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Caught Between Two Blue Aliens: An In the Stars Scifi Alien Romance

Page 15

by Celia Kyle

  Jenna wasn’t new to this—she certainly wasn’t a virgin—but she also wouldn’t say she’d understood before what all the fuss over sex was about. But holy crap, all this time spent with Hiren and Sevith was bringing out another side of her she didn’t know existed—her sex-fiend alter ego. A woman who wanted two men in her bed and was totally willing to take on the job of keeping them both satisfied for years to come.

  She was strung so tightly it took no time at all for her orgasm to crash through her. Sevith only had to work her swollen nub a short while and then she trembled and cried out against his mouth as wave after wave of pleasure hit her hard. He kept stroking her, not missing a beat, holding her as she rode out her ecstasy.

  It felt so good it hurt.

  Finally, she fell against him, panting, stunned and a little in awe at the pleasure he’d wrought. And what would it be like if both of them were here? Two pairs of hands touching her?

  Every moment spent with Sevith and Hiren was a gift, a prize she did not dare give up. They made her feel things she never could have imagined, and she didn’t know how she could ever go back to the way things were before. A life with Sevith and Hiren would be one of endless excitement and newfound joys. She loved being with them, having them near and the idea of fully joining their triad sounded wonderful.

  She didn’t want to lose that.

  Yet Noah and Bea’s faces surfaced in her mind, a reminder of what she would have to trade in exchange for a life with these aliens.

  And right when she started to reach down and open Sevith’s trousers to work at bringing him the same relief he’d just given her, the door at the far end of the holodeck opened and Hiren marched in.

  “Sorry to interrupt the fun,” he grinned, “but Sevith and I need to report to holo deck three, immediately.”

  Sevith’s smile faltered and his claws tightened on her hips. “What is it? What is the hurry?”

  “An issue has arisen that only we can handle. We must both enter a holo-conference with the Drokten council. They are waiting for us.”

  Eeek. That sounded long-winded and intimidating. She didn’t envy them having to go to that.

  A growl rumbled in her male’s chest.

  She met Sevith’s troubled gaze and cupped his cheek, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. “I know,” she told him. “It sucks having to stop right now. But we can pick this up again later. Go ahead and go back to work, it’s okay. Don’t worry about me. I’ll just go back to my apartment and wait for you both there.” And actually, this might be good thing—to pause and go home.

  Maybe she needed space to talk and think things out? Because…how in the heck was she going to be able to marry these two while also keeping her siblings safe?



  “White or red?” Jenna asked, leaning around the door of the fridge to peer at Jade, who sat neatly on top of the kitchen counter, legs swinging freely.

  Her friend arched a perfectly shaped brow, her lips twitching with the beginnings of a smile. “What do I care?” she questioned. “It’s wine. I’ll take whatever you’ve got. Now give me the low down. What happened these last two days while you were ghosting me? I saw stuff on the news about—”

  “Good because I only have red,” Jenna interrupted. “It was on sale,” she added in a stage whisper.

  “Well, lucky for you, I wouldn’t know the difference between a three-hundred-dollar or a three-dollar wine.” Her friend laughed. “Now, come on, stop stalling. There are literally pictures of you and two Drokten all over social media. What’s up? Why is my best friend suddenly all over the news?”

  Jenna bit her lip. “Uh… I think I’ll need a whole bottle to myself if we’re about to discuss this.”

  “No problem. Let me help you get started.” Jade grabbed the bottle and tipped a hefty amount of cheap wine into Jenna’s chipped glass and then followed suit with her own.

  Jenna sighed. “Come on. Let’s go sit on the couch. I want to be comfy.”

  “Don’t have to tell me twice.” Jade slid off the kitchen counter and padded after Jenna into the tiny living room space.

  They walked over with their wine and plopped down on the sofa, wiggling around with the fleece blanket and threadbare throw pillows to get comfortable.

  Jenna took a sip and then stared into the dark, burgundy-hued liquid in her glass, giving it a gentle swirl.

  “Hello? Earth to Jenna?”

