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Playing To Win: An Elite Athlete Sport Romance Anthology

Page 31

by Mignon Mykel

  “You know, most guys don’t look that far ahead. They just take it one date at a time and see where it goes.”

  He looked out at the water and I sat there watching him in silence for several heartbeats.

  “The relationship I mentioned,” he said without looking at me. “We were together for seven years and lived together for three. Somewhere around the fourth year of our relationship, her company offered her a promotion in the New York office.” He turned his head and met my gaze again. “It was a great opportunity and we discussed it and decided she should take it. She said she’d stay in New York to gain the experience then she’d either transfer back or get a job at another company. So she went and we kept things going long distance for a couple years. Then one day she called and said she got offered a job at her original office. So our plan was coming into being without much effort on our parts. She sublet her apartment, packed everything up, and hired a moving company. The week before she was supposed to move back, she called and said she decided to stay in New York.”

  “And that was it?”

  He shrugged. “Pretty much.”

  “Well that sucks.”

  “Yeah, it did.”

  “I just don’t get what it has to do with me.” I shifted my index finger between him and me a couple times. “With us.”

  He took in a breath and let it out. “Penny, I’ve done the long distance thing and don’t want to do it again.”

  “Maybe you’re misunderstanding me. I’m not asking for marriage here, just to spend some time together, get to know each other.”

  “And then what?”

  “I don’t know, but it seems crazy to not explore this attraction because of my brother and your ex-girlfriend.” When he didn’t say anything, I continued. “I’m twenty-eight years old and I can count on one hand the guys I’ve been involved with so it’s not like I hop in and out of things lightly. But for whatever reason, last season this—” I waved my hand around as I searched for a word. “This thing appeared between us and I thought maybe we could see where it goes.”

  Kenny flinched when I jumped out of my chair and removed my shorts. Even through my aggravation, I was careful to not let them drag in the sand. I bent over and placed them in my backpack and found him watching me, his eyes skimming my bikini-clad body even as he looked nervous about what I might do next.

  “I understand and I won’t mention this again,” I said. “What I am going to do is go for a swim to cool off a little.”

  That said, I strode toward the water, adding a little extra wiggle to each step. I smiled to myself. Maybe I didn’t miss all the flirting genes after all.


  I watched Penny walk down the beach, stunned by her words, but not so shocked that I didn’t enjoy the view. She removed the elastic from her hair, shaking the copper strands around her shoulders as she stepped into the water. As she’d been talking, I was torn between wanting to make her see my point and pulling her onto my lap so I could kiss her senseless. Obviously I’d done neither.

  Maybe she’s right and I am looking too far ahead, but I know Penny would be more than a one-night thing and more than that isn’t really possible. She’s only here now because the Olympics were cancelled. If that hadn’t happened, she’d be traveling around the country playing softball. And in a few months, that’s exactly what she’ll be doing. Then where will we be?

  Her copper hair floated around her as she floated on her back in the water, her face tilted toward the sun. The bikini she’s wearing is more sporty than sexy but as far as I’m concerned, she looks hot enough to grace the cover of the Sports Illustrated swimsuit edition.

  I didn’t tell her that Dale warned me to stay away from her because I know she wouldn’t appreciate him trying to make decisions for her. And then I realized that’s exactly what I’m doing. Why am I holding back if she’s willing to explore this attraction between us?

  If I’m being honest with myself, it’s because I’m afraid. I know it will be amazing with Penny and I don’t want to be hurt again the way I was when things with Holly ended.

  Penny flipped onto her stomach and swam out a little farther. When she stood, the water reached just above her waist. Before I could think about it, I pulled off my T-shirt and ran down the beach wading through the water as fast as possible. She turned as I swam up behind her, blue eyes wide.

  Placing my hands on either side of her waist, I pulled her against me and brushed my mouth against hers before nibbling on her plump bottom lip like I’ve wanted to do since the first time I saw her last season. Penny looped her arms around my neck, placing her breasts flat against my chest, her pebbled nipples poking at me through the fabric of her suit.

