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Playing To Win: An Elite Athlete Sport Romance Anthology

Page 30

by Mignon Mykel

I had my music on.” I pulled my phone out of the pocket hidden in the side of my tank top and switched it off. “I’m surprised to see you here. Are you staying nearby?”

  “I’m staying in one of my family’s units there,” he said pointing to the building next to the one I’m staying in.

  Well isn’t that convenient?

  “You’re up kind of early for a guy on vacation, aren’t you?”

  “It’ll take me a few more days to adapt to vacation time,” he said. “What about you? Are you a morning person?”

  “Not really, but if I want to run on the beach, I have to do it now or in the evening or I’ll either burn to a crisp or break out in freckles.”

  His eyes took a lazy tour up my legs, across my chest, and over my face. He looked like he was going to say something but then he shook his head slightly and looked out at the ocean. I followed his gaze to the horizon and watched a boat move along in the distance before looking at him again.

  Seeing him here is definitely a nice surprise. It saves me from having to make a phone call to Hannah Reagan for his number. Hannah works for the Waves and was definitely aware of my flirtation with Kenny last season and I’m sure she would have given it to me, but her status as the wife of one of my brother’s best friends made me hesitant to ask. I’m not sure if she’d feel compelled to tell her husband Jack, and if she did, I know he’d tell Dale. Unfortunately, my big brother hasn’t gotten the memo that I’m a grown-ass woman and he’d inevitably swoop in to cockblock. Or whatever the female version of that is.

  Nadia and I had talked about ways for me to move things along with Kenny, I just have to decide exactly what I want to do. I’m not much of a seductress and playing the femme fatale isn’t my thing, so I figured I’d just start simple and ask if he wanted to get coffee.

  He turned his head and I fought the urge to squirm when his gray eyes met mine.

  “Do you have plans for breakfast?” he asked, surprising the hell out of me.

  “No,” I managed to say without stuttering.

  “I was going to shower and head down the road to Gabe’s. I’m craving his french toast. Would you like to join me?”

  I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face. He made the first move with no action on my part.

  “Sure, I’d like that.”

  “Great.” He turned and I followed his lead and started walking up the beach toward the path to our condos. “How about if we meet out front in an hour? Will that give you enough time to get ready?”

  “That’s more than enough time. It usually only takes me about a half hour from shower to door. So if you want to meet sooner, that’s fine.”

  His eyes widened. “If you’re sure.” I nodded. “I’ll see you in half an hour then.”

  “See you then.”

  Kenny Hanover just asked me out. Well, only for breakfast, and maybe just because I was there and he doesn’t want to eat alone...but whatever the reason, he did ask. And if I have my way, it will be the first of many outings together.


  I leaned against a signpost and waited for Penny. What the hell was I thinking asking her to join me for breakfast? I chuckled out loud startling a woman passing on the sidewalk. She looked at me out of the corner of her eye and moved faster.

  I know what I was thinking. All the things that had compelled me to approach her table Friday night.

  Before I could analyze my motivations too much, the woman in question walked out of the building. I glanced down at my watch. She has two minutes to spare until her half hour is up. Not bad. In fact, it’s better than not bad. Dressed in teal shorts, a white top, and strappy sandals, she looks amazing with her hair pulled back into some kind of braid.

  “Were you waiting long?” she asked as she crossed the sidewalk.

  “No, I just got here a minute ago,” I said. “You look nice.”

  She smoothed back some stray hairs. “Thank you.”

  “Shall we go?”

  “Lead the way, sir,” she said around a short laugh.

  I turned and we walked the short distance to the corner then crossed the street. The restaurant was just two blocks down from there and I opened the door and stood aside for her to enter. Since it’s a Monday morning, only a few tables are occupied so we had our pick. We settled into a booth next to the window.

