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My Charming Billionaire (The Grimwood Legacy Series Book 2)

Page 16

by Jackie Castle

  His heart raced with the possible question poised on the tip of his tongue.

  “Wasn’t that a sweet picture of Dunc and Elisa?” she asked. “They sent me one, too. Elisa is so excited that she’ll be able to have the wedding here after all. I’m trying not to be jealous of them being in Paris.”

  “Jealous?” He straightened. “You want to go to Paris?” He was thinking that they could book a flight next week, well, perhaps not that soon. But he could make it work.

  “Oh, I think it would be a dreamy place to visit. And Rome, Italy. You know, I’ve never been to a beach. Mom and Dad took me to Disneyland once, but we didn’t have time to stop at the beach.”

  He tried to keep his smile in check, knowing how she could be about him being lavish with her. Oh, but he wanted to take her to all those places. Whatever she desired, he wanted to make it happen. Still, it had to be on her terms. He loved her for that. She wasn’t a gold-digger that Dad was always warning them about.

  “I’ve been thinking,” she continued, also staring out the window at the large moon that caused the snow to sparkle like the dust of broken gems. “I think it’s time for me to start venturing out more. I do love my mountain.” She pressed her hand to the window. “There’s so much beauty here. But…”

  “But what,” he asked in a whisper.

  “But there’s beauty in the valley, too. And the city. And other places.”

  He held her tighter. “There are some amazingly beautiful places in this world. I’d love to show you someday. If you’re willing?”

  She pulled back and looked up at him. Her wide eyes nearly undid him. “I’m willing.”

  “Are you?” Then he knew. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the small square velvet box. “If you really mean it, I have one more gift for you. Do you really mean it?”

  She nodded, never taking her eyes off his.

  Jeremy swallowed down the lump growing in his throat. He flipped open the box and withdrew the diamond ring he’d asked Duncan to make for him. The 33 carats oval diamond sat in a halo of smaller diamonds. Along the band opals and diamonds created a swaying line, like the slopes of the mountains. He had even more plans for their wedding bands, already in the works. If that is, she said yes.

  “Melody, I love you from the top of these mountains, all the way to the far depths of the deepest sea. I’ve always loved you, but now I want to build a life with you. I want to be the one who takes you to see all those wonderful places. And I want to be the one who wakes up beside you right here when the sun crests the eastern ranges.”

  Her eyes grew more and more wider with his words, but she said nothing in response.

  “What do you think, hon? Will you marry me?”

  She gave one simple nod before her arms went around his neck and pulled him down into a kiss that spoke more eloquently than his carefully prepared speech.

  When she finally loosened her hold on him, he asked, “Does that mean yes?”

  Melody laughed and nodded again. “Yes. Yes. And absolutely yes! Should we plan a double wedding? Or did you have something else in mind?”

  Jeremy slipped the ring on her finger. Duncan had done masterful work on it. “I don’t know. I wasn’t thinking beyond getting you to say yes.”

  She was about to kiss him again when Auntie Mad said with a loud gasp, “Who said yes? Yes to what? Did you just propose to my niece, Mister?”

  They both turned to her and said in unison, “Yes!”

  Auntie Mad clapped her hands in excitement, then turned and blew out a loud whistle that brought the band music to a stop. She grabbed each of their hands and pulled them into the main room. “Attention everyone. Attention! Oh boy, do I have a sweet announcement to make. You won’t believe who just popped the question to my niece!”

  And the peaceful moment was gone, just like that.

  Four Months Later…

  Melody stood before the full-length mirror, staring in disbelief at her reflection. A cascade of white tulle and silk fell around her head and body like snow clinging to the mountain peaks. Aunt Maddie had fashioned her veil from a diamond tiara that she talked Duncan into letting her borrow.

  “You look beautiful, Melody dear,” Aunt Evelina said, clasping her hands together and looking her over appreciatively. Since Evelina had kept her end of the bargain by paying her medical bills and a little extra, Melody had decided to give her aunt another chance. It turned out, Evelina was a big help with advice on things she could do to make her resort more visitor friendly. The woman did know her business.