  Jenna blinked rapidly and gave her friend a brief, apologetic smile. “Sorry. I’m a little spacey tonight.”

  “Yeah, I can tell. So…what happened?”

  “Ugh, it’s such a tangled-up mess. I don’t think you even really want to know.” Jenna sighed.

  Her friend snorted and laid a gentle hand on her arm. “Come on. Remember who you’re talking to here. I’m your best friend! That’s what I’m here for. To listen as you tell me all the boring crap that’s got you feeling down.”

  A laugh escaped Jenna’s lips. “I wish it was boring crap, I really do.”

  “Now, that I can believe, considering the paparazzi are parked outside your building. Seriously, though. Spill it. The secrets, not the wine.”

  “Ha-ha, as if I’d ever waste a drop of wine, no matter how bottom-shelf this stuff is,” Jenna joked. “But really, it’s… it’s something kind of weird.”

  “Perfect. I love weird.” Jade leaned forward eagerly.

  Jenna nibbled her lower lip and then let out a deep breath. “Okay, so here it is… Remember how we had to sign that stupid release form for the catering event at Drokten Main the other night?”

  Jade nodded. “Yeah, of course. The potential-mate clause or whatever it was called.”

  “Yeah, that. Well, you signed it, too, right?”

  “Of course, I did. They wouldn’t have let me through the doors if I hadn’t, and that job paid primo,” she replied. “I mean, as far as shady contracts go, it’s not the worst I’ve seen. Besides, the actual likelihood of being selected as a mate for a pair of Drokten males is so far off the charts crazy that it’s not even worth worrying over. You probably have a higher chance of winning the lottery or something.”

  Jenna’s face flushed hot as Jade spoke.

  Her friend narrowed her eyes. “Jenna, you’re turning pink… Oh my god, you’re actually blushing.”

  “Well,” Jenna drawled, “there’s… there’s a reason for that,” she admitted reluctantly.

  Jade’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “Wait, you can’t be serious. That’s why you were walking with them and holding their hands? I guess I thought…well, I don’t know what I thought because now it seems obvious. I saw people debating it on the news channel, but I thought, no way. I mean it’s only ever happened one other time, to that one British girl…and I guess I thought that was a fluke. A one-off. But, is it really true? Are those two your mates?”

  Jenna sighed, deciding it was best to start at the beginning. “You saw me talking with Hiren that first night. Didn’t you?”

  “Yeah, a little. I saw you walking over to the Drokten side of the room and I was trying to figure out why. Then someone asked me a question and I got sucked back into the job. I was super busy replenishing the fancy snacky-snacks on those dinky-ass silver trays. Then the next thing I knew, I looked over again and you were gone. Just, gone. And I’ve been texting you ever since, trying to find out why you left work early, but you were semi-ghosting me. And then I see you’re on the news, holding hands with two Drokten!”

  “Well, this all started at the event when I overheard Secretary Wells plotting to eliminate the Drokten. So, of course I had to warn them.”

  Jade spat out her drink. “What the hell? He did what?”

  “Yup, it happened,” Jenna confirmed. “Turns out the guy who’s the leader of negotiations between us and the Drokten actually despises the Drokten.”


  “Right? And so, I went over to warn the Drokten commander and his ambassador, but t
he secretary, or his spies, overheard me talking and then swooped down and had me put in a holding cell, which I managed to escape.”

  Jade nearly dropped her glass of wine. “Oh my god, Jenna! Since when did you turn into a ninja-level spy?”

  “I know. I know. It’s crazy. But I had to get out of there because I overheard the two Drokten saying they were going to immediately take me to their ship. I thought they were trying to kidnap me.”

  “Kidnap you? Are you sure?”

  “Well, I thought I was right. But I think I just misunderstood. But I really did need to get away from Secretary Wells. But then the very next day, while I was at the diner, Hiren and Sevith showed up. They’d found me.”

  “Holy shit, girl. So, this is real. They really did meet you and instantly knew you were the one? Wait—so you’re, like, an official Drokten mate now? Oh, what’s the term for that…” Jade trailed off.

