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Page 17

by Belinda McBride

  “Yes, well, sometimes it’s better to die when it’s your time. Oliver went through the horror of one of the most brutal wars in history. He saw death at its most grisly and then was burned by mustard gas. He earned the peace of death. If Yves had been rational, he’d never have put Bleu through the change. It’s amazing he wasn’t a complete rogue. And it might be the root of whatever’s going wrong with him now.”

  “He dreams. They’re so bad that he physically manifests the burns from the gas.”

  She let out a puff of breath and buried her face in her hands. “God. To have to relive that.”

  “He often stays awake during the day. He can’t move or even speak. He’s just trapped there, awake and unmoving for hours. I thought… I gave him some relief.”

  When she looked up, her eyes were reddened. “I’m sure you did. I’m sure the few days that you fed him were good too.”

  “But not enough.”

  “Far from it.”

  “But you’re here now. You’ll take care of him, since I can’t.”

  She pushed back the chair and paced. “That’s not the issue, Blacque. I’m a vampire. I shouldn’t give a shit about another vamp. We aren’t clannish like wolves.”

  “But you care.” He watched her, his heart beating so rapidly that he thought he’d have a heart attack. “And you’ll take care of him.”

  She turned to face him. “Blacque, his maker—our maker—is insane. He has power over us. He created me to try to lure Bleu back to him, but I got away. He’s offering rewards. Yves has hunters looking for him. How likely do you think it is that Yves is having me watched? I rode into town and walked straight up to his lair. Do you understand?”

  He tried to speak, but nothing came out. Blacque rose to his feet and then sat back down. “Arcada… The town will protect him. If someone attacks…”

  “I know, but Bleu doesn’t stay inside the city limits. He can’t. He has to hunt sometime.”

  “I guard him during the days, but I can’t take care of him at night. I can’t feed him, and I can’t be his lover, April. Not anymore.”

  She whirled away, anger and frustration radiating from her very essence. He could taste it in the air.

  “Do you understand that Yves doesn’t want his death? Not yet, anyway.” Her voice was harsh and faint. “I don’t scar. I can’t show you what he’s capable of. But I can tell you.” She turned to face him. “Bleeding out isn’t a bad way to die, but Yves didn’t want me to die that way. He didn’t want me to fade peacefully. He wanted me to taste pain, fear.” She lifted up her T-shirt, displaying a flat, muscular belly.

  “He gutted me. He ripped me open with his bare hands and gutted me. After that, he fed and then turned me. I felt my body knit back together, and it hurt. You can’t imagine how it hurt.”

  Blacque said nothing in spite of his sympathy for her pain. He let her talk and wondered if she’d ever told anyone about this before.

  “He then dragged me away and kept me locked up, teaching me to be a vampire according to his rules. Everything he did was motivated by his obsession with Bleu. One moment he wanted to kill him, to tear him apart with his bare teeth. The next, he was so in love, so desperate to find him again that he grieved. Do you understand how much danger my great-grandfather faces if Yves finally catches him?”

  Blacque nodded. Every instinct he had was screaming to find Bleu—to find him and protect him. He fought the shift that threatened, and allowed his hands to lengthen into razor-tipped paws. His breathing came hard, and he fought down panic. When he could think clearly again, he spoke.

  “I have few allies in my pack, but there are some who will do my bidding.” Would they shadow a vampire for him? “They will alert me if there is any danger to Bleu.” If he needed to use brute force to control them, so be it.

  She relaxed a bit. “I’m going to follow him too, though I told him I didn’t want to hunt in his territory. I don’t think it’ll be too odd if I hang around with him. Family and all.” Her smile was forced.

  “Do you have someplace to stay tomorrow? I’ll be at the shop all day working. I’ll be gone most of the night, though. It’s the full moon. We’ll have a pack run.”

  “I’ve got a place. Until I know if he’s in danger or not, I’ll be in town. If Yves doesn’t spot him here, I’ll rabbit out of the area. He’ll follow me and not look where I’ve been.”

  “Are you sure he’s following you?”