  “Thank you, Auntie. Where’s Maddie?” Her other aunt had volunteered to be the wedding planner, once she and Jeremy made the decision to not put off getting married for too long. She’d decided on a June wedding. The snows had melted and the fields were abundant with flowers and emerald green grass. The plateau they’d picked to have their service overlooked Timberview and was surrounded by mountain peaks.

  They’d set up a small stage with an arch adorned with ribbons and fresh flowers. A small string band would play music for them. Though she’d wanted something small and intimate, the guest list ended up at nearly three hundred. Good thing they’d found a wide, open spot for the ceremony.

  Harriet and Susie were her bridesmaids, and Suzette had agreed to be her maid of honor. George nearly cried when she’d asked if he would walk her down the aisle. Since he’d also worked for her parents, he took the position with a sense of deep honor. He’d even went out and rented a tuxedo for the event, which was something she never thought that she’d see him wear.

  Dottie’s eyes almost popped out of her head when she first saw him all slicked up and cleaned up.

  Zack, Danny, and Barty all wanted to help so she’d made them her ushers. She loved that her little work family was so eager to be part of her special day.

  A knock sounded at the door to her cottage. George entered, looking elegant and dignified. When he saw her, a large smile broke across his usually scowling face. “Oh my, wouldn’t your father and mother be so pleased to see you today? I know in my heart, they’d be proud over your choice of fellas. That Jeremy is a good’un in my book.”

  Melody laughed. “Well, he’s a good’un in my book, too. Are they ready to get started?”

  Following in behind him, Auntie Mad rushed in with a clipboard in hand. She wore a billowy pink dress with flowers covering the sleeves and skirt. “Let’s go, people. In your places. Is everything ready?” She checked over George, straightening out his bowtie and giving him a flirtatious wink. “You’ll be sure to save me a dance, won’t you handsome? I know how to polka, too. Been watching videos on the computer.”

  Uh oh, did Maddie have an interest in ol’ George? Melody decided that she didn’t want to know. She moved beside him while Aunt Evelina adjusted her train and then handed her the bouquet. She kissed her cheek, then said she was going to go take her seat.

  Maddie rolled her eyes, but at least they’d finally developed a healthy tolerance for each other.

  The bridesmaids took their places just as Suzette rushed in wearing a beautiful silver dress that complimented the sapphire blue the bridesmaids wore. Suzette’s dress clung to her body and flared around her knees and shoulders.

  “Sorry, sorry. I got distracted by my nieces. I simply can’t say no to those twinky-dinks.” She winked her blue shadowed eye and took her place as if she was royalty walking toward her throne.

  Colton’s twins had been made the official flower girls and had taken their jobs quite seriously. Their father had told them to stop plucking all the wildflowers as if they were a couple of goats. Both would be provided with an ample supply of rose petals to line the white cloth walkway they’d set up for Melody to follow.

  The party would have to walk through the woods that surrounded her cabin until they reached the clearing where the wedding guests, and Jeremy, waited.

  They’d not seen each other all week. He’d been in New York with his family preparing for the wedding from the ci
ty and had flown in yesterday. They’d booked a room at the hotel in Timberview. Suzette and Aunt Maddie seemed intent on keeping the couple apart until that “magic moment,” as Suzette called it.

  Her almost sister-in-law might act like she has no desire, or need, for a man, but from what Melody observed, Suzette Grimwood was a true romantic at heart. She wondered why her old friend was so sour about being in a relationship. Maybe time would tell.

  George took Melody’s hand and draped it over his arm. “Are you ready, dear?”

  She nodded and gave his arm a gentle squeeze. “Thank you for doing this.”

  “No thanks needed, Melody. I truly am honored to stand in for your father. He was a fine man and loved his family deeply. I respected him a lot.”

  “Well, I’m glad you’ve stuck with me through all this.”

