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Ella and the Emperor (Alien Abduction #5)

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by Honey Phillips

  “Safe?” he asked after a moment. “You feel safe with me?”

  Thrilled that he understood, she nodded eagerly, but before she could try again, the sound of a quiet cough made them both look up.

  A man was standing in the doorway, another one of the massive horned and furred beings who had attacked her. She shrank back against the emperor and he put a reassuring arm around her shoulders. Happy at the contact, she leaned closer. The emperor might not be as big the newcomer, but the tight black uniform he was wearing did nothing to conceal his lean, hard muscles. After seeing him in action last night, she had no doubt he could protect her.

  “Your Imperial Majesty, forgive me for intruding. Did you wish to train this morning?”

  Despite his forbidding appearance, the newcomer had a curiously soothing voice, low and deep, and she relaxed a little.

  “No, Sendat. I’m afraid I won’t have time. Perhaps this afternoon…” Karthajin paused, then shook his head. “No. Unfortunately, my day is completely full.”

  “I could return this evening, Sire, if that would be more convenient.”

  “No. There is another banquet tonight. Please return tomorrow morning as usual.”

  “Yes, Sire.” Sendat bowed and disappeared.

  The emperor turned back to her. “You realize I should send you back to the slave quarters? Where is Gatarro, anyway? I told him to look after you.”

  Putting her hands beneath her head she mimicked sleep and he laughed. “I suspect you’re enough to wear the poor man out. There’s a lot of mischief behind that sweet facade, isn’t there, pet?”

  She gave him her best innocent look and blinked her eyes. He laughed again.

  “Very well. You can come with me. For right now,” he cautioned. “I’ll decide what to do with you later.”

  Excited and grateful, she picked up his hand and brought it to her mouth for a kiss. As soon as her lips touched his smooth, hot skin, a strange flutter started in her belly. He looked almost as startled but pulled his hand away gently.

  “That’s not necessary, pet. Let’s go see what’s for breakfast.”

  He led the way into the next chamber, a large room with gold shining from every surface. Engraved wall panels sparkled with jewels, and more precious stones were inlaid in the floor tiles. She looked around with wide eyes, then shrank closer. He laughed.

  “Not to your taste, pet? I can’t say that’s it’s mine, either. It was one of my father’s rather unfortunate remodeling efforts. I’ve left it because it’s useful for certain types of audiences.” There were two sets of elaborate doors on either side of the room, but he ignored them and led the way behind the jeweled throne on a raised dais to a smaller door. “These rooms are more to my taste.”

  They entered another large room, but this one was done in soothing tones with beautiful but simple wooden panels and low comfortable furniture. She started to stroke the soft looking fabric covering one of the couches and stopped when she recognized it as being covered in selyen. Momi had had a small chair covered in the luxury fabric. It was one of her most prized possessions and Ella had been forbidden to touch it, let alone sit in it. She drew her hand back quickly, but the emperor didn't seem to have noticed her mistake. One end of the room opened out onto a wide veranda with gardens beyond and he was looking in that direction.

  “Ah, yes. I ordered breakfast in the garden. You'll like that.”

  When they stepped out onto the porch, she saw a small table, exquisitely set for two. Two servants waited by the table, while a third approached and bowed. They were all dressed in pristine black palace uniforms with the Imperial crest embroidered on the breast. She was suddenly uneasily conscious of her own much more tattered uniform and plucked at her pants’ leg. Karthajin caught the movement.

  “Yes, we’ll have to take care of that, won’t we?” He turned to the servant who had approached them. “Saban, tell my tailor to attend me after the meal.”

  “Yes, Your Imperial Majesty,” Saban returned calmly. “Should I bring another place setting?”

  “Another? Oh, yes, Tanaca will be joining us.”

  Ella tugged his hand and shook her head frantically. She wasn’t allowed at the table.

  “What’s the matter, pet? You must be hungry.”

  “Nnn,” she managed, and smacked her hand. Sitting at the table was for the adults. Usually she ate in the kitchen, but on special occasions she had her own little stool next to Momi.