  “Yeah. No obvious signs, but I think it’s a team of hunters. It’s just a feeling, you know? I’m always looking over my shoulder.”

  She returned to the table and sat down to sip her cooling hot chocolate. “It’s getting really old. Even though I got away from him ages ago, Yves still pulls my strings.”

  “It sounds like Yves needs to die permanently.”

  She lifted her cup to his and clinked the edges together. “I’ll drink to that.”

  Chapter 17

  The light of the full moon cut across the sloping lawns of the alpha’s house. Pack members milled around, forming tight circles and then breaking away to reform in new clusters. Even if he hadn’t got Jeremy’s warning, Blacque would have known something was up.

  “The natives are restless tonight.” Dane stood beside Blacque, looking out the kitchen window at the activity outside.

  “You have any clue what’s up?” Drusilla moved to his side and stood between her father and brother.

  Blacque grinned. The moon was already pulling the beast out of his soul. “Challenge, I suppose. Jeremy tipped me off.”

  “Challenge? I thought everyone had made peace with this.” Drusilla turned to him. Her frown hid a trace of fear on her face. “Dad, can’t you get this under control?”

  “Looks like your brother knows more about it than I do.” Dane looked at Blacque in question.

  “According to Jeremy, there’s a group that’s going to lure me outside of Arcada tonight. They’re planning to take me on as a group. I guess they want to get it over with all at once.” He couldn’t help the smile that settled on his face. His wolf was hungry for blood tonight. It wanted sex, but as that wasn’t on the menu, it would take blood instead.

  “You don’t look upset.” Dru eyed him speculatively. In spite of her air of casual cynicism, he knew she was worried.

  He threw an arm over her shoulder. “It’s been coming. I’m ready for it.”

  “You sure?” Dane looked concerned. As alpha, he monitored challenges but couldn’t show favoritism, even toward his eldest son. “You have a second?”

  “Don’t know. We’ll see how everything shakes down once the fighting starts.” He paced to the table and sat, fingers resting gently on the file he’d brought for his father. The contents were explosive, but not nearly as volatile as what he was about to disclose. Without comment, Dru and Dane joined him at the table. Absently he noted he was in the chair his father usually occupied when they had their little family gatherings. He swallowed.

  “I’ve got to do it on my own tonight. No help from anyone.” He sent a sharp glance at his sister. “That means you.”

  She licked her lips nervously but didn’t protest.

  “Why? Why are you doing it like this?” Dane’s dark eyes were steady and cool as he studied Lukas.

  “There has to be no doubt in anyone’s mind that I can take them and beat them. I have to establish complete and total dominance tonight.” He felt surprisingly calm, but then, he was in the eye of the storm. Things would be getting very crazy very soon.

  Dane leaned back and folded his arms over his brawny chest. He was dressed similar to Blacque tonight—old jeans and a T-shirt. “Talk to me, Lukas. You’re leading up to something big and bad.”

  “You know Oliver Bleu?”

  “The vamp? Yeah, you know I know Bleu.” His father’s face now had an expression of wary interest.

  “He’s got family. She’s not just vampire kin, but blood related—his great-granddaughter.” He watched as realization settled ove
r Dane’s face.

  “The new vampire I scented a while back.”

  “Yeah. It seems Bleu’s maker is a bit of a nutcase. He turned April in order to draw Bleu out of hiding. That didn’t work, so he’s been hunting him for years. April didn’t know he was here, and she’s afraid Yves has trackers on her.”

  “So she says.” Dru’s eyes were bright with suspicion. “Vampires aren’t known for their family ties, Lukas.”

  He shrugged. “I believe her. And she asked for help with keeping an eye out for him. I want to have a couple of wolves that’ll be willing to watch over him when he leaves the town to hunt.”

  Dane sighed gustily. “The pack is under no obligation to vampires, Lukas. Doesn’t matter if they’re neighbors or even friends. You don’t want to drag us into their garbage. It’s too dangerous.”

  Blacque glanced at Dru. She was studying the surface of the old table, avoiding his gaze. He looked back at his father.