  She sighed and I opened my mouth over hers enjoying the softness of her lips before slipping my tongue inside to tease against hers. She met me stroke for stroke and I pulled her closer and deepened the kiss, our tongues tangling and dueling, consuming and sharing, teasing and retreating.

  A bird shrieked, reminding me that we’re in a very public place. I pulled back and dragged in a deep breath. Penny slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me through long lashes.

  “Why’d you stop?” she asked.

  I looked around before meeting her gaze again. “We’re not alone here. If we didn’t stop, I can’t promise I’ll remember that.”

  The corners of her lips curled.

  “Maybe we should head back now,” she said, then bit her lip and looked up at me with wide eyes.

  Can’t flirt my ass.

  I grabbed her hand and led her out of the water. She leaned down to pull her towel out of her backpack and gasped then slowly sat on her chair.

  “Are you okay?” I asked.

  “I’m fine.”

  Her voice sounded a bit strangled and I looked over to find her staring at my crotch and the pretty impressive erection I’m sporting in my board shorts.

  “Sorry about that.”

  “Oh, please don’t be,” she said with a big smile.

  I rolled my eyes and chuckled, then picked up my backpack.

  “You ready?”

  She nodded and bit her lip, still staring.

  It’s gonna be a long ride home.


  I have no idea what happened between the time I basically freaked out at Kenny and he entered the water behind me, but whatever it was, I’m not complaining. I’d thought his gaze had devoured me before but that was child’s play compared to what’s happening now.

  We’d made our way from Caladesi Island to Clearwater in record time and now we sped along the highway back to St. Pete. Every once in a while he’d glance at me out of the corner of his eye and his hand would tighten on the steering wheel. There’s a lot I could be doing to tease and distract him, but decided against it. First of all, it would be dangerous, and second, it might slow us down.

  My good behavior was rewarded when he turned down our street and pulled into the parking garage of his condo. He muttered something that sounded like thank fuck as he pulled into a spot.

  We both jumped out of the car and he came around to my side, took my hand, and led me to the elevator. As we stepped inside, I couldn’t help but glance down to see if he still had the same uh, problem as he’d had earlier. That would be a big affirmative.

  “Please stop staring. You’re not helping matters.”


  He looked at me and smiled. “You don’t sound sorry.”

  I shrugged. “I’m really not. It just seemed like the polite thing to say.”

  He opened his mouth to speak then closed it on a chuckle. The elevator dinged and the doors opened and he took my hand again and led me down the hall. He pressed in a code and opened the door, then ushered me inside through the living room, down a hallway into his bedroom and to the bathroom.

  Releasing my hand, he opened the large shower door and reached inside to turn on the water.

  “We’re both a little sandy. I figured we should both rinse off
so I don’t end up hurting you.”

  I hadn’t even thought of that. Then again, I hadn’t thought about the fact that we were devouring each other in a public place either.

  I removed my sun shirt and tossed it on the floor, then unbuttoned my shorts and let them slide down my legs and kicked them to the side. Kenny watched as I dragged my bikini top over my head and my nipples tightened as his gaze devoured me. I’ll admit I’m not very well endowed in that area, but on my frame, my full B cup looks more like a C and they’re perky as hell.

  “You know, this isn’t a one-sided peep show.”

  His gray eyes met mine, looking more like a stormy sky than their normal steel color.

  He grabbed the neck of his shirt and pulled it off in one quick swipe. Then his hands went to the tie of his board shorts. With one tug, the lace was undone and he placed his hands on either side of his waist and pushed. I watched the material slide down his legs and pool around his ankles, revealing muscular thighs and the most beautiful penis I’ve ever seen. I blinked. Twice.

  I never in a million years thought I’d use that adjective to describe a man’s anatomy because, let’s face it, they’re not exactly made to look at. Except Kenny’s is. It’s long and thick, and perfectly pink, and obviously still very happy to see me. My hand reached out of its own volition to touch it.

