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Doctor's Surprise Delivery: A Secret Baby Romance

Page 10

by K. C. Crowne

  “Did what?”

  “You act all nonchalant and funny and then pretend like you’re not doing it all as some kind of plot.”

  “A plot?” I questioned, artfully lifting an eyebrow.

  “A plot,” she insisted, grinning. “I know this is how you charmed the pants off of all those girls back in high school. And it’s the same shtick you pulled on me.”

  I laughed. “I’m just being myself, Gia. If you happen to think I’m being funny and charming, then that’s all on you.

  Her eyes flashed, as if she realized she’d just accidentally complimented me. “Whatever!” She took a sip of her wine. “It doesn’t mean I’m going to sleep with you. Just because you show up in that suit looking like that doesn’t mean I’m just going to give you what you want.”

  My cock twitched at the mention of sex. I knew I needed to keep myself in check, that I was lucky enough to have somewhat rekindled our friendship. But standing next to her, listening to her, smelling her scent, I couldn’t resist.

  “And what is it you think I want?” I asked, moving a bit closer to her. I was feeling particularly bold.

  She laughed, a quick snort at my words.

  “What’s so funny?” I asked as I took another step closer.

  She put her hands on my chest and pushed me back a couple inches. “You are,” she replied. “Thinking you’re so damn hot that I won’t be able to resist you.”

  I chuckled as I retraced my steps so I was next to her. “Stop dodging the question.”

  “What question?”

  “What do you think I want?”

  She grinned flirtatiously. “That’s not a question I’m going to answer.”

  “Then let me rephrase – what do you want?”

  “Something I really, really shouldn’t,” she finally admitted.

  “Let’s hear it. It can be our Vegas secret.”

  She stepped close to me, laying her hands on my chest. Her voice was a breathy, sexy thing escaping her lips. “I want you, Gavin. It’s so stupid, and I know it’s a bad idea, and I’m positive I’ll regret it. But I want you. And not just because I’m tipsy, but because I—”

  It was all I could stand to hear. I put my hands on her hips and pulled her close, her body pressing against mine. And then I kissed her. The effect of Gia’s lips on mine was more intoxicating than any fancy-ass bubbly. I’d missed her kiss so badly it nearly hurt.

  Her curves felt so good under my hands that I wondered for a moment whether or not just her touch would be enough to make me come. However strange and dreamlike everything up to that moment had been, being in the middle of that kiss, my hands all over her luscious body, was enough to make me feel like I was in another dimension.

  Gia’s tongue slid past my lips, the warm wetness of it moving into my mouth enough to cause my body to break out in goosebumps. My cock stiffened more with each heartbeat.

  I needed her like I needed air. And in each moment that passed, I lost myself a little more,. I put my hand on the back of her leg, lifting it off the ground as I pressed my cock against her. Gia’s lips broke from mine for just long enough to tilt her head back and let out a slow, sensual moan.

  Our eyes locked as I squeezed the soft flesh of the back of her thigh. I wanted to rip that dress right off her body, to carry her over my shoulder to the bedroom like a damn caveman. But I had the presence of mind to understand that this moment was once in a lifetime and that I should savor it.

  “Come here.” I put my other hand on the back of her other leg and lifted her off the ground, her legs wrapping around my waist. Gia kissed me again, pure hunger and desire flowing through her body.

  I turned and set her on the edge of the dining table. I put my hands on her bare thighs and hiked her dress up high enough that the triangle of her lace panties was visible. My hand, as if pulled by a force I couldn’t control, slipped between her silky thighs.

  The way she ground into my hand, the way she moaned, sent the message clear as the Nevada sky at noon that she wanted more .

  I put one hand on the back of her head, locking eyes with her as the fingers of my other hand slipped under her panties. She was soaked, her pussy slick against my touch. I spread her lips, gliding two fingers inside her, my thumb against her clit.

  Gia moaned, bucking hard against my touch. Her hips squirmed as I made slow circles around her clit with the tip of my thumb. As I watched her writhe in pleasure, the reality of what was happening dawned on me – we were together again.

