Book Read Free

When the Dead Have It Easy

Page 17

by B. L. Brunnemer

  “Don’t you think you should stop eavesdropping and focus on getting your asses through the course?” Ethan shouted back as I braced my foot on his thigh and stepped up. The ladder swayed as I shifted my weight.

  I pulled myself up onto the third rung, got my balance back then turned to Ethan. Who was looking at my ass with a smile. “Hey, focus on climbing.”

  He winked at me. “You’re going to have to give me a hand.”

  My mind went straight to the gutter. I started laughing and couldn’t stop. “You’re such a shit.” I reached my hand down to him.

  Ethan took my hand. I pulled as he climbed up to the third rung. “So, you’re not a virgin.”

  I started laughing again as I shifted to my knee and braced my other just like he had. “Is it really that surprising?”

  “No.” Ethan used my leg as a step and climbed to the next rung. “You were entirely too comfortable with my morning hard on.”

  I shook my head as I got to my feet. The giant ladder continued to sway with our movement.

  He reached down to me. “So, he was good in bed, huh?”

  I chuckled as I took his hand. He pulled while I climbed. “Do you really want to know?” When I got on the board, I turned to him.

  He smirked. “Yeah.”

  I smiled and shook my head. Then I leaned in close and whispered, “He was good in bed, and car, and field, and on the roof...”

  He chuckled as he got down on his knee and braced the other. “And there’s been no one since?”

  I used his leg as a step. “Nope.” I grunted as I pulled myself up and climbed up on the platform. “Do you really want to talk about numbers?”

  He looked up at me and thought about it for a minute. “You’d be surprised.”

  I reached down to him. “’Cause your number would be so high?”

  His smile was sad as he reached up and took my hand. “It’s not nearly as high as you might think.”

  I pulled him up. “Sure, it’s not.”

  He sat down next to me on the platform, his smile fading. “I know I’ve made mistakes.”

  My smile disappeared. “Ethan, you know I’m just teasing you. Right?”

  He looked down at the forest floor. “I know, I was trying to figure something out… I regret a lot of it.”

  I bumped my shoulder against his. “Snoopy.”

  He took a deep breath and let it out before turning to me. “Nine.”

  I didn’t understand. “Nine what?”

  “I’ve slept with nine girls.” He watched me closely.

  “And I’ve slept with one guy.” I met his gaze. “I don’t care how many girls you’ve slept with.”

  The shadows in his eyes lightened. “You don’t?”

  I shook my head. “As long as you’re safe and healthy... Nope.”

  His smile came back with full force. “Once I figured… There hasn’t been anyone for a year.”

  I couldn’t help but smile. “So… not Faith?” I had hated his ex…

  “No.” He smiled. “And not Dylan?”

  I scoffed. “No. No. No. He tried to get to second once and every alarm I had went off.”

  “Alarm bell?”

  I tilted my head. “Don’t guys have alarm bells? He tried to pull down my cami strap and everything in me screamed to stop.”

  “Oh. I didn’t have that for a long time. But eventually...” He shrugged. “After a few crazy exes, I started being able to see the signs.”

  I looked at him closely. “Why can I talk to you like this?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean?”

  I looked down at the forest floor. “If I was having this conversation with, like, Miles, I’d be blushing. Zeke? I wouldn’t even talk to him about this. Isaac…” I shook my head. “We’d probably be drunk. And if it was with Asher, yeah, I don’t even know how that would go.”

  He shrugged. “If anyone’s made mistakes, it’s me, Beautiful.”

  And that was the heart of it. Ethan would never judge me for fucking up, or doing something stupid. He’d just shrug and move on.

  “Hey! Get moving, you two!” Zeke shouted from below where he was standing with a frowning Asher.

  I looked down and waved. “Finally caught up, huh?”

  Zeke flipped me off. We chuckled as we got to our feet and moved on to the next section. This one had a rope swing into a vertical cargo net that was around ten feet away. This was going to be interesting.

  “You want to go first?” I turned to Ethan.