  The waitress approached with coffee and menus. I know exactly what I’m having so I set mine to the side. Penny opened hers and nibbled on her bottom lip as she looked it over. I grabbed the cream and focused on the patterns it formed as I poured it into my coffee. Not that I can’t picture her luscious mouth in my mind. I’d spent last season studying her perfectly pink pout with a plump bottom lip that’s slightly fuller than the perfect Cupid’s bow resting above it.

  “I’m going with blueberry pancakes,” Penny said, snapping her own menu closed and placing it on top of mine.

  That action brought the waitress back for our orders. Once she left, Penny added cream and sugar to her coffee and stirred.

  “So, did you and your friends have fun Friday night?” She tapped the spoon against the end of her mug, then placed it on her napkin. Lifting her mug, she pursed her lips and blew on the coffee before taking a sip.

  “Yeah, we did,” I said. “It’s been a while since we’ve all gotten together, so it was a lot of fun.”

  “Did things get crazy?”

  “Definitely not.” I chuckled. “I know the term bachelor party paints a certain image, but I wasn’t sure what else to call it. We just hung out, had dinner, and went to a few bars. What about you?”

  “Nadia and I had dinner and a few drinks then took an Uber home and hung out at my place until her husband picked her up.” She rolled her eyes. “As you can probably tell, I’m not much of a party animal.”

  “Nothing wrong with that. I’m not either,” I said. “Maybe back in college, but definitely not now.”

  Our waitress approached with our breakfast. She set large platters down in front of each of us and topped off our coffee.

  “Wow! These pancakes are huge.” Penny stared at her plate then glanced at mine. “That’s a nice portion of french toast, too.”

  “This is my all-time favorite french toast. It’s even better than my mother’s.” I picked up my fork and winked at Penny. “But don’t tell her I said that.”

  “Your secret's safe with me.” Penny enthusiastically cut into her pancakes, shoved a forkful into her mouth, and chewed. “Mmmm,” she groaned. “These are amazing.”

  I dug into my french toast and half watched as Penny devoured her meal. It’s nice being with a woman who eats. My ex, Holly, was always trying some new diet to lose the extra five pounds she swore were there. It was a pain in the ass trying to make dinner plans with her because I never knew what she was eating from one day to the next. And the women I’ve spent time with since Holly have been the same. So this is a nice change.

  “How have I never eaten here before?” Penny asked as she slowed her pace a bit. “The pancakes are delicious, the bacon is perfect, and the home fries have just the right amount of crisp.” She took a bite of bacon. “I may have to come here every day just so I can try everything on the menu.”

  I laughed at her words, but I’m not entirely sure she’s joking. She’s really enjoying her breakfast and between the look of bliss on her face and the little moans I keep hearing, I’m in a hell of my own making here.

  “So how long will you be here?” I asked.

  She shrugged and swallowed. “I’m not sure. Until Dale gets here at least. I haven’t had a break like this in a long time, so I’m determined to enjoy it.”

  “Yeah, it’s been a long time between vacations for me, too. Relaxing is going to take some effort.”

  “So what kind of plans do you have while you’re here?”

  “Well, I had the bachelor party Friday night and the rehearsal is this Friday, then the wedding is Saturday. Other than that, nothing.”

  Looking down, Pe
nny dragged her fork through the crumbs remaining on the plate. She took a deep breath in and let it out, looking like she’d come to some sort of decision. Her denim blue eyes shifted up to look at me.

  “Would you like to maybe do something together sometime?”

  My gut twisted at the vulnerability in her eyes. It’s obvious she stepped out of her comfort zone to ask that question. I feel like I should say no. She’s too much of a temptation and I don’t want to test my control.

  But I don’t want to say no. I like Penny, and not just because she’s beautiful and sexy as hell. She’s smart and funny and I really enjoy spending time with her. So even though my every instinct is screaming at me to say no, that’s not what comes out of my mouth.

  “Do you kayak?”

  “I love to kayak.”

  Her relieved smile made me happy I didn’t say no. I would’ve hated to see disappointment cross her face.

