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Knight's Absolution (Knights of Hell Book 5)

Page 16

by Sherilee Gray

  Gunner’s arm spasmed around her before it went loose and he lifted his head, eyes black, chest heaving. “Christ, you’re good at that.”

  “Really?” She smiled wide, so wide her cheeks hurt. Happy. She was so incredibly happy.

  “Yes,” he said and rubbed a hand over his hair. “You make me forget myself, where I am, who I am. Christ, every damn thing.”

  “Since I’ve never kissed anyone but you, that has to mean I’m a natural.” She was smiling like crazy. She had to look ridiculous, but she couldn’t stop, and right then didn’t care if she looked like an idiot.

  Gunner tugged her back to him, hugging her before kissing the top of her head. “I guess so. Come on, let’s go before I start kissing you again.”

  “And who could blame you?”

  He laughed again as he led her from the room, and Luna couldn’t take her eyes off him while he did.

  “You need to change, maybe eat something before we go back out tonight. You like pancakes?”

  “I don’t know.”

  He kept her tucked in close to his body and led her down the hall. “Let’s find out.”

  Chapter 19


  Dread filled Scarlet as she rushed down the hall. Something was wrong. She didn’t know how she knew it, but an awful feeling, dark and hollow, had gripped her since she woke. And the closer she got to Tobias’s cell, the worse it got, as if a cold, shadowed claw was reaching up and squeezing the frantically beating muscle behind her ribs.

  She paused when she reached the door. There was more than one leathren demon hanging around outside. The demons were feasting on pain, on Tobias’s pain.

  Oh god, what had they done to him? She shoved the door open and rushed inside.

  The sob that had already been climbing her throat burst from her at the sight of Tobias’s battered and bleeding body. Every day it got worse, every day they took him closer and closer to death.

  She rushed to his side. He wasn’t chained to the wall today, no, they had him on a slab of curved stone. He was on his back, chained down so tight, his entire body was bowed brutally.

  Falling to her knees, she cupped his face. “I’m here,” she whispered as tears streamed down her face. “I’m here.”

  Another day, maybe two, and she wouldn’t be able to bring him back. There would be no repairing the damage his demon tormentors had done.

  “Please, open your eyes, speak to me. I can’t lose you, my love, I can’t lose you, not again…”

  The endearment slipped from her lips without thought, and the big male stirred. She stilled, blinking down at him in confusion. Again? Why had she said that?

  Tobias coughed, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. Frantically, she dipped her rag in her little bowl and began moving it over the deep, gruesome cuts in his skin. God, she could see bone…organs.

  It was too much. He’d been hurt too badly for her ministrations to help. But she had to try. There was no holding back her sobs as she dipped her rag in the bowl’s healing liquid and wrung it out over the worst of the wounds. With a fierce cry, she yanked at the unforgiving chain pinning down his arms, but it didn’t budge. His breathing was shallow and so slow she kept waiting for it to stop altogether.

  Dragging the back of her hand over her eyes, she picked up the bowl and began to pour its contents, slowly and carefully, over his wounded body, something she’d never done before. And thankfully, every time she set it back down, it refilled on its own.

  Tobias’s eyelids quivered but didn’t open. Her sobs became more desperate as she poured bowl after bowl of the healing liquid over his skin.

  With wet hands, she leaned over him and touched his bloodless face. “Please, please, Tobias, open your eyes. Please, don’t leave me here alone. I don’t want to be alone again.” He remained completely still.

  He was dying.

  Scarlet pressed her forehead to his. His face was as cold as the rest of him. “Please,” she whispered again and pressed her trembling lips to his.

  Sparks of light danced like fireflies behind her eyes, and zaps of sensation shot through her veins. Unsure what was happening, she clung to him, afraid to let him go. Something was happening, something important—

  “Back away,” a rough voice said behind her.

