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Mystic Rising

Page 15

by J L Lawrence

  “Fine by me. As long as you leave time for me to explore every inch of you while we’re on this excursion of yours.” He nipped at her ear.

  Her cheeks flushed. “Wouldn’t have it any other way, Guardian.”

  “You two are going to make my eyes bleed with all that lovey-dovey stuff.” Angie grabbed Kate’s arm. “We’re almost to the river so let’s head down that way.” She yanked her toward the river bank.

  He and Xavier followed. One thing he didn’t question was that their future would never be boring.

  Angie and Kate were chatting as they walked up behind them. Angie had gone into information mode spouting facts about everything. “That’s where the Claddagh ring gets its name from.”

  “The what?” Had he missed something?

  Kate pulled up a picture on her phone. “The Claddagh ring is recognized by most humans, and the story originated here. It has two hands holding a heart with a crown on top. According to what I’ve read, the heart stands for love, the crown for loyalty, and the hands for friendship. It reminds me of everything we stand for and what we’re fighting to protect. It’s said if the heart is pointing in, the wearer has been spoken for, but if it’s pointing out, then the person is single.”

  She loved the history and mythical quality of this country. If they survived, he foresaw them spending a lot time here. He didn’t mind that thought. He liked it, too. He could see them in a cottage overlooking the ocean. Her story also gave him some great gift ideas to file away for another day.

  They stopped and ate at a local pub. The girls tried Irish whiskey, while he and Xavier sampled the hometown beer. It paired well with the cottage pie they ordered. Kate chose the Irish stew again. All were delicious. He’d have to watch his weight if they stayed too long in this country.

  The sun faded to night, so they headed back to Beechgrove Farm. When they neared the entrance, Kate began to fidget. Something had tripped her senses. Wouldn’t be long now until the second test. He held on to the joy of the day, refusing to let doubt get the better of him. She’d blazed through the first one. Why would the others be any different?

  Still, his instincts warned that the first test had only been the tip of the iceberg. Much worse would come. It always did.

  He held her tight and drifted into a fitful sleep.

  Chapter 10

  Fire engulfed their bodies. Screams of pain deafened Kate’s ears.

  Who were they? Where was she?

  Comforting, soft feathers brushed across her face. Focusing her mind, she walked toward the burning flesh. They looked so familiar, but the charring made it impossible to see clearly. She crept closer, and her knees buckled when she recognized their faces: Angie, Xavier, and Xander.

  Tears spilled down her cheeks and she screamed. Had she done this? No, of course not. Then who?

  Fighting the panic in her mind, she searched for help. She called out for Rowena and Cassius. Silence. She tried to reach Nikki, but got no response.

  I’m alone and have to finish the battle by myself. But I can’t.

  She yelled again to reach anyone in the universe that might hear her. “What are you trying to tell me? This can’t be real! Is this our future, or the next test? Am I meant to stand alone and lose everything, just like Cassius?”

  No one answered.

  The heat scorched her skin. How could she escape this place? It was like someone had highjacked her mind. The scene changed, forcing her to leave them behind. She didn’t want to go, yet knew she needed to. She wanted to die with them, if fate’s design led them here.

  Darkness fell. She couldn’t see a foot in front of her. Sliding her hands along the walls, she felt her way and followed the path. It had to end somewhere.

  A small light in the distance caught her attention. She hurriedly moved toward it. As she approached the light, the room spun. She fell to her knees.

  When she looked up, an old bald-headed man, with a long white beard that reached his feet, helped her off the floor. He didn’t speak, but motioned toward a chair. Not knowing what else to do, she sat. The silence stretched. Should she wait, or was she supposed to ask a question?

  Running out of patience, she cleared her throat and took her chances. “Why am I here? Is there any truth to my Guardian and friends being burned alive?”

  “Truth always exists in what we see.”

  What the hell did that mean? She closed her eyes and counted to twenty. Apparently, she’d have to solve his riddles. “Do you mean this is a possible option for their future? Can I change it and save them?”

  “The future has constant possibilities. Choosing only one is foolish. So many paths, some good, some bad. When the time comes, Mystic, will you be able to see them all or be blinded by that which you fear most? I cannot tell if you possess the true strength of sacrifice within.”

  She replayed the words in her head, but still didn’t understand. Did he think she wouldn’t give up her life or could be tempted? Was that the underlying fear and reason for the trials? Just once, she wanted a straight answer.

  “The future isn’t set. I get that. If you think I wouldn’t trade my life to save the world, you’re mistaken. I’d give anything to defeat Braxus. I’ll jump through all your hoops and prove it.” The man finally turned and met her eyes.

  His were a grayish green, swirling like a typhoon. “My child, you’ve not yet learned the meaning of sacrifice, but you will. I do not doubt your willingness to trade your own life. But when the time comes, could you choose another to take your place as the sacrificial pawn? That, my dear, is the true test. Placing the world above the love in your heart will decide your fate. Cassius failed. My hope is that you will not.”

  Once again, the room spun and she returned to the room where she’d started. The lifeless charred remains seized her heart. There would come a time she’d have to make a choice.

  She dropped to her knees and sobbed. How could she choose to sacrifice those she loved the most? I’m fighting to give them a future not take it away. There had to be another way. The smell of burnt flesh reminded her that maybe there wasn’t.

  She woke, gasping for air with tears falling down her cheeks. Scanning for everyone, she released a sigh of relief. Xander had gone to get some food. Xavier and Angie were taking their nighttime stroll.

  All is well, for now.

