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Ella and the Emperor (Alien Abduction #5)

Page 18

by Honey Phillips

  Ella’s lids fluttered and her eyes opened.

  “I knew you’d come for me.” Her voice was a hoarse rasp.

  “I will always come for you, kitten,” he vowed.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Karthajin stood at the front of the great cathedral, waiting impatiently. Every inch of the vast space was adorned with white flowers, their lush fragrance filling the air. Sparkling lights twinkled, their soft glow reflecting off the marble columns and jewel encrusted mosaics. The throng of guests from across the galaxy were arrayed in their glittering finest. He didn’t see any of it, his eyes fixed on the entrance.

  At last, the music swelled and the doors opened. Ella stood framed in the opening, a small figure in a cloud of sparkling white. As she moved down the aisle, the dress floated around her, the dozens of sheer layers edged with flowered lace and dotted with tiny jewels that caught the light as she moved. A long train of matching lace streamed out behind her. Vradaz and Sendat escorted her, one on either side. The gruff stable master had actually been rendered speechless at her request.

  “Aye,” he said finally, but Karthajin had seen him blow his nose as he turned away. Sendat had simply bowed as deeply as he would have bowed to Karthajin.

  “I would be honored,” he said, in his low, deep voice.

  A human mate, accompanied by a Bukharan guard and a Torpak stable master. It was a clear statement of his political intentions, but today he didn’t care about politics, he only cared that soon Ella would be his forever.

  When she finally reached his side, her cheeks were pink and her eyes were shining. She slipped her small hand into his and happiness filled him. Together they turned to face the priest. Orokoth had taken his vows in time to perform the ceremony. He had chosen to keep his simple black robes, shunning the elaborate robes in which Lekasar had delighted.

  “Chosen of Napisten,” Orokoth said. “Are you prepared to take this woman as your own, to protect and love for the rest of your life?”

  “I am.”

  Orokoth turned to Ella. “Chosen of Napisten.” There was a low murmur from the crowd. “Are you prepared to take this man as your own, to nurture and love for the rest of your life?”

  “I am.” Her voice rang clear and sweet throughout the cathedral.

  “Then let us begin.”

  Ella sagged against Karthajin’s arm. The mating ceremony, which Deb insisted on calling a wedding, had been wonderful, but she was exhausted. She had been awake before first light, full of excited anticipation. Karthajin had laughed at her as she fluttered around their room and told her he had a suggestion as to how she could work off her nervous energy. Unfortunately, before she could take advantage of the enticing promise in his eyes, Saban had announced that Kolga was waiting. The morning disappeared in a haze of last-minute adjustments as every inch of her was polished, adorned, and perfected. She didn’t catch her breath until she was standing outside of the cathedral doors with her two escorts.

  “You’ll do, girl,” Vradaz said gruffly, and she kissed his rough scaled cheek.

  “You will be a worthy Consort,” Sendat said solemnly. She had made him bend down so she could kiss the soft fur of his cheek as well and caught the pleased twist of his lips on his normally stoic countenance.

  But then the doors opened and all she could see, all she could think about, was Karthajin waiting for her at the end of the long aisle. He looked impossibly handsome, strong and commanding and hers. Like her, he was dressed in white, the color highlighting the dark red of his skin, and she knew he had chosen it after Deb insisted that white was the appropriate color for a wedding, a symbol of new beginnings. Her heart fluttered and she had to fight to maintain a measured pace. All she wanted to do was to run to him.

  The ceremony itself was a blur, her concentration not on the words but on his hand enclosing hers, on his eyes watching her with all the love she could ever want.

  “Tired, my love?” Karthajin asked, and she looked up to find him watching her.

  “A little,” she admitted. The ceremony had been followed by an enormous party that had lasted most of the afternoon. They had been besieged by an endless parade of well-wishers, although she suspected that a good percentage of them had been less than sincere. Still, it was easy to be gracious and smile when she had Karthajin beside her. Dusk was falling now but the party showed no sign of slowing down.

  “Then we will leave. I’m anxious to be alone with my beautiful consort.” Her body immediately responded to the heat in his gaze.

  “We don’t have to stay?”

  “I am the emperor, pet. Is anyone going to object?”

  She giggled. “I suppose not.” She took a quick glance around to see if there was anyone she wished to speak to, but Deb and Rastrath had left several hours ago to return to Athtren. They were also watching Chika for the evening. Vradaz had only lasted long enough for a single toast. Sendat was in close conversation with Admiral Gernagan and Tanaca was nowhere in sight. “Let’s go.”

  When he helped her to her feet, she swayed. Even though the train had been removed and the dress was comprised of layers of floating gauze, it was still heavier than anything she was used to wearing.

  “Kitten, what’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. I guess I’m just more tired than I thought.”

  Without giving her a chance to protest, he swept her up in his arms. She could hear the shocked murmurs, but she paid no attention, smiling into his eyes instead.

  “Now that I’m First Consort, should I expect to be carried everywhere?”

  “If that’s what you wish.” He smiled back, eyes dancing.

  “I only wish to be with you.”