  I pushed the gravity of the situation out of my head, focusing on her pleasure, loving how her velvety walls felt gripping my fingers.

  She continued to moan, opening her eyes into hungry slits. “Keep touching me,” she sighed. “Don’t stop…don’t stop.”

  Stopping was the last thing on my mind.

  My hand stayed on the small of her back, my cock solid as stone as I continued to touch her, the increasing quickness of her breath my signal she was on the verge of climax. With one more long moan, her back arching, her teeth sinking into her low lip, Gia came hard on my hand. Her wetness flowed, her pussy slick as I guided her through the first of what I wanted to be many, many orgasms.

  Her breaths slowed as the orgasm faded. She opened her eyes and licked her lips. “I hope you’ve got more in you.” She smiled slyly as she spoke.

  “You’re about to find out.”

  Without waiting for another word, I scooped her off the table and fireman-carried her across the living room, up the stairs. It took all the restraint I had to hold her beautiful body so close, her curves sheened in silver mooning that poured in through the towering windows, to not just take her on the spot.

  I managed to reach the master bedroom, and I tossed her onto the bed, Gia playfully giggling as she landed, her tits shaking from the impact. Those slivered eyes met with mine, and I took only a brief moment to enjoy the sight of her on the bed, everything about her face and her body crying out for me to climb on top of her.

  I pounced, gliding over Gia and peeling her out of that stunning dress as quickly as I could. Moments later she was down to nothing but her lacey bra and panties, her back arched once more and her breasts calling out for my attention.

  But I paused, flashing back to the first time we’d been together. For a split-second I was there with Gia, on the night she’d given her virginity to me. And as I lost myself in the memory, I was filled with awareness that there’d never been anyone like her in my life.

  “You alright?” Gia rested her hands on my broad, round shoulders.

  Not a chance in hell I was going to tell her what memory had flashed into my mind. I smiled at her and whispered, “More than alright.”

  I unhooked the clasp of her bra and slid her panties down her bare, delicious thighs. She returned the favor, undoing my buttons and pulling off my shirt, then deftly opening my belt and zipper before yanking my pants down my legs. My cock sprang out, stiff and ready, as she took off my boxer-briefs.

  Gia wrapped her hand around me, a heavy growl sounding from the depths of my chest as she guided me to her opening. She dragged my head against her clit, another moan dripping from her mouth.

  I couldn’t take it any longer. No more teasing. I grabbed my cock, placed it at her opening, and drove into her. As long and thick as I was, Gia was so wet and ready that I glided into her effortlessly, her walls gripping me tightly as I filled her with all my inches.

  She gasped as she took me, her nails digging into my muscular upper back. Once I was sheathed down to the root, I held fast for a long moment, making a conscious effort to etch the memory I was in the process of making into my mind. I never wanted to forget how good she felt.

  My body raised and I drove into her, Gia’s breasts shaking as we collided. Her hands moved down the broad V of my upper body, all the way to the notches of my hips and then to the solid muscles of my ass. Our eyes on each other’s, she pushed down on my body and wordlessly guided me to pick up the pace of my relentless thrusts.<
br />
  “Keep going,” she moaned. “Just like that, please.”

  I grinned, continuing to plunge into her, glancing down and watching my cock disappear into her over and over again.

  “Keep fucking me, Gavin. Fuck me like you used to.”

  Her words reminded me that we weren’t some random couple hooking up for the first time. No. We were something more.

  Her eyes widened too, as if she were surprised at what she’d said. But she closed them quickly, both of us sidestepping the subject.

  I raised up onto my knees, grabbing her leg and holding it against my chest, the new angle giving me perfect access to her wet, willing pussy. I pounded her with everything I had, Gia’s walls clenching around my length as another orgasm blasted through her, her body shaking with pleasure.

