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Royally Tempted (A Royal Sons MC Book 3)

Page 17

by Elle Boon

  Kailani winked as she came through after Tiana. Traeger came in last, shutting the door. “Why don’t you go take a shower? Maybe you’ll feel a little better afterward. We’ll go keep King company.” He stood with his hands in his pockets, dark eyes twinkling.

  “That’s a good idea. I’ll just…take this with me. T, you good?” she asked her sister, wanting to laugh at the distance she was keeping.

  “Yep, I’m great. You know I don’t like getting sick. Throwing up is against my religion.” She put her hand over her flat stomach, the other over her mouth. “No thank you, you can keep the ick.”

  “You can most definitely keep the ick, Ayesha,” King agreed.

  He stood against the doorway, his arms crossed, eyes dancing with mirth.

  “Come on in. I just popped a lasagna into the oven. You guys hungry?” he asked, walking away.

  The three other people all groaned, but it was Kailani whose voice she heard.

  “I couldn’t eat another bite. Those two had a baking contest. Each swore they made the best pizza, and I was their taster. I felt like that bunny in the Wreck It Ralph kids’ movie. You know where he kept feeding it pancakes until the bunny blew up?”

  Ayesha shook her head on a laugh, remembering the movie she was referring to and how much Tiana loved it as a kid. Once inside her room, she shut the door and leaned back on it. She looked down at her phone to check the time but was shocked to see several texts from a couple of unknown numbers, and another from her salon manager.

  She ignored the unknown ones, figuring they were spam and opened Carly’s texts.

  “Hey girl, just wanted to see how you were doing. Give me a shout and tell your sister I said hey.”

  Ayesha texted back a quick message, letting her know they were good and that she’d be in touch once she heard from the insurance company.

  The three unknown text sat unread, something she tended to do so that if they were real people she didn’t look like an asshole who didn’t respond. Tossing the phone on the bed, she went into the bathroom that connected her and Tiana’s room, turning the water on first. While she waited for it to heat up, she wiggled out of her clothes. Her body felt different, more sensitive. She turned around so that she could see if her ass was red and sucked in a breath at the sight of King’s visible handprint on each cheek. “Dear god,” she whispered. Her hand shook as she ran it over the marks, the raised flesh had her shivering.

  Steam started fogging up the mirror, reminding her there were people in the other room, including her very impressionable little sister. A little sister King had no plans to hide their relationship from. “I don’t want to either.”

  After she finished showering, she quickly dressed in a pair of jeans and a tank. She went back out, the delicious smell of Italian food greeted her, making her stomach rumble.

  “You look much better,” Tiana said, eyeing her sister.

  She’d taken a little time to put on some tinted moisturizer, and a little mascara, but didn’t want to spend too much time away from the group. Not that she worried about Tiana being alone with any of them. Her anxiety was more that her sister would blurt stories Ayesha would rather stay buried.

  “You look great. C’mere,” King said, holding out his hand.

  Ayesha looked at him and her sister. Taking a deep breath, she went to him, placing her hand in his. “Good girl,” he whispered in her ear, pulling her onto his lap. “Try this. One of the ole ladies made it.”

  She jerked back a little, but he had a forkful of cheesy goodness at her lips. Her first taste made her moan. King shifted beneath her, his hard thighs rubbing against her rear made her groan again. “Dear lord in heaven, that’s spectacular.”

  King trailed his hand down her back, caressing the top of her jeans. “Betty’s a good cook. They tease her about her name and the famous cookbook chick, but I told them to shut the fuck up ‘cause she makes the best lasagna I’ve ever had. She’s Italian.” He lifted the fork with another helping on it for her, the tips of the hand behind her sweeping back and forth.

  Ayesha opened for him, eating without thinking anything of it.

  “Did I step into an alternate dimension or what?” Tiana burst out.

  Her sister’s question made her cough as she swallowed wrong. King slapped her back, his glare toward Tiana had her sister wiggling in her chair. Ayesha picked up the beer on the table and took a healthy gulp, finally clearing her throat enough she no longer felt anything lodged in it.

  “Um, Tiana, I have something to tell you,” she began.