  “Then that works out well.” They had reached the door where Warnax was on duty. The guard had refused to join the wedding celebration, still horrified that Lekasar had been able to take Ella, even though they had both assured him that he wasn’t to blame.

  “The carriage is ready, Sire.”

  “Carriage?” she asked, then squealed happily when she peeked over Karthajin’s shoulder. An open gold carriage, drawn by six snow-white lovasts, was waiting at the bottom of the stairs. One of the lovasts tossed his head, his crest rippling, and she recognized him from the stables. “That’s Patka.”

  “Vradaz said he was one of your favorites.”

  “He is. Thank you.”

  People were beginning to accumulate behind them now, so he carried her down the steps and into the carriage. Warnax and another guard stepped up behind them, the driver clicked to the lovasts, and they drove off along the avenue, the sound of cheers accompanying them. The setting sun highlighted the buildings they passed, turning the massive back walls to molten gold. They were still within the palace grounds, but she had never been in this section. After a short drive, they passed through a set of ornate gates into an expanse of green.

  “What is this place?” she asked. Huge trees arched overhead, bigger than anything she had seen on Kaisar.

  “It used to be the Royal Hunting Preserve.”

  “Isn’t this where your father died?”

  “Yes,” he said quietly. “I’ve never been interested in hunting and I closed it off after his death. Now part of it is used as a different type of preserve—one to breed rare and exotic animals and prevent their extinction.”

  “Can we go see them?” she asked eagerly, and he laughed.

  “Yes, I have made arrangements for tomorrow. Tonight you are all mine.”

  “Here?” The park was pretty, but it didn’t really seem like a place to spend the night. Then they turned a corner. A low wooden pavilion curved along one side of an open meadow. Only a few paper screens and some long white curtains separated the inside from the surroundings. Lanterns hung from the rafters, casting a warm golden glow against the encroaching darkness.

  “Do you like it, kitten? I had it built just for us, for our First Mating.”

  Tears threatened but she forced them back. “It’s beautiful. And it’s really
just for us?”

  “Yes. The driver is going to leave us here. The gates will be closed behind him and guarded. The fence is reinforced and monitored.”

  “How long can we stay?” she asked eagerly.

  “Only a few days, I’m afraid. But right now, I’m all yours.”

  “I love the sound of that.” His eyes held an answering heat but he only kissed her hand.

  The driver pulled up in front of the structure. While Karthajin had a quick conversation with Warnax, Ella went to the lovasts’ heads, petting each one and lingering over Patka. All of them were restless, their six legs prancing, their crests flaring.

  “Come along, kitten. I find I’m not even willing to share you with an animal today.”

  With a last stroke of Patka’s nose, she turned to him. “I’m ready.”

  The pavilion had appeared deceptively small against the massive trees. Once they entered, Karthajin paused to use a control panel to check on their security while Ella skipped ahead, exploring the surprisingly spacious rooms. She found a large sitting area and an even larger bedroom, even a small pool open to the night. All of their needs had been anticipated from a wardrobe filled with their clothes to a kitchen area filled with prepared delicacies. Everything was clean and simple and luxurious—golden woods that glowed in the lamp light, white silk and furs that called out to be touched. The fresh smell of the nearby forest filled the rooms and mingled with the subtle fragrance coming from the lanterns.

  When she returned to the main sitting room, Karthajin was waiting. She walked straight into his arms and hugged him, then lifted her face for his kiss. His mouth descended, soft at first then more demanding as she responded, the passion flaring between them as it always did. She could feel his shaft lengthening and thickening, and when he finally lifted his head, she could see his horns pulsing. She stroked the precise line of his short beard, then reached up to clasp his horns. She felt his body respond, but he gently pulled her hand away and laughed at her pout.

  “First, I wish to unwrap my Consort.” He kissed her nose, then circled around behind her to start removing her dress. He didn’t make it very far down the row of tiny buttons before his patience gave out and he ripped the rest of them apart.

  “Oh.” An excited shiver rippled up her spine at the reminder of his strength. He pushed the dress down over her hips, leaving her naked and expectant.

  “I have a very nice outfit for tonight,” she whispered. “It’s in the wardrobe.”

  “No.” His hands were in her hair, unfastening the jeweled combs and casting them carelessly aside as he ran his fingers through the soft curls. He walked around and studied her face. “Wait here.”

  She stood in the tattered remnants of her dress, her nipples tingling, her clit aching, her pulse racing, and didn’t move. He returned almost immediately, carrying a cleansing cloth. With slow, careful strikes, he removed the subtle makeup from her face, then studied her again.

  “That’s better. There’s my kitten.”

  “But you’re still dressed,” she pouted.

  “Do you want to undress me?”

  “Oh, yes.” She stepped carefully out of the remains of her dress and went to him.

  The white tunic was fastened by a row of ornate gold buttons, much larger than her own buttons, but her fingers trembled and she struggled to open each one. As she brushed her fingers across his chest while she worked the buttons, she could feel his heart pounding. The knowledge that he was just as excited as she was helped calm her nerves. By the time she reached his waistband her fingers had stopped trembling.