  “Whenever I’m down here and have time, my friends and I like to kayak out to Caladesi Island and hang out for the day. The views are awesome along the way and we can relax on the beach and have a picnic before heading back. Would you be interested in doing that?”

  “That sounds amazing, but I don’t have a kayak here.”

  “We can rent some. That saves us from having to lug them along, too. It’s just easier.”

  “Sounds good,” she said. “When did you want to go?”

  “I’ve told you the days I’m busy. Other than that, I’m available.”

  “Is tomorrow too soon?” Her nose crinkled with the question, making her look even more adorable, which I didn’t think was possible.

  “Tomorrow is perfect.”

  The waitress approached to clear our empty plates. She also left the check, which I had to practically wrestle from Penny.

  “I asked you to breakfast. It’s my treat,” I insisted, pulling cash from my wallet.

  She shifted out of the booth and stood.

  “Then I’ll get the kayaks tomorrow since I invited you,” she said with a sassy grin.

  I followed her out of the restaurant.

  “That doesn’t work either, because I asked you to kayak, too.”

  She shook her head and frowned, then obviously realized I was right and tried to spin things.

  “But I asked you to do something, so…”

  I don’t think I’ve ever had a woman argue with me about paying. Holly and I were together for almost seven years and I don’t think she ever offered to pay for anything. Not that I plan on letting Penny pay, but it’s kind of nice that she doesn’t assume I will.

  “You can argue all you want, but it won’t change the outcome.”

  I’d expected an argument, but she didn’t comment at all. I worried that maybe I’d pissed her off, but when I glanced over, she didn’t look upset. Her mouth was curled into a small smile and she just seemed to be enjoying the two-block walk back home.

  As we approached our buildings, I said, “Does eight thirty work for you tomorrow? We can grab breakfast at Gabe’s again and then hit the road.”

  “Eight thirty is perfect and so is Gabe’s.”

  “Great. I’ll meet you here tomorrow.”

  “See you tomorrow,” she said as she turned and walked toward the front door of her building.

  She glanced over her shoulder and gave me one last smile before going inside. The doors swooshed closed behind her and I watched as she crossed the lobby, then I turned and walked the short distance to my building.

  Stepping into the elevator, I leaned against the back wall and dragged my hands through my hair before rubbing the back of my neck. If Dale Montgomery knew the thoughts running through my head about his sister, he’d beat the shit out of me.

  Penny is different than any woman I’ve ever spent time with. She’s easy to be with and even though the air between us has been so charged, it’s amazing we don’t combust, it’s not just lust that has me so drawn to her.

  The elevator dinged when it reached my floor and the doors opened. I walked the short distance to my condo and pressed in the code to unlock the door, then stepped inside and looked around. I’m not used to having nothing to do with my time.

  Grabbing a book, I walked out onto the balcony and settled into a lounge chair. But instead of reading, I found myself staring out at the ocean and thinking about Penny. We’d barely spent an hour together just now and it had taken all my willpower to keep it light. I can’t imagine what kind of sweet torture tomorrow will bring. And the funny thing is, I can’t wait to find out.


  “This place is so amazing. Thank you for suggesting it.”

  After kayaking the short distance from Clearwater to Caladesi Island, we’d decided to explore the mangrove kayak trail before settling in to relax on the beach. One bonus to the three-mile trail is that it’s completely shaded. I’m slathered with SPF 70 and wearing a wide-brimmed hat as well as my sun shirt, but any reprieve from the sun is always appreciated.

  We’d enjoyed the peaceful nature path and I was amazed at the wildlife I spotted along the way. I’d seen multiple blue herons, egrets, and ospreys, and even a couple dolphins.

  “I’m glad you like it,” he said. “There’s also a hiking trail, but I figured the ride here and back combined with the trip through the mangroves is enough activity for today. Plus I remember my feet killed me when I did it last time in my swim shoes.”

  “I’ve never seen dolphins from such a close vantage point.” I took a long drink of water and looked around at the nearly-deserted beach. “Is it always this quiet here?”

