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Ella and the Emperor (Alien Abduction #5)

Page 19

by Honey Phillips

“You seemed to like it a lot last night,” she purred, and headed for her wardrobe, letting her hips swing just a little, knowing his eyes would be fixed to her bottom. He was very fond of her little tails and she had quite a collection of them now. A little shiver skated up her spine at the memory. She was quite fond of them herself.

  “Put on something comfortable, pet. I have a surprise for you.”

  She loved his surprises, and the timing was perfect. “Private comfortable or public comfortable?”

  “Perhaps both.”

  A short time later, she danced happily along next to him down one of the private corridors. Now clad in a short little dress embroidered with tiny flowers, she shot an admiring glance at Karthajin from under her lashes. He was wearing loose silk pants, leaving his chest bare, and the sight of that wide muscled expanse still made her quiver. He saw her looking and lifted her hand to his lips, an answering heat in his own eyes.

  “Soon, kitten.”

  “Mm.” The touch of his lips made her nipples tighten and added to the low thrum of arousal, but if she’d learned nothing else over the past few years, she had learned patience. She was teasing Warnax about the fact that she had gotten under his guard that morning—he had taken over as her trainer when Sendat had accepted a position in the Imperial Fleet—when they emerged into the sunlight.

  In front of them was a serene expanse of blue, surrounded by perfectly manicured gardens and paths, but there wasn’t another person in sight. A single elegant little boat with a gaily striped canopy waited at the dock.

  “Is this the surprise?”

  “One of them. I’ve wanted to bring you here ever since that horrible excursion with Princess Szuza, but I never found the perfect time.”

  “It’s beautiful. Are we going out on the water? Can I drive the boat?” Casting a quick glance back over her shoulder at Warnax and the other guards, she whispered. “Are we going to be alone?”

  “Yes, kitten, to all of your questions. Warnax has consented to protect us from a reasonable distance.”

  “Sorry, Warnax, no boat ride for you,” she said gaily. His horns twitched and one corner of his mouth curled up. For the stoic guard, that was almost a full-fledged laugh.

  “Please endeavor not to fall out of the boat, Consort. I am not a good swimmer,” he said solemnly. Looking at that massive furred body and sturdy hooves, she rather suspected that he would sink like a stone. However, she had no doubt that if something did happen, he would dive in anyway and die trying to save her.

  “Karthajin would never let that happen, would you?”

  “I’ll keep you safe, my love,” he promised, and the look in his eyes still took her breath away.

  “Then let’s go.” She tugged his hand impatiently, and he laughed.

  “Come along then. Warnax, I expect we will be… occupied for several hours.”

  “Yes, Sire.” The guard bowed and turned away.

  “Are they really leaving us alone?” she whispered.

  “Kitten, do you suppose for one minute that he doesn’t have guards surrounding the perimeter of the lake, heat monitors covering the entire area, and probably a diver stationed in the lake?”

  “So we’re not really alone?”

  “There is no visual or auditory surveillance. That means no one can see that gorgeous little body or hear your sweet little noises when I have my wicked way with you.”

  “Mm. How wicked?” She shot him a teasing glance and saw his horns pulse.

  “You’ll just have to wait and see. Climb aboard, my lady.”

  The boat was just as delightful up close. The front part of the boat was open to the sky, the back covered by the canopy. A padded banquette accented with brightly colored cushions filled the rear of the boat, with another wedge shaped one at the front. A little table in the shade of the canopy was already covered with a tempting array of treats.

  “This is so beautiful.”

  “I thought you’d like it. Do you want to drive?”

  With Karthajin’s assistance, she drove the boat out to the very center of the lake. While he anchored, she wandered around exploring, touching the soft silk of the cushions, then bending over to watch the colorful fish flitting through the clear water.

  “That’s a very tempting pose, kitten,” he growled from behind her. She gave him an innocent look over her shoulder, and let the short dress rise up a little higher over her bottom. The little red flames danced in his eyes, and he knelt behind her, running one big, warm hand up her leg and over her bottom. She knew the minute he saw the little jeweled plug winking at him from between her cheeks. His hand clamped down hard on her bottom.

  “Do you have a new toy, pet?”

  “Do you like it?”

  “You know I love seeing your pretty little bottom suitably decorated.” He grabbed the hem of her dress and pulled it up over her head, brushing his fingers up her sides in the process, and humming in appreciation when he found nothing beneath the dress. “Naked, kitten?”