  He wrapped his fingers around my wrist, halting my movement.

  “Uh-uh,” he said. “You do not want to do that right now.”

  Except I do. I really, really do.

  Kenny looked down at my bikini bottoms. “Are you going to shower with those on?”

  Honestly I’d forgotten I was still wearing them. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband and pushed them down my legs. I have to give the man in front of me props. His eyes skimmed across my body but didn’t linger on the neatly trimmed, copper curls. If there was any question if the hair on my head is natural, its matching counterpart between my legs is proof that yes, I am a natural redhead. One guy I’d dated back in college had called me a fire crotch the first time he saw it. That basically killed the mood and needless to say, he didn’t see it a second time.

  Kenny stepped aside and opened the shower door wider so I could enter ahead of him. I’ve never taken a shower with a guy before and part of me thinks I should be nervous, but I’m not. He got in behind me and closed the door.

  Warm water fell from the ceiling like a waterfall and sprayed from the jets that lined the sides, cleaning the sand, sweat, and salt water from both of us.

  “Turn around,” Kenny said, and I complied.

  He pulled me back and slightly to the side so I was still getting hit from the jets but no longer had water cascading on my head. His shoulder brushed against my back as I felt him turn away, then back, then I felt his fingers on my head. The smell of citrus filled the bathroom as Kenny washed my hair, massaging my scalp and neck in the process. I moaned and leaned my head back into his hands. I swear I could come just from this.

  He nudged me back into the waterfall spray and while I rinsed my hair, he quickly washed his. I ran my hands over my hair, making sure all the suds were gone. Kenny watched my every movement and when I was done, he stepped forward and placed his hands on either side of my face and kept moving, pushing me back against the tile wall. Tilting my head back and to the side, he placed his mouth on mine. I had expected a full-blown, tongue-tangling kiss, but instead he nibbled at my bottom lip then pulled back and smiled.

  “I absolutely love your lips.”

  Then he placed his mouth over mine, applying a wonderful suction that nearly brought me to my knees. My mind whirled as his mouth opened and closed in a steady rhythm before slipping his tongue inside. I dug my fingers into his shoulders as he kissed me, long and hard, soft and gentle, our tongues tangling in a hot, sexual duel. He was making love to my mouth and I didn’t want him to stop.

  Steam swirled around us as the kisses went on and on. Between those two things, I started to feel woozy. I dragged my mouth from his and took in a deep breath.

  “You okay?”

  I nodded. “Just need some air.”

  He looked around as though he’d forgotten where we were. “Maybe we should move this into the bedroom. It is getting kind of steamy in here.”

  Reaching around, Kenny turned a knob and the water stopped. Opening the door, he reached out and grabbed two towels from the rack, then turned and wrapped one around my shoulders and the other around his waist. His towel didn’t exactly sit flat and I figured we better take care of that soon before he has some permanent damage.

  We both stepped out of the shower and he led me into the bedroom to stand next to the king-sized bed in the middle of the room. He cupped my face again, his thumbs lightly stroking my cheeks, and even that innocent action sent erotic shivers down my spine.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “I’m sure.”

  “Me too,” he said, before crushing his mouth to mine.

  Without ending the kiss, he dragged the towel from my shoulders and tossed it to the floor then eased me back to lie down in the center of the bed. He knelt back, his gaze taking a lazy tour of my body, lingering at the more interesting parts in the middle. When he was done, his eyes met mine.

  “You are so beautiful. Perfect.” His fingertips brushed my abdomen. “Soft.”

  He moved down to kiss my stomach, nipping at my navel before continuing upward to tease one nipple with his tongue, before drawing it further into the moist heat of his mouth, creating a stiff peak. His hand teased my other breast, plucking at its distended nipple. I let out a long groan as my back arched and his mouth released my right breast, and moved onto my left. Our eyes held as he ran his tongue around it ever so slowly, spiraling toward my nipple. His cheeks hollowed as he sucked.