  Scarlet spun to face the demon standing at the door. His teeth were curled back cruelly, and his black soulless eyes, eyes that made her skin crawl, slid from her to Tobias. But even more frightening, he carried tools of torture. If this demon hurt Tobias again, he definitely wouldn’t survive.

  She stood, trembling with fear. “No.” Her voice was so broken and quiet, she was surprised he heard her.

  But going by the glee flashing in those terrible eyes, he most definitely had. “Did you say no, drudge?”

  Scarlet moved from foot to foot. “You’re not hurting him, not again.” She would rather he turn his instruments of torture on her than Tobias.

  Her fingers clenched and unclenched, her body flexing and tightening in a way it never had before, as if it were preparing for something. Pure rage built inside her gut and she let it. She let it fuel her for something she didn’t understand but felt so incredibly right.

  The demon charged her, knife in hand, but instead of his blade slicing into flesh, she spun and kicked him in the jaw like some dormant muscle memory had fired to life.

  He came at her again, snarling and cursing, and Scarlet didn’t think, instead she allowed her body to take over and jabbed the heel of her palm into his windpipe. The startled demon grabbed his throat, and with a growl she’d never unleashed before, she sunk her nails into his shoulders, brought up her knee, slamming him hard in the nuts, then jerked her head forward, smashing her forehead straight into his nose, crushing it.

  The demon crumpled to the floor, and without thought of what she was doing, or how she knew to do it, she scooped up the knife he’d dropped, wrenched back his scaly head, and sliced its throat. And she kept on slicing until the demon’s head fell from his shoulders.

  Panting, she watched as the demon turned to ash before her eyes, disintegrating into nothing. Shaking, she stumbled back a step, unable to comprehend what she’d done. How she’d done it.

  Who the hell am I?

  It was always there in the back of her mind, ever since she woke here—who she was, where she’d come from. Where the multitude of scars on her skin had come from, or what she’d done to have such a strong body, muscled and limber.

  She was a fighter. She could fight.

  A large ring of keys lay among the demon’s ashy remains and she snatched them up and moved to the chain locked around Tobias. She was getting him out of this cell. Now.

  He lay there, pale blue eyes open, watching her.

  “You’re awake.” She glanced back at what was left of the demon. “I-I didn’t have a choice. But you’ll be okay, now. I’ll make sure of it.”

  He opened his mouth, and nothing but a gurgled rasp came out. Scarlet tried key after key, desperately searching for the right one, terrified another demon would come. Finally, when she slid the next one into the large, rusted padlock and turned, the chains fell away.

  Tobias tried to stand, struggling with the effort.

  “Wait.” Scarlet tore a thick strip of fabric from the bottom of her tunic and wrapped it around his stomach, knotting it to try and staunch the blood coming from the gaping wound.

  Then quickly shoving her bowl and rag in the large pocket of her cloak, she helped him get to his feet. She was a lot smaller than him, but she was strong.

  He opened his mouth again, but still he couldn’t speak. Going by the way he shook his head, she guessed he was telling her to leave him, to save herself.

  “Not happening, big guy,” she said and pulled his arm around her shoulders. Wrapping hers around his waist, she took most of his weight and, gritting her teeth, helped him limp to the door.

  He squeezed her shoulder and made another gurgling sound, trying to stop her again.

  “I know a place, somewhere you can hide until you’re stronger. They won’t find you.” What the hell was she doing? They were in Hell, what happened afterward? It wasn’t like they could just leave. Would he be forced to hide for the rest of eternity?

  She glanced up at the male beside her, and those blue eyes she dreamed about at night and was desperate to see every morning when she woke, were locked on her. It didn’t matter what happened to her, she couldn’t see him like this again, she would risk everything to keep him safe.

  The feeling was so strong, it was as if some fundamental part of her that she never knew existed had broken free.

  “Let’s go,” she said, and after peeking out and making sure the way was clear, she led him out of the cell. “Hold on to me, and don’t let go.”

  “Never,” he said in a barely audible rasp, finally finding his voice. “Never again.”


