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Doctor's Surprise Delivery: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 9

by K. C. Crowne

  I quickly glanced around, making sure no one was within earshot. “Are you kidding? You want me to have some no-strings-attached thing with the guy who broke my heart?”

  “Hey, you’re both grown-ups, right? And your heart isn’t the organ that needs to be involved here.” She giggled at her own joke.

  “No way.” I was being as emphatic as I could, but the idea of sex with Gavin kept popping into my head. And damn, was it a turn-on. “Even if I could keep my feelings out of it, there’s no way I’d actually go through with it.”

  “Why the heck not? Think about it – you just had a killer massage, right?”


  “And how do you feel now?”

  “Great. Like I’m walking on air.”

  “And when’s the last time you had sex?”

  “Kenna!” I did another quick look around, relief washing over me as I realized she was speaking to me via Air pods.

  “Seriously! When’s the last time?”

  “I’m not answering that question.”

  She laughed, her apartment whipping around in the background as she walked around. “I’m going to take that as it’s been a while. Gia, you’ve probably got so much backed-up sexual tension that you’re on the verge of exploding.”

  “I can handle my sexual tension like an adult, thank you very much.”

  “But you don’t need to, is what I’m saying. There’s a cliché, and I didn’t want to say it, but you’re about to make me. A little something about whatever happens in Vegas…”

  “Stays in Vegas,” I finished, shaking my head with a grin on my face. “You know that was just a marketing tagline, right? And think about how many marriages broke up on account of that one.”

  “Maybe you’re right. But it’s totally appropriate for you and Gavin. You guys are off on the weekend of a lifetime, just you and him and the city. Might as well hook up, get it out of your system. Then you can come back to Nickle Creek, all refreshed and ready to go back to work.”

  I hated how good of a case she was making, but I continued to argue. “If we were to hook up, he’d interpret it as him getting what he wanted. Gavin got to screw me over and faced zero consequences.”

  “What do you want to do? Hold a grudge now until forever? Think about it – you sleeping with him is really how to get back at him.”

  “You must explain your logic to me.”

  “You show him that whatever he did, you don’t give a damn. You’re not sleeping with him because you still have feelings or that you gave into his charms or whatever. You’re sleeping with him because you needed to get laid; you just had an itch to scratch. As far as you’re concerned, he’s just a dick with a douchebag attached!”

  I laughed loudly at that one. “Kenna!”

  She went on. “And what if he’s convinced he’s going to win you back or something. If so, he’s in for a hell of a shock. Tomorrow morning he’ll wake up alone in his bed, you sitting at the table with your coffee and your laptop, acting like nothing happened. You were a woman with needs, and you used him to satisfy them. Just imagine the look on his face when he tries to act like there’s something going on between the two of you and you’re an ice-cold princess.”

  I had to admit it was an enticing idea. “Yeah, but that still means I have to sleep with him.”

  “On your terms.” She paused, holding out her phone and taking a look at the screen. “Shoot. I’ve got the client for next weekend’s bar mitzvah on the line. God, they’ve called me like ten times today. I’ll talk to them, and you do what needs to be done!”

  We said our goodbyes and I shook my head, stuffing my phone back into my pocket. The moment I was alone with my own thoughts, the idea of hooking up with Gavin filled my mind.

  I imagine the two of us, a few drinks in, our arms wrapped around one another as we stripped each other down to nothing. It’d be nighttime in the city, Vegas beautiful and brilliant through the windows of the penthouse as we kissed one another all over. Then we’d be in bed together, his body solid and warm as he positioned himself on top of me.

  I leaned against the side of the casino, closing my eyes and letting myself get carried away with the fantasy.

  I could almost feel him inside me, feel his thick, long cock moving in and out, pleasure roiling through my body. We’d had sex so many times in high school that it was so easy to imagine. I could picture his handsome-as-fuck face tightening as he drew closer and closer to orgasm, bringing me right along with him.