  Maddie motioned that it was time for them to get in step with the others.

  At the very beginning of the line were Colton’s girls with their blond hair tied in braided tails that ran down their backs. Harriet and Susie followed about ten feet behind, then Suzette and finally Melody and George. Her heart raced with anticipation, eager to see her Jeremy.

  He’d been a stable rock during her recovery and as he helped her get the renovations for the resort underway. He had a sharp mind and didn’t mind managing the small details that usually made her break out in hives. She was a big idea kind of person, but getting all the ideas into manageable tasks was not her forte. He completed her.

  Best of all, he loved the mountains as much as she did, though he did suggest that eventually they build a home away from the resort and hire people to manage it. Even Evelina had agreed with Jeremy and said she only visited her resorts when needed, leaving the daily managing to others.

  Melody had been holding all the strings for so long, she was having trouble cutting them loose, but knew the wisdom in what both of them said. This might be the place where her heart was happiest, but it didn’t need to be her whole life. There was a wide world out there and she truly did want to begin exploring it.

  As they came out of the woods, Melody tried to look over the heads of the rows of guests, but couldn’t see anything except the very top of the arch as they walked around and stopped at the beginning of the center aisle. Maddie was there, directing the girls to head down first. Soon, it was Melody’s turn and the music changed to the wedding march.

  She held her breath and moved into place. Closing her eyes, she sent up a silent prayer that she’d not trip or do anything silly during the ceremony. She’d always hated having the spotlight on her.

  George patted her hands and said, “Let’s do this, Missy. You ready?”

  She nodded and dared to look up and ahead as they took their first steps. Jeremy was at the bottom of the stage, his brothers beside him. Duncan grinned and nudged Jeremy with his elbow. But Jeremy’s eyes were locked on Melody’s.

  His mouth slowly opened in a stunned grin as his hand rested over his heart. She gripped George’s arm tighter as a deep realization that she was about to unite her life with that handsome man waiting for her to reach his side. In a flash, she recalled a young, gangly-limbed boy with freckles covering his nose and his front tooth missing. They’d compete to see who could climb the tree the fastest, who could throw a snowball the farthest and who could drink milk without stopping to breathe. She won some, he won others.

  Who knew they’d end up in this place, with her handyman setting her hand into his? Who knew that someday, his dark blue eyes would make her knees weak? Or that his breath against her ear would make her heart pound so hard, she feared it would burst right out of her chest.

  “You look so beautiful, my Melody. What a blessed man I am.”

  Who knew his soft-spoken words would fill her heart with love and encourage her to boldly face whatever came in the future? Her fingers slipped in between his as they turned to face the pastor. Who knew that she’d want to follow him to the ends of the earth if he offered to take her there?

  Never in a billion years would she have believed this moment would come.

  * * * *

  Jeremy brought Melody’s hand to his lips, then looked into her pretty green eyes as he said, “I do. Absolutely I do.”

  Colton said he was moving too fast, but Jeremy had dreamed of this moment since he was a boy. He’d hoped to be friends forever with Melody Carson. Now she was about to become Melody Carson-Grimwood. She wasn’t only his best friend, but the love of his life.

  Duncan didn’t seem to have any qualms about Jeremy wanting to have their wedding at the beginning of summer. Soon Melody’s resort would be all hands on deck while they prepared for the Golden Seal Ski Competition. He didn’t want that clouding out their wedding plans. Besides, Jeremy had loved Melody for a long time now, despite their different lives and the distance that had been between them.

  Now he knew where he wanted to go, and Melody seemed ready and willing to make that journey with him.

  The pastor presented them to the clapping crowd. Duncan pounded him on the back, while Suzette hurried over and wrapped him in a bear hug. “Oh, my sweet baby brother is all grown up and married now. I expect more nieces to spoil. Perhaps a nephew or two. I should consider developing a line of clothing for boys. Your children will be my inspiration.”

  Jeremy’s mouth opened, but any words he might have gotten out were tangled in his constricting throat.

