but learning her, seeing her face when she came around his finger, his tongue, his cock.

  “I’m going to fuck these,” he said, pulling on her nipples, making her back arch up off the bed. “I’m going to straddle your chest and slide my cock between them, and while I do that, I’ll hold your head up so you can lick my dick with every thrust.” His dick jerked at the image he created.

  “Oh god,” she moaned, her legs shifted restlessly.

  King looked between her thighs. “Ah, you like that.” He released her breast, moving his hands back down to her thighs, using his thumbs to spread her pussy lips apart. “You’re so wet.” Back and forth he glided one thumb through her slickness.

  She arched upward, gasping his name, and he growled out a curse while he watched her move her hands to her breasts, squeezing the nipples like he’d done. “Did I tell you to do that?”

  “No,” she whimpered.

  He pressed two fingers inside her, the other he pressed against her clit. “You broke a rule, Ayesha.” He curved his fingers against her inner wall, pressing forward and moved them in a slow tantalizing stroke.

  She bit her lip, bucking her hips against his fingers and hand. “Please, King,” she begged. “I need.”

  King pulled his hands away, tapping her clit with his wet fingers a little harder with each smack. “No, I will decide when you get off, not you. Now, put your hands back where I told you.” When she didn’t do as he told her fast enough, he smacked her pussy again, this time harder. Her eyes widened, but she moved her arms up.

  “Good girl. Do I need to tie your arms down?” he asked almost conversationally. With his hand no longer inside her, he grabbed his dick, teasing them both as he slid his cock head through her wetness, bumping against her clit with each stroke.

  Ayesha wanted to beg him to fuck her. Hell, when he’d had his fingers inside her, she’d nearly come from that alone. Now, watching him and that monster cock of his rubbing along her slick folds, hitting her clit, she was seconds away from demanding he put it in her. Only knowing he’d punish her, and not give her what she wanted, needed, kept her silent.

  “I like seeing my cock covered in your cream. I want to taste you.” King moved down, his delicious torment ceasing.

  She wanted to tell him no, that she was already on the verge of orgasm. But before she could protest, he had her legs bent and lifted, nearly touching her chest. His sexy grin appeared as he looked up at her and licked his lips. Ayesha wanted to tell him she’d never had a man do what he was about to do, but his rule and hers dictated she stay silent, and then his tongue was on her, sliding down and back up. He made a humming sound
that was deep, vibrating straight to her clit. Holy shit, holy shit.

  “Spread your legs and keep ‘em like that.” He looked up from between her thighs, his chin, and lips wet.

  Ayesha’s legs shook with effort. However, she didn’t want to disappoint King. His lips went back to her clit, tongue slipping and sliding, lips sucking, owning.

  She gripped the headboard as if her life depended on it. The feeling he invoked too intense, yet not enough. Her fingers tightened on the wood frame. Her back arched as tingles raced up her spine. “Oh god, I’m going to come,” she cried out. Unable to stop her body from flying over the edge, she yelled his name as dots swirled in her vision.

  King continued to lick and suck as if he wanted to devour all that she had to give, working her with his mouth and fingers until she stopped pulsing.

  He sat back, one hand still pumping inside her even though she had come. He didn’t seem in any hurry to get on with the fucking. “Don’t you want to—” She didn’t finish her question, embarrassment making her turn away.

  “Look at me when we talk,” he demanded, his fingers leaving her body.

  The smack to her pussy, right on top her exposed clit had her crying out. “What the hell?” she cried.

  “Finish your question.” He held his hand over her, running it back and forth.

  “Don’t you want to have sex with me?”

  King threw his head back and laughed.

  Ayesha put her legs down, belatedly realizing she still held them in the position he’d told her to. His eyes narrowed. “Did I tell you to move?” he asked, his voice going low.

  She shook her head, stopping at his scowl. “No, Sir.”

  When he continued to look at her, she moved her legs back into the position from before, ignoring the trembling in them.

  “Now, to answer your question. Yes, I want to fuck you. I’ve wanted to since the first time I saw you hiding in my clubhouse. My turn to ask you a question. What made you upset? And don’t fucking lie to me,” he growled.


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