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Royally Tempted (A Royal Sons MC Book 3)

Page 16

by Elle Boon

  She could tell by the way he stared at her he’d know if she lied. Heck, he was probably a human lie detector or something. Besides, what did she have to lose by being truthful? “You laughed at me.”

  He moved his hand up her torso, fingers tracing her ribs and her too sensitive breasts. “And that hurt you why?”

  A cry escaped her closed lips when he twisted each nipple between his fingers, the slight pain turning to a strange pleasure that shot down to the heart of her. He repeated the action, exerting a little more pain, stopping just before she could tell him it hurt.

  “I asked you a question.” Each word was accompanied by a tug and twist of those callused fingers.

  “Carlos used to laugh at me. He said I was too needy and that I should…take care of myself.” She wanted to turn away from him, not wanting to see his eyes turn that same disdainful way her late husband did.

  “He was an idiot or gay. No man who loved women could not want to fuck you, especially if they had you laid out like this. It’s taking all my control not to shove my dick inside you.”

  Ayesha snorted in disbelief then wished she could call it back.

  “Ah, looks like you’re gonna need to learn a lesson.” King shook his head.

  Before she could determine what he meant, he sat back on his haunches, moving to the side of the bed. She didn’t get a chance to move, or even think about what she’d said.

  King reached back, pulling her onto his lap. She found herself face down over his hard thighs, her ass in the air. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “You keep racking up those swats, Little Dove.” King rubbed his hand over her back down her ass in a caress that was measured.

  Chapter Fourteen

  King let his fingers trail between the crack of her ass, testing her wetness. “I told you before I’d beat your ass if I felt you needed it. I decide when you need it, and this is one of those times. Are you in or are you out?” He wouldn’t push her into something she wasn’t willing to do, but this was something he wasn’t willing to bend on. If she was going to be his woman, she would need to understand he had rules and with those came consequences.

  “If I say out are you going to let me walk out of here?” she asked, a quiver in her voice.

  “Is that what you want?” King lifted his hand away from her body.

  “No dammit. You know it’s not. I just. I’ve never had a spanking. There. I said it. I don’t think I’ll like it, either.”

  “Are you in or are you out? If you’re in, pick a safe word. All you have to do is say that word, and I’ll stop whatever we’re doing, at any time.” He began running his hand down her back again.

  “Penelope,” she blurted. “Oh god, are we really going to do this? Are you going to take me to some club and make me wear leather and kneel at your feet?”

  King grinned at her question, but instead of answering her, he let his hand come down, the slap a loud crack that split the air followed by her cry. He immediately slapped the other cheek, followed by another on each one. He paused, rubbing his palm over the pinkening flesh. With each hit, her cries got quieter, which made him proud. She needed to learn he would never be like her late husband, ever. Lifting his hand, he tapped her ass again, alternating cheeks, switching up the intensity of the blows and placement until her entire ass was a nice shade of red.

  “You,” slap “will,” slap “never,” slap “compare,” slap “me to that fucker,” slap slap “again. Are we clear?” he asked, smoothing his hand over her red bottom. She’d began lifting toward his hand as he’d spanked her. Now, he trailed his fingers between her thighs, the moisture he’d felt on his bare thigh, soaking his fingers.

  “Yes, I understand,” she sighed.

  King lifted her to a standing position, spreading his legs so she stood between them. “You liked your spanking.”

  She bit her bottom lip but nodded. “I don’t understand why.”

  He lifted his hand, fingers wet from her moisture and rubbed them over her lips. “Taste yourself.” He could try to explain to her why he thought she liked it, but she needed to figure it out for herself.

  Ayesha opened her mouth, taking his fingers inside. She sucked a little delicately, but it only took a moment before she licked around them like he imagined she would his dick. “Fuck,” he swore.

  If he’d thought he was in charge, she proved him wrong, dropping to her knees in front of him, her hands so small next to his pushed his legs apart. “May I?” she asked reaching for his dick.