  Chapter 20

  Gunner glanced down at Luna. Her eyes were closed as they flew over the city, reaching out for Azel. He tightened his arms around her. That monster wasn’t getting close enough to hurt her ever again.

  Christ, the anger inside him was a raging storm. He’d been keeping it together for her, not letting her see the fury in his heart. But it was getting harder by the day.

  That fucker Azel was well hidden, and it was messing with Gunner’s head. After he’d said good night to Luna the day before, he’s gone down to the gym and destroyed one of the punching bags. Beaten it until his breathing was so labored, he felt fucking sick, until his knuckles split and bled all over the floor.

  What his precious female had suffered for so long, what that fucker had done to her, it was tearing him up inside. She’d been so closed off, numb in every way, for such a long time. Simple emotions and feelings confused her. Physical touch fascinated her.

  He wanted to claim her more than anything else, but she wasn’t ready for him, not yet. Maybe not for a long time. It had to be her choice, and he wasn’t sure that right now she was capable of making such a huge decision.

  “Anything?” he asked her.

  “Not yet.” A small smile curled her lips. “When can we have pancakes again?”

  He chuckled, but the anger riding him made it sound rusty. “Whenever you want them, love.” How the hell could she always make him smile, laugh when he was in a constant state of rage and lust. She soothed him and his demon even while she unknowingly tempted and tormented them at the same time.

  “How about when we get back?”

  “If that’s what you want.”

  She made a little mmm sound that hit him low in the gut, and he gritted his teeth. Before their first kiss, being apart from her, even for a short time, had been hard, but now it was unbearable. He hated that she wasn’t in his room with him, and in the morning when he woke, even though he could sense her in the same building, he couldn’t relax until he sought her out, until he made sure she was there, that she was okay.

  Luna jerked in his arms and her eyes squeezed tighter.

  “What is it?”

  Her eyes snapped open again, and they were filled with terror.


  Her body bowed powerfully in his arms, and she cried out.

  “Fuck. Talk to me, Luna.”

  “H-he’s here. I can feel him.” Another of her painful cries tore through him.

  “He’s hurting you?”

  Gunner was vaguely aware of his brothers flying around him, closing in, searching the streets below.

  Her fingers dug into his shoulder, her nails cutting through skin. “His b-blood, it calls me…” She gasped. “What’s wrong with me…” Her fangs elongated.

  Oh fuck. She was like an addict desperate for her next high. Only Luna didn’t want this, she didn’t want that monster or his blood. Her dependence on the toxic shit in his veins did.

  “Put up your block, Luna. Put it up now.”

  “I c-can’t,” she cried out and thrashed in his arms.

  She was fighting him, trying to get away from him, even as high up as they were, trying to get to the monster calling for her. “Put your fucking block up, Luna,” he roared, fear making him shake her.

  She hissed and fought harder.

  Gunner searched the street below. Nothing—

  The road moved, it was a small movement, like heat waves wriggling up from the hot pavement. Only it wasn’t hot, the sun had been down for hours. He was there, right below them, Gunner would bet his life on it.

  “Down there,” he called to his brothers.

  Zenon, Laz, and Chaos instantly fell away, going after Azel. Kryos stayed at his side, sword drawn.

  “D-don’t let me go,” Luna begged, sobbing hard. “Please don’t let me go.” Bloody tears ran down her face as she continued to fight to get away. Her mind and body were at complete odds, and it was tearing her apart.

  Gunner growled and spun her in his arms, so her chest was pressed to his. He gripped the back of her head and shoved her face against his throat. “Fight it. Drink from me, now,” he bit out.

  She cried out again, and her body went stiff in his arms a moment before she exploded into action, fighting harder than before. “I can smell it. I can smell his blood.”

  The fucker had opened a vein down there, trying to get her to go to him—that was the only explanation. Well, two could play it that way. Gunner’s claws extended, and he sliced one of the razor-sharp tips across the side of his throat.