  Tiana waved at her and King. “Would that be the two of you are a thing? Duh. I do have eyes. Uh you’re not like pregnant are you?”

  It was King’s turn to cough, nearly unseating her from his lap. Ayesha laughed, but her sister’s serious expression sobered her. “No, T, I’m most assuredly not pregnant.”

  “You said you needed ginger ale for an upset stomach, and you looked a little out of it when we got here. You sure?” Tiana tilted her head to the side, her eyes going over Ayesha.

  “I’m one hundred percent positive I’m not pregnant.” When Tiana opened her mouth to ask or say something that would more than likely embarrass the shit out of her, Ayesha held up her hand. “T, I would tell you first if I were. Promise.” She held her pinky across the table.

  King put his hand over hers, stopping the promise. “If you were pregnant with my kid you’d tell me first. After that, you could tell her and whoever the fuck you want. Got it?” His eyes were stony, but heated.

  Ayesha tossed her hands in the air. “Fine, but I’m not fucking pregnant.”

  He ran his hands over her ass, giving it a light tap. “Hmm, racking up for later, baby.”

  She bit her lip, thinking of the raised flesh and how sore it still was. “Not…not really. The talk of pregnancy was redundant. I wanted to make sure she understood I wasn’t.”

  “Listen, Kailani and I are gonna chill at my place tonight unless you need me at the clubhouse?” Traeger asked.

  Ayesha eyed the big man sprawled out in the chair. She’d heard he’d been shot, but watching him, one would never guess he had an injury.

  “They said I could stay with them tonight, but I wasn’t going to ‘cause I didn’t want to leave you alone. I’m thinking it would be alright after all.” She grinned, showing Ayesha that impish teenager she loved.

  “It’s alright with me if you’re sure?” Ayesha looked back at King and his Sergeant at Arms. He liked the way she deferred to him as she should. He’d known she was submissive from the beginning even when she’d snuck into his clubhouse.

  “That’s fine with me. I planned to take Ayesha with me. It’ll be good for the others to meet her and for her to get to know some of the brothers and their ole ladies.” He kept his hand moving over her back, his fingers dipping inside the back of her jeans. There was no doubt in his mind she felt his marks on her ass, he’d made sure he’d left his prints on her, so she’d remember. There were rules he might be willing to bend for his woman, but others he wouldn’t and having her compare him to another man, especially some limp dick fucker was ass blistering worthy.

  Once Traeger left with Tiana in tow, he left Ayesha to clean up the kitchen while he showered. He grabbed his leather cut, pulled his leather boots on, hooked the chain on his wallet to his jeans and slid it into his back pocket.

  Stepping back into the kitchen, he stopped in his tracks, mesmerized at the picture Ayesha made. His mouth dried while he watched her dancing to the music playing. Fuck, he had to adjust his dick, which was completely out of character for him. He’d been to strip clubs, the Royal Sons actually were part owners in one thanks to their father, yet he’d never gotten hard watching one of the dancers. Well, not unless they were on top of him, and he was…interested. Now, with Ayesha shaking her rounded ass in a pair of tight jeans, wearing what he knew was a thong underneath, his dick was fully erect and raring to go. King wasn’t a man used to denying his needs and didn’t plan to start

  He closed the distance between them, pinning her to the sink. “I like the way you move, Little Dove.” He bit the lobe of her ear.

  She squeaked. “I’m gonna get soap everywhere.”

  Ayesha held her hands up, suds covering both hands.

  “Why’re you washing the dishes when I have a perfectly good dishwasher?” he asked, nodding toward the appliance to the left of them.

  “The lasagna pan had not dishwasher safe on the bottom of it.” She pushed back against him.

  King liked that she didn’t try to hide her needs from him. He wiggled his hand between her and the counter, unsnapping the button on her jeans. It took him seconds to take them down. “Spread your legs and continue what you were doing,” he ordered her, at the same time he fished a condom out of his wallet, having put a couple in there when he’d gotten dressed.

  No sooner had she moved her legs apart, had he opened his fly, covered himself with the rubber, before he was sliding between her thighs, teasing them both. “Are you wet?”