  King grunted. She’d reduced him to a fucking Neanderthal. “Lick the tip first.” He had to take back control.

  His hands went to her head, one to hold her hair back, the other he held his dick for her. She placed her own palm over his, squeezing his fingers, moving up and down his shaft faster. Her tongue moved over the top, tickling the slit, swirling around the crown before she took the entire mushroom shaped head inside her mouth. King didn’t think he could take much more, especially not when she flattened her tongue and worked the sensitive underside.

  Using his grip on the back of her head, he pulled her off him, lifting her back to her feet. King stood, the move making her back up, but he wasn’t letting her get away, not when he needed to be inside her, now. He brought his mouth down, silencing her while lifting her up and turning them so that he could put her onto the bed. The kiss wasn’t sweet, or gentle. Their teeth clanked as he moved them into the middle of the bed, her hands running over him, gripping his dick fiercely.

  “Condom,” he groaned.

  King reached over and snagged the foil pack, putting it on in seconds. Her eyes watching him the entire time made his cock jerk. “Tell me if I hurt you, and I’ll slow down.” Leaning down on one elbow he kept most of his weight off her, he worked the head of his dick against her slippery pussy, coating himself with her cream. Looking at her, needing to see her face while he entered her for the first time, he pushed inside, slowly filling her until she gasped. “Ssh, it’s alright. I’ll wait,” he said even though waiting was the last thing he felt like doing. He could see her pulse racing from the vein in her throat.

  “You’re too big,” she whispered.

  “No, you’re just tight. Your body is so fucking sweet and wet. Fucking perfect. Feel that?” He pumped his hips just a little, resting his forehead against hers when her body let him in a little more.

  King pulled back and thrust forward, making her breath come out in little gasps of air.

  “You alright?” he asked once he was all the way in. Tension coiled inside him, winding tighter and tighter as her pussy constricted around him. “Don’t do that, baby.”

  “Can’t help it,” she gasped.

  Ayesha ran her hands down his back, her fingers trailing down his ass, loving the way his muscles flexed beneath her exploring. Even though it was cool, their bodies were covered in sweat.

  He shifted, lifting up on his arms. “How close are you?” he gritted out.

  Her pussy ached with the need to come. With every stroke of his dick inside her she was sure she’d go over, but something held her back. “I can’t. I don’t—”

  King reached between them with one hand, his finger unerringly finding her clit. Moments later as the tension that had been building finally broke, she cried out, her entire body shook as whiplashes of pleasure zinged through her. Her muscles locked up even as she cried out his name at the same time she felt him jerk above her, his growl as he came soothing her.

  She didn’t know how long they lay there, neither of them speaking or moving until the need for air became paramount. King must’ve felt her shifting beneath him. He rolled to his back, taking the condom off and tossing it in the trash can beside the bed.

  Ayesha wasn’t sure what to do or say, having only slept with one other person. Luckily for her, King wasn’t shy, or in the same position. His big arm reached for her, tucking her in next to him. The gentle stroking of his hand up and down her back, over her sore butt was strangely relaxing.<
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  “How do you feel?” he asked gruffly.

  Ayesha gazed up at him, astonished to see him staring back at her. “I feel good. How about you?”

  He went back to lazily stroking her. “Fucking great. Next time I’ll go slower.”

  She jerked her head back, trying to see if he was being serious. The man nearly drove her crazy with wanting him. “You didn’t hear any complaints from me, did you?”

  His hand sifted through her hair. The fading pulses of her orgasm still shook her.

  “No, but that doesn’t mean shit.” King’s dick twitched.

  She was about to ask him how he could recover so quickly as she saw his dick getting hard when both their phones vibrated on the nightstand.

  King lifted his arm over his eyes, groaning. “We should get those.”

  “Probably,” she agreed.

  When neither of them moved to grab their phones in time, he lifted his arm off his eyes, peering at her. “Think they’ll give up?”

