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My Charming Billionaire (The Grimwood Legacy Series Book 2)

Page 17

by Jackie Castle

  The side of his mouth quirked up on one side. He’d won few battles with his older brothers, but he had sneaky ways of coming out the ultimate winner. Colton hated spiders. Duncan was afraid of odd noises during the night. Hiding a battery-operated toy under his bed, or in the closet got him every time.

  Spiders were so easy to find where they lived. So easy.

  “What are you grinning about out here, Jere-bear?” Suzette answered the door, completely dressed to impress. Did she go to sleep that way? How did she always come out of her room looking as if she’d just come from a day spa?

  “Just remembering a few things.” His grin widened.

  Suzette’s Achilles heel was losing things. Everything had a place and she was meticulous about where she kept her make-up and favorite accessories. Jeremy used to have a drawer full of her belongings that he’d snatched. Then later, he’d return them in a different spot and listen to her ranting over who was touching her stuff.

  She’d always blame the older two since they were the troublemakers of the family.

  He was much too sweet-natured and quiet. So, they thought.

  “Well come in. I ordered us breakfast. It should be here shortly. Dunkins is in the dining room. Colt is still getting ready.”

  Jeremy’s jaw tightened. He knew Colton would be the last to show up. When he started heading in that direction, his sister caught his hand and stared hard at him for a long moment. She seemed conflicted about something.

  “What?” he asked.

  She looked around and pulled him toward the kitchen. “I have something delicious to tell, but I’m afraid those two sour-pusses will get angry. But I’m dying to tell someone.”

  “You’ve finally fallen in love with—”

  “Oh no! You goof. Absolutely not, you know where I stand on all that relationship nonsense. Fine for you boys, you need someone to take care of you. But not me. Now do you want to hear or not? It’s about the little surprise Mr. Peterson pulled on us at the reading of Daddy’s will.”

  Oh. That news. He had a brother somewhere. Or half-brother. Leaning against the door frame, he breathed out a long sigh. “Fine, tell me your news. Has he been located?”

  “Almost. He’s somewhere in Texas. There are a few Rafe Wolfe’s that we are going through.”


  She waved her jeweled hand. “Mr. Peterson. But I have someone on it, too. Don’t tell your brothers. They’ve decided to leave it to the lawyer to handle. But…I can’t sit and wait. I have to know. We have a baby brother out there somewhere.”

  Jeremy tried not to scowl. He was always the baby brother. That’s why he’d always gotten away with so much while they were growing up. However, they were all indeed grown up now. If there was another brother out there, then he supposed that he wanted him found, as well.

  “So, we have a brother that may or may not live in Texas? That’s all you have?”

  She narrowed her cat-like eyes at him. “Oh, he’s in Texas. We’re simply not sure which one is the true Grimwood. These matters need to be handled delicately. But when we find him, promise you’ll come with me to meet him. Please?”

  “You’re serious?” Jeremy asked, straightening. “You will go to Texas and actually…go meet him?”

  She nodded.

  Great. Well, he couldn’t let her go alone, now could he? “Yes, I’ll go with you. When and if you find him.”

  Suzette threw her arms around his waist and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, darling. That means so much to me.”

  He patted her back and told her that he was going to find Dunc. Jeremy wasn’t sure how he felt about the fact that Dad had an affair that produced another heir. At least it happened after Mother had passed and not while they were married. But the question remained, why had their father sent that one son away and never told them?

  Perhaps, someday that mystery would be solved.

  When he entered the dining room, the waiters were already there setting out breakfast for them.

  Duncan sat at the head of the table, his head buried behind a financial newspaper. A laptop was opened beside him and a notepad rested at his elbow. One of the waiters asked if he wanted them to serve his plate, but Duncan told him he’d wait until everyone joined them. “Just leave the cart. We’ll take care of ourselves.” He tipped the men and then set his paper aside when he noticed Jeremy had entered.

  “Good morning. How’s married life?”

  “Just beginning when I was so rudely interrupted. Thanks for that.”

