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Knight's Absolution (Knights of Hell Book 5)

Page 21

by Sherilee Gray

  Gunner’s muscles seized up. Our bedroom. Her and Azel's.

  She glanced up at him, obviously sensing his change in mood. “Oh, I meant…”

  “It’s okay, love,” he said quickly.

  She nodded and slid closer to him. His arm was along the back of the couch and she curled in under it, wrapping her arm over his stomach and resting her head on his chest, then pressed play.

  It was torture. Exquisite fucking torture. Gunner swiped the bowl of popcorn off the table and set it on his knee, offering her some.

  She took a handful, and the sound of her eating made his muscles loosen and his heartbeat slow as the opening scene began.

  Gunner only saw bits here and there after that. How could he focus on the movie with Luna pressed up against him? When he heard, shit felt, every gasp and giggle she made? He didn’t even try to fight his manic grin when she out-and-out laughed her ass off.

  But he was doing okay, had his shit under control, until…the insane sex montage started. It had Gunner frozen and then laughing because it was hot but also funny as hell. It also had him fighting a serious hard-on because Luna made all these little gasping sounds while she squirmed against his side.

  Then fuck him, he felt her nipples harden, grazing his ribs when she squirmed some more.

  He tried to ignore it and had finally gotten his dick under control by the end of the film, when she turned to him and asked if he wanted to watch another one. What could he say?

  “Yeah, love, pick whatever you want.”

  He’d sit here all night with her if she wanted. His female happy, snuggled up with him like this, was heaven. Okay yeah, it was torture because he wanted her so bad—but it was also utter fucking bliss.

  She picked some movie called Friends with Benefits, and everything was going okay until about the thirty-minute mark when the friends decided to enjoy some benefits. That’s when Luna squirmed again, and her hand that was on his thigh flexed in a way he assumed was involuntary.

  He tried to ignore it, but it was getting harder by the minute. He was getting harder by the minute, especially when she bit her lip and her nipples…Jesus fucking Christ. Those tight little nipples pressed into his chest again.

  She was on her side, her legs up on the couch, and he dropped his hand from along the back to the outside of her thigh, right as the muscle tightened. She was squeezing her legs together.

  He dipped his head, lips going to the delicate shell of her ear. “You need something, Luna?”

  Please, fucking ask me to get you off.

  She licked her lips.

  “’Cause you know if you need anything, anything at all, you just have to ask for it.” Was that his voice? Had it ever been so rough? No. No, it hadn’t.

  “Um…no, I, uh…I…”

  He squeezed her thigh stopping her mid-stutter. “You’re squirming.”

  She tilted her head back so he could see her eyes. Her face was flushed, lips swollen and red from biting at them. “No, I was just…”

  “We’re mates, Luna, or we soon will be, you can be honest with me. You can tell me anything, ask for anything.”

  Her pink cheeks darkened more and she licked her lips again. “I’m just curious,” she whispered.

  He cupped her cheek. “About what?”

  She licked her lips again. “His head was under the covers, between her legs.” Her fingers flexed against his thigh again.

  When he spoke, all the lust he was feeling was right there in his voice. “When he went down on her?”

  “That’s what it’s called? I mean, I’ve seen demons do it before, of course, but…” She screwed up her face. “Everything they did creeped me the hell out.”

  He dipped his chin, it was all he was capable of.

  “She seemed to like it.”

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah, she did.”

  “Do you think…”

  Say it. Please, fucking say it. “What, Luna?”

  “Do you think I’d like it?”

  His hands shook and his demon was going apeshit inside him. “Yeah, I do.” Because he’d make damn sure she did.

  She chewed the side of her lip. He wanted to offer to get down on his knees and do it right there and then, but it had to be her. She had to be the one to ask for it. It had to be her decision.

  Luna glanced back at the TV, and with his hand back on the outside of her thigh, he could feel she was still clenching those thighs. She was turned way the fuck on. Her scent was driving him insane.

