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Ella and the Emperor (Alien Abduction #5)

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by Honey Phillips

  “You were not successful in protecting her the first time,” he said coolly. “She is better off with me. You are dismissed.”

  Gatarro hesitated, then took one look at his face, nodded, and scrambled awkwardly to his feet. He bowed his way out of the room without another word.

  Karthajin picked up his papers but his mind kept returning to Gatarro’s words. His Ella was human? He pictured her next to his cousin’s consort and shook his head. Even ignoring the other woman’s advanced pregnancy, there was no comparison between the two females. He couldn’t imagine Ella’s small body ripe with child, although the thought caused an unexpected rush of heat to his loins. Sternly suppressing the reaction, he focused on his paperwork.

  However, despite his attempts to push the thoughts aside, they insisted on intruding throughout his next two meetings. That pretty little girl was an adult? Of course, it shouldn’t make any difference—Gatarro was quite right that she was obviously innocent. He thought he had finally dismissed the idea when the door opened and Ella rushed in. The shapeless black uniform was gone. In its place was a simple blue dress with a high waist. It was pretty and delicate and feminine—and left absolutely no doubt that she was not a child.

  Chapter Four

  Ella studied the man who was leading her away from the emperor from under her lashes. Although he was still tall, he was shorter than most Kaisarians, and that made her feel a little safer. In addition, she had seen only kindness in his face. He looked down and caught her peeping and laughed.

  “Sizing me up, sweetie?”

  Her cheeks heated and he laughed again. “Don’t worry. You have nothing to fear from me. And even if I had evil intentions, which I don’t, I’m quite sure the emperor would have my head if I harmed you.”

  A warm glow filled her, and she ducked her head to hide her pleased smile.

  “Can you really not talk?”

  She shook her head.

  “But you’re not a child, are you?”

  After a brief hesitation, she shook her head again. Momi and Popi had never been happy when she showed any signs of growing up. They had preferred to ignore the obvious signs and, since she wanted to make them happy, she had learned to behave accordingly.

  “I didn’t think so.” Kolga nodded and flashed her a grin. “You don’t spend four decades dressing people without learning what someone looks like under their clothes.”

  Before she could decide how she felt about his comment, he stopped and flung open a pair of double doors. “This is where the magic happens.”

  When she hesitated, he took her hand again and led her inside. It was an enormous space, with a wall of windows along one side. In front of the windows, a number of people were doing various types of handwork, while on the other side of the room, more people were working industriously on a variety of devices ranging from a familiar looking sewing machine to a complicated set of computer screens. A loft ran the full length of the room and she could see bolt after bolt of fabric in every color of the rainbow.

  Kolga clapped. “Varrona, Zaba, attend me, please.”

  Without waiting for a response, he led her up the stairs to the fabric loft. “Now, let’s see. What do we like? Blue, of course.” He started tagging bolts of fabric. “Pale pink would work. Or perhaps, yellow.”

  Unable to help herself, she shook her head violently. She had been wearing yellow the night Momi and Popi had been killed. She couldn’t remember the events of the evening, but she had a very clear memory of looking down and seeing a spray of red on her yellow dress. The memory started to take over and she didn't even realize how quickly she was breathing until Kolga took her hand.

  “It’s all right, sweetie. You’re safe here. No yellow, I promise.”

  Clinging gratefully to his hand, she forced her breathing to slow. As it did, she realized that he had been joined by two women. All three of them were looking at her with concern but no one seemed angry or impatient. She gave them a tentative smile.

  “That’s better. Ella, this is Varrona and Zaba. If you’ll go behind that screen over there with Varrona, she’ll get your measurements.”

  The next few hours passed in a blur of fabric and color. Kolga sketched out designs with astonishing speed but he always made sure that she approved each one before passing it to the women. At first, she was hesitant to indicate that she didn’t like something, but her confidence grew as he accepted each rejection with unruffled aplomb. After the third time she shook her head at a dress edged with ruffles, he laughed.