  And as if the universe knew exactly what was going on in my head, the majestic fountains of Caesar’s Palace erupted, spraying jets of water into the air right at the moment I imagined Gavin and I racing over the finish line.

  I was soaked. Not to mention a little embarrassed that I’d let the fantasy go so far. Then my phone buzzed again, my heart skipping a beat when I saw a text from Gavin. Part of me didn’t want to open it, as if he might’ve known what I’d been thinking about only a few moments before.

  We need to get moving soon. Think you can be ready in an hour?

  I can do my best. Are you at the suite now?

  Out running some errands. I’ll be back soon.

  Errands? Weren’t you the one telling me this weekend was for relaxing?

  For me, going to a tailor is relaxing ; ) see you in a bit.

  I could already imagine him in some sharp suit, looking like a million bucks. I pushed it all out of my head, going back into the casino and beelining for the elevator.

  The sun was beginning to set as I entered the suite, creamy orange fading into the blue above. Deserts could be inhospitable, but they sure could be picturesque. I stripped off my clothes on the way to the bedroom, tossing them into a heap on the chair next to the window.

  Then I pulled out my dark blue cocktail dress. As I held it in front of me, I worried it might be too revealing, that it might send a message I didn’t want to send.

  Or…what if Kenna is right? What if this weekend is just right for some NSA fun? I pushed the thought out of my head as quickly as it appeared. But maybe for tonight we can leave our rough past behind, be friends for just one night?

  I smiled in the mirror, pleased at this decision. Gavin and I had a history, but it wasn’t all bad. We could hit the town together, have some fun, drinks, and entertainment, then be back to normal the next morning. One plane ride to Colorado later and all the angst and anticipation would be gone.

  It’d be perfect.

  After stepping into my dress and zipping the back, I put on my heels and gave myself a once-over in front of the mirror. And my eyes widened as soon as I saw my reflection.

  I looked good. Not just good – I looked hot. I couldn’t help but move my hands along my hips, admiring the fit of the dress. My legs looked long and curvy, my cleavage almost on full display, practically bursting out of the neckline.

  I looked good, and I knew it.

  At first, I was a little hesitant about the dress revealing so much. But then another plan came to mind, a way to exact some sweet revenge on him.

  Sure, we could be friends tonight. But he’d still have to spend the entire evening with me looking like a damn snack and a half, knowing seeing me in this dress was the most he’d be getting. Sure, he’d flirt and try to smooth talk me into bed. But tonight, he’d slip under the covers with a set of blue balls guaranteed to make his cock throb with frustration.

  Revenge could be very sweet indeed.

  I finished getting ready, putting on some deep red lipstick and black smokiness around my eyes. I looked damn good, and I was ready to have a little fun and make Gavin miserable in the process.

  “Hey, I’m back!” His deep voice carried through the suite.

  One more glance in the mirror and I was ready. I opened the door and glided into the living room of the suite.

  And I wasn’t ready for what I saw.

  Gavin wasn’t just Gavin; he was a full-on James Bond lookalike. He wore a gray suit that fit him like a damn glove
over a crisp white shirt, a white-and-blue striped square in his pocket. His shoes were ink-black and shiny, his blue eyes so piercing that for a moment I worried he might be able to see right through me.

  He looked so fucking good I wanted to scream. And when he smirked, his eyes sweeping up and down my body, I knew staying out of his bed tonight would take all the strength I had.


  Looking at Gia in that sexy-as-fuck dress made me feel like a teenager seeing my first pair of boobs. The dark blue dress looked painted on, each and every one of her delicious curves on display for me.

  And her tits. Holy hell, her tits. I’d seen them in person enough times to know that they were about the most perfect set on the planet, but for so long they’d only existed in my memory. Now there they were, practically begging me to bury my face between them.

  My cock was stone stiff the moment I laid eyes on her, and only a very quick adjustment, using the old trick of tucking my hard on into the waistband of my boxer-briefs, had I been spared from greeting her with an erection that might have ripped through the pair of slacks I’d just had tailored.