  After what felt a lifetime, she turned back to him. “Do you think that sometime, you’d maybe…that you’d maybe like to, um…do that?”

  He swallowed convulsively. “Yeah, I would. I’d like that with you a whole fuck of a lot.” Sometime? She was killing him. That was okay, though. He’d wait, could keep on waiting, as long as she needed.

  She was quiet a full minute.


  “Yeah, love.”

  “Would you like to do that, um…now?”

  He sucked in a ragged breath and tried to let it out slowly so he didn’t snarl his next words. “I’d fucking love to do that now.”

  Her hands dropped to the front of her jeans and she snapped the button.

  Christ. Gunner covered her hand, halting her. Her gorgeous eyes shot up to him, so much need there, it nearly fucking broke him.

  “First, we kiss,” he said.

  Her eyes brightened, and she got to her knees and dove at him, her mouth landing on his, making him growl as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

  Fuck, yes.

  He’d been wanting to do this, to kiss her properly since he walked in the door. Leaning forward, he tugged her smaller body under his and laid her down on the couch.

  Luna was soft and warm under him, her mouth like fucking heaven. He sucked her plump lips, groaning when she licked into his mouth with more confidence than she’d ever kissed him with before. Kissing him back with just as much urgency. Yeah, he loved that. Loved that she was taking what she wanted from him, that tonight she’d wanted something and had trusted him enough to ask for it, even if she’d been shy at the start.

  They would be mates, and if she wanted something from him, he wanted her to know she could always ask. Always. That nothing would ever be too much or wrong. If she wanted it, he’d move the sky and the earth to give it to her.

  He covered one of her full breasts with his hand, and she whimpered, arching up, silently asking for more. Yeah, that pleased the hell out of him. Luna showing him what she liked. Sliding his hand under her sweater, he covered her over her bra and lightly pinched her tight little nipple between his fingers.

  She gasped and shoved her hand under his shirt, seeking his bare skin. She liked it because her soft hands didn’t stop moving. Gunner kissed his way down her throat as he tugged her sweater up, exposing her beautiful breasts covered in black silk and lace. He glanced up at her, at the heavy lust in her eyes as she watched him, and fuck, that was hot. She was hot.

  He tugged down both cups of her bra, his gaze never wavering as he leaned in and sucked a nipple into his mouth. Luna arched deeper, her nails grazing his skin, making him hiss. Jesus, had he ever been this hard?

  Taking his time, he licked and sucked and toyed with her, then moved to the other nipple and started all over again. The way Luna writhed under him, the way her scent grew stronger—she was ready for his mouth. More than ready.

  He shook as he kissed his way down her belly. The couch wasn’t huge, so he had to kneel on the floor, but he didn’t care. He glanced up at her again as he slid open the zipper of her jeans, as he tugged them off her smooth thighs. Tossing them aside, he looked at her pussy hidden beneath black cotton and groaned. Her panties were drenched, molded to her in a way that drove him fucking wild.

  “Ready?” he managed, voice like fucking rusted steel.

  She nodded. “Y-yes.”

  Yes, Luna had limited experience, and she’d suffered so much in her life, but she
was so incredibly strong. She knew what she wanted, was eager to experience new things, and Gunner was so fucking thankful the fates had chosen him, that he was the one she’d walk eternity with.

  He slid her panties down her legs and tossed them on the floor, then panting like hell, mouth watering, body shaking from how much he wanted his mouth on her, he leaned in and kissed her inner thigh.

  Luna spread wide for him, squirming, and then…finally, he lapped at the smooth seam of her pussy, and fucking near convulsed from how good she felt, how phenomenal she tasted on his tongue.

  He’d been holding back, trying so hard to go slow, but as soon as he had her on his tongue, he snapped. Flinging her legs over his shoulders, he spread her pussy and covered her with his mouth. Groaning and growling, he licked and sucked and kissed her as if his life depended on it.