  Duncan smirked. “Grab yourself a plate, grumpy. I’m sorry for pulling you away from your beautiful bride. I would be just as displeased, but as I said yesterday—”

  “I know, I know. We need to take advantage of Colton being here. Blah, blah. Whatever.” He grabbed a plate and filled it with eggs, bacon and some fruit. Melody said she was joining her crew for breakfast at Maddie’s newly opened bakery. The place had indeed been a hit with the guests.

  Maddie oversaw the small business but left the running of it to people she’d hired from town. Jeremy hoped in the near future, they’d be able to open more jobs for people in Timberview.

  He took the seat closest to his brother. “I’ve not had a chance to thank you for intervening on my behalf. I was honestly going to let Uncle have the firm. I had no fight in me.”

  “I was afraid of that. You are a schemer, not a fighter. But opening a new bank and starting over would not have helped you. That bank belongs in our family, not Uncle Thomas’. I think after the others got onto him about acting like a crook, he found it in his best interest to back off and keep his promise to our father. He was only to manage it until you were able to take over the ropes.”

  “I thought he wanted it for his own son. I’m glad that I don’t have to start over, but it’s going to take a little while before I turn things around. It’s going to be a challenge to run it and help Melody.”

  Duncan swatted his shoulder with the paper. “You can do it. I have faith. Even if I am a little put out that you’ve beaten the rest of us in meeting the trust’s terms. You are the first official Grimwood board member. Congratulations, brother.” His smile was genuinely filled with pride which touched Jeremy.

  “Thanks, Dunc. I appreciate that. And you’re right, I’ll handle it. I’m looking at who I can advance into management positions so I won’t have to be there as often.”

  Duncan stood and went to fill his own plate. “And that, my dear boy, is how empires are formed.”

  “Empires, indeed,” Colton scoffed as he entered looking like he had way too much fun at the party last night. On his tail was the nanny. Jeremy couldn’t remember her name. Hanna? Or, no, it was Heather. That’s right.

  “Good morning, Heather,” Jeremy greeted.

  Colton stopped, his eyes wide as he turned toward her. “I told you this was a private family meeting. You’ll need to stay with the girls. They wanted to go downstairs for breakfast. Will you do that for me?”

  She smiled sweetly at him. A little too sweetly. “I wanted to make sure there wasn’t anything you needed. The girls are still getting dressed.”

  Colton folded his arms over his chest. Every time she made a step toward him, he took one back. “No. I’m fine, thank you. Your job is to make sure my girls have everything they need. I can take care of myself. Thank you, though.”

  She winked. Actually winked! “My pleasure.”

  Jeremy glanced at Duncan who had a look of concern pinching his thick brows.

  When she finally left, Colton started to close the door, but Suzette squeezed in at the last minute. “About time, Sis.”

  “Hush. I’ve been ready for an hour. Dumbkin, would you dish me out some fruit and a small dab of yogurt? I’m watching my…. a little more. When I say a dab, I mean—” Duncan scooped a large spoonful and dumped it in the center of her plate. “There you go, honey. Thank you.” She blew a kiss in his direction and then went to take one of the seats.

  Duncan rolled his eyes
and finished preparing his own plate.

  Colton slumped in the seat across from Jeremy saying he wasn’t hungry. “I’d appreciate a cup of coffee. Black. While you’re over there, Dunc?”

  The middle brother was starting to grow exasperated. “Where’s my apron? I should have asked the waiters to leave one behind if I’d—”

  “Oh, stop bickering,” Suzette said, delicately forking a strawberry and dipping it into the yogurt. “I have a nail appointment this morning. I need to look my best for your ribbon cutting.” She gave them her flashiest smile. “So, let’s get this meeting underway. Time is wasting.”

  Jeremy watched the eldest brother. He had to ask, the question was killing him. “So, how long has your nanny had the hots for you?”

  Colton nearly bolted from his seat, but then his shoulder’s slumped. “Man, I try to stay out of their way. This one is actually the best I’ve hired for the girls. She’s wonderful with them and they absolutely love her. I don’t want to fire her.”

