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Page 18

by Belinda McBride

  He watched as they crawled away, leaving tracks of blood in the torn-up snow.

  Expectantly he looked at the circle of wolves, and he smiled savagely as a large figure broke from the pack. Mallory stepped up, still grinning.

  “Davidson challenges. Do you accept?”

  “I accept.” Davidson was huge as a human—a hair taller than Blacque, tough and bulky. His wolf was the same. But that bulk would slow him down. Blacque debated momentarily and then retained his human form.

  When he found himself on his back with two hundred and fifty pounds of wolf on his chest, he nearly changed his mind.

  He gripped the furry ruff of the wolf and rolled, then drew a knee up into the wolf’s belly, never letting go, barely able to hold Davidson away from his throat. He dug in, feeling his claws sink into the thick muscles. The wolf opened its jaws wide, and frothy saliva dripped from his mouth. Blood ran down Blacque’s arms. With a final burst of strength, he rolled again, brought his chest to Davidson’s back, and twisted his head to bare the wolf’s throat.

  “Do you submit?”

  The wolf thrashed futilely, growling, jaws snapping at the air. Blacque curved his claws over the shifter’s jugular. “Submit or die, Davidson. I’m playing for keeps tonight!”

  Abruptly the wolf went limp in his arms. Blacque let go and pushed himself up to his feet. His arms and legs trembled with stress and fatigue. His body was painted in sweat and blood. None of the blood was his.


  Three shadows broke from the darkness and approached Blacque on their bellies, stalking him with deadly intent.

  Chapter 18

  Bleu looked down on the carnage in the meadow below and shuddered, partly in response to the cloying scent of blood, partly in reaction to what he’d just witnessed. Bodies lay scattered in the snow, some shivering and dragging themselves away, some lying still and silent. Blacque stood alone, bloody and exhausted and barely able to remain on his feet.

  He dropped quietly from the tree branch he’d been standing on and started to move toward the clearing. He stopped when Drusilla stepped into his path.

  “You knew I was here.”

  She watched him steadily, sizing him up. She was still dressed but close to feral. The blood had affected her as well.

  “How did you know about the challenge?”

  He shook his head and started toward the clearing. A powerful hand clasped his arm, and claws bit into his skin. Obviously he wasn’t going anywhere.

  “It’s not over.”

  “He’s fought everyone. Who’s left?”

  She nodded toward the clearing. Michella was striding toward Blacque. Mallory stood there grinning, and with a laugh, he moved in as well.

  “The lieutenants? But he’s all in, Drusilla.” He tried to move, yet she prevented him.

  “How’d you know about this? Lukas wouldn’t have told you.”

  He turned to her and glared down into her dark eyes. “How could I not know? I heard it…smelled it miles away. I can guarantee I’m not the only predator out here tonight.” He looked toward the forest. “Some of your injured might not make it home.”

  “That’s their problem.” Her voice was hard and bitter.

  “Drusilla, are you all right?” A young male came into sight, a slender woman behind him. As he watched, other figures surrounded them, some in wolf form, some on two legs. They all looked at Bleu distrustfully. Some faces were familiar, others he knew by scent. He was surprised to see a few who were clearly elderly.

  “I’m fine, Jeremy.” She looked at the small crowd. Bleu guessed these were Blacque’s supporters, or at least wolves who were neutral. “Bleu just pointed out that the blood is drawing predators. If there’s anyone out there you care for, go guard them.” Several of the shifters dropped away and ran within the trees. Drusilla was angry, but it seemed she cared enough to save the lives of her brother’s challengers.

  She turned back to him, fury sparking in her eyes. Some of the remaining wolves huddled uneasily. Clearly they felt her rage as it washed over them. However, Bleu smelled fear on her as well. She did a good job covering it.

  “You shouldn’t be here. This isn’t for outsiders to see.”

  “I know.” He turned away to watch the drama as it unfolded. There was nothing he could do to stop the fight, nothing he could do to help. He could only watch as Blacque faced down two of the most powerful wolves in the pack.

  “Why hasn’t he shifted?”

  “He’s proving a point to us.”