  “Looks like just a swing and grab.” He reached out and got the rope and pulled it back. He clipped his line to the safety line, then grabbed the rope and jumped. He swung out and hit the net. He grabbed the net, got on it and sent the rope back to me.

  I clipped onto the safety line and waited until he moved enough out of the way.

  “Shit, Zeke!” Asher cursed from below.

  “I told you that wouldn’t fucking work!” Zeke’s voice was rougher than usual. Irritating him was fun. I smiled to myself as Ethan moved far enough over. I swung out across the gap and hit the net. I snagged the ropes and focused on moving onto it. Ethan started moving right and I followed at a distance.

  “Shit!” Isaac’s voice echoed through the woods. I looked past the net and found Isaac in the middle of a line, swinging his feet. It looked like he was stuck.

  “You hit the brake too early!” Somehow Miles’ voice was serious while we laughed so hard tears slipped down our faces.

  * * *

  It was the middle of the afternoon when we headed back to camp. On the way, Asher wanted to go into town to pick up more groceries since the twins still seemed to be in the middle of a growth spurt. Asher pulled into a space on the main street of Polson and turned off the truck.

  “I’ll hit the store.” Asher took off his seat belt and opened his door. “Should only be ten minutes.”

  “Let’s pick up lunch while we’re here.” Isaac opened his door.

  “Oh, lunch.” I got out. “That sounds great right now.”

  “What are we doing?” Zeke stuck his head out of Miles’ truck window from the spot beside us.

  “Asher needs grocery stuff and we want lunch.” I closed my door and started for the raised sidewalk. Zeke shut off the truck as Ethan got out on the other side. I hopped up on the sidewalk and looked around. It was a small town, pretty, picturesque even. Tourists walked down the sidewalks, moving in and out of stores. The place was bustling. But something was off… I looked through the crowd, I couldn’t put my finger on it…

  “Red?” Isaac stopped beside me. “What’s wrong?”

  I looked up and down the street again. But I still couldn’t put my finger on it. “Oh, nothing.” Turning, I followed the others down the street to a pizza place.

  “We’re lucky Tara refused to leave camp,” Isaac said. “She got to watch Hades.”

  I snorted as I followed Ethan through the door and almost ran into his back.

  “Six, please,” Asher told the waitress.

  “Right this way,” The waitress said. We didn’t have far to go before we stopped at a u-shaped booth across from the front window “Here we go.”

  “Where is she?” Zeke’s voice came from the front of the group.

  I didn’t bother to answer, I just raised my hand.

  “Come on, you’re in the middle.” Zeke gestured to me as the guys moved so I could see.

  “Sir. Yes, sir.” I made my way past the guys as they chuckled. After sliding in to the very center, the guys got in the booth with Zeke and Asher on the ends.

  “Can I get everyone something to drink?” The waitress smiled. She was pretty, brown hair, shining hazel eyes and an oval face. Everyone ordered. After she left, the debate began.

  I squinted at my menu then held it further back. Miles pulled something out of a pocket on his shorts and handed me a hard case. “You need to start carrying your glasses.”

  I grumbled under my breath as I opened the
case. “I can’t believe you ordered another pair just to carry around.”

  “I can’t believe you keep forgetting them.” Miles grinned at me as I slipped the narrow black rimmed rectangular glasses on.

  “We need to get one of those beaded things that hook up to her glasses.” Isaac turned to Ethan and gestured at his neck. “The thing that Grams has.”

  Ethan chuckled. “The granny eyeglass necklace.”

  I picked up my menu. “Fuck you both.”

  The guys snickered.

  “Meat lovers,” Zeke started the voting.

  “Supreme, I like the peppers and onions,” I countered.

  “Canadian bacon and pineapple,” Miles threw out.

  “Oh, that sounds good today.” I sent him a smile. He winked.

  “Pineapple doesn’t belong on a pizza,” Asher muttered under his breath but still loud enough for everyone to hear.

  “Does too.” Miles and I said in unison.

