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My Charming Billionaire (The Grimwood Legacy Series Book 2)

Page 15

by Jackie Castle

  Evelina folded her arms over her chest, contemplating her niece with one brow raised.

  “But I’m afraid I’ll never be able to trust you. So, I suggest you leave. I’ll tell the sheriff that he can do what he thinks is necessary. They might still come after you, but I’m not going to push it. However, I’m going to double my prayers for you. Maybe someday you’ll realize what you’re doing to yourself and your company.”

  Aunt Mad interjected, “That’s right. Tabatha doesn’t want to do business with your company, she’s heard too many rumors about you. She’s been trying desperately to find somewhere else in this area that will host her event. You probably never would have gotten that contract anyway, see?”

  Melody sighed. “It all sounds great, Aunt Maddie, but I still have a huge hospital bill to deal with. And then there are all the updates and—”

  Jeremy stepped forward. “Mel, may I make a suggestion?” He didn’t wish to bully his way in. She was handling this beautifully, as far as he was concerned. At her nod, he continued, “Duncan is on his way here. He wants to purchase the land where the mineral spring was found. Colton has sent a couple of design ideas for a rustic hotel to be built on that land. Duncan is bringing his plans for the therapeutic spa. You’re going to love it. He wants it to be affordable for people who are recovering from major accidents. Both of them have made a stipulation that aside from the land purchase, you will also be given a portion of any profits they make for as long as you own the resort.”

  He moved in closer until he was standing beside her. “And, if I may, I’d like to suggest that Mrs. Ash takes care of your hospital bills. Mrs. Ash, if this goes to court, I’m sure you can buy your way out of going to jail. Perhaps. You could also show you’re willing to make amends by paying Melody restitution for loss of time while she continues to heal. It would be a step in the right direction.”

  Aunt Mad nodded in agreement as she narrowed her eyes on Evelina. “Our Melly has a heart of gold. She’s a forgiving soul, isn’t she? Show her you appreciate that she’s willing to give you another chance. For once, let go of your anger and hate and do the right thing.”

  Evelina’s steely gaze moved from Maddie to the two of them.

  Melody’s cast hand had slipped into his, their fingers naturally lacing together.

  With a curt nod, Evelina said, “Very well, don’t worry about your medical bills. I’ll take care of that. At least. I’ll let you know about the rest. We’ll see if you’re willing to settle this without taking me to court or not.” She gathered her designer bag and jacket. “Good luck, Melody.” She walked out, not even bothering to acknowledge Maddie or himself.

  Jeremy didn’t mind. Hopefully, he’d never have to deal with the woman again. His arm went around Melody as he brushed a kiss against her temple. “Well done, princess. What a warrior you are.”

  Aunt Maddie’s face brightened at the two of them. She clapped her hands together. “Oh, how delightful. You two have finally found your way to each other. That’s sweet, but we have work to do, Missy. We’ll have to move quickly to write up the proposal for the ski competition. How fast do you think your brother can get that hotel up?” She began waving her hands as she spoke excitedly. “We might need to build a few more cabins. And see if the hotels in Timberview will offer special deals during the event. Oh, my, but I think you’ll need to call a staff meeting for tonight. Tabitha is willing to put off making her final decision, but only for a couple of days.”

  Aunt Mad clapped her hands again, urging them to move.

  “When is that hunky brother of yours due to arrive?” She asked as they made their way back into the lobby area where Harriet waited with a worried expression.

  “He should be here this afternoon,” Jeremy answered, trying to keep a straight face. My, but the woman was such a flirt. “Harriet, can you pass the word that there will be an important staff meeting tonight? We need everyone there, if possible.”

  Harriet looked around nervously, her smile wobbling like a deflating balloon. “Is it a good meeting, or—”

  Melody reached across the desk for her friend’s hand. “It’s all good. Fantastic, actually. Do spread the word for me, will you? Tell them we have great news and need to make some big plans.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Melody raced around the cabin trying to get ready. Her long red dress covered the brace she still had to wear. At least she was able to resume normal activity now.