  “She’s cute,” Jeremy stated. “Why—?”

  Colton’s glare cut off Jeremy’s question. The reddening of his face told Jeremy that he was treading on molten ground. “Sorry, bro. I know you still miss Ally. We all do.”

  Suzette rested her hand on Colton’s shoulder. “Don’t get out of sorts, sweets. Jere-bear is in love. I’m sure he is concerned about you. Eventually, you’ll have to open your heart again. For the girls. Nannies are not the same as a mommy, and you know that.”

  He seemed to slump even lower. “I know.” He started to shake his head. “Listen, this isn’t the time to talk about my personal life. Don’t you think? Aren’t we supposed to talk about the ribbon cutting?”

  Duncan finally sat down, after setting a mug in front of his brother, along with a muffin and a bit of fruit. He then got his own plate and returned to his seat. “The ribbon-cutting and all the hotel business are set to go. I honestly called this meeting in hopes of getting you to open up about what’s going on. You’re still putting off visiting the family’s island. I want to know what’s going on with you, Colt? You can’t keep running, or rather sailing from your problems, brother.”

  “I’m doing neither.” Colt frowned, but it was only momentarily. “Listen, soon as we leave here, I’m heading straight for the island. But I don’t want it. So, I’m going to put it up for sale. If any of you want first dibs, then—”

  Duncan jerked his thumb toward Jeremy. “He’s the only one who's about to come into his inheritance.”

  “I’ll not waste it on an island, of all things. Still, Colt, that land has been in our family for a couple of generations. Are you sure? I thought you’d want to build one of your hotels on it. Try to turn it into a tourist spot. It’s what Dad wanted to do. I’m sure that’s why he gave it to you.”

  At the mention of their father, Colton’s countenance grew even darker. His jaw muscles flexed and the muffin turned into crumbs in his hands. He blinked as if realizing what he was doing and quickly dusted off his palms.

  “There is a hotel there. And tourists, I suppose. I said I was heading there. We’ll be flying out with you, Jeremy. I’ll check things out and get back with you.”

  He sipped at his coffee. His brows set in a scowl. “I was kind of hoping to sell it, though I have no idea who would want to buy a whole island. Anyway,” he shook his head. “I was thinking of docking the yacht afterward. Coming ashore for a while. A long while. The girls really do need you all in their lives. And since the Manor has been remodeled, I thought perhaps we could stay there, if you don’t mind Dunc.”

  Duncan patted Colt’s shoulder. “Not at all, if that’s what you really want. We’d love to have you and the girls. Will you be there for Christmas this year?”

  Jeremy watched his brother relax. Colton had always been the most aloof one of the family. He liked his comfortable life and didn’t care to be tethered anywhere.

  “I plan to try. Soon as I get the island matter settled, we’ll be coming ashore.” For the first time that morning, he started to smile.

  “With your love-sick nanny?” Jeremy asked.

  The smile faded. “We’ll see. I suppose I need to have a serious talk with her. Let her know that I’m not the kind who fools around with the staff. If she’s hoping for that, then I’ll have to send her—”

  “Off the plank!” Suzette finished, brandishing her fork like a sword. “Sorry, couldn’t help myself.” She winked at him and they all laughed.

  Colton wrapped his arm around her shoulder and pulled her closer so he could plant a loud kiss on her cheek. “Good thing I love you all so much. All this joking at my expense ends when we open that door.”

  “Right.” Jeremy saluted. “And we’ll see about who ends up walking the plank. My bet isn’t going to be on the nanny, though. I assure you.”

  Before You Go…

  Thank you for taking the time to read My Charming Billionaire. If you enjoyed this story, please consider telling your friends or posting a short review from the place where you purchased this book. Word of mouth is an author’s best friend and much appreciated. Thank you.