  “We’ll get two pizzas.” Miles set the menu down. “That way everyone can get what they like.”

  “No pineapple.” Asher looked over the top of his menu.

  “On half of one,” I offered.

  Asher shook his head then looked across the table to Zeke. “I’d like tomatoes.”

  Zeke cringed. “Once those get on something, everything tastes like tomatoes.”

  “There’re tomatoes in the sauce.” Asher pointed out just like he always did whenever this conversation came up.

  Zeke nodded. “Yeah, but not big chunks of it.”

  “We could do a half meat lovers and half Canadian bacon and pineapple.” I turned to Zeke.

  Zeke shook his head. “It’s the same thing with the pineapple.”

  “I can’t believe you guys are such pineapple haters.” I rolled my eyes. “What if we do a supreme instead, Miles?”

  Miles shook his head. “The peppers just steam the pizza.”

  “I’m with Zeke on the meat lovers.” Isaac raised his hand.

  Ethan shook his head. “I want the classic peperoni.”

  Sighing, I looked over the menu again. “Oh! They have personal pizzas.”

  “Thank God,” Asher sighed dramatically. “Saved from pineapple hell.”

  I stuck my tongue out at him. He chuckled.

  Everyone put down their menus. Almost immediately, the waitress was back with a big smile. “What’ll it be?”

  Everyone ordered, starting with Zeke. When it got to Isaac beside me, she looked at him through her lashes. “What will you have, cutie?”

  Isaac lifted his head and started ordering while I suddenly had the urge to clock her.

  When she turned to me her smile faded. “And you?”

  “A personal supreme pizza, please.” I kept my voice civil. Very ‘no, I don’t want to bash your face into the table.’ I was proud.

  After she left, Ethan leaned forward so he could see me around Isaac, chuckling. “I thought you were going to blow a gasket there, Beautiful.”

  I shot him a look. “I’m not… that bad.”

  Ethan shook his head. “You should have seen your eyes.”

  “Shut up.” I pretended not to know what he was talking about.

  “What are you two talking about?” Isaac looked between his brother and me.

  Ethan grinned. “The waitress was hitting on you. And Lexie got jealous.”

  “Really?” Isaac turned to me.

  I ignored them both and looked out the window. “So, what are we doing the rest of the day?”

  “Hiking?” Asher looked at the others. “There’s the natural hot springs on one trail.

  “That sounds like a plan.” Ethan took a drink of his soda.

  I turned back to the guys. “So, who fell the most?”

  “Zeke,” the guys chimed.

  “Screw you guys,” Zeke growled.

  Everyone chuckled then started talking about the hardest part of the course.

  It wasn’t long before the waitress came back. “Can I get anyone a refill?”

  Several of us pushed our glasses toward her and said please. She reached for Isaac’s first, brushing her fingers against his before she took it. Isaac pulled back while I took a deep breath. Jealousy ate through me. Did he think she was pretty? Was she more his type? Hell, I wouldn’t blame him if he asked for her number. I had kissed four other guys. His best friends. Yeah… I wouldn’t blame him.

  We were talking about our favorite parts of the course when the waitress started back toward us with the tray of drinks. Isaac reached over, took my hand and rested them both on the table. Silence dropped like an anvil. Tension rose from everyone. I tried to pull away but he wouldn’t let go. Zeke opened his mouth to say something only to hesitate when the waitress arrived.

  “We have four sodas and an ice tea.” When she set down Isaac’s her gaze moved to our hands. Her smile faded around the edges. But it was back by the time she set mine down.

  When she was gone, I pulled my hand from his but it was too late. The guys were glaring at Isaac.

  “Don’t fucking use her as a shield.” Zeke growled.

  “What are you trying to do, claim her?” Asher shook his head. “Really?”

  “I’m just trying to get that chick to leave me alone.” Isaac put his hands in his lap then moved his hand over to mine.

  “The same thing would have happened if you held Miles’ hand.” Ethan grinned.

  I snorted. “That’s true.”