  She pulled her blond curls back with a shimmering black band that matched her shoe. Black dangling earrings and a matching beaded necklace topped off her outfit.

  On the breakfast table sat an enormous bouquet of red roses and white daisies with splashes of baby’s breath. She stopped to take an appreciative sniff of them again and her smile widened. She feared if it grew anymore the edges of her mouth would pop right off her cheeks.

  But, Melody had a lot to smile about. With Auntie Maddie’s help, they’d secured the Golden Seal Ski Competition contract. The down payment was going toward updating her lifts once the snow melted and the slopes were closed down. She was finally able to breathe and enjoy a sense of peace again. How long had it been?

  She went to the closet and pulled out a faux fur jacket that used to belong to Mom. She wore it to every Valentine’s event the resort had. Melody and her crew had spent all day hanging hearts and streamers for the big party. They’d hired a band from Timberview and would be serving complimentary hors d’oeuvres. They’d sold every ticket, so the evening had turned out to be a great success and would help to pay to update some of the older cabins, including the old hunter’s cabin she’d stuck Aunt Evelina into.

  The sheriff had met Evelina at the airport and taken her into custody. More to scare her than anything else, because Melody had called him to say she didn’t wish to press charges. The sheriff was still angry that someone would do such an underhanded, and dangerous trick. He kept Evelina most of the day, threatening to have the county press charges against her. After a few hours, he let her go and warned her that he didn’t wish to see her in Timberview again.

  Two days later, Melody was notified that all her medical expenses had been taken care of by Snow Inc. Two weeks later a check came in the mail. Aunt Evelina wrote an apology in her own hand and thanked Melody for taking the higher road and not trying to retaliate for what had happened.

  Jeremy had merely smiled as she read the letter to him as if he’d expected it. She wondered if he’d had anything to do with Evelina’s change of heart. The check was very generous and was enough to pay off most of her debts.

  Melody had called her aunt and thanked her for the help, then told her that she would like if she visited from time to time. She had to promise to keep the sheriff from running her in if she did show her face in Timberview again. Melody promised that she would pick her up from the airport personally.

  Since then, she’d not heard another word from Evelina. She wasn’t surprised.

  A knock came at her door. Melody checked her reflection one more time and deemed herself perfect.

  When she opened the door, her mouth dropped open. She’d seen Jeremy in suits before and he was always pleasant to stare at. She tried not to gape, but…

  Tonight, under his long back coat, he wore a tailored black tux and was certainly a sight to see.

  “Wow, uh, I mean, I…” she sighed and shook her head. “Nice, Grimwood. You know how to make a girl appreciate a man in a tux.”

  His hands were clasped around a smaller bunch of flowers that trembled in his grasps. “Can I come in? I probably should have worn a thicker jacket, but…I went for looks instead of practicality.”

  She laughed and opened the door wider. “More flowers? The bouquet you sent yesterday was amazing enough.”

  He handed them to her. “A girl can never have too many flowers, right?”

  Melody kissed his cheek and was about to head to the kitchenette to put them in a vase, but he grabbed hold of her hand and stopped her. The cold fro
m outside radiated off him. She set the flowers down on the table and rubbed her hands over his arms. “Silly. It’s a good thing we don’t have to walk very far. I don’t want to have to drag a frozen date in with me. What would everyone think?”

  He didn’t answer, but his gaze was locked on her dress as he smiled appreciatively. “Just one look at you, hon, and it’s enough to thaw me out. You look amazing in that dress. I’m glad you save this kind of attire for special occasions or I’d have to be fighting off the competition.

  She slipped her arms around him. “No competition. You’re my Prince Charming and I have no desire to even look at anyone else.”

  He cupped her face in his hands. The coolness of his palms felt good against her flushed cheeks.

  “Good.” He kissed her and she was soon lost to what she was supposed to be doing. His lips traveled toward her ear where he whispered, “You’re going to be late to your own party.”