  His gaze darkened. “You weren’t permitted to sit at the table?”

  When she nodded, his frown deepened. “Well, I say you are. And my word is law.”

  A complicated mixture of pleasure and uncertainty rushed through her and she shivered. His eyes softened. “I can see that this could be a challenge. Since Tanaca is due in a few minutes, perhaps we should address it again when we’re alone. For now, would you be more comfortable just sitting next to me instead?”

  Relieved, she nodded and tightened her grip on his hand.

  “Very well. Saban, bring me some cushions.”

  A few minutes later, she was curled happily at his feet on a pile of silken cushions. While he reviewed a stack of papers, she looked out into the expanse of greenery with delight. Momi’s and Popi’s house had been designed around a small garden, and she loved spending time there whenever Momi put her out to get some fresh air. She had even been allowed to do some gardening of her own.

  Here, a much larger area had been devoted to the garden, all of it designed to be pleasing both to the eye and to the other senses. The scent of flowers drifted through the air and she could hear a small stream trickling nearby. A bird trilled, the melodic note softened by the lush bushes. When she followed the sound, she saw the bird perched high in a tree inside an elaborate cage. She remembered her Popi telling her that the Imperial Palace was covered by a shield so that the weather was always perfect. Perhaps the bird couldn’t be allowed to fly free. Perhaps, like her, he wouldn’t know what to do if he was free. The thought saddened her, and she leaned closer to the emperor’s legs. He reached down and patted her head absently, but the caress comforted her and she let herself take consolation in his touch.

  Chapter Three

  When Tanaca appeared on the balcony, he took in the sight of Ella curled at Karthajin’s feet and raised a brow, but he didn’t comment. Instead, he bowed with his usual smooth courtesy.

  “My apologies for being late, Your Imperial Majesty.”

  “You’re not late and you know it, Tanaca,” Karthajin said dryly. “However, since I missed my morning training, I was reviewing the Alargan shipping contract while I was waiting. We will have to renegotiate. The interest rates are exorbitant.”

  “Yes, Sire.” Tanaca’s face remained expressionless as he continued. “Your father chose to negotiate that contract himself.”

  Karthajin had to force his own face to remain neutral. His father had ruled for less than six months but during that brief time frame, he had made a number of foolish decisions. A year into his own reign, he was still dealing with the repercussions. Small, cold fingers crept around his ankle, interrupting his annoyance with his father’s shortcomings, and he realized that Ella was trembling. He looked down and saw she was staring fearfully at Tanaca. He wasn’t sure why she was frightened but he patted her head again, enjoying the way her silky curls clung to his fingers.

  “Don’t worry, pet. Tanaca won’t harm you—no one will harm you here.”

  At his words, she looked up and gave him a shy smile. The expression turned her face from merely pretty into an innocent loveliness that made his breath catch. His body began to react as well, but he sternly suppressed the impulse. By Napisten’s knees, she was only a child.

  Saban arrived with the meal at that point and he gratefully accepted the interruption. While Tanaca provided his usual morning update, Karthajin fed Ella, checking to see what she liked. Her favorites were the sulta fruit and the small sweet rolls. She made a disgusted face when he tried to give her a dr
ied custra, then looked guilty. He laughed and took it back.

  “You don’t have to eat anything you don’t like, pet.”

  He handed her another sweet roll and looked up to find Tanaca watching him across the table. Karthajin raised an eyebrow but Tanaca didn’t respond to the unspoken challenge, continuing with the next order of business.

  “A consortium of Gliese merchant houses have applied for primary trade rights in the new Havari system. This is their third request in under a year.”

  “They’re determined to establish a monopoly in that sector.” He shook his head. “Has anyone else applied?”

  “A small group of Free Traders and the Ceekats, of course.”

  “Give it to the Free Traders for a period of five years. If they can establish a successful business during that time, they can keep the rights. If not, we’ll put it up for bid. Is there anything else?”