  “You alright over there?” she asked, a sly smile on her face.

  She followed this not so innocent question by putting her hands on her hips and cocking them to one side. The motion made her breasts jiggle a bit, the stance exaggerating her curves. The mental image of her on top of me, those gorgeous breasts bouncing in my face as she rode me hard, appeared.

  I cleared my throat before speaking. “Totally fine,” I said, putting a cool-as-ice grin on my face. “Just trying to figure out how I’m supposed to have the mental space to not walk straight into the wall with you wearing that dress.”

  It was maybe a touch over the line. After all, she’d made it clear she didn’t want anything to do with me in that way.

  “You’re going to have to use that big, doctor brain to figure it out. Here, let me give you a few pointers.” She turned, her perfect profile facing me. I gulped hard, noticing how tightly the fabric of her dress clung to her perfect, round ass. “If you’ve forgotten how to walk, here’s how it’s done. Right to left, right to left.”

  To illustrate her point, she slowly sauntered across the room. My eyes dropped to her rear. I was beginning to realize what she was doing – the woman was teasing me!

  When she reached the other side of the living room, she glanced back over her shoulder and flashed me a crafty grin. “Got it?”

  “Got it. Now, is this demonstration available again if I need a few more pointers later in the evening?”

  “Maybe if you’re lucky.” She added a sexy smile to her comment.

  At that moment I was as horny as a sixteen-year-old watching his first porn. More than that, I was enjoying the little back-and-forth between us. It reminded me of how we used to be in high school, back before the events of the end of our senior year tore us apart.

  I stepped over to the fridge, taking out a bottle of some Veuve I’d picked up earlier in the day.

  “More booze, huh?” she asked, stepping closer and eyeing the bottle.

  As she stood near me, my eyes were drawn to her cleavage, my cock stiffening again. And it wasn’t only the way she looked – it was the way she smelled and moved and everything about her.

  “If we’re going to have some fun, we might as well have some fun, right?” I went to work on the bottle, opening it with a pop that echoed through the suite.

  “Sure. As long as the fun you’ve got in mind is of the wholesome, dinner-and-a-show variety.”

  “What other kind of fun would I be talking about?” I winked, pouring a couple of glasses.

  She put her hand on my upper arm, her touch lingering there for a long moment. Then she shoved me playfully. “I think you know what I mean, dumbass,” she said. “And I didn’t want to bring it up like this, but I guess I need to make it clear that nothing like that’s going to happen tonight.”

  I couldn’t resist teasing her a little. “Is that right? You sound so confident about it.”

  “Because I am. I’ve been doing some thinking, and I’ve decided that for the night, we can have an evening together like we used to before things went…bad. But only as friends.”

  “Really? So does that mean you’re ready to forgive and forget?”

  “Don’t push your luck, smart ass,” she grumbled, a smile easing the tone. “More that I’m thinking we’re in Vegas, so we might as well bury the hatchet – if only for one night.”

  It took all the damn restraint I had not to ogle her like a horny kid as she spoke. “Fine,” I said, clearing my throat against the hoarse noise disguised as my voice. “If the best we’re going to be able to do is stash the bad vibes for one night, then I’ll happily take it.”

  I handed her a glass and raised mine. “To the good old days.”

  She smiled. “I’ll drink to that.”

  We tapped rims and sipped. Our eyes remained locked on one another’s as we drank, my mind still swimming with all the things I wanted to do to her. Together we walked over to the floor-to-ceiling window, Vegas glittering outside as only Vegas could.

  “So,” she said, cocking her hip to the side once more. “I got so wrapped up in my spa day that I haven’t even asked what’s on the agenda for tonight.”

  “First, we’ve got Absinthe.”

  She raised her eyebrows. “I think I’ll stick to the bubbly stuff, if you don’t mind.”