  “What party?” she teased, brushing her face against his smooth cheek. She liked that he didn’t care to have a beard like his older brother, Duncan, or the scruff the oldest, Colton, always seemed to have.

  “Ha-ha. As toasty as I’m feeling at the moment,” he said, “I do think we should get going. Just remember, I get all the dances.”

  Melody folded her arms over her chest and narrowed her eyes at him playfully. “Oh yeah? Says who? I’ll have you know Ol’ George is a fine dancer. Especially if they start playing polka music.” Remembering the flowers, she quickly put them in a vase before he distracted her again.

  “With your brace?”

  She turned to him, hands on hips. She still had her cast, but it would soon come off in the next week. “I can hold my own, Mister.”

  “Yes, indeed you can, Snow Princess.” Jeremy held up her coat for her. “Okay, fine. If they play polka music, you can dance with George. I’m good with that.” He offered her his arm and reached for the door handle.

  * * * *

  Duncan had sent a picture of him and Elisa at a restaurant with a view of the Eiffel Tower in the background. Suzette had some kind of fashion show in Paris and had invited the couple to join her. She had also sent a text stating that she was playing chaperone to the lovebirds. Jeremy knew better. Duncan was a gentleman. Their mother had drilled into their heads about how to treat women.

  Maybe someday Jeremy would get Melody off her beloved mountain, but honestly, he couldn’t imagine any place else that he’d want to spend this evening. He found that he loved the small-town family-centered atmosphere that Timberview and Sky High Resort provided their visitors.

  Before Evelina had paid off Melody’s medical bills, the town had collected almost half the total bill. Rumors had spread like wildfire that some generous contributor had left two thousand in cash at various places.

  Jeremy had hoped if he spread out his donations, nobody would be the wiser.

  When the mayor found out what had happened to Melody and that she’d been on the verge of selling her resort, he met with the town council members and they agreed that all money collected would go directly to Melody to help pay for the much-needed renovations she needed to do.

  They all agreed that the resort was the heartbeat of the town and they wanted to show their appreciation for all the Carson family had done to bring Timberview into existence.

  Jeremy had watched the whole thing unfold with stunned delight. He would have considered setting up his new bank in town if Uncle Hanson hadn’t stepped down from his position at the firm.

  When Duncan learned what their uncle was trying to pull with Jeremy, he got on the phone with their other uncles and aunts and basically tattle-taled on him. But it worked. The others were so furious and fed-up with Hanson’s scheming, they all turned on him. Like Evelina Ash, Uncle Hanson wanted to save face and decided to make things right.

  Jeremy was now the CEO of the Grimwood Investment firms. At least he no longer had to be in the office all the time, as he was before. He could divide his time between working remotely from the resort while he helped Melody get her books back in order, and flying to New York at the beginning of each week. He’d make it work. The best part was he was on his way to meeting the trust fund’s terms and just might be the first Grimwood to come into his full inheritance. Not bad for a stupid boy.

  “What are you grinning about?” Melody asked, gazing playfully up at him.

  “I’m thinking about how everything turned around. When we both decided to let go, instead of hanging on so tight to our aspirations, things turned around for us.”

  “The Lord took it and did what He does best. Takes our little offerings of fish and bread and turns them into a buffet for a thousand people. I’m thrilled that Duncan will let me be part of the therapy spa. I love his ideas of setting up grants for people who need help during their recovery period. It’s going to be a wonderful get-away spot.”

  “Yes, it is.”

  His big brother had become quite the philanthropist over the past few months.

  Jeremy wanted to turn around the firm and find ways to help struggling businesses instead of destroying them. He had some trials ahead of him in changing minds and attitudes there, but he was determined to make it work.

  God had blessed the Grimwood family in mighty ways and with Duncan’s help, Jeremy was realizing that they needed to leave a good legacy to those who came after them. Someday, it would be them who were dividing their portion between their children.