  He looked down at her, wanting to ask but choosing to remain silent. He felt movement in the air, and then April was next to him, staring down at the meadow. The few wolves who were still on the ground were pulling themselves away, groaning and gasping but alive.

  “God, the reek of blood carried for miles.” She glanced past Bleu and smiled coldly at Drusilla. “Good thing I’ve already fed.”

  Dru growled. Bleu wondered if there would be another fight for him to worry about.

  “Why aren’t you helping him?” Bleu couldn’t help the squeamish fear that settled in his stomach.

  “Bleu, you don’t want to piss me off right now. I’m not real happy with you.”

  He looked at her in surprise. “He left me, not the other way around.”

  She whirled on him, fury on her face. April smoothly inserted herself between them. Her face was pale, almost serene, until she bared her fangs. He settled a hand on her shoulder and coaxed her to the side.

  “You should never have started anything.”

  He stared at Drusilla, letting the silence stretch out between them.

  “Would it have changed anything? Would it have prevented what’s happening out there?”

  At his side, April went stiff, and he followed her gaze back to the meadow to watch as the woman smoothly shifted into a large, powerful wolf. The man followed. He was larger than the female and slinking carefully around Blacque. Why the hell wasn’t he shifting?

  The pair stalked him with breathtaking precision—clearly they were a team. They worked together instinctively to move Blacque across the meadow, out of the blood, putting him on a slope. They’d have the advantage there. On two legs, Blacque’s balance would be inferior to theirs. As the female struck low, the male swept to Blacque’s side, going in at his hip. They pestered him, wearing him down with feints and bluffs. He appeared exhausted, and Bleu was unable to tell if the blood that smeared Blacque’s body was his or that of his earlier opponents.

  One of the wolves struck, and Blacque went down on one knee. A fresh wound gaped open on his side. He didn’t make a sound. He moved smoothly to his feet, a fierce grin on his bloody face.

  “He’s good. No one’s ever tested him before. I knew a few weeks back when he unleashed his power on the pack…” Dru took a deep breath, clearly torn between pride and fear for her brother.

  “His power?” Bleu couldn’t look away from the fight. Blacque was good, but he looked to be wearing out. How long had he been fighting? When Bleu had come upon the scene, the place was already a bloody mess.

  “We all have a latent power…like…I don’t know how to describe it. My father can use it to discipline others. He can force them to shift. Blacque got angry a couple months ago when Michella challenged him. He backed her down with his power and scared her pretty bad, but I guess she got over it.”

  Bleu winced as Lukas made a clumsy lunge forward and collapsed to his knees again.

  “How far will they take this fight?”

  “As far as they want. Challenges this high in the pack can end in death.”

  Bleu couldn’t prevent the hiss that escaped. His fangs dropped, and it was only April’s restraining hold on his arm that kept him from interfering.

  “Have a little faith, Oliver.” Her whisper was so soft, he barely heard it. All around them, the pack had gathered. Even the injured had remained behind, guarded by the wolves who were still on their feet. When Blacque went down, there was a moan
of despair, a growl of anger.

  “If they’d had the balls to challenge him at the start, he’d have had them.”

  “You know that’s not how it works, Jeremy.” Dru’s voice was so calm, she could be watching the sunset instead of the possible death of her brother.

  Blacque made his move when Mallory dived for a killing blow. He caught the big wolf by the throat and slashed with his hands. Blood sprayed over the snow, and the wolf yelped, shifting quickly to his human form. He lay on the snow, clasping his throat. He’d recover, but now Blacque had only Michella to contend with.

  He crouched. All traces of fatigue had left his body. Michella was low, slinking with her belly close to the snow. As they faced off, Bleu thought of the hours Blacque spent pounding on the heavy punching bag in his basement. Suddenly his fear fled. Blacque was smart, and he was a damn sight stronger than any other wolf Bleu had met.

  Michella charged him, and he struck, a brutal uppercut to her jaw, snapping her head back. Her body continued to hurtle forward and slammed into him. They rolled, and Blacque came up on top, pounding into her with powerful blows that broke bone and tore sinew. She finally went still. Bleu couldn’t tell if she’d submitted to Blacque or if she was unconscious.