  “There is one more thing, Sire. It’s about the matter that former Prince Rastrath brought to your attention.” Tanaca shot a glance at Ella, who had finished her small meal and was looking out into the garden. The extremely confidential matter he was referring to was a weapon capable of destroying a planet. One had already been deployed and Rastrath had discovered that a second was being constructed at a secret lab.

  “Well?” he said impatiently, annoyed by the unnecessary hesitation. As if the child was a threat. “What have you found out?”

  “Nothing. That’s the issue. One scout ship disappeared. Another one was found wrecked a considerable distance from the target. Neither of the two… investigators we attempted to insert have returned. We may be forced to go with Fleet Admiral Gernagan’s suggestion.”

  Karthajin shook his head. “Taking it by force is too risky. If the weapon is triggered, we could lose another planet. Not to mention that I want more information. Who’s behind it and what are they planning? And what if there’s another site?”

  He stared across the table at Tanaca, tapping his fingers as he thought. The original information about the secret lab had been gathered by the crew of an independent freighter. Perhaps they could be successful a second time.

  “Send for Captain Athtar,” he ordered.

  “Sire?” Tanaca raised a brow.

  “He managed to get a man in and out of the facility before. Perhaps this time he can bring someone out with him.”

  “Neither he nor his crew are trained operatives.”

  “Your trained operatives aren’t succeeding.”

  A flash of annoyance crossed Tanaca’s face before he inclined his head. “Yes, Sire. Very well. I will send for him.”

  “Politely, Tanaca.”

  “I am always polite, Sire.”

  This time he really did look offended and Karthajin grinned. “I know. I’m sure you ask someone to please bow their head before you cut their throat.”

  “Of course,” Tanaca said calmly, then let a small smile twist his lips.

  “Exactly. Are you attending the Honors awards?”

  “Not unless you wish me to be present. I have some additional information to compile before the banquet tonight. If we could meet for a few minutes prior to the start, I will give you my updates.”

  “Very well. Thank you, Tanaca.”

  His advisor bowed and departed. While his servants soundlessly cleared the remains of their breakfast, Karthajin contemplated his day. He had private audiences all morning, a diplomatic lunch, the Awards ceremony this afternoon, and a banquet in the evening. His only private time was the hour he dedicated each afternoon to continuing his studies. He sighed and felt Ella give his hand a tentative touch. He looked down to see her watching him, her brow furrowed.

  “Don’t worry, pet. Just contemplating another exciting day in the life of an emperor.”

  She curled her fingers around his and lifted them to her cheek, her skin softer than his finest silk robe. She did nothing else, made no demands on him, and he realized how rare that was. For a long moment, they sat in silence and he let the peace of the gardens and the comfort of her presence seep over him.

  A discreet cough broke the quiet.

  “Sire, your tailor has arrived. Shall I ask him to return later?”

  With the ease of long practice, he bit back the urge to tell everyone to just leave him alone and forced a smile. The fact that the tailor was the one interrupting made it easier—he genuinely liked the other man. Kolga’s sly sense of humor made long fittings a lot more bearable.

  “Kolga,” he said warmly.

  “Your Imperial Majesty.” Kolga swept a deep bow. “How may I serve you?”

  Short for a Kaisarian, Kolga was, as usual, impeccably dressed. Only the unusual buttons highlighting his tunic hinted at his more flamboyant side.

  “This child needs some clothes.”

  “She certainly does.” He studied Ella, still perched at Karthajin’s feet, and raised his brows. “Child?” Before Karthajin could respond, he moved on. “What type of attire would you like, Sire?”

  He looked down at Ella, who returned his gaze innocently. “Something pretty. Blue, perhaps, to bring out her eyes. But let her choose. She doesn’t speak but she can show you what she likes.”

  “Of course. Yes, blue might do very well. Or perhaps pink, to bring out the creaminess in her skin.” He clapped his hands. “I just received a shipment of Selengal silks that would be perfect. They’re too subtle for most Kaisarians but they would be perfect for her. Come along, um… child. This is going to be fun.”