  Music trailed out from the main lodge where warm lights burned in all the windows. Light snow was falling tonight. If it kept up, they’d have great skiing conditions in the morning.

  When they entered, they found the room already bustling with guests and a few folks from town. The band had a stage set up in the main room. There were games going on in the tavern and food lining the reception desk. All the sofas had been pushed against the walls and a few tables had been set out. But most people were dancing and mulling around in small groups of friends.

  Melody made her rounds, introducing Jeremy to everyone. Some knew him from the little chapel he now regularly attended. Others knew of him because of his family. He always felt uncomfortable in large groups like this and wondered how Duncan and Suzette handled all the big events and galas they attended.

  At least, most were familiar faces to him. Melody kept him close, often holding his hand, or wrapping her arms around his. After they’d greeted everyone, they headed for the dance floor where a slow song was playing.

  Funny, how when Mel was in his arms, all the other worries seemed to float away. He was holding a little surprise in his pocket. Actually, it had been in his pocket since the beginning of February, but he kept fearing it was too soon, that they weren’t ready.

  Except he was so ready.

  Melody’s head rested on his chest as they swayed to the music. His fingers trailed circles over the soft fabric covering her back. As the song said, he couldn’t help falling in love with her. Finally, she seemed ready to love him back.

  How would it work out between them? Melody was part of her mountain and didn’t seem willing to leave it. His work was in New York. Though he was managing, for now, it would get tiring having to leave her for part of each week. He sighed and rested his cheek on the top of her head. Love conquered all, didn’t it?

  Would it be enough for them to breach the rocky crags that stood between them?

  “I could stay like this forever,” Melody said in a dreamy voice. She’d circled her arms around his waist and was also rubbing circles into his back. It sent a pleasant tingling sensation all through him.

  Yes, he could stay like this forever, too.

  The song changed to an upbeat song. Someone tapped on his shoulder. Jeremy turned to find George Murphy’s frowning face looking up at him. He pointed at Melody. “She’s the only one that knows how to polka. Mind if I cut in?”

  Indeed, the band had managed to transition into polka music. Jeremy narrowed his eyes at the old man. “Did you make a request?”<
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  George sent him a wink. “Gotta do what ya gotta do. Move over, bub.”

  Jeremy held up his hands and took a step back. Melody gave him a “what are you gonna do” smirk, then took off into the crowd with George. The brace didn’t really seem to hinder her at all. Such a little scrapper.

  “I’ve been bested by an old goat. And here I was worried about guys my age trying to catch her attention.” He shook his head and headed for the snack bar.

  The back wall was one large window with French doors leading out to a large patio. He noticed that the clouds had begun to part to reveal a large silvery moon hanging just above the surrounding treetops. He moved into the little alcove where there were fewer people. It was quiet here and the view was stunning.

  He sent up a silent prayer asking that when the time was right, he’d know it. Deep in his spirit, he’d know and wouldn’t hesitate in asking her. Valentines seemed like the perfect romantic time to pop the question, but…well, it wouldn’t be the first time that he’d been wrong.

  Jeremy leaned against one of the window frames. The music changed once again to a country song. Someone let out a loud whoop. It sounded like Auntie Mad.

  “There’s my introverted prince. You really don’t like big groups, do you?” Melody came up and wrapped her arms around him. “Are you sure that you’re a Grimwood?”

  He hugged her back. “I look too much like my mother to deny my affiliation with that group. Is George happy now that he’s polka-ed?”

  “Yes, he was actually smiling as he headed off to find Dottie. I think he’ll get her to do the two-step with him.”

  Jeremy pressed a kiss on Melody’s forehead. “Should I be concerned that he goes to you for the polka and Dr. Dot for the two-step? I would have thought it should be the other way around.”

  She hugged him tighter. “I know, but what can I say? Mom’s family was Polish. Daddy refused to dance with her, so she taught me the steps.” She tilted her face upward, her smile enchanting.


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