  Blacque pulled himself upright, carefully watching his opponents. Once it was clear they were down for good, he looked toward the pack. He must have compelled them to move, because suddenly only Bleu and April remained at the edge of the forest.

  A shadow moved up next to him, and a powerful male stood beside Bleu. Dane Blacque, come to witness his son’s victory. He looked at the bloody meadow and sighed.

  “I’m gonna need to bring in a witch.” He looked up at the brilliant sky and shook his head. “No chance of rain, that’s for sure. A heavy snow might help.”

  “You could drag in some dead animals. I scented a herd of deer a couple of miles into the forest.”

  Dane looked over at April as though seeing her for the first time. “You’re the new one…the Honda.”

  She gave him a sly grin. Dane tore his gaze away from her and looked at Bleu. “This is about you.” He didn’t look pleased.

  “No, this is about Blacque. He’s not doing this for me. He’s doing it because he has to.” Dane wasn’t listening. His gaze was once again fixed on April’s lovely face. Bleu let out a low hiss. “Keep your hands off my great-granddaughter, wolf.”

  Dane gave him a cocky smile but turned away to look back toward the gathering. The wolves crowded tightly around Blacque. His deep voice carried across the meadow, clear and strong.

  “I didn’t plan to take a place as beta, but the fact is, an opening came up. So I’m taking it.” He had a foot on Mallory’s arm, making sure the male didn’t move. “We’ll talk about this more at the meeting tomorrow. But for now, it’s over. Unless anyone else wants to challenge me?” The menace was clear in his voice. No one accepted his offer.

  “You all know Oliver Bleu?” He looked the pack members in the face, one at a time. “Well, he’s mine. I protect him. And since he’s mine, he’s yours as well.”

  That didn’t go over as well. He could literally sense the uneasiness that ran from wolf to wolf. Bleu watched Blacque’s battered face, stunned by what his wolf was saying. He hadn’t expected an outright declaration of ownership. He felt as if he’d been kicked in the gut and lifted into heaven in one stroke.

  “Do you understand?”

  “You’re a faggot?” The wolf who was dumb enough to open his mouth went down to the ground with a yelp. Blacque hadn’t even moved. “You want to rephrase that, Travis?” The young man writhed on the ground. “Sorry! Damn it, Lukas, let up!” After a few more seconds, Blacque relaxed, and the younger male crawled to his feet.

  “Try it again, Travis.” Blacque’s voice was soft with menace.


  “Yeah. I’m gay.” He looked the group over again. “Dane still wants grandkids from me. I’m not sure how this’ll work out, but I promised him.”

  Bleu saw him shoot an angry look toward Dane. “Anyone else have something they want to say?” Heads shook in the negative. Michella was off to his side, squatting on her haunches. She was cradling her arm. “Michella still holds her position. Mallory…does not.”

  Bleu saw a woman whom he assumed was Mallory’s mate kneeling on the ground next to him. She looked distressed and angry.

  “What’s he done, Blacque? What did he do?” She didn’t question her husband’s guilt.

  “He needs to tell you. It isn’t my place.” Blacque remained upright, but Bleu sensed the weariness that radiated from him. He glanced at Dane, but the alpha remained in place. This was his son’s moment.

  “You all go home now. If you need care, we’ll get you a ride back to the alpha’s house. Go in groups. This blood is probably drawing other predators. I’ll see everyone tomorrow afternoon.” He dismissed them, and for a few moments, members of the pack milled about, some reaching out to touch Blacque, others throwing him confused looks. He’d managed to defuse any lingering anger and resentment.

  Dane stepped out from the trees and moved to his pack members, then pointed to a large van that was parked on a nearby road. The young man Bleu recognized as Jeremy dashed off to the van, most likely to bring it closer. Bleu remained in the trees, watching as the alpha began to restore order to his pack.

  With a sigh of relief, he leaned against a tree, ready to wait it out. He and Blacque had some talking to do. He wasn’t leaving until they did.

  “Lukas. You did good.” Dane reached out and clasped Blacque’s bloody arm. Blacque was tempted to scrub off the sticky stuff with snow, but he’d just hurt his skin. He’d have to wear it home. He nodded at his father, too tired to think of anything to say. “You made a real mess here.”