  I chuckled. “No, not the drink. Absinthe is an amazing acrobatics show. But it’s kind of racy, too – a little burlesque, a little cabaret…lots of fun.”

  “I’m down,” she said with a smile. “Then what?”

  “Then we’ve got the best table in the house at Momofuku – killer Asian-style restaurant. I’ve been to the one in New York, but the Vegas location is supposed to be even better.”

  “I’m liking it,” she said, taking another sip as she nodded her head. “Then what?”

  “Then…whatever you want. We can do dancing, we can do drinks, we can come back here and hit the tables. Because right now, it’s me and you and Vegas. Whatever we say, goes.”

  Another sly smile on her luscious, red lips. “Then let’s get started.”

  One more rim tap, and we finished our drinks.

  The city was ours for the taking. And I wasn’t about to keep her waiting.

  Maybe it was a bad idea to slam another glass of bubbly before we’d headed out. And maybe it’d been a bad idea to knock back a couple of whiskeys at the tailor while he’d fitted me. Because I was tip-sy.

  As I sat in the audience of Absinthe, the performers soaring through the air on long cords of cloth, it hit me that I’d maybe had one too many. I was playing it cool, but the brightly colored men and women sailing overhead created a dreamlike atmosphere when mixed with the booze.

  And when they’d come perilously close to falling, all part of the act, Gia would grab my hand and gasp, her eyes wide with delight. When the performer “recovered” from a pretend near fall, he or she would grin at the audience below, letting them know they had nothing to worry about. Thrilling is the best word for the performances.

  My eyes swooped around the massive space, trying to focus on one performer, then another, then another. But what I really wanted to clap my eyes on was the stunning woman seated to my right. I wanted her like crazy. Just being near her was enough to make me hard again.

  More drinks followed after the show, and by the time we sat down at our table on the bustling dining room floor of Momofuku, I was ready for something to settle my stomach.

  Our meal was the chef’s tasting plate, so the moment our butts were in the seats the grub started and it didn’t stop. We had Korean ribs and bulgogi beef and fried rice and pork puns and vegetables and everything else we could possibly want.

  I cracked some jokes here and there, each one of them causing Gia to break out in bright, chiming laughter, her chest shaking as she chuckled. I wanted to devour her more than any plate the chef put
in front of us. But there was something about the way she laughed that was almost better than sex.


  After dessert of cereal ice cream cake from Milk Bar, we were free to do as we pleased. We certainly weren’t ready to call it a night. Hand-in-hand, we made our way down the strip, popping into whatever place caught our interest. Over the next couple of hours, we gambled and danced, both agreeing that the drinking was finished for a while. Neither of us wanted to get wasted.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I’d had that much fun. It was like no time had passed at all, like Gia and I were kids again, two teenagers in love, nothing on our minds but a future that spread out before us like an endless horizon.

  Eventually the evening caught up with us. After a suggestion on my part to head back to the room and not let our very delicious Veuve go to waste, we headed back to the penthouse suite.

  Gia let out a thrilled sigh as we stepped into the room.

  “Now,” I said. “Tell me that wasn’t the most fun you’ve had in a long time.”

  She grinned as she headed to the fridge to get the bottle of bubbly. “It was…not bad.” Bottle in hand, she leaned forward as she spoke. “Can I talk you into a nightcap?”

  “You most certainly can.”

  I moved closer to Gia, wrapping my hand around the neck of the bottle, our fingers touching. She said nothing, simply stared up at me, her tongue slowly moving over her lips.

  “What?” she asked, finally breaking the tension. “What’s that look all about?” She closed one eye and pointed at me, as if she had just caught me in the middle of something.

  “What look?”

  “That look. I know that look.” She giggled.

  “Gia, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I teased, though I knew exactly what she was talking about.

  “That shit-eating grin you get on your face when you’re so sure that you’re being Mr. Charming.”

  “I’m not being Mr. Charming,” I said. “Just being myself.”

  “And there!” she said, sticking another accusing finger in my direction. “You did it again!”


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