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Caught Between Two Blue Aliens: An In the Stars Scifi Alien Romance

Page 14

by Celia Kyle

  Sevith glared at them with a stony expression but then looked down at his panel and tapped open the communication channel on the officers’ station.

  Hiren rolled his eyes. Is that necessary?

  Yes. Shut up and listen with me.

  “…really, that far?” Jenna’s voice was saying, sounding a little breathless in wonder.

  “Yes, with seven relays between them,” the Bahn said helpfully. “Drokten long-distance travel is usually more efficient, but Earth is a relatively new addition to the grid, from our perspective.”

  “Oh, so you might even be able to make the trip in less time eventually?” she asked.

  “Very likely so, yes,” the Azi said. “Especially if we can negotiate a trade contract with your planet. That is why you have not seen Drokten goods flooding your cities yet. One day, Earth merchants will be able to sell your flowers and other products to a wider market too.”

  “Are there already Drokten merchant ships inbound?” she asked, eyes wide.

  “Indeed,” their Azi said, smiling too widely for Sevith’s liking. “Though, only to do business with the fleet for the time being. A war fleet is good for business.”

  Sevith tore himself from the console and started making his way toward the group, deciding Jenna had visited with the crew long enough. Why was she asking such invasive questions like that? She was starting to sound like Secretary Wells and his endless questions about their activities. Was there any chance she really was a spy after it was all said and done?

  No, there was no chance of that. She had come to them with information about Wells and his spies, completely unprompted.

  The officers looked at Sevith before he reached them. Their faces suddenly grew serious and they both quickly turned back to their consoles.

  Jenna’s startled gaze clashed with his forceful advance. Sevith was filled with hot need and an inability to keep his claws off his female.

  She opened her mouth to speak, but he wrapped an arm around her waist before she could utter a single word and pulled her close. Close enough so she could feel the press of his hard cock against her stomach, through two layers of fabric. Now she knew how much he ached for her.

  “Oh my gawd,” she moaned and then she lowered her voice. “Sevith is that…”

  He cut her off with a fierce kiss.

  This made the kiss he’d given her earlier seem like child’s play. Like a light peck. This time he cupped her ass and plundered her mouth, not giving one shit who was watching them. Her full teats were pressed against his chest. His tongue dove past her lips, taking possession of her gasps and moans. Let them all see his possession of this female. Now they would all know this human was the commander’s Oso and his scent would be all over her.

  Satisfied, Sevith smiled and broke the kiss, still watching her with lidded eyes and a ravenous smile. “Enjoying yourself?” he asked, brushing his lips against her ear and down her neck. She smelled amazing. Like the pleasure gardens of Drokt.

  “Y-yes,” she answered breathlessly with kiss-swollen lips. “I…I was just asking the officers here about how far away Drokt is.”

  “It is far from here,” Sevith said. “But despite being a military ship, we have our share of diversions while we’re off planet. Hiren!” he called, still holding Jenna and turning toward his Bahn. “Join us for a tour of the holo deck?”

  “Not this time,” Hiren replied, shooting him a grin. “I have correspondence I wish to finish with a minister on Drokt. Go ahead without me.”

  Go with her alone, his Bahn said. I will return to work. This is your opportunity to spend time with our Oso. Give her a hint of the pleasure we can give her but leave her wanting more. I will take the next shift.

  Sevith smiled broadly. I will. It felt good to flow naturally into this routine. This is what all Azi/Bahn/Oso triads did. The males scheduled time with their females, keeping a balance of equality that their females did not have to monitor. This was what their future would entail, and Sevith was looking forward to this intimacy between the three of them.

  Jenna pouted. “You’re not going with us, Hiren?”

  Pride again glowed in his chest. He’d just kissed Jenna on the bridge, in a typical public marking by a Drokten male, and his human didn’t seem overly embarrassed. And she was now staring at Hiren with longing, wanting his Bahn as much as she wanted him. Even though she was still in Sevith’s arms.

  She was perfect.