  “Oso. It’s called an Oso,” Jenna mumbled from behind her hands.

  “Yes! That’s it! Oh my god, so you’re an Oso. My best friend is an Oso,” Jade mused aloud.

  Jenna peeked through her fingers to see her friend’s dumbfounded expression.

  “You have to give me all the details. Did you guys all, you know, do it yet?”

  Jenna lifted her head from her hands, eyes wide. “Holy crap, Jade, no. You know me. I’m not like that.”

  Jade shrugged. “I mean, that’s what happens. Right? You get chosen and then you do it and become a triad. That’s how it goes. Even I know that.”

  “You do? Why didn’t I know that? I thought at first they just wanted a one-night stand with me. And I was all nope.”

  “Where have you been? Living under a rock? No, the Drokten are special because they’re virgins until they mate. All of them, male or female, never mate until they find the person who is the one they’re going to marry. It’s actually pretty romantic. It’s just that it’s um, three people in their marriage instead of two, which lots of people find problematic. I don’t, but other people do.”

  “I didn’t know,” Jenna repeated dully, her voice flat. “And I didn’t read the fine print of the contract, so I didn’t know they thought I was their mate and could just whisk me away. So, they totally weren’t trying to kidnap me. They just didn’t know I didn’t fully understand the contract. And no, we haven’t had sex yet.”

  “Hmm… Okay, back up. First of all, congratulations,” Jade said. “Second of all, why aren’t you excited about this? Isn’t this a good thing?”

  “Don’t congratulate me just yet. It’s complicated,” Jenna warned.

  “How so? They’re heroes. You’re wonderful and they’re lucky to have you. You’re all destined to be together. What’s the problem? I’d be all over that shit if I were you.” Jade paused and took a deep sip of her wine.

  Jenna fumbled for the right explanation. “I feel the connection, too. I was taking it seriously. It’s just that I was worried at first it would never work out because they wouldn’t be able to accept Noah and Bea. But then they went through the bother of coming here to the apartment to meet my brother and sister.”

  “Oh, that was nice.”

  “Yeah, and they brought food and stocked my kitchen and hung out for a long time with us. It was sweet. We talked a lot and… whenever I’m close to them, it feels right… good. They’re easy to talk to. I want to be with them more than anything, except… I’m still worried it’s not possible.” Jenna groaned and raked her fingers through her long hair. “The thing is, Secretary Wells is blackmailing me.”

  “Blackmailing you? Jenna Perry? With what?”

  “Well, one of his aides got me alone today at Drokten Main and yelled at me. He told me he knew I was with Hiren and Sevith, and I had to join their crazy plan to eliminate the Drokten and I’d better spy on the commander and the ambassador for them. If I don’t give them secrets to help them destroy the Drokten, they’ll take the kids from me. I just don’t know what to do.”

  “Whoa,” Jade let out a low whistle. “That’s a lot. Oh my god. I’m so sorry.”

  “Exactly, it’s too much. They want me to betray Hiren and Sevith! How can I possibly do that? I don’t want to hurt them. I don’t want anybody to get hurt. And I think it’s stupid to get rid of the beings who are protecting us from the Zignill. Who knows what other bad aliens might want to take us over?”

  “Right? I’ve heard of that Drokten resistance fringe-group. They’re off their rocker. I think the FBI just declared them domestic terrorists. I didn’t realize their organization went so far up the chain, though. I can’t believe the freaking secretary is part of that.”

  “They’re scary. And meanwhile, Hiren and Sevith want me to complete their claiming bond and become their Oso and move in with them. But I’ve got Secretary Wells blackmailing me to give up Drokten military secrets or he’ll take the kids from me and I’ll never see them again. If I marry the men I’m falling in love with, I’ll be forced to spy on them.”

  “Damn, girl…and, you’re falling in love with them?”