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  Blessings and Peace

  Ephesians 4:32

  Jackie Castle

  Coming Next, My Wayfaring Billionaire

  Book 3 of the Grimwood Legacy Series

  The Reading of the Will

  Colton Grimwood sucked in a sharp breath, willing his tongue to hold in his sharp retort.

  His two brothers, Duncan and Jeremy sat across from him, while his sister, Suzette covered her bright pink lips with her manicured hand. She was one of those types of women who woke up looking fashionable and ready to conquer the world.

  “I don’t understand,” Duncan stammered. He ran his fingers, craftsman’s fingers, through his dark blond hair, the same color, and texture as Colton’s. People used to think they were twins, when in fact, he was two years older than Dunc.

  Jeremy, dark-haired like his sister, simply turned away, finding something outside the sixteenth story window to center his gaze upon. Anything but the imposing lawyer, Mr. Peterson, who sat behind his black walnut desk with legs crossed at the knee. Mr. Peterson reclined in his leather chair as if they were discussing what to order for dinner, instead of the bombshell he’d just dropped on all of them.

  Colton’s stomach growled. He’d forgone breakfast that morning after waking up late. He feared this would come up. Feared the old man would decide to make a provision for that other Grimwood. The long-lost brother. Or, rather, half-brother. All the same, still entitled to a portion of the estate, it seemed. Jeremy had mentioned that Father made a few adjustments to the will during his last days.

  Duncan, who rarely spoke to any of them more than necessary, hadn’t mentioned anything and he lived at the Manor. So like the middle sibling. Colton shot an irritated glare at Duncan who merely shrugged in return.

  “We must find him!” Suzette demanded, tears streaming down her pink cheeks.

  Colton started to shake his head but stopped himself. He’d made himself a promise many, many years ago that he’d never mention or acknowledge Dad’s dirty little secret. This was no time to forget that promise. He’d washed his hands of his father and all his lies a long time ago and didn’t care to get them dirty now.

  He tuned out this part of the discussion. The illegitimate heir had nothing to do with him. He was waiting to hear what condition father had decided he needed to meet in order to claim his portion of the Grimwood estate. The sooner he met whatever demands the old man had made, the sooner he could take his portion and run with it. The further away, the better. Perhaps he’d buy an even bigger boat and sa
il to the far ends of the earth with his twelve-year-old twin girls. They were all he needed in this life anyway. The last bit of his…wife…oh, there was another Pandora's box that didn’t need to be opened.

  Colton’s number one goal for his life was to provide his girls with the best education and anything else they needed to go out into the wide world and make something of themselves. He homeschooled them on his yacht, where they all currently lived, with the help of a private tutor and nanny. They learned through the places they traveled to. So far, the girls could speak three languages fluently and were working on learning Mandarin Chinese.

  His ship wasn’t equipped to make a trip to China. But he’d taken them to Spanish speaking countries where they were able to put their lessons into practice.

  They were both intelligent, quick learners, and courageous. They knew no strangers, which meant he had to keep a sharp eye on them, but he was fine with that. He wanted them to grow up bold and confident.

  “Colt, are you listening to anything we’ve said?” Suzette charged, folding her arms over her chest.

  He shrugged in response, staring down at his empty drink. “Are you talking about anything interesting yet?”

  “Colton!” she gasped, slapping her palms on her knees. “This is serious.”

  He shook his head. “Mr. Peterson said he hasn’t located…whatever his name is, yet.

  “Rafe,” Suzette said with a sniff as she dabbed at her darkly lined eyes. “His name is Rafe.”

  Colton continued, undaunted, “When Mr. Peterson does fine him, then he can go and let poor guy know that he’s rich. It means nothing to me, understand? I’d prefer to be left out of this. Completely out of it!”

  Jeremy and Duncan exchanged a quick look that could mean anything. Duncan had no room to criticize, he didn’t care to be burdened with family drama any more than he did.

  This meeting was dragging on long enough. “I’m really pushed for time, Mr. Peterson. Can’t we get on with father’s terms? What do I need to accomplish to meet Marcus Grimwood’s, um, demands?”


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