  The sight of her coming on the end of my dick was more than I could take. My cock erupted, white-hot pleasure shooting through me as I drained myself into her. We reached the peaks of our ecstasy at the same time, our bodies shuddering simultaneously.

  I collapsed onto her as the orgasm faded. Gia curled her slender frame into me. I kissed her on the nape of her neck, the warmth of her skin against my lips the last thing I remembered before drifting off into a deep sleep.


  I awoke the next morning feeling sore and as relaxed as I’d been in a long time in equal measure. I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling when something in my periphery caught my attention. I rolled my head on my pillow to see Gavin sound asleep next to me.

  Oh shit. It hadn’t been a dream. I’d really slept with him the night before. Before I could tell myself it didn’t happen, the sweet ache between my thighs reminded me. I’d forgotten how damn big he was.

  What did you do, you idiot? I scolded myself. I’d thought I could seduce him, tease him, and leave him hanging. I’d been dead wrong.

  Gavin was sleeping like a baby, the white linen sheet draped over his waist, his powerful chest rising and falling. And I could see the clear outline of his cock plain as day through the sheet.

  Fucking focus. Thinking like that’s what got you into this mess in the first place.

  I wanted to get out of bed and into the shower to wash the night off and pretend it hadn’t happened. I didn’t get the chance. Gavin’s eyes opened slowly, and as soon as he realized I was next to him, a grin spread across his frustratingly handsome face.

  “Good morning, beautiful.”

  Totally defeated, I rolled onto my back, grabbing one of the pillows and slamming it down onto my face. He laughed, grabbing the pillow off my head. I opened my eyes to see him leaning on his side, his head propped up on his hand, smirking at me with all the arrogance of a very satisfied man.

  “We shouldn’t have done this,” I told him firmly.

  He grinned again. “Oh we definitely should have. As a matter of fact, I think we should do it again.”

  I was furious – both at him and at myself. I sat up and pointed an accusing finger at him. “No, asshole. We shouldn’t. ”

  He furrowed his brow. “What’s wrong?” he asked, innocence in his voice. “We hung out, we had some drinks, and then we ended up here.”

  “How can you be so whatever about last night? After what we did?”

  Now he was really confused. “That’s exactly it, Gia – we did it. We both might’ve had a couple glasses of wine beforehand, but nothing happened that we didn’t both want to happen.”

  I wanted to tell him to screw off, that he was talking shit. But he was right – we slept together because we both wanted it.

  “No…It was…It was just the booze!”

  He laughed. “Come on, Gia – don’t try the blame it on the alcohol angle. We both know that’s a load of shit.”

  “You’re a real piece of shit, you know that? We both do something we know shouldn’t have happened, but you’re acting like it’s all some joke.”

  The shit-eating grin remained on his face. “I mean, you have to admit it’s a little funny. We both had it in our heads we were going to spend a chill, totally platonic evening together. That sure as hell didn’t work out.”

  Flashes from the night before appeared in my head. I remembered sitting on the dining room table, the glass cool and smooth against my legs, Gavin’s hand on the small of my back as he fingered me, his thumb pressed against my clit. I remembered the orgasm exploding through my body, fading only to be replaced by the desire for more, more, more.

  And it wasn’t some drunken flashback – I remembered it all clear as day. We’d had a bit to drink, but not nearly enough to blame it on the booze.

  Then I remembered laying on the bed in front of him, the muscles of his perfect body flexing and tensing as he held my arm against his chest, his cock filling me over and over again.

  It was enough to make me wet despite my anger and mild hangover. But I wasn’t about to let him win this fight.

  “I remember us hanging out and…stuff happened.. It wasn’t a big deal.”

  Another laugh. “First you go from we were drunk. Now you’re admitting that’s not the case, so you’re pivoting to, what, that it meant nothing?”

  “It did mean nothing. We hooked up, that’s all.”

  He flashed me one more cocky grin before rolling off the bed and standing up. In the clear light of day, his body somehow looked even more perfect than it had on top of me. Not giving a damn about being as naked as the day he was born, he sauntered across the room.