  “I know you like me that way.” She knew it was true. While he appreciated the countless elegant gowns, and certainly enjoyed the kitten outfit, he always liked her best this way, naked and unadorned.

  “That’s because all I really need is you.”

  “You have me, my love,” she said softly. In reward, he kissed her until they were both breathless.

  “Hold on to the railing, kitten,” he said, lifting her easily back into her original position. He knelt behind her, kissing her neck and shoulders while he teased her nipples into stiff little peaks. Usually, he loved keeping her on the edge, but this afternoon he seemed more impatient. As soon as he checked and found her wet and ready for him, he began working his way into her channel. The plug made her even tighter than usual and she shivered as he pressed deeper. His hand went to her clit, circling the swollen flesh until she loosened enough to take him. “That’s my good girl.”

  His cock was buried deep inside her, his oris already pulsing in the soft rhythm that never failed to escalate her excitement. Without pulling out, he began to play with the plug, first twisting it, then pulling it in and out. His other hand was still on her clit and the combination of sensations, his cock stretching her open, his finger circling her clit, the plug slowly moving in and out, firing every sensitive nerve ending, had her gasping with pleasure. Her body started to shake, anticipating her climax.

  Instead, he lifted her up until her back was pressed against his chest, then brought her hands up to circle his neck. “Hold on to me, kitten.”

  The position made her back arch, burying his cock even deeper, and thrusting her small breasts into greater prominence. He cupped them, then began rolling the tight little peaks between his fingers. As he teased her nipples, she squirmed, trying to force him to move. He chuckled and moved a hand down to cup her mons, holding her in place but also spreading his fingers so he could see every detail. Her clit was pink and swollen, protruding from its hood and he massaged it until she was quivering with excitement, her body tense and straining for her climax.

  “More,” she demanded, and moved her hands to the base of his horns, squeezing the sensitive tissue. His control disintegrated. He clamped down on her clit, sending her flying into her climax. As soon as he felt her cunt convulsing, he grabbed her hips, raising and lowering her faster and faster until he was slamming her down, until her hands were digging into his horns, until his seed erupted inside her in a burst of white-hot flames.

  He shuddered and wrapped his arms around her, and her hands came down to cover his. He kissed the side of her neck and she turned her head seeking his mouth. He gave her a long sweet kiss, then gently pulled out. Together they sprawled across the cushions and listened to the waves lapping against the boat.

  Although still under the climate barrier which covered the entire palace grounds, the area was less controlled and the sun shone a little hotter, the breeze blew a little more. She stretched lazily, enjoying the heat of the sun on her naked body.

p; “This is like we are actually outside,” she murmured happily.

  “I’m sorry we haven’t been able to leave the palace more often.” Although they had managed an occasional night at the pavilion in the Royal Preserve, they had been few and far between. With the announcement of a more integrated Kaisarian Empire, Karthajin’s workload had increased tenfold. There had been a short, but bloody, revolt in one of the Northern provinces. The Delta Quadrant had tried to leave the Empire entirely and had only been convinced to stay after long, tedious negotiations—and an influx of battleships. Although Admiral Gernagan kept a firm hand on the integration of the military, the Fleet had taken some time to adjust to the new conditions, and many of the other areas of his government had struggled as well. She had been at his side through all of it.

  “I understand, my love,” she said softly. “Although that does remind me, Prince Bajos kindly offered us the use of his country estate.”

  “Is that why he spent so long talking to you today?” he growled.

  “He thinks if he ingratiates himself with me, I’ll convince you to lift the trade ban with Uzara,” she giggled, then continued thoughtfully. “It’s actually not a bad idea. The Uzarans could use an influx of credits to help with—”

  “I don’t like it.”

  Startled, she turned to him. He was usually very receptive to her ideas. But then she saw the frown on his face and realized the source of his objection. “Because Prince Bajos suggested it?” she teased.

  “I don’t want to encourage him to keep ogling my mate,” he growled.

  “Why, Karthajin, are you jealous?” she asked, batting her eyelashes.

  “I’m jealous of anyone that even looks at you. Sometimes, I wish I could just keep you locked up in our rooms forever.”

  “You did try that, you know.”

  “And I enjoyed it very much.”

  It was the perfect opening. She took a deep breath. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about that.”

  “About our rooms?”

  “Yes.” She peeped at him from under her lashes, wishing she was a little more sure about his reaction. While they had discussed it in the past, it had been a long and difficult two years and things had only just settled down. “I was thinking about the First Consort’s quarters.”