  “Ok, sweetie. I get the picture. Nothing too frilly.”

  He turned back to his design pad as the realization swept over Ella. She was rejecting the type of clothes she had always worn. Momi liked her in frilly little outfits with ruffled skirts and lots of bows. They were always very pretty and she’d never really minded but now, now she found herself longing for something a little more grown up. Perhaps even something that would make Karthajin think of her as something more than a child. Perhaps even as a woman.

  She shook her head. It was a ridiculous thought. Not only was he the emperor, he was so devastatingly handsome, he must have women flocking to him constantly. The thought caused an unexpected hollowness in her stomach and she scowled.

  “Now what’s the matter, sweetie. Don’t you like it?” Kolga was rotating a floating image of a dress and she gasped with pleasure. It was beautiful—a simple column of pale blue silk, gathered under the breasts with an embroidered sash. More embroidery in the form of tiny blue flowers edged the neck and the small puff sleeves. Unthinkingly, she reached for the image, but it wavered at her touch.

  “I take it that meets with your approval?” Kolga asked, and she nodded enthusiastically.

  By the time she had approved a number of additional images, the blue dress was ready. She slipped it on behind the screen, along with a pair of matching blue slippers. The fabric floated lightly over her skin, clinging just enough to accentuate her slight curves. The neckline revealed the merest hint of cleavage, but it was the most daring thing she had ever worn. For a brief second, she thought of returning to her uniform, but then the thought of Karthajin seeing her made her reconsider. Would he like it? Would his eyes linger on the soft white flesh above the neckline?

  At the thought, her nipples tingled and she was suddenly aware that they had tightened into stiff little peaks. Pressing her hands against them only made the ache increase, so she finally abandoned the attempt and left the privacy of the screen. Kolga and his attendants clapped enthusiastically and she blushed.

  “You look beautiful, sweetie. I wonder, would a little makeup…” He studied her face, then shook his head. “No, you’re perfect as you are. Let’s return you to the emperor and see what he thinks.”

  As Kolga led the way back through the palace, they passed several servants and a few elaborately dressed courtiers. They all paid far more attention to her than she was used to, and she found herself shrinking closer to Kolga. The last time she had attracted attention had been with the two guards. She had been in a hurry to get to the stables and check on her favorite tigren, when she’d run around a corner and straight into their grasp. Her breathing rate started to increase as the memories surfaced. Kolga noticed and tucked her hand into his arm.

  “Don’t worry, sweetie. They are just admiring your new look. No one is going to hurt you.”

  His words comforted her, but she was still anxious to get back to Karthajin. They halted outside a pair of double doors, flanked by two of the massive guards. Despite her trepidation, as soon as they saw her, they nodded and swung the doors open wide for her to enter. Inside was another chamber, this one occupied by one of the tall blue aliens. She had the same brief moment of panic that she’d experienced when she’d seen Karthajin’s advisor earlier that day, although she didn’t understand why she was scared. The Elginar were widely known as quiet, scholarly types.

  The man rose to his feet and exchanged a few words with Kolga before opening yet another set of doo
rs. Inside was a large office, overlooking more gardens. She had a fleeting delighted vision of a wall of books, but her attention was drawn immediately to Karthajin. He was seated at a large desk by the windows and there was a look of weariness on his handsome face that made her heart twist. Then he looked up and saw her.

  Karthajin’s reaction was everything she could have wished. Although he quickly slipped into his usual careless mask, she saw the heat that flared in his eyes. She skipped over to him and twirled, her nipples tightening again when he cast a quick look down her body, lingering for a second on her breasts. His hand clenched on the arm of his chair, but his voice was casual.

  “An excellent job, as always, Kolga.”

  “Thank you, Sire. It’s easy when you have such a charming subject.”

  Touched by Kolga’s words, she danced back over to him and reached up to give him a quick kiss on the cheek, the way she would have kissed Popi. He smiled down at her, then they both jumped when Karthajin made a harsh sound. Kolga immediately stepped back.