  “You told me to do damage if I needed to.” He spotted Bleu up at the tree line and fought the sudden need to go to him, to let the vampire hold him and soothe his pain. He knew it wasn’t time for comfort. He still had to present his best dominant face to the pack.

  “I knew you’d come out on top, but I didn’t think you’d break them.” In spite of his words, Dane looked pleased.

  Dru was suddenly at his side, stroking his arm. “Blacque, you need to get home. I swear, you had me scared to death at the end.”

  He snorted. He’d been scared at the end too. Mallory and Michella both were fresh and bloodthirsty. He’d only been able to take them through trickery. Once Mallory went down, Michella’s focus was shot. He’d noticed in the past how closely linked they were. It was a pity to break up such an effective beta team, but it was necessary.

  “So what are you going to do about Mallory?”

  Dane’s face grew dark with anger. “He cheated his wife. He cheated the pack. What do you think I’m going to do?”

  “Shun him?” Drusilla sounded furious. No doubt if it were up to her, the punishment would be painful and long.

  “Exile. He’s no longer to set foot in our territory.”

  Which meant the wolf would have to quit his job and leave the county completely.

  “I didn’t have access to his personal finances, but I ran his credit. He’s in debt up to his neck. His house was going to be foreclosed on. He has a second house outside of town. Mallory’s been living a double life.”

  Dane sighed. “His wife and family don’t deserve this. His idiocy will bring all kinds of grief on them.”

  Unlike most women in her position, Mallory’s wife would land on her feet. The pack would make sure of that.

  “Anyhow, I’ll talk to him tomorrow before the meeting. Tell him to pack and get out.” Dane started up the slope and toward where his former beta had fallen, but Mallory was gone. His trail led to the forest.

  “You want me to go after him?” Blacque didn’t want to hunt the wolf, but it was his battle, not Dane’s. Not tonight anyway.

  “No. You go home, get some rest. I’ll tend to Mallory.”

  “I’ll give you a hand
with him.” April was at Dane’s side, smiling flirtatiously at him.

  “No, you get back into Arcada. This isn’t a good night to be outside the city limits.” Bleu was at her shoulder, glaring at Blacque’s father. Blacque looked from one to the other, and then to April’s sly smile. He’d known she was going to be trouble; he simply hadn’t anticipated this.

  “I’ll go too.” Drusilla tugged at her father’s arm, drawing his attention away from Bleu’s great-granddaughter. Blacque suddenly had to suppress the urge to laugh. Dane and April the vampire! He shook his head, watching the three as they headed into the trees.

  “He’s too old for her.” Bleu’s anger thickened his accent.

  “Bleu, she’ll eat him alive. Don’t worry.” He started to walk, his weariness making his mind as heavy as his body. Cold began to settle into his limbs. He’d been injured many times during the challenge, and it was finally beginning to take its toll.

  “So now I’m yours?” Bleu sounded peeved. Somehow Blacque knew it was an act. Bleu was pleased at being publically claimed.

  “I had to put it in terms they’d understand.” Blacque looked at him, peace finally settling over his soul. It felt good to have it all out in the open. No one hated him—not openly, at least. Now he could focus on the threat to Bleu. The only way he could keep the vampire safe was to keep him close. Well, it was a good excuse anyway.

  “I’d say it’s really the other way around. I’m yours. Tried to turn off the feelings…” He trailed off and walked faster, slipping a bit in the snow. “I can’t. You fucked up my brain, I guess. Hell, maybe you fixed my brain.”

  “So you outed yourself for me?”

  Blacque grinned and kept walking. He’d done it for himself. Bleu was just a nice side effect of the decision he’d made.

  Bleu grabbed his arm. “Blacque, stop. Do you even know where you’re going?”

  “Don’t know…” He looked around, noticing that the world was a bit hazy at the edges. “I didn’t do it for you. I did it for me. I want to be part of the pack. I want my family, but I can’t have either if I’m always hiding.” He started walking again. “I did it for me so I can try with you. So I don’t have to live the rest of my life wondering.”


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