  And I couldn’t take my eyes off him. Not a single drop of excess fat was on his perfect frame. His muscles were defined as if he were a diagram from an anatomy textbook. It made sense that a doctor like him would be in such good shape.

  He squatted down and snatched something off the floor. He turned around and held up a button-up shirt. I recognized it as the one he’d worn last night.

  “See this?” he asked, his cock hanging heavy and loose between his powerful thighs. Even flaccid, the size was majorly impressive, and more than enough to turn me on yet again.

  “It’s a shirt. What about it?”

  “It’s not just a shirt – this is a Tom Ford shirt that I had specially tailored for me. Hard for stuff to fit off-the-rack when you’ve got shoulders like these.” He smirked, and I rolled my eyes.

  “Congratulations on the fancy shirt,” I said.

  “No, not congratulations. I had a fancy shirt. Now, it’s ruined.” I was confused, but when he held up the front and showed me the missing buttons, I realized what he was talking about. “You know why these are gone? Because a certain someone tore them off in the heat of passion. Now, I’m not going to name names, but…” The point he was making became clear.

  “That doesn’t mean anything,” I mumbled uncomfortably.

  “Of course it does! It means that you were just as eager to get me naked and into bed as I was with you. You might call it just a hookup, but you sure as hell got into it.”

  I was furious because he was right and I didn’t want to admit it. I planted my feet on the ground and stood up, raising another accusing finger in his direction. “You’re…you’re full of shit!” I said. “You pulled the same shit you’ve pulled with every other girl you’ve slept with – charming them for a night of getting your kicks.”

  He didn’t respond; his eyes drifted down. At first, I had no idea what he was staring at. But when a cool, morning breeze drifted in through the open balcony door across from the bed, I figured it out. I was as naked as him.

  He grinned, obviously loving the view.

  “Take a picture, asshole.” I snatched the sheets off the bed and wrapped them around my body.

  “Don’t mind if I do.” He glanced around the room. “Where’s my phone? New iPhone camera would be perfect for this.”

  I let out a frustrated grunt. “You are such an asshole!”

  “Hey, I’m not the one accusing the other person of taking advantage. And you know that’s a load of bullshit anyway. Hell, I bet if I put the moves on you again you’d
be down for another session.”

  He leaned against the tall dresser drawer next to him, folding his arms underneath his broad, sculpted chest. And hating myself for it, the idea of sleeping with him again was enough to turn me on. But between the mild headache and my anger at him and myself, I’d about hit my limit.

  “Fuck you!” The sheet still wrapped around my body, I snatched up my clothes and stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind me.

  The moment I was in my room I fell onto the bed, tears forming in my eyes and staining the soft sheets of the pillows under my face.

  I’m not crying because I’m upset, I told myself. I’m crying because I’m fucking furious at that prick.

  Despite my thoughts, deep down I knew that wasn’t why I was crying for the first time God-only-knew how long. It was because as much as I wanted to write off what had happened as all Gavin’s fault, the truth was painfully clear. My own actions, my own decisions, caused me to let my guard down enough for the only man who’d ever hurt me to come back into my life and do it all over again.

  I gave myself two minutes to let out my frustrations – I set a timer on my phone and everything. During those two minutes I used every last bit of effort I had to push the feeling-sorry-for-myself crap out of me, and by the time the alarm went off, I was ready.

  Planting my feet on the floor, I stood up, determination bracing me. I was embarrassed and upset, but I wasn’t about to let that get the better of me.

  First step was getting the fuck out of Vegas. After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I packed my bags and did some quick searching on my phone for the next flight back to Colorado. I’d have to pay out of pocket for it, but that sure as hell beat sitting in a private plane with that fucking dick as my only company.

  There was a flight that left in an hour and a half, with a last-minute discount available on the ticket. After I bought it, I grabbed my things and left the room.

  Gavin, jackass that he was, stood in front of the dining room table. Two glasses of red liquid were in front of him, and he turned his eyes to me as I approached.


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