  “I told you I gave up someone in order to take my place in the pack.”

  Dane looked up abruptly, the shock clearly written in his face. “Bleu? You were involved with a vampire?”

  “Yeah. I was involved with Bleu. And I gave him up. For you and the pack.” He swallowed hard and continued. “He cares for me. I hurt him, and I owe him.”

  Drusilla reached out and clasped his hand. He squeezed hers and gave her a slight smile.

  “It wasn’t just a fling? A dominance thing?”

  “Dad, I’ve known him for years. The…relationship part ended before it really had a chance to start. But no, it wasn’t a fling. My feelings for him…” He crushed back his emotions, taking time to get himself under control. “Love.” He nodded. That was it. Love. “Not just that either. You should know… I’ve never been interested in women. Ever. I tried for a while. It just never worked for me.”

  Dane had gone pale. Blacque didn’t blame him—he’d just dropped a couple of major bombs on his head. He was feeling a bit overwhelmed himself.

  “You’re telling me you’re gay.”

  “Yeah, guess that’s what I’m saying.” He cleared his throat and looked directly at his father. “I can’t do this unless all the cards are on the table. You…the pack…you all deserve to know. And I deserve to live without lying about who I am.”

  Dane pushed back his chair, stood, and paced for a moment, finally walking to the sink to fill a glass with water. He leaned against the counter as he sipped from the glass, studying his children. When he finished, he carefully set the glass down and returned to the table. He looked from Blacque to Dru.

  “You have any major revelations you want to share tonight? This would be the time to do it.” His voice sounded slightly thick, but Blacque didn’t sense any anger.

  She smiled and shook her head.

  “You knew?”

  “Yeah. Mom and I talked about it before she died. She wanted me to know that it was a possibility so that if Lukas had problems, I could be there for him.”

  “Shit.” He seemed deflated, running his hand through his hair and then pinching the bridge of his nose. “A gay werewolf. I thought your uncle was the only one.”

  Dru sat up a little straighter. “You know about Uncle James? You two are pretty tight, aren’t you?”

  “Yeah, we’re close. He never tried to hide it from me. Or from anyone.” He suddenly looked up and gazed from one to the other. “He’s one of the main betas in his pack. I remember he had to fight hard for his position. He told me if he didn’t bust everyone’s ass at least once, they’d give him no peace. Once he settled in, he was rarely challenged.” He nodded. “Good strategy, Lukas. You’re heading them off. You beat them down before you tell them. Tonight, you don’t hold back. If you need to inflict injury, you do it. We’ve got a pack meeting tomorrow. You do what you have to do tonight, then tomorrow, pick a small squad to put on the vampire. I’ll back you on it. I don’t want to, but I guess I owe you that much.”

  Blacque nearly wilted in relief. That had gone much, much better than expected. His father didn’t hate him. The pack would follow the lead of the alpha. Most of them, anyway. He swallowed. “I’m coming out to the pack too. If we’re getting involved in something dangerous, they need to have the whole story.”

  “It won’t be easy, Lukas. You were already fighting an uphill battle. If you out yourself to the pack…”

  Dane studied his face for a long moment. Obviously he saw what he needed to see. “You make me proud. Both of you. But Lukas, you’ve made a difficult choice. This won’t make your life any easier.”

  “I know.”

  “It won’t make your life easier, but it will make your heart happier. You can’t live a full life if you’re hiding who you really are.” He reached out and stroked a hand down Blacque’s cheek in an unexpected, gentle caress. “You go and do what you have to do.”

  Blacque blinked rapidly, pushing back that wave of emotion again. It had been years since he’d felt the need to cry. Years. Now it seemed he was crying all the time. He looked at his father for a long, painful moment and then covered his eyes with his hand. Once he’d got himself under control, he gestured to the folder.

  “I hate to bring this up, especially after all the stuff I’ve dumped on you tonight. You need to read it.”

  Dane opened the folder and scanned the report. He flipped through the paperwork Blacque had enclosed to support his findings. Dane’s lips thinned in anger. His anger literally crackled in the air, lashing uncomfortably against the skin of Blacque’s bare arms. Dane rarely unleashed his power, but when he did, it was a fearsome thing.