  Even the stiffly embroidered material of his pants couldn’t hide the size of his erection. She brushed her fingers along the massive bulge, still amazed that they fit together so well. But instead of continuing her attentions, she returned to his tunic, slipping it carefully off his shoulders. She wandered around to his back, dropping a line of kisses down his spine and then, more daringly, across the upper swell of his buttocks at the edge of his waistband. She followed the line of fabric around to his front, nipping at that trail of dark curls leading down from his stomach, and licked just the under the edge where his oris was already opening.

  Once again, she abandoned the tempting target, kissing her way up his chest, and fastening on one hard nipple, sucking as enthusiastically as a tiny cub. The little nub of flesh responded to her mouth, hardening and swelling, and his musky scent increased.

  “Kitten,” he warmed. “I’m about to take over.”

  For a moment she considered it—she loved the way he took control—but then she shook her head and nipped his nipple. “No, I’m undressing you.”

  “Then you’d better hurry.” The dark promise in his voice turned her own nipples diamond hard, and when she rubbed them against the solid, smooth wall of his chest, they both groaned.

  More impatiently now, she freed his erection. It reared toward her, his oris flaring, and she ran a finger across the petals. They immediately closed around her finger, sucking with that familiar gentle pulsation. The ache between her thighs intensified, her clit pulsing to the same beat.

  “Mm.” She gently pulled her finger free and bent towards him, intending to lick the glistening surface. Instead, his oris closed around her nipple, sending a spark of heat straight to her needy clit.

  “That’s a beautiful sight, kitten. But I think you’d be more comfortable over here.” He scooped her up and carried her over to one of the wide couches.

  “I was enjoying myself,” she protested.

  “You’ll enjoy this, too.” He knelt over her, using his cock to tease her breasts, until his oris closed around one nipple. A long moan escaped her lips as she gave in to the exquisite sensation. Her clit was a demanding ache between her legs, and she reached for the swollen nub, but Karthajin caught her hand. “Do little girls touch themselves?”

  “Yes,” she said, pouting up at him.

  “No, you don’t, kitten. You’re mine now. Your pleasure belongs to me.”

  She widened her eyes, and raised their joined hands to her lips, then sucked on his finger. “Please?”

  The familiar flames were dancing in his eyes, but he pulled his finger away.

  “No. I’m going to take my time and worship every inch of you.”

  And he did just that. He began by simply kissing her, long slow kisses that swept her into a world of sensual pleasure. Then he moved on to her breasts, licking and sucking and nipping until they were pink and swollen and she was rocking against his mouth. He spent the most time between her legs, using his tongue to explore her as thoroughly as if it were the first time. He delved into her entrance, using his tongue like he would his cock, plunging in and out in a steady rhythm that had her reaching for her clit again. He caught her hand and shook his head.

  “My time.”

  He kept hold of her hand, the sweet comfort of the gesture contrasting with the blaze of excitement as he finally, finally moved to the throbbing, pulsing ache of her clit. She was so taut with anticipation that she exploded with the first stroke of his tongue. He only laughed and kept going, making her come three more times, until she was completely limp and spent, sprawled across the white silk of the couch, her hand still tucked in his.

  “Now you’re ready,” he said.

  “Ready?” She opened an exhausted eye and saw him rising over her. His cock looked even more enormous than usual, dark red and swollen, his oris pulsing and dripping pearls of fluid. Despite her exhaustion, her body reacted, her oversensitive clit tingling in anticipation.

  “Yes, my love. Keep your eyes on me.”

  He never looked away from her, not as he knelt between her legs, not as his cock sank deep inside her swollen channel, not as he groaned and flooded her with his seed. Tears blurred her own vision, but she held his gaze, and let him see the love that filled her heart. When he gave a final shudder, and dropped down over her, she wrapped her arms and legs around him, holding on to him as tightly as she could. He buried his head in he
r neck, kissing the sensitive skin, and murmuring softly.

  “What did you say?”

  He lifted his head and smiled at her. “I was praising Napisten. He gave me you, and for the first time, I truly feel like his Chosen One.”


  Two years later

  Ella stepped into their bedroom and immediately began stripping off her state robes. Although she and Kolga had made considerable progress on changing the Kaisarian ideas of what was suitable for formal occasions to lighter and less ostentatious garments, they were still stiffer and less comfortable than she would have wished. She sighed with relief when she was down to the light silk shift and started to take down her hair.

  As she dropped one of the jeweled combs on the bed, she saw Chika pounce on it. The tigren, now full size, had never quite outgrown her attraction to sparkly objects.

  “Don’t you dare,” she said sternly. “I still can’t find that diamond bracelet you took last week.”

  Chika gave her an innocent look very similar to the one that Ella still used on occasion, and she laughed, dropping down on the bed to wrestle playfully with her pet. When Karthajin walked in a few minutes later, she was flushed and breathless, the sheer undergarment twisted around her body. His eyes heated with instant appreciation.

  “I much prefer that look on you, kitten.”

  “Yet, somehow I doubt you would approve of my wearing it in public,” she said, standing and giving a little twirl.

  “You are quite correct. I don’t think I will ever recover from your kitten outfit.”


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