  “Not this time, beautiful. Later it will be my turn and you can go with me alone.”

  A charming shade of pink blossomed across her cheeks. She wasn’t Drokten blue, but Sevith found himself enjoying the variety of tones that often flushed across her otherwise colorless skin. Their human was adorable.

  Sevith nodded to Hiren and exited the bridge with their Oso at his side.

  “Holo deck?” Jenna asked as they walked down the hallway. “I’ve heard of those. I hear they’re super fancy.”

  “We have only three holo decks aboard the Avash,” Sevith said modestly as they stepped into the elevator. The doors slid shut as he typed their destination on the pad and put his palm on it so the computer would acknowledge its commander. “One is reserved for entertaining other commanders in the fleet or foreign leaders. It’s very private. This is where we’re going.”

  “So, it’s this area we’re going to is like Drokten Main? It serves the same purpose?” she asked.

  Sevith nodded. “Yes, on a much smaller scale. It has the most luxuries of anywhere on the ship, including a full kitchen separate from the ones that serve the warriors. You may one day see humans cooking aboard Drokten ships, Jenna.”

  She looked thoughtful at that idea, and Sevith had to admit, he was surprised to hear himself suggest it. But it came to him naturally, almost unbidden, and he didn’t see a need to resist it. Anything that made Jenna more comfortable here was to be done—within reason.

  “The deck below that,” he went on, “hosts many events for the warriors to unwind. We have many recreational sparring rings for the warriors to test themselves both against each other and computer-generated foes in training simulations. There are also lounges, games, and refreshments on that level, designed for civilian-level comfort. Morale means everything for warriors,” he said, looking down at Jenna with a serious look. “An unruly crew is bad enough. An unruly crew of warriors is a catastrophe waiting to happen.”

  “So, what you’re saying is,” Jenna said with a disarming grin, “that you play games with your crew to keep them in line?”

  Sevith chuckled at her simplification, but the elevator came to a stop, and the doors slid open. “We work hard and we play hard… We’re here,” he said, stepping into the dark room ahead of them moments before the low, soft, purple lights in the floor sensed his footsteps and lit up.

  Jenna’s eyes widened as she followed him into the room as it activated, and then the main lights came on. Dim violet lights illuminated the entire deck to reveal what looked like a sweeping racing circuit that swept around in an oblong, uneven course below simple seating throughout the deck. Sevith approached the row of Tuk bikes that stood adjacent to the deck they had stepped onto, and a broad grin spread across his face.

  “I wanted to show you my favorite simulation—the Tuk racing circuit.”


  Jenna stared at the bike, confused.

  She tucked her hair behind her ears, fully aware of the heavy weight of Sevith’s intense stare. His eyes were on her face like a ray of scorching heat. She reached out a hand to gingerly touch the Tuk bike and then quickly withdrew it as though worried it might zap her or something.

  Sevith released a low, patient chuckle. “Do not be concerned. It will not hurt you.”

  He draped a powerful arm around her shoulders, and she relaxed beneath his touch. Jenna tipped her head back to peer up at the male who’d grabbed her ass and given her that searing kiss in front of his entire crew. “I don’t understand,” she murmured. “How does it work? Where d
oes it… go?”

  “Technically, it doesn’t go anywhere.”

  Her brows furrowed. “Then, what’s the point of riding?”

  “Trust me.” He reached out and trailed a claw along the sleek slope of the shiny handlebars. “The mind is a complicated and remarkable thing. There are places you can see, feel, and visit without having to leave the safety of the Avash. Go on, give it a feel,” he urged her.

  Jenna lightly brushed her fingers along the seat. The material was unfamiliar, but it was cushy and smooth. The bike was clearly designed to be aerodynamic and fast, and it actually looked very similar to a human motorcycle. But she couldn’t get past the fact that it was anchored in one position. This was a stationary bike buffered on either side to allow it to bend and sway as it was ridden.

  “But… it doesn’t go anywhere?”