  “You’re sure of this?” He pushed the folder to Drusilla, who frowned as she read the report. In just seconds, her anger was bubbling in the air as well. Blacque studied her for a moment, surprised to discover that she had that sort of power as well. Right then Blacque knew who would eventually become his second in command.

  “Yes, I’m sure. There was skimming from several of the businesses, but mostly from the main pack account. I’m sorry.” He did feel bad for his father; betrayal by someone you trust was a painful experience.

  “I’ll deal with this after the run. We’ll bring it to the pack tomorrow.”

  He knew by Dane’s tone he’d been dismissed. Blacque wasn’t certain he’d ever seen his father this angry before. It was quiet, intense, and lethal. He was glad it wasn’t directed at him.

  He exchanged glances with Drusilla. Compared to his reaction to the audits, it seemed Dane was going to adjust to Blacque’s sexuality with ease. He got up and started for the door, his sister close on his heels.

  “You two…”

  They halted and looked back at their father. He looked severe and stern and just a little bit lonely there at the big table.

  “I still expect grandchildren.”


  “Lots of them. I don’t care how you manage it, Lukas, just get it figured out. Soon.”


  He stomped out onto the porch and slammed the door. Next to him, Drusilla chuckled, and he looked back at the kitchen door. Inside he heard the unmistakable sound of his father’s gentle laughter. He shook his head in confusion. He’d never figure out the alpha’s sense of humor.

  Running felt good tonight.

  He crashed through a snowbank and startled rabbits from their late-night foraging. He stretched his legs and enjoyed the rush of blood through his long, muscular body.

  The pack had stayed in a tight group tonight. Following his nose rather than the tracks in the snow, he caught scents layered over other scents. He had a general idea of where they were luring him, so he turned on the speed, overtaking and passing them in the darkness. When he arrived at a large open meadow, he shifted and stood tall and naked in the snow, waiting for his challengers.

  They arrived soon enough, silently surrounding him, dark shadows against the luminescent white of the snow. Blacque kept his eyes shifted to their animal nature, using the wolf’s night visio
n to track his opponents.

  The gold of his piercings glinted in the moonlight, and they grew chilled and painful in his skin, raising his awareness just a bit more. A group of four moved in and circled him like ghosts. Several other pack members lingered at the perimeter of the meadow, huddling in small groups. Their distress was palpable.

  He spotted Michella to his left. She was pale gray, long, and lanky. She and Mallory policed the grounds, keeping other wolves at bay.

  “Lukas Blacque. You have been challenged by these wolves. Do you accept?” Michella had shifted back to human. She stood tall and naked and full of bitter contempt for him. Mallory shifted as well. He tossed Blacque an apologetic smile.

  “Four to one doesn’t seem fair, Michella.” He looked at the other beta, but she simply glared, waiting for Blacque’s answer.

  “I accept.”

  He didn’t bother to shift. Blacque was in this for the impact tonight. He let his hands lengthen into wicked, deadly claws and bent at the knee, relaxed and easy. The four wolves circled him silently, and he went still, letting all his senses tell him their intent. They were young and fairly inexperienced. Blacque had never been one to fight, but he’d been in his share of bar brawls, where he had to hold back rather than let loose.

  When one broke from the formation, he stepped to the side, claws slashing through the thick coat of the young wolf. The scent of blood broke their discipline; they all attacked at once, leaping at Blacque in wild abandon. He ducked, taking a heavy body to his gut, another on his shoulders. Before they were able to sink sharp teeth into his skin, Blacque tore through fur and flesh. He grappled with one and kicked at another, doing his best to guard his belly from the third.

  One staggered, shrieking as Blacque slashed through the Achilles tendons of his hind legs. A crippling blow—a deathblow in the wild—but the pup would recover by the time he had to be back at work on Monday. Blacque let talonlike claws slip out from his feet and tore down low even as he grappled heavy jaws away from his throat. In just moments, all four young males lay at his feet, panting and bleeding.


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