  Her hand went to the back of his head, her nails grazing his scalp, her hips lifting off the couch, grinding up, showing him she liked what he was doing, telling him she wanted more.

  “Gunner,” she gasped. “Oh god…oh god.”

  Gunner’s chest puffed the hell up from the sounds of her pleasure. Nothing was more important than making her feel good. Nothing. He played with her, circling her tight opening with his tongue, dipping inside just a little before moving up to her clit and sucking it gently. He repeated it over and over until she was thrashing and her pussy was fucking dripping.

  She moaned helplessly. “P-please, I feel so…I need…”

  “More,” Gunner growled.


  “You want my fingers, love?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” It was obviously all she could manage, but the fact she spread wider for him, her ass lifting higher, told him all he needed to know.

  Gunner didn’t fuck around and pushed two fingers deep inside her as he latched on to her clit and sucked. Luna bucked under him and screamed, coming for him instantly, her pussy clamping down hard on his fingers.

  She shuddered and moaned and clung to his head and shoulders as she continued to roll her hips, grinding up, drawing out her orgasm.

  When she collapsed back, her eyes were heavy, her cheeks were flushed, and her fangs were peeking out.

  Gunner couldn’t help but grin up at her. “Well?”

  “You need to ask?” she said huskily.


  She giggled but looked close to passing out.

  He scooped her up off the couch and carried her to the bedroom. By the time he got there, she was out cold. He wasn’t surprised with everything she was going through.

  Laying her in bed, he ignored his impossibly hard dick and stripped because he couldn’t handle his jeans strangling his cock another moment, then climbed in with her.

  He couldn’t bring himself to leave her, not even to relieve the pain of his blue balls in the bathroom. Instead, he lay there aching and hard and watched his female as she slept.

  Chapter 26

  Luna woke to a quiet apartment and a throbbing ache between her thighs.

  She glanced at the clock. Several hours had passed since they’d watched the movie.

  How could she still want more of Gunner already?

  Light from the living room filtered in, and she turned toward him—

  She sucked in a breath. He was beside her. No covers. Completely naked.

  Luna squirmed and clenched her thighs as she drank in the sight of him.

  He was asleep on his back, one hand behind his head, the other resting on his tight abs—and he was hard. So incredibly hard.

  The way he’d made her lose her mind tonight? She never knew it was possible to feel that way, that incredible. And yeah, she wanted him to do it again. Badly.

  Should she wake him?

  You’re being selfish.

  He needed his sleep. He’d be out fighting again the next night.

  And he was always giving to her, and as greedy for him as she was, she kept on taking. Biting her lip, she tried to ignore the increasing demand between her legs, how slick she felt when she slid her thighs together, how impossibly needy.

  But she couldn’t.

  Her breasts were tight and full and her nipples ached. Her hands went to them all on their own, cupping, then squeezing. Her fingers toyed with the tight tips the way Gunner had earlier, and she gasped when she felt the pull lower, right where she ached the most.

  Her face was hot and her belly trembled. Could her fingers do what Gunner’s had? Curiosity and desperate need had her sliding one hand down her belly, had her thighs spreading to make room for her tentative fingers.

  She slipped them over her lower lips. She was hot and slick, and when she moved her fingers over her clit, tingles of pleasure shot all over her body. She kept on doing it, over and over, and the more she teased herself there, the wetter and more desperate to come she got.

  What if she…

  She slipped a finger inside and there was no holding in her little cry of pleasure. Her gaze shot to Gunner. He was still asleep, and so incredibly beautiful.

  Looking at him while she touched herself, made it so much better. She slid her finger in and out the way Gunner had, and her other hand joined in, rubbing over her clit at the same time.

  Her gaze dropped to his hard length resting on his stomach, and she imagined it moving inside her. Another needy sound escaped. More. She needed more. She pushed in another finger, crying out again.