  “From what I understand, it’s more crowded on the weekends, but I’ve only ever been here during the week,” he said.

  “It’s like our own little slice of paradise.”

  Kenny had rented chairs and an umbrella and I sat in shady comfort looking out at the clear, turquoise water, my toes digging into the soft, white sand. I shifted forward and removed my sun shirt so I could enjoy the ocean breeze on my skin.

  I tucked it into my small backpack and settled back against my chair, but not before I noticed Kenny’s head turned in my direction. Even through his Ray Bans, I felt his gaze on me. And I’ll admit, I liked it.

  I’m an athlete, and while I do spend a lot of time around men, no matter what Nadia said, they’re rarely interested in me. And the ones who have been, usually just want to spend time with me so I’ll introduce them to my brother.

  It’s obvious that Kenny is interested in me, he just doesn’t want to be. It makes me wish I was better versed in the art of flirtation like some of my friends. But that’s just not me. Either I’m missing the flirting gene or I didn’t hone it in time, because I just end up looking and feeling foolish anytime I try to do it.

  “What are you thinking about over there? You look so serious.”

  “I don’t think you want to know.”

  “Try me.”

  I studied Kenny’s face and decided to go for it. Considering we really don’t know each other all that well, I feel extremely comfortable with him. Which is a new feeling for me. Even with the few guys I’ve dated who seemed to like me for me, I always felt a bit awkward. But I don’t have that feeling with Kenny.

  “I was just thinking how I wish I was a better flirt.” His brows appeared over his sunglasses and I chuckled. “Hey, you asked.”

  He shook his head and shifted in his chair to face me.

  “Why do you wish you were a better flirt?”

  I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Oh well, “in for a penny in for a pound” as my grandmother used to say.

  “Because it’s what women do to get men they’re interested in to notice them.”

  My nipples tightened as I felt his eyes roam across my body behind the shaded lenses. When he didn’t comment, I continued.

  “I grew up a tomboy with a protective older brother, so I was a bit of a late bloomer. I’d also played baseball until my fourteenth birthday and trust me, when you can strike a g
uy out, he’s not very likely to ask you out for Saturday night.”

  “You pitched in baseball?” I nodded. “And you struck the guys out?”

  Shrugging, I said, “It never occurred to me not to.”

  “I’m impressed that you had so much self-esteem at such a young age. My sister almost flunked ninth grade just so she didn’t look smarter than a kid she liked.”

  “I don’t know if it was so much self-esteem as it was that I wanted my grandparents to be proud of me. If they came to watch me play, I was going to give it my all.”

  “So, what does all that have to do with flirting?”

  “I think I missed my window to learn how. Through the years I’ve watched my friends giggle and bat their eyelashes, and whatever else constitutes flirting, to get guys to pay attention to them. Even my athletic friends. But I’ve always just been one of the guys.”

  “I’m gonna go out on a limb here and ask if I’m the guy you’d like to get to notice you.”

  This conversation should be mortifying, but instead it has a playful tone.

  “You are.”

  “And for some reason you think I haven’t noticed you.” While he’d phrased that as a sentence, it was definitely a question, so I nodded. “Are you serious?”

  “Well, all last season, we kind of flirted anytime I was at the stadium. I’d hoped you would have asked me out, but that never happened. And now, you’re definitely keeping your distance.”

  He removed his sunglasses, and his gray gaze met mine for the first time since breakfast. It’s amazing how many things can be packed into a single glance.

  “Penny, trust me when I tell you that I notice you. I notice you more than I should.”

  “Why do you say that?” I asked, then my stomach twisted. “Oh my God, are you involved with someone?”

  “No, I’m not. My last serious relationship ended a couple years ago.”

  “Then what’s the problem?”

  “The main reason is your brother.”

  “Seriously?” He nodded. “You’re afraid of my brother?”

  “I’m not necessarily afraid of him, I just don’t want to piss him off. If there was a chance something could become of this, I’d risk it, but with your career, that doesn’t seem possible.”


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