  “Oh, it goes places… Perhaps it would be more helpful for me to simply show you, rather than try to explain the technology at work. This is the bike we will both use.”

  “We’re going to ride this, together?”

  “Yes, it’s better that way the first time. Later you can ride your own bike, but today you will ride with me so I can show you how it operates.”

  “Okay.” She bounced on her toes. Sevith was about to put her on the back of his bike? “That sounds great.” A wide grin broke across her face as she eagerly stepped forward. She’d never ridden a motorcycle in her life but had always wanted to try, so riding with Sevith on his bitchin’ alien “bike” sounded like a dream come true.

  Sevith grasped her hips and lifted her onto the seat.

  “Oh.” She hadn’t expected that! Jenna held onto the sides as he swung a leg over and calmly mounted the ride behind her. His heavy weight settled in, pulling the bike down. She glanced over her shoulder. Ooh, she was in front? He pulled her close, her back pressed against his tight abs. Even better.

  Goosebumps prickled along Jenna’s flesh at the mere sensation of his warm, powerful body aligned with her own. She licked her lips as he clapped his hands together loudly in rapid succession. The lighting in the deck reduced instantly to a dim glow and Jenna let out a little yelp of fear as the grid walls that surrounded them dematerialized, replaced with nighttime alien cityscape.

  One moment they were in a boring room and the next they were outside. And it was all so freaking real. The smell, the breeze, the weather, the sounds.

  Oh my god.

  But it was definitely an alien planet because three discrete moons hung like white lanterns in the blue-purple sky, studded with stars and a smear of what looked like some smaller rendition of the Milky Way in the far distance.

  Sleek skyscrapers loomed on either side of the neon-lit street. A hover-car buzzed past, moving so quickly it was nearly invisible. It reminded her of a vid she once saw of a hummingbird’s wings, beating ceaselessly and rapidly so that they nearly disappeared from view. Another vehicle with a similarly sleek design rocketed past them as the Tuk bike idled on the street side. Jenna couldn’t stop gawking, her eyes unable to comprehend the fact that they were suddenly no longer on the Avash, but somehow transported to a city she didn’t recognize.

  The bike rumbled, ready to dart forward. She looked down, catching a glimpse of Sevith’s boot braced on the pavement, holding it back.

  This was amazing. She’d heard that the Drokten had something they called “holo decks” on their battleships, and inside it was said they could simulate other planets and alien locations that no human had ever seen, as if you were really there. And wow, it was true.

  “Wait, so, none of this is real? It’s all just… a trick of the eye?” Jenna confirmed.

  He wrapped one arm around her waist and lowered his head. Warm breath brushed against her ear. “No, none of this is real,” he rumbled. “I’ve programmed the holodeck to create this Level 1 setting for our ride. You are safe here. We have other holo decks that allow for a higher level of realism, but this is only a partial simulation. The bike is real and is anchored in place with buffers on the sides to keep you safe. No matter what you see and hear, how real this all seems, always remember that I will never allow harm to come to you, no matter where we may venture. We can turn this simulation off at any time and return to the neutral setting we started at. Now, do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” she said truthfully. “I trust you.”

  He braced both his veiny, blue, muscled arms on either side of her, holding tightly to the handlebar. “Good,” Sevith straightened. “Now, let’s go for a ride. Ready?”


  Sevith hit the kickstand, the Tuk bike revved aggressively, and they were off, zooming down the neon-washed streets.

  A scream flew out of her mouth. She dug her nails into his thick thighs, holding on for dear life. They were moving so fast, faster than she’d ever thought possible. Even though she knew it was all a simulation, it was impossible to not worry they’d crash.

  But within seconds she could see how good her commander was at this. He expertly darted in and out of traffic. She learned to lean with the turns. It wasn’t until they ripped past the same hover-car they’d flown by earlier that it dawned on her exactly how quickly this bike traveled.