  “There are other outfits being completed now, Your Imperial Majesty. Where would you like them delivered?”

  Kolga’s voice was perfectly neutral but he seemed oddly tense. Ella looked at Karthajin anxiously. Would he think the gift of pretty clothes was sufficient, and send her back to the slave quarters? She held her breath until he shrugged.

  “Send them here.”

  She and Kolga both relaxed.

  “Yes, Sire. I will arrange for it personally.” Kolga swept another bow, gave her a wink, and departed.

  For a moment she wasn’t sure what to do. Karthajin was contemplating his hands, an odd look on his face, but then he looked up and smiled at her. Relieved that he was smiling again, she flew back over to him, intending to give him a thank you kiss as well, and already anticipating the way his short beard would feel against her lips. Instead, he held out his hand and brought her gently to a halt. Puzzled, she sank down at his feet instead, still clinging to his hand.

  Since she couldn’t kiss him, she made her best effort to talk. “Th-tha...”

  Frustrated that the words wouldn’t come, she scowled, but he gave her hand a comforting squeeze.

  “Thank you? You’re quite welcome, pet. Although that dress does make it quite clear that you’re not a child, which could be problematic.”

  She tilted her head.

  “Anyone who sees a beautiful young girl at my side is going to make certain… assumptions.”

  A little thrill of excitement went through her. Did that mean that people would think he liked her? She nodded eagerly and he laughed ruefully.

  “I suspect you don’t understand. They would assume you were my sex slave.”

  Her mouth dropped open. Her? She shivered with a complicated mixture of disbelief and longing. Despite Momi and Popi’s refusal to see it, she wasn’t a child anymore. Her nipples started to ache again, along with a new throbbing, low in her belly. The feelings that she had suppressed for so long were surfacing. Pushing them aside to examine later, she looked up at him and shrugged.

  He was still frowning. “Perhaps it would be better to send you back to Gatarro.”

  She tightened her grip on his hand and shook her head frantically.

  “No, I don’t suppose I will. He didn’t take very good care of you, did he? Very well. You can stay with me until I can make more suitable arrangements.”

  That comment didn’t please her at all, but then she’d had no real expectation of being allowed to stay forever so she forced a smile.

  “Don’t worry, pet. I’ll find you a good home.”

  Fighting down a sudden impulse to scowl at him, she masked her feelings behind the expression of wide-eyed innocence that served her so well. From the way he studied her face, she suspected he didn’t believe it as easily as Momi and Popi had, but he didn’t say anything.

  There was a discreet knock, and the Elginar appeared. “Sire, the Hecusians are here.”

  “Just a minute.” Karthajin looked back down at her. “What would you like to do now, pet? Take a nap, perhaps?”

  It took more effort not to scowl this time. Momi had insisted on daily naps and Ella hated them. She clutched his hand pleadingly and shook her head.

  “You want to stay here? It won’t be very exciting.”

  “B-b-bo…” Frustrated, she gestured at the wall of bookcases.

  “You can read?” He looked shocked.

  There was no stopping her frown this time, but he only laughed at her expression.

  “Sorry, pet. I just didn’t think your owners would have taught you. Very well, you can curl up over there with a book, as long as you promise not to interrupt.”

  Before he could stop her, she dropped a quick kiss on his hand, then skipped over to the wall of old-fashioned books. While the memory of her life on Earth was even more of a blur than her actual kidnapping, she thought she must have always loved to read. Popi had owned a much smaller collection of physical books and she’d been drawn to them, even though the symbols made no sense to her. When Popi had seen her pick one up one day, he’d been delighted by her interest and taught her to read Kaisarian.

  At first it was fun, and he would even have her read simple passages when they had friends over, both Momi and Popi beaming proudly. But as her skills advanced and she wanted to move on to more complicated books, he suddenly stopped teaching her. Since he looked distressed when she asked for more lessons, she let it drop.