  No sooner had he asked before they were both vibrated again. “No.” She sat up, pushing her hair out of her eyes.

  “I love watching your tits jiggle.” He tweaked one nipple while he grabbed their phones, pressing the talk button on both as he answered his. “What?” he barked.

  “Hello,” she said.

  “Hey, we’re getting ready to head that way but Traeger thought we should call first in case you two were busy or something.” Tiana laughed.

  Ayesha closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead. “Can you stop at the clubhouse and see if they have any ginger ale? My stomach is a little upset.” Which wasn’t a total lie. Thinking of her sister walking in on them was enough to make her nauseous.

  “I appreciate that. Yeah, take your time. A huh. Fuck off,” King muttered before hanging up.

  He put the phone back on the nightstand, glaring back at Ayesha. “I ain’t gonna be sneaking around to be with you.”

  She held her phone against her chest, seeing the resolve in his fierce expression. She didn’t want to hide whatever they had either. In all honesty, she wanted to be upfront with their—whatever they had. Hell, she wanted him to wear a big ole sign proclaiming him her property. Her hand went to her mouth before the laugh could escape.

  King took her hand away. “What were you thinking and remember my rules?”

  “Shit. That’s not fair. Can’t I have inner thoughts without having to tell you them?” she pouted.

  “Of course you can. However, if I ask you what they are, you’ll tell me. I’m waiting.” He got up and stood next to the bed.

  Ayesha crossed her arms, feeling at a disadvantage. Her ass still smarted, but at the same time, it sent a pulse to her pussy. “Does that go both ways?” Why was she pushing him?

  King leaned down, pulling her up onto her knees. “Ayesha, I’m the one who is the boss, not you. I’d never do anything that would harm you or tell you to do anything that would harm you. With that being said, there are some things that don’t go both ways. If I fuck up, you can bitch at me. You can get mad. Can you put me over your knee and spank my ass? Fuck no. When I ask you something I want to know you tell me the truth and know I’ll always have your back. That trust goes both ways, baby.”

  She could see she’d disappointed him and that was the last thing she’d wanted. “I was thinking that I didn’t want to hide this either, whatever this is—well, I was just thinking you should wear a sign that declared you as mine. Not really, but you know. That was what I was thinking, in a joking way. Gah, that doesn’t even sound right, but in my head it was what I was thinking, which is why I didn’t want to say it out loud. There, happy now?” Her voice wobbled at the end, but there was nothing she could do to stop it.

  King took the phone out of her hands and placed it next to his. “If we had time I’d fuck you again.” He framed her face between his palms. “To answer your question, I’m very happy. And baby, I’ll let you claim me tonight when we go to the clubhouse. Trust me, not a soul there will have any doubt who belongs to who by the time I take you home.” King covered her lips with his, devouring her in a kiss that melted every single resistance she had. Not that she had any and he knew it.

  He pulled back before she could ask for him to take her. “You better get dressed unless you want to shock the shit outta Tiana.” He bent and sucked a nipple into his mouth. “I can’t wait to see these wearing some jewelry.” He gave the same attention to the other breast.

  She didn’t let his words make her wish for more. He said jewelry, not his, not a possessive statement. How long would he want her? How long would she want to be his? She schooled her features so that he didn’t demand she tell him what she was thinking, dropping her chin to her chest. “We better get dressed. Oh, I just thought of something. What do I call you? When we’re, you know?” She waved a hand between their naked bodies.

  King shook his head, a small smile playing at the corner of his lips. “My name is King. I don’t need to be called Sir, or Master to know I’m in charge. I know you’ve probably read that in your books, and yes, that’s how it can be in many Dominant/submissive relationships. Each one is different. We set our own rules, but at the core the principles are the same. Safe, sane, and consensual. Get dressed, and we’ll talk at the same time.” King picked up her clothes and placed them on the bed before he got his own off the floor.