  Her hands moved faster. Was Gunner's erection growing bigger? That part of him, it was as beautiful as the rest of him. She imagined it pushing deep inside her, thrusting powerfully, and she bit her lips to hold in her whimpers as her hips rolled.

  Her gaze moved up over the taut corrugated muscles of his stomach, his wide chest lightly dusted with hair, up to his handsome face—

  She froze.

  His eyes were open.

  “Don’t stop,” he rasped. “Don’t you fucking stop, Luna.”

  She flushed even hotter but was too needy to care that he’d caught her. So she did as he said and kept moving, her fingers thrusting in and out quicker, deeper. She was going to come like this, with Gunner’s eyes locked on her. With that fierce hunger burning in his eyes.

  The hand on Gunner's stomach slid lower. The heat in her belly curled tighter.

  Was he going to—

  He gripped that big, hard weight resting on his stomach, tight, and started stroking, hard and fast.

  Luna made a sound she never had in her life, pitched high. The tip of his cock glistened, and the faster he pumped the more wetness leaked out.

  He spread his legs a little and reached down, cupping his heavy sac, squeezing lightly, and groaned, and the whole time, his gaze, so hot and intense, was focused on what she was doing to herself.

  “That’s it, make yourself feel good. Show me how good it feels. Soon it won’t just be your fingers fucking you, it’ll be me, won’t it, love?”

  His dirty words only managed to make Luna ache more, and when he squeezed his length hard and more wetness slid out, she broke. Stiffening, body trembling, she cried out helplessly. Her thighs snapped closed and she rolled her hips, pressing down on her clit, riding the pleasure to the end.

  Gunner barked out beside her, and she watched through heavy lids as he came as well, never once looking away from her.

  They lay there, Gunner panting, staring at each other, and maybe she should have been embarrassed, but she couldn’t find it inside herself to be.

  “So fucking gorgeous,” Gunner growled out.

  “I couldn’t help it,” she said into the quiet of the room. “I woke wanting you, and I…”

  “You liked it? Making yourself come?”

  “Yes, I liked it. I liked you watching me as well.”

  He reached out and tugged her against him. “You should explore your own body, Luna. It’s healthy and natural and beautiful. You’ll learn what you enjoy and what you don’t. But next time you want me, you wake me.” He grinned, but kind of screwed up his face as well. “P
lease, fucking wake me.”

  She laughed, he was teasing her, pretending he’d be sad if she didn’t. “Okay, fine. If it’s that important to you,” she said, teasing him as well.

  “But if you want to get yourself off…then yeah, again, please fucking wake me. Your male sure as hell wants to watch.”

  “And join in as well?” she said shyly, pleasure fluttering behind her chest at everything he’d just said, but mainly for calling himself hers.

  “You think I could watch you ride your fingers and not come as well?”

  His look of horror had her laughing outright. He laughed with her, low and deep, and squeezed her tight before he kissed her softly.

  “Fucking love that laugh, Luna. Never get sick of hearing it.”

  She snuggled in closer. She loved lots of things about him. Everything in fact.

  “Gunner,” she said against his chest.


  “I think I might need you again, to um…you know…”

  He growled and flipped her onto her back in a heartbeat. She giggled, giggled, as he grinned down at her and licked his lips.

  His expression softened. “Christ, I love that as well.” Then he threw her legs over his shoulders and buried his face between her legs.

  She stopped giggling after that and started moaning.

  Luna wasn’t sure what Gunner was thinking, but his expression was hard, his amber gaze laser-focused. They were on the roof of an apartment building, right above where Spencer had asked her to meet him.

  “You have nothing to worry about,” she said, taking in the hard line of Gunner’s jaw.

  “We don’t know that.”

  Spencer had messaged that morning with his location and a small window of time to extract him. Her friend was being hunted by Azel and his demons, and if they captured him, they’d punish him or worse.

  “Spencer knows you and your brothers will be with me. There’s no way even Azel would try anything here. This is too public, there are way too many humans.”


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