  Instead, she taught herself and started keeping a book hidden away for nap times. Once she had her own bed, she would sneak down during the night and read. By the time they’d… died, she’d been through every book in his collection at least once. Now she gave a sigh of delight and picked up an old favorite. When the servant returned with Karthajin’s visitors, she was happily ensconced in her book.

  Chapter Five

  Karthajin paid considerably less attention to his next visitors than he usually did. His eyes kept drifting over to Ella, curled in a corner with her book, while his mind kept replaying the vision of her twirling in front of him. The light from the window had turned her gown translucent and he could see each detail of her slender body, from her small pert breasts to the tiny patch of gold curls between softly curved thighs. His horns pulsed and his cock stirred, just from the memory, but he forced his body under control by concentrating on the two Hecusians arguing with each other.

  In their anger, they had forgotten their place and their voices were beginning to rise. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Ella’s head tilt and suspected that she was listening to the argument, even though she didn’t raise her eyes from her book. He was suddenly tired of the noise and the petty squabble.

  “Enough,” he ordered. “I will take this matter under advisement. You are dismissed.”

  Cut off in mid-sentence, the Hecusians exchanged startled looks, but rose immediately. “Yes, Your Imperial Majesty.”

  As they bowed and turned to leave, one of them caught sight of Ella. He paused long enough to give her an appreciative look. “A new pet, Sire? I’m not familiar with the species but she looks quite charming.”

  He obviously thought he was ingratiating himself and Karthajin had to fight back the urge to order him to keep his eyes to himself. Instead, he kept his voice cold and disinterested. “I don’t believe I require your approval.”

  The Hecusians might be loud and argumentative, but they were not stupid. They left without another word. He sighed and looked over to find Ella peeping at him, her eyes full of mischief.

  “I told you that would happen. I also told you that the meeting would be boring.”

  Eyes still laughing, she shook her head.

  “Perhaps you’re right. They did get somewhat heated in their discussion.” For the first time, he noticed the red cover of the thick volume resting on her lap. “What are you reading, pet?”

  She immediately jumped up and came to him with her quick, graceful steps, handing him the book.

��Turmoil and Tranquility?” He tried to hide his shock, but he must not have been entirely successful because she bit her lip. The book was a classic of Kaisarian literature from several centuries before. It was undeniably well-written, but it was also long, involved, and written in the formal elaborate style which had been popular at the time. He took another look at that innocent, youthful face and suspected that he had seriously underestimated her. “Have you read this before?”

  After a long pause, she nodded, but she looked guilty.

  “Were you supposed to?”

  This time she shook her head, giving him an anxious look.

  “Don’t worry, pet. Here, you can read anything you want.”

  A brilliant smile lit her face and she flung herself into his arms. He knew he should reprimand her, but her spontaneous affection was oddly endearing. Instead, he settled back in his chair and gathered her close. She nestled against him with a contented little sound that reminded him of a linae cub.

  “You’re an affectionate little thing, aren’t you? Did your owners snuggle with you?”

  She nodded but didn't look up. After a minute, he realized she was trembling. When he gently raised her chin, he saw that she was crying, big silent tears rolling down her cheeks. Desiring only to comfort her, he leant down and gave her a gentle kiss. She gasped and her lips parted. Completely unable to resist, he ran his tongue across her luscious bottom lip and dipped inside. She tasted of fruit and tea, with an underlying sweetness that was completely her own and completely different from any other kiss he had ever had.

  When she didn’t respond, he started to force himself to withdraw, but then she grabbed his head, accidentally brushing against the sensitive base of his horns. His shaft responded, but he ignored it and focused on her tentative attempts to return his kiss as her tongue shyly reached for his. He gently encouraged her, and she grew bolder, obviously inexperienced but making up for it with her enthusiasm. Completely uninhibited, she arched toward him, responding with an eager innocence that made the kiss seem as fresh and new for him as it obviously was for her. When he finally, regretfully, lifted his head, his cock was rock hard, his horns were throbbing, and he was as aroused as he’d ever been in his life.


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