  “Do you mean from suds, or excitement?” she laughed.

  Ah, his sassy little brat needed a reminder of who was in charge. With his dick still sliding back and forth, he lifted his hand and swatted the top of her ass just as he slid back, giving him enough room the tap was more a shock than pain. “I’ll ask you again, Little Dove. Are you wet for me?”

  She shivered but nodded. “Yes, I’m wet.”

  “Good girl.” He bent his knees, pushing the tip of his dick to her entrance, her juice coating him, sliding inside her with ease.

  “Ah Jesus H Christ, you’re huge,” she gasped.

  He chuckled, his lips feathering over her neck. “No, you’re just fucking tight as hell.” King gripped her hips, watching as his dick moved in and out of her pussy, seeing the evidence of her arousal coat the condom. He eased the thumb of his right hand down the crack of her ass, gathering some of the moisture, taking it up to the little rosette of her ass, teasing it in small circles.

  Ayesha tensed. “King,” she whispered.

  “Ssh, you’ll like it, I promise. What’s your word?” He continued moving his thumb around in small circles, watching her body relax as he continued hammering back and forth. It was raw, dirty, and he fucking loved it.

  “Ayesha, I asked you a question.” He pushed on the little puckered hole, holding his thumb there while he waited.

  “Penelope,” she whispered.

  “Are you saying it?” he stopped moving completely.

  She shook her head, pressing her ass against him, capturing his hand.

  “Didn’t I tell you I’d never hurt you?” King used his grip on her hip to move her body back and forth, giving his hand some room to tease her again.

  “Y…yes.” Her little whimper almost made him stop and turn her around. Almost.

  “But here you are, already questioning me. What does that say about your trust in me?” He released her hip, grabbing a handful of her hair and turning her head to meet his stare over her shoulder. “If we are to have any sort of relationship, I need to know that you trust me. That you’ll do what I say when I say it, no questions asked. If you can’t do that, you’d better tell me now.” King would still fuck her, but shit would be different. Fuck, he didn’t know how he’d deal, but he’d do it.

  “I’m sorry. It’s just that—I’ve never done that.” Her chin wobbled.

  He’d known she had led a pretty vanilla sex life, but to know he’d be the first in anything, made him want to toss her over his shoulder, take her back to his bedroom, and remedy that situation immediately. “Little Dove, I’m so fucking glad you’ve saved something for me. Now, if you need a little reassurance that I’m not gonna take your ass in the middle of my kitchen, I’ll give it. When I decide to fuck your virgin little ass, it’s not gonna be a quick tap and go.”

  As he spoke he began moving back and forth, his hand sliding around to the front of her. Her little clit was slippery with cream. “Turn the water off.”

  Ayesha’s hand shook as she did. He wrapped his arm around her waist, twisting and lifting, walking with his dick still inside what he planned to be his ole lady to the table. “Hold on, Little Dove.” He placed her on her feet, pressing her chest onto the table, running his hands down her back, kicking her legs apart. The height of the table was perfect for him to move. She lifted onto her toes with his first thrust. She moaned on his second. By the time he began hammering into her, she was screaming his name.

  King felt her pussy tightening on him at the same time his balls drew up, his come jetting into the condom, filling it with hard jerks. He yelled her name, his fist found her hair, needing to see her face as he came. “Look at me,” he demanded.

  Her eyes blinked open; passion glazed. “That was so…crazy good.”

  He looked down at her ass, a little pink still from his spanking. He could make out the outline of his hand on each firm cheek. Oh, yeah, he definitely liked the fact he’d marked her.

  She winced when he pulled out but didn’t say anything. However, King saw it. “Did I hurt you?”

  “Not in a bad way. Where are my jeans?” She looked around the floor.

  King lifted her chin, being gentler with her than he’d been with any other. “When we get back, you’ll take a hot bath.” It was an order, not a suggestion.

  “I didn’t see a tub in your cave.” She smiled, the little tilt to her sweet mouth made him bend and cover those lips he liked seeing stretched around his cock.

  “I have a suite up here too. Let’s go, sassy brat.” He turned her toward the sink where her jeans lay on the floor. “We’re running late.”