  Ella clutched Karthajin’s hand, her eyes pleading, and he patted it reassuringly.

  “Don’t worry, Ella. Nothing is going to happen to you. You will take care of her, won’t you, Kolga?”

  “Of course, Sire.” He swept another bow and then held out his hand to Ella. When she hesitated, his grin faded and he grew serious. “I promise, Ella, you’re safe with me.”

  Blue eyes studied Kolga’s face, then she nodded and rose gracefully to her feet. She slipped her hand into Kolga’s and Karthajin had the sudden surprising urge to demand that he release her. With a last look back at him, Ella followed Kolga out of the room. Even next to Kolga’s more diminutive stature, she looked small and delicate and he had to fight the urge to go after her. Instead, he had just turned his attention back to his paperwork when another discreet cough sounded.

  “Yes, Saban?”

  “I beg your pardon, Sire, but Master Gatarro is here. He doesn’t have an appointment, but he seems most distressed. He assured me that Your Imperial Majesty would wish to see him.”

  “Yes, I do. Send him in.”

  Gatarro appeared immediately and fell to his knees. “Your Imperial Majesty. I have failed you. Ella has disappeared again. I was watching her personally, but I’m ashamed to admit that I fell asleep. My guards said that they saw her leave but because you had instructed that she was not to be touched, they made no attempt to stop her.” He paused and wiped his brow with a trembling hand. “It is, of course, my failure for not making sure they understood you would want her watched. I’ve checked the stables, the kennels, everywhere! I can’t find her.”

  Karthajin studied the groveling man. He had, indeed, failed to obey his command but the failure was not due to malice. There were a number of harsher ways Gatarro could have secured Ella, but instead he had chosen a personal watch. He’d known when he appointed Gatarro to Slave Master for the household slaves that he was not a harsh master, and that was the very reason he had chosen him. He wasn’t going to punish him for it now. However, Gatarro had fallen asleep on duty so he let the man sweat for a few more minutes before he spoke.

  “Ella is here with me. She is safe.”

  Gatarro sagged with relief, then looked around in confusion. “Here, Sire?”

  “Yes. She is being fitted for some new clothes currently.”

  “Clothes? But… Oh, I see.” The look of relief was replaced with one of distress. Twisting his hands together, he took a deep breath. “I apologize if I offend Your Imperial Maj
esty, but I believe she would be better off with me. She may be of age, but she is a complete innocent—”

  “Of age?” Karthajin hid his shock.

  “Yes, Sire. Her paperwork was quite clear, even though it was a somewhat… unusual transaction.”

  He forced his mind away from the revelation about Ella’s age. “What was unusual about it?”

  “It was a private transaction and, I’m sorry to say, most probably illegal. Her owner was a relatively low-level bureaucrat, a government historian. I don’t know where he would have found the money to purchase such an expensive slave.”

  “Did the paperwork say where she was from?”

  “A planet called Earth. I believe it is a pre-spaceflight world which is why it would have been an illegal transaction.” He shook his head. “Shocking, really. But I understand that they were a childless couple. I’m sure it brought them great comfort to have a little pet instead.”

  Earth? Once again, Karthajin hid his surprise. He had recently encountered another female from that planet, but the two were so different he would never have assumed that they came from the same location. Even now, he found it hard to believe that the lush, dark-haired female mated to his cousin Rastrath could be from the same planet as his delicate little Ella.

  “What happened to her owners?”

  Gatarro shook his head again, looking troubled. “A senseless crime. They were found murdered in their home. It appeared that they had been tortured. Ella was hiding in a closet, almost catatonic when they found her. Since they had no heirs, she was put up for auction.” He straightened his shoulders and looked Karthajin in the eye. “I bought her for the Imperial Palace because if I did not, she would have been sold to a brothel. I did not want to see that innocence ruined. Please, Your Imperial Majesty, let her return to me.”

  A wave of outrage swept through Karthajin. This man thought that he would defile an innocent?


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