  “Do you belong to a club that’s solely for that?” she asked, wondering if he would want to take her to one, excited at the thought.

  “I’ve gone to a few, but I don’t have a membership. Do you know what BDSM stands for, Ayesha?” He tugged his shirt on over his head, waiting for her to answer him.

  She licked her lips, trying to come up with the right words. “Bondage and sadomasochism?”

  He pinched her chin between his fingers. “Do you know what that means?”

  “They like to beat their partners?”

  Anger flashed across his face. “Bondage, Dominance, Sadism, and Masochism is BDSM. Bondage doesn’t always have to be about sex, and neither does discipline. However, both tend to end up with that being the outcome. That’s were dominance and submission come in. It’s the giving and accepting of control in a relationship. A power exchange if you will. Many times a contract is drawn up, but I’ve never had one.”

  She knew that since she read a lot of books that had those types of relationships. Of course, they were romance and not real life.

  “Why don’t you have a contract?” she asked. If it was normal and she knew it was because she’d googled it.

  “I’ve never had a need for one. I’ve gone to clubs, and I’ve had women who I fucked who knew the score, but I never wanted one of my own. Finish dressing,” he told her as he sat down and put his socks on.

  She hurried to comply working over what he’d said in her mind. “How old are you?” she asked, the thought that he could be younger than her made her wince. Surely not.

  “How old do you think I am?” He stood up and stretched.

  “Please tell me you’re over thirty,” she muttered.

  He held his hand out. “I’m over thirty. I’ll be thirty-four on my next birthday, and you’re twenty-seven years young. Come on, let’s head upstairs. I imagine Traeger has drug his feet hard enough your sister is probably getting suspicious. Don’t forget to hold your stomach,” he warned.

  There were still questions she wanted to ask but with the firm set of his jaw she knew he was done talking for the moment. She looked back toward the room he’d shown her. She tugged on his arm. “If you take me to that room, use those things on me…will you want a contract?”

  “There will be more discussion, yet. You’ve got your safe word. I’d never do anything to hurt you, and that word is your power.” He picked up both their phones, switching his from silent as he handed hers back.

  A melodious ring trilled through the space. “That’s the doorbell. Do you trust me, Ayesha?”

  She didn’t even have to think before answering, her
head nodding. “Yes, absolutely.”

  “Then don’t worry about a piece of paper that can be torn up, altered, or ignored. If you want one, we’ll work on it, but right now, we’ve got other things to worry about. Mainly, my stomach.” He placed his hand over his flat abs just as it made a rumbling sound.

  “I could eat too, but Tiana just ate with Traeger.” They climbed the steps, her hand in his, the contract discussion forgotten, for now.

  “I’ll toss a pan of lasagna in the oven. It’s already cooked, just needs to be reheated.” King pushed the heavy door open, waiting ‘til she exited and shut it back.

  “Sounds good. I’ll get the door. What’s the code to turn the alarm off?” she asked.

  He waved her question away, pulling his phone out. “I got it.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Ayesha hurried through the house, gathering her hair into a messy bun on top of her head as she went. She looked in the mirror by the entryway, trying to see if she looked like she’d been well fucked, and yep, she totally did. She groaned, wishing she’d had a chance to take a shower before they had to face her sister. Of course, she’d said she had a stomachache, so maybe she could slip away for a quick shower while King entertained them.

  A look at the alarm panel showed the red lights flashed to green, giving her the all clear to open the door. “Hey,” she said a little too brightly.

  Traeger and Kailani looked at each other and grinned.

  “Sorry for, ah, interrupting, but your sister was worried about you.” Traeger nodded toward Tiana.

  “Jeez, Ayesha. You do look a little sick. Here,” she said, shoving the can of ginger ale toward her. “Don’t get too close. I don’t want whatever you’ve got.” Tiana stayed an arm’s length away.

  “Thanks, that’s such a loving thing to say, T.” She moved to the side, making room for the trio to enter.


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