  “If you think for one second that I will ever permit you to move into a separate set of rooms, you are entirely mistaken,” he roared. “You will be in our bed every night for the rest of our lives.”

  Her mouth dropped open. He was always so calm and even-tempered. Even when he was most enraged, it was masked by an icy control.

  “My love, I have no intention of ever leaving you,” she said quietly.

  “And I will never put you aside,” he said in a hoarse whisper, and she suddenly realized why he was so upset. The memory of his mother’s unhappiness still haunted him.

  “Karthajin, I know that. I went about this all wrong. I was just going to suggest that maybe we could use that space to set up a nursery.”

  “A nursery?” he asked, his voice dazed. “Are you…”

  “No, not yet. I wouldn’t do that without talking to you first—although I did bring the pill to reverse my birth control. But it just seems like things are finally calm again, and Orokoth would really like not to be next in line, and as much as I despise Lekasar, he was probably right about your people wanting an heir and—”

  He pressed his fingers gently across her mouth, stemming the flow of words.

  “Our people, Ella. And those are all very good reasons. But is this what you want?”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “Oh, yes, my love. I want this very much.”

  Karthajin looked down at his consort, his mate, his love. She never ceased to amaze him. Over the past two years, she had proven time after time that she could handle the never-ending politics of the Royal Court, her sharp little mind seeing far more than most of them ever realized, yet she hadn’t lost her sunny, happy disposition. She could go from regal consort to playful kitten in the blink of an eye. He had no doubt she would turn into a fierce mother tigren if their child was ever threatened.

  Their child. He caressed her slender stomach, trying to imagine it ripe and swollen with his son or daughter. Even though he had just come so intensely, his shaft responded to the image, stiffening and throbbing. Her eyes widened at the sight, then sparkled up at him.

  “I guess you approve of the idea?”

  “Very much so.”

  “It might not happen right away,” she warned him, then her face fell. “Or at all. We still don’t know that all humans are able to breed successfully with other species.”

  “Yes, Rastrath was worried about that, too, when they decided to try for another child—and Deb was pregnant a week later,” he said dryly.

  “Not exactly,” she giggled. “But you’re right. I shouldn’t anticipate trouble.”

  “My love, I am quite confident that you will carry our child, a child who will be loved and protected by both his parents from the day he is born.”

  “Yes.” She put her hand over his where it still covered her stomach. “I like to think that your mother would be happy about that.”

  “She would be. I wish that I could have saved her, but I can only be grateful that she loved me enough that I recognized it when it came along. Because you did save me, Ella. You gave me my first real experiences in so many things. Real because they happened with love.”

  Her eyes filled with happy tears. “I love you, too.”

  He wrapped his arms around her and held for a long moment, thanking Napisten once again for bringing this woman to him. Then he replayed her words and sat up abruptly.

  “Where is it?” he demanded.

  Ella stared at him. “Where is what?”

  “The pill to reverse your birth control.”

  Her eyes softened. “In the pocket of my dress. You want me to take it now?”

  He didn’t bother to answer, already searching the discarded dress for the small pink pill. As soon as he found it, he brought it to her with a glass of water.

  “Now, kitten.”

  With a sultry smile, she swallowed the pill and laid back across the cushions, lifting her arms to him.

  “I’m ready, my emperor. Let’s make a baby.”

  And with a happy heart and an eager cock, he proceeded to do just that.

  Author’s Note

  Thank you for reading Ella and the Emperor! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I love the way Ella grows over the course of the book.

  Whether you loved the book or not, it would mean the world to me if you left an honest review on Amazon. Word of mouth is incredibly helpful for authors and I’d love to know your thoughts!

  The science fiction romance community is amazing! I’m truly grateful for the love and support I have received both from readers and my fellow authors. I’m especially thankful for Bex McLynn and Tiffany Roberts – and if you haven’t already read their books, I highly recommend them! Plus, a special shout out to Janet S. and Kate B. for their unending support - and for always making me smile!

  Coming up next – Faith and the Fighter

  A rogue spaceship captain. A human scientist.

  Can they overcome evil and find a future together?

  And in case you missed them, the previous books in the Alien Abduction series are:

  Anna and the Alien

  Beth and the Barbarian

  Cam and the Conqueror

  Deb and the Demon

  Ella and the Emperor

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  Website: http://www.honeyphillip




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