  “Yes.” Jenna’s throat started to thicken, and her eyes stung. “Yes, I am. They’re wonderful and I just don’t know what to do.” She paused for a breather and to take another sip of wine before continuing. “And then there’s the fact that if I mate with them, I’d be leaving everything behind—everything I’ve ever known. They’ve been very clear that their objective is for us to live first on the battleship but then eventually return to their home planet. Don’t get me wrong, Sevith and Hiren took me to see the Avash and I know how amazing it is. It’s beautiful. The technology they have there is incredible. You’d lose your mind. But it’s not home for me. This is my home—Earth. My apartment. My friends. My family. How could I possibly say goodbye to all of this and eventually leave to go live on another planet?”

  Jade flashed her a sympathetic frown. “For that part, I guess you’ll just have to listen to your heart, Jenna. You’ll have to be ready to have their babies too. That’s what they want—to have lots of children to keep their species going. So, you’d also have to be on board with not just moving to their ship and possibly to their home world, but also becoming a mom to a lot of kids.”

  Jenna shrugged her shoulders and ran the tip of her finger around the rim of her glass. “I’ve actually already been thinking about that and… I’m okay with it. The idea of having babies with those two and starting a family sounds good and the idea of lots of kids doesn’t scare me. I’m already sort of a mom now. And I’m sure Hiren and Sevith will be amazing fathers.”

  “Okay, but it just won’t be the family you imagined growing up,” Jade pointed out, “with one dad and a mom. Again, are you sure that’s fine with you? You just need to know for sure before going in that you’re fine with two husbands forever because there’s no divorce with the Drokten. You can’t go back on this later and change your mind because they’ll mentally be bonded to you. You’re it for them.”

  Jenna sighed, remembering how much she enjoyed that “family time” they’d had at the Drokten breakfast. “When I’m with my mates, it feels so solid, so real, you know? I completely understand what you’re saying. We already have a mental bond growing between us, so I can see how that would be impossible to break. The way I feel for them, the way they protect and guard me, the wonderful way they treat Noah and Bea… and the way they touch me is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before,” she admitted.

  “Damn, sounds hot.” Jade commented with a wink and cheeky grin.

  Jenna rolled her eyes, even as she flashed her own grin in return. “It is. Believe me. But is that enough to make me betray my own people? Earth? My brother and sister?”

  “You’re not betraying them, Jenna,” her friend murmured gently. “Don’t let those terrorists get in your head and make you think that.”

  “I just… I don’t know how to make this all work out,” Jenna answered. “I’m worried I’m going to have to say no to them, yet again, to keep the Drokten safe from m
y spying and to keep my brother and sister with me.”

  “Those two won’t take no for an answer.”

  “That’s what I’m afraid of. They’re coming over here tomorrow morning. I don’t know what to say to them. Yesterday, when they were giving me the tour and I was with them on their ship and alone with them, I was all-in because I could forget about all of this. But then I came back home and I’m apart from them tonight and because they aren’t nearby, I’ve lost the feel of their minds. I kinda feel like it makes it easier for me to think more logically. And logically, I shouldn’t be with them, for their own safety as well as for my brother and sister.”

  “I don’t know, not accepting those two as your new husbands, that sounds kinda harsh…”

  “But, Jade, I told the aide that yes, I’d spy for them. Spy on Hiren and Sevith. I mean, I had to say I would, or they were prepared to take Noah and Bea right away. So, the resistance thinks I’m going to do this for them. They said I have to get them some useful intelligence info for our first meet-up date, which is a week from now. And, he said if I tried to tell anyone and rat them out, they’d know and take the kids immediately.”

  “Wow,” Jade whispered.

  “The worst part is I wanted what I said to be a lie. That, of course I’d never spy on the Drokten. But if it meant I had to choose between my brother and sister or Hiren and Sevith, I have to choose them. They’re just children.”

  And they were both quiet for a moment, processing the enormity of the situation.

  “I literally don’t know what you should do,” her friend admitted. “You’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.”

  Jenna swirled the wine around in her glass. “You see why it’s complicated?”

  “Damn right.” Jade stared at her for a moment and then smiled again. “You know what? How about we change the subject a bit? I think you need a distraction from this shit.”

  Jenna brightened. “Yeah, well how about instead I tell you what Earth looks like when you’re in a Drokten shuttle?”


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