  “I’m not sitting next to Miles.” Isaac shook his head.

  “You’re not that sneaky, blue hair. Hands on the table.” Zeke’s voice was hard.

  Isaac sighed, squeezed my hand, let go then put his hands on the table.

  Yeah, he probably should have thought twice but... Being jealous sucks; hell, I wasn’t even handling it well lately but still… “You guys...”

  “Don’t encourage him, Lexie.” Asher rubbed the bridge of his nose.

  Now it’s my fault? “How the hell am I encouraging him? I’m just sitting here.”

  “You held his hand under the table.” Asher shifted in his spot.

  “Yes, what a crime.” My voice was thick with sarcasm. “The dreaded holding of a hand, it’s a capital offense. Get the noose.”

  “Lexie…” Miles pushed up his glasses.

  “No.” I shook my head at him. “I was just sitting here. That’s encouraging him?”

  “You let him hold your hand under the table.” Asher leaned forward. “That’s participating.”

  “Okay, yeah. I held his hand. But would you feel differently if you were the one she was hitting on?” I met his gaze and waited for an answer.

  Asher hesitated.

  “It’d be different, right?” I turned to Miles. “What about you? If you were getting hit on and you wanted it to stop it, would it be different?”

  No one answered. I shook my head. “Let me out.”

  Zeke got out of the booth and waited for Miles to follow.


  “Let. Me. Out.” My voice was hard and clipped.

  Ethan glared at Asher. “Move, man.”

  “Why are you upset?” Miles frowned at me.

  Needing to get away, I shifted and got to my feet on the booth seat. “Zeke?”

  Zeke reached across the table to grab my hips. He easily lifted me over the table and set me down.

  “Thanks.” I turned and headed further into the restaurant. They should have an arcade or something… Hell, even a bathroom would work. I just needed to be somewhere else until I calmed down.


  Why was she upset? I ran it over in my head again and still didn’t get it.

  Zeke sat back down. “Move in.” I scooted in automatically

  Zeke took my spot, leaving Lexie the end. “Why didn’t either of you get up?”

  I shook my head. “I don’t understand what just happened.”

  Asher shrugged.

  The twins shook their heads.

“Well, let me explain it,” Zeke growled. “You just told Lexie that it’s her fault that Isaac held her hand even though we all saw that she tried to pull away.”

  Did we… oh, no. I closed my eyes and dropped my head back. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  “How else was she going to take that?” Isaac shook his head.

  I lifted my head. “I just meant…” What had I meant? What had I been thinking when I saw that? I couldn’t really remember just… that I wondered if she’d rather have Isaac touch her than me… Geeze. “I was being stupid.”

  Zeke turned to Asher. “What’s your excuse?”

  Asher swallowed. “I don’t have one.”

  Zeke shook his head. “Frankly, I don’t care. But she wanted to leave and you both wouldn’t let her. That will never fucking happen again.” Both Isaac and Ethan nodded in agreement followed closely by Asher and I.

  If we can’t even watch one of us hold hands with Lexie… We really aren’t going to be able to deal with her choosing.

  “And here are your pizzas.” The waitress arrived. She set each personal pizza on the table in random order. “Enjoy.”

  Everyone thanked her before she left.

  Isaac shook his head. “It wasn’t something we haven’t done before.”

  “That was before New Orleans.” I started tapping. “Things have changed.”

  “She just needs to choose,” Asher said. “Then everyone can move on.”

  “Do you really think, after what just happened, that any of us can watch her date someone else?” I met each of their eyes. “Even if it’s one of us?”

  Silence surrounded us.


  I hit the flippers on the pinball machine and sent the ball flying. Keeping my eyes on it, I ignored everything else. Well, I tried to. The guys... what do I do? How the hell do I fix this? I hit the side of the machine a little too hard. Tilt flashed on the display. The machine shut down and my ball fell through. Great.


  I ignored him and pulled the lever to shoot the next ball out and back into play.

  Asher appeared beside the machine. “The pizzas are at the table.”


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