  They both dressed in silence, heading out the door a few minutes later going toward the clubhouse with a little smile on their faces. He made sure his house was locked, the alarm set properly. He nodded at a couple prospects he passed. Night had fallen as he and Ayesha had fucked, so the clubhouse was already packed. Her hand tightened in his. “Hey, you ain’t got nothing to worry about.”

  She snorted. “I’ve only been to a biker club once, and that was a pretty scary experience.”

  He raised one brow. “Yeah, well you came at a bad time.” Having found out two of his prospects had gone to his brother’s place and roughed up what had been his deceased brother’s lover still was a rough pill to swallow. Not that Luke was gay, he could’ve handled that, but that he’d hidden who he was from King and his twin Duke. He’d chosen suicide over coming clean with them thinking they’d…what, hate him? He ran his hand over his head, letting out a heavy sigh. You can’t change the past, but he sure as shit would make for damn sure he didn’t repeat the same mistakes. Even if they did have to do that whole talking shit in order to not.

  The door opened, letting the heavy throb of music interrupt their conversation. “Ready or not,” he said, gesturing toward the entrance.

  “Please tell me I’m allowed to drink?” she asked.

  “You can have two drinks, but that’s it.” No way in hell was he allowing his ole lady to get shitfaced.

  “That’s okay. I’m good with that.”

  King held the door open for Ayesha, stopping inside the entrance with her next to him. “What’s going on, Lick?” He and Lick slapped palms and bumped shoulders before he stepped back and looked around.

  “Full house tonight, Pres.” Lick lifted his chin toward Ayesha but didn’t say anything, just waited.

  “This is my ole lady, Ayesha. This here is Lick,” King introduced them.

  Lick folded his arms over his chest, looking Ayesha up and down. “Nice to meet you. I’ll keep an eye on her. Any rules?” Lick met King’s eyes again.

  “Nobody touches her but me.” He didn’t need to say anything else.

  The man was huge, over six and a half feet tall, ex-marine and probably knew how to kill a man in under a minute, but he didn’t announce that. He was steady, never fucked off on the job, came in, took up position, and kept the peace. King respected the shit out of
Lick. He’d seen the scars that covered a good portion of his torso from a bomb blast overseas, but it didn’t affect his ability to move, fight, or fuck from what King had been told.

  “You’ve got company coming,” Lick said, touching his ear. Keys always made sure he was tapped into whoever was in place manning the door.

  Pulling his phone out, he punched in a number. “Come on.” He gripped Ayesha’s arm, steering them through the club.

  At the back he found Duke sitting with Digger and Coal and a few ladies. He held his hand up, the music making it hard for him to hear Keys, but he spoke into the mouthpiece. “What’s up?”

  “Check your texts?” Keys hollered.

  Chapter Sixteen

  He felt the worry when they entered and Lick’s little announcement. He kept a firm hold on Ayesha, making sure everyone knew she was his and not for just a night. Those type of mistakes could get a man hurt if they fucked with his woman. Fuck, he needed to chill, or he’d be brawling within the hour the way he was tossing some of the idiots out of his way. “Move fuckers,” he snarled for what seemed like the twentieth time. Ayesha kept to his side, her eyes avoiding contact with everyone else, which was a good damn thing.

  He pulled his phone out when he was far enough away from the speakers and could hear Keys. “Why the fuck didn’t he just say it was Tymber and Ivy?” King growled.

  Ayesha’s body shuddered. “You alright?” he asked, needing to know if she was level before going any further.

  “Yeah, I’m fine.”

  King looked down at her before he turned to Duke. “Ivy’s wearing all RED!” King met Duke’s eyes across the table, mouthing the word ‘Red’ as he punched in the ‘K’ as a response. He held his fist up in the air, knowing Lick, Cross, and Soldier would be watching him.

  “What’s happening?” Ayesha whispered but stayed next to him, not missing a step, or raising her voice.

  “Don’t say a word, just do as I say. I’ll know more in a few.” He wasn’t a man who explained himself, nor was he a coddler, which he sure as shit hoped Ayesha understood. She was going to get a crash course on what life was like being his.


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