  No need to answer. She was off to greet people, as she loved doing, and find her other almost sister-in-law. He breathed out. Children someday. First, he wanted to spoil his wife and take time for them to enjoy each other.

  Melody didn’t release his hand as they waited for people to file past and congratulate them. The reception would be held in Timberview’s finest hotel ballroom. That had been the Grimwood contribution—organizing the party. They were good at it. Especially when Suzette Grimwood and Elisa took over making the event spectacular.

  As the last few people filed past, wishing them well, Duncan waited at Jeremy’s side. Elisa stood beside Melody, the girls talking over wedding highlights. When everyone had gone Duncan leaned in and asked in a quiet tone, “When do you two leave?”

  “Tomorrow evening, after the ribbon cutting. You know that. We’ll stay a couple of days at my apartment in New York while we get ready for our European excursion.” He grinned. Jeremy couldn’t wait to show Melody Paris and all the wonderful places he’d explored before. The fact she was willing to leave her resort for two weeks was simply amazing to him.

  Aunt Maddie had taken on more responsibility and had offered to watch over things so her niece could see the world outside her mountain hamlet.

  “Think you can meet with us in the morning? We won’t keep you long, I promise. We need to talk about the ribbon cutting for the hotel spa. Good of you to stay for that.” Duncan grinned.

  “Right. Melody wasn’t going to miss it. Did you guys really have to do that the day after my wedding?”

  Duncan shrugged. “You know how hard it is to get Colt on land. I had to take what I could get from him. Do try to come, won’t you?”

  Melody must have overheard him. Leaning around Jeremy, she said, “He’ll be there, don’t worry. It’ll be fine. He’s right, it’s not that often everyone is in the same place.” A slow smile pulled up one side of Melody’s mouth. “I’ll enjoy sleeping in.” She winked.

  Jeremy glared at his brother, but Duncan ignored it. As usual.

  * * * *

  The festivities had gone late into the evening. Good thing they’d booked a honeymoon suite at the hotel where they’d held the reception. Jeremy checked his watch. He was supposed to be at his family’s suite at nine sharp.

  Five more minutes and he’d skip his shower. Why’d Dunc set the meeting so early?

  They so owed him.

  Melody shifted beside him, her arm draping over his chest. Would they really care if he showed up in his pajamas?

  He sighed and carefully slipped out of bed, envying Me
lody. Well, it was fine really. They’d have plenty of opportunities to sleep in late together. To get up at their leisure. He crouched beside the bed, unable to stop staring at her tranquil face. Blond waves covered her closed eyes. He resisted the urge to run his fingers along the softness of her arm and shoulder.

  For the first time in years, he felt completely whole. Sure, they’d have their oppositions and challenges in moving as a couple instead of two separate individuals, but he was ready to learn how. Since he’d returned to church and started inviting the Lord back into his life, he’d not felt so alone, anymore. But with Melody…well, she was like a gift that would keep on giving. Now he truly wasn’t alone.

  “I’ll treasure her with everything I have, Lord,” he whispered, then bent over to lightly kiss her head.

  By the time he finished getting ready for the family meeting, Melody was up and making them a pot of coffee. She’d even prepared his cup the way he liked it.

  He so didn’t want to leave her. “Can’t you call them and tell them I’m sick?” he whined, poking out his bottom lip.

  Melody laughed and shook her head. “Nope. I have things I need to take care of. Just keep telling yourself that by next week, we’ll be far away from everybody and everything.”

  He wrapped her in his arms and kissed her. “That’s right. Then they can’t bother us.” He kissed her again, then reluctantly let her go. “Fine. I’m going.” He sighed and took his coffee with him. “But I’m not happy about it.”

  The elevator took him up to the top floor where his siblings had reserved one of the executive suites. He pounded on the door. They all better be up and ready to go. Jeremy thought of all sorts of ways he’d pay them back for making him get out of bed so early. Being the quiet one of the family had served him well. They seldom saw him coming until it was too late.


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