  Luna stilled instantly, and he didn’t give her time to think. He cupped her head again and put her mouth right there, right over the cut he’d made. She latched on immediately.

  Zaps of pleasure shot through him as she drew deeply, desperately. He banded his arms around her, groaning when she struck and buried her fangs into his skin.

  Her hot, slick tongue worked his vein, arms tight around his neck, her legs lifting to lock around his waist. She moaned loudly as she drew from his vein and ground down on his hard cock at the same time.

  “I’m getting her out of here,” he called to Kryos.

  His brother whistled down to Chaos to get his attention, then signaled that they were leaving. Gunner flew as fast as he could, getting her away from Azel. No, they hadn’t seen him, but he’d been there. He’d fucking been there.

  Luna ground against him again, and Gunner’s hand dropped to her ass to stop her before he fucking blew in his jeans, but instead, as soon as his hand landed on her soft round ass, he squeezed. Luna’s head lifted then, lips red and swollen, gaze heavy and filled with unmistakable lust.

  His cock throbbed. “Luna…”

  Her mouth smashed down on his, arms locked around his neck, and she kissed the fuck out of him. He could taste her mixed with his blood. It wasn’t bad, it was…good. But then anything that was mixed with the taste of his female was ambrosia to him.

  His arms tightened around her as she rubbed up on him frantically, whimpering and moaning. It was the hardest thing he’d ever done, but he gently pulled her back, kissing her once, twice more.

  “Need to see where we're going, love, to get us home.”

  Her hair was windblown and wild from fighting him, her cheeks pink from his blood and being turned the hell on. Yeah, fuck, he could smell how hot she was.

  Then she confirmed it.

  “Please, I need…something. I ache between my thighs. I’m so hot and swollen. I’m…” Her cheeks darkened. “I don’t know what’s happening, Gunner. What’s wrong with me?” Then she ground against the ridge of his hard-on again and moaned helplessly.

  He fought for control. Fuck, he wanted her so badly his mind spun and his body throbbed. He pressed her mouth back to his vein. “There’s nothing wrong with you, love. What you’re feeling is natural, healthy. You need to come, Luna, and I’ll make sure you get there.”

  Watching her come and not sink inside her would probably kill him, but he didn’t give a fuck about himself. Luna was all that mattered. He landed on the con
trol room balcony. Kryos was still with them but staying back. Gunner strode out and down the stairs to his floor, taking her to his room. He needed her in his room, in his bed.

  “What’s happening, Gunner?” she asked, still moving restlessly against him.

  “What you’re feeling is sexual desire, love.”

  She licked her lips. “All the times Azel had me I never felt like this,” she said, clueless to how her words affected him. Fucked with him.

  His demon snarled, and Gunner couldn’t hold back his growl. “That’s because you didn’t want him.” Because he was taking advantage of her when she was vulnerable. Because Azel was a sick fucking piece of shit who needed to be put the fuck down.

  He carried her into his room and kicked the door closed behind them.

  Luna lifted her head. “I feel this…this desire all the time when I’m with you. That means I want you…like that, doesn’t it?”

  Gunner was breathing heavily, trying desperately to maintain control. “Only you can answer that question, Luna.”

  She was still wrapped around him and he around her. It was so fucking hard, but he stayed completely still as she looked up at him…and fuck him, as she leaned in and licked over the wound at his neck, sealing it shut. Then she proceeded to press little kisses up his throat and along his jaw to the corner of his mouth.

  “When I do this, the heat, the ache between my thighs increases,” she said.

  “Yeah?” His dick throbbed harder.


  She pressed those soft-as-fuck, perfect lips against his, and Gunner somehow managed to remain still.

  “And when I kiss your mouth, I feel zaps in my belly. My skin feels flushed.”

  He grunted, it was all he was capable of.

  “And when I think about you, it makes me smile and I get goose bumps all over my skin.” She lifted her gaze to his as she licked her lips, rubbing up against him again. “Yes…yes, I want you like that.”


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