  “Kenny.” His name came out more as a sigh then a word.

  “Hmm?” he muttered, creating delicious vibrations against my sensitized skin.

  Pleasure shivered through me and I forgot what I was going to say. I dragged my fingers up his sides and goosebumps trailed in my wake. He let go of my nipple with a pop and kissed his way across my chest.

  “I love these freckles,” he said. “I want to kiss each and every one of them.”

  He nuzzled my breasts before moving up and nibbling on a particularly sensitive spot just above my collarbone. Then back to my breasts where he sucked my nipples to tight, achy points.

  I gasped as his hot mouth skimmed down my stomach and nibbled at my navel, dipping his tongue inside, making me squirm then chuckle out loud.

  “Ticklish?” he asked with a sexy smile.

  “A little bit.”

  “Hmm, I’ll have to remember that.”

  Kenny kissed his way from one hipbone to the other then nibbled his way downward. When he settled between my thighs and placed an open-mouthed kiss at their juncture, I nearly jumped off the bed. He laid a restraining hand on my belly as his gaze met mine over the expanse of my body. The sensuous torture continued…he licked and nipped and sucked until I didn’t think I could take anymore. When his tongue slid over the tiny nub of nerves, I gasped and tangled my fingers into his thick hair.

  He stopped what he was doing and glanced up. His eyes were smoky with desire, but an undertone of concern shone through.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked.

  “No. God no.” I laughed and moaned at the same time. “It just feels so good.”

  I caught a glimpse of his devilish smile as he bent, once again, to the task at hand.

  He slipped his middle finger into my slick folds and began a steady in and out motion while his tongue circled my clit. I arched toward him, my breath coming in shallow pants. His index finger joined in the game and the rhythm increased, sending ripples of sensation through my entire body.

  I was close, so close, but I wanted to hold off. As though he read my thoughts and was intent on making me lose my mind, he shifted and trailed a path of kisses up my stomach and to my breasts, n
ever once removing his hand from between my thighs.

  The man was a master of multi-tasking. Two fingers pumped while his thumb circled my engorged nub. As if that weren’t enough, he alternately sucked one nipple then the other in time with his talented hand.

  It was too much. Way too much.

  I dug my fingers into his shoulders and arched my back. My senses swirled as all the stimulus concentrated in that magic spot then burst through my entire body.

  Kenny stayed with me until the spasms ended and my breathing returned to normal then he slowly slid his fingers out from me, causing tiny aftershocks.

  He crawled back up and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

  “That was amazing.”

  I made a sound that was half-groan, half-chuckle. “You’re telling me.”

  His erection pressed against my thigh and I reached down and wrapped my fingers around it then slowly stroked. Kenny closed his eyes and rested his forehead against mine, taking in long, deep breaths as I moved my hand up and down moving slightly faster and dragging my palm across the tip on the upstroke before sliding back down again. His hips pumped in time once, twice, before he reached down and wrapped his fingers around my wrist, stopping my movement.

  “You gotta stop,” he said, in an anguished voice.

  Unwrapping my fingers from his length, he raised my hand to his mouth and kissed my knuckles before pulling back. As he stood, his eyes widened.

  “What?” I asked, raising up on my elbows. “What’s wrong?”

  He opened the nightstand drawer and rooted around.

  “I don’t know if I have any condoms.”

  “You don’t have any condoms?”

  Don’t all guys keep them handy just in case?

  I didn’t realize I’d spoken that question out loud until he answered as he walked around the bed to check the other nightstand

  “I didn’t think I’d need them.”

  I smiled at that and blatantly stared at his ass as he walked into the bathroom. Since Kenny is surrounded by professional baseball players all the time, he seems small, but that’s not the case. He’s six foot tall and athletically thin so when wearing clothes, he doesn’t seem very muscular, but he’s actually in pretty good shape. Especially his ass.


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