  Sevith drove the Tuk cycle out of the cityscape and into a desert-like environment. Golden gusts kicked up in massive clouds behind them as they rocketed along, leaning steeply to the left and right as the bike picked up speed through the winding desert dunes. Real wind whipped through Jenna’s hair and she couldn’t keep the wide, bright smile off her face as they caught up to a small cluster of other Tuk cycles—each carrying similarly sized single drivers who wore head-to-toe protective armor that completely obscured their features.

  A flare of worry crossed Jenna’s mind and she shouted to be heard over the roar of the collective cycle engines. “Are we supposed to be wearing all that protection, too?”

  “We are completely safe, no matter how it may appear,” Sevith assured her in a booming voice. “Hold on tight, Jenna Perry. We’re going to win this race.”

  He revved the engine and the bike popped up onto its rear wheel for a moment, making Jenna scream and laugh at the same time, before it hit the dusty road hard and sped off at a blisteringly high speed.

  Jenna wriggled back against Sevith’s bare chest, totally awed by the experience as their bike blew past the others, careening across the vast expanse of desert sands. They accelerated up an incline that led to a steep, high cliffside. Jenna peered over the edge with mingled amazement and horror. Nothing was down there but jagged rocks and spiny minerals.

  Sevith was completely unfazed by the proximity to the edge of the dangerous cliff, and once Jenna realized her driver was at ease, she was able to relax as well.

  She loved being in his arms with his broad shoulders, the tight abs and the corded forearms. And that thick erection was prodding against her back the entire ride. It was all sigh-worthy. She shifted in her seat, trying to find relief from the insistent wet throbbing between her thighs. That possessive kiss and now this sexy bike ride were making her achy with need.

  “I can smell your arousal,” Sevith breathed against her ear. “I will bring you relief.”

  Her face heated and her lust kicked up a notch. She shifted again, opening her legs as wide as possible for easier access, hoping when he’d said relief, that meant…

  Sevith slid one of his hands down her stomach and under her shirt. Then he continued into her stretchy leggings, past her panties and delved into her slit. Jenna’s breath caught in her throat as his claw-tipped fingers stroked her slick heat.

  The bike was still barreling along the edge of the cliff. And at the same time Sevith was fingering her pussy. Dear god, she was embarrassingly wet. Then he moved even deeper and pushed his fingers partially inside her core, stroking her inner walls. She leaned her head back against his cheek and let out a long, low moan of delight.

  The other bikes sped up alongside them, drivers distracted by the race. They paid no mind to t
he way Sevith’s fingers arched and stroked at the deep, dark, delicious spot inside of Jenna. She cried out as waves of intense pleasure rushed over her while the wind whipped at her face. His fingers worked her, bringing her closer and closer to the edge of release as the Tuk bike roared past their competitors.

  How could he drive so expertly with one hand, and with the other bring her off?

  This man was amazing.

  They made a sharp, sudden jerk to the right, flying off into the air. Jenna screeched but quickly quieted while Sevith continued to hold her tightly and stroke her clit as the bike took to the skies and rocketed like a small ship across the vast crevasse beneath them.

  A roar of fanfare picked up around them as they landed smoothly and crossed the finish line. Jenna opened both eyes again, her spirit soaring with triumph. They’d won the race. The program slowly faded, shifting back to the more familiar surroundings of the holodeck.

  Sevith removed his hand from her pants.

  Jenna turned in her seat to face him. He lifted his claw, the exact one that was wet with her juices, and inhaled deeply. “I love your scent,” he told her. She watched with rapt attention as he carefully licked his fingers clean, a low growl rumbling in his chest. When he finished, he met her gaze, his eyes a dark blue-black.

  “My turn,” she rasped.

  Sevith chuckled as she jumped onto his lap, their lips crashing together. She threaded her fingers through his wind-blown navy-blue hair and clutched him tightly as she kissed him with all the pent-up passion she’d been hoarding as they ran that race.

  She moaned against his lips as his hand slid down the front of her pants and his fingers were again right where she needed. Sevith’s finger strummed her swollen clit as if he knew exactly how she wanted to be touched. She rocked and rolled her hips, working with him to bring herself pleasure.


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