  The amulet warmed on her chest, sending her the information for the next test. They were to wait in the study by the fire. A portal would be opened for their passage to the trial. She couldn’t see the spot, but knew they’d stay in Ireland.

  The dream kept haunting her thoughts. Had it been an omen for the next task or simply a warning about the harshness of battle? Or her mind might’ve sustained damage from the constant influx of information. She had to keep moving forward to find out. But she wouldn’t let anything hurt Xander, Angie, or Xavier. They were a part of her, and she’d save them. Somehow.

  They gathered in the study, pretending to watch a movie. As midnight crept past, everyone else had fallen asleep. Maybe she’d interpreted the amulet incorrectly, or got the time and place wrong.

  She yawned. Man, I’m sleepy. A few minutes won’t hurt. She laid her head on Xander’s shoulder and drifted to sleep.

  A phoenix’s cry woke her. Her tattoo had fully awakened and screeched its warning. Everyone immediately sat up. The amulet glowed with a fire reflecting on its surface. It appeared to be communicating with the fireplace.

  How odd.

  The fire widened and stretched, filling the small room. Kate could no longer feel heat in the flames. A suction pulled them all toward the fire.

  They fought to hold onto anything around them.

  Kate stopped them. “This is our portal. We’re meant to go through. Have faith and let go. On the count of three.” Big words, considering her dream involved incineration.

  “One. Two. Three.” They opened their hands and entered the swirling vortex.

  * * *

  The portal spit them out
in the middle of a field. No, not a field.

  Kate noticed a sand trap across from them. The amulet had brought them to play golf? This didn’t make any sense. They walked for a while and came to a parking lot. Following the signs, they arrived at an enormous restored castle.

  She burst into laughter.

  Xander and Angie both looked at her like she’d lost her mind.

  She got control and pointed across the drawbridge. “It’s Ashford Castle. Historic site turned into a five-star resort. I guess it was a plain old castle with significance back in the day. Now, it’s a major tourist attraction. My next trial is in the middle of hundreds of tourists. How the heck is this gonna work? That’s why I’m laughing.”

  Xavier shrugged. “Let’s go inside. See if we notice anything.”

  “Doesn’t work like that. You can’t even go inside unless you have a reservation. I don’t know the layout and don’t want to risk popping in. It’s packed in there, and the slightest mistake could give us away. We could use shields, but what if someone detects us? We agreed to blend in and not use powers unless absolutely necessary. Any other bright ideas?” She leaned back against the railing and stared up at the awesome scene laid out in front of her. She’d always loved castles and had wanted to stay at this one.

  They crossed the drawbridge as dawn began to creep in. “Ok, it’s not likely our next task is in the middle of a hotel. They’ve got gardens, hawks, a nearby town, and lots of other stuff. The grounds are open to the public. Somewhere on this property is a place of power once used by a former Mystic. We walk around and explore. Once we find it, we come back tonight. Xander and Xavier can create shields that should be inconspicuous enough at dark to mask our presence.”

  “So your idea is to walk around all day so we’re exhausted before we begin the next test?” Xander had a point even though she wouldn’t agree. Who knew what they would be facing?

  Xavier led them around the castle to a section of trees with a bench. They sat down to watch the sun rise. “Maybe we do a little of both. During the busiest time of the day, we act like tourists and find our mark. Then we head into town and eat. We can come back and find a secluded spot to rest until it’s time. We can take turns keeping watch if needed. Best of both worlds. Any complaints?” Angie had sure softened him over the last few weeks.

  Stretching, Kate stood. “Sounds good to me.” The sun hit the grounds and began to light up all the nature around them.

  Breathtaking. She gazed up to the highest point of the castle. Flags waved in the morning breeze. She chuckled and nudged Angie. “They kept the flags and added a little modern update.” Among the flagpoles stood technology poles for satellite, internet, and other creature comforts. Couldn’t ask the modern human to rough it. But why would anyone want to be cooped up inside with all this beauty surrounding them?

  They wandered around the back side of the castle, stopping at the water’s edge. It appeared deceptively calm. The island trees stood tall across the way. The resort came with its own ferry. A wide path wound through the property, so they aimlessly walked, while taking in the scenery.

  Pointing, Kate looked back over her shoulder. “Look, a falconry school. It’s closed, but I’d love to come back and do this someday.” A large sign on the outer ornate fence gave the name of the school and basic instructions. She imagined holding one of those majestic birds on her arm.

  “There’s an interesting tunnel. Let’s see where it leads.” She stepped into the opening, and her stomach clenched. Her next task would be here. She sent the information to the others. “This is the right place, but it will probably change like it did at the Cliffs.”

  “Makes sense. But how will it change?” Angie began investigating every corner of the area.

  “Not sure. If I had to guess, this scenery is newer than the ground it covers. The trio of former Mystics chose the spot because of the ancient power hidden beneath the gardens.”

  Stone pathways separated the garden into four sections. Each a slightly different design but all were stunning. The lawn maintenance staff kept them perfectly manicured. In the center stood a statue. Several rings interlocked with an arrow stretching through the center.

  A chill went up her spine. She’d seen this exact design in her dream last night. It had been on the wall behind the old man. No doubt her next trial would be in this very spot. She’d better be ready for anything.

  Hard to picture bloody battles or rituals in this picturesque surrounding. The secret garden boasted perfectly designed bushes and trees along the entire perimeter. It struck her as the ideal place to lose herself for hours, contemplating life’s questions. Had the former Mystics found the same peace and comfort here? Would she ever be able to return and experience all this for the right reasons? She didn’t have that answer, so she’d best keep her focus and survive this first.

  Knowing where they’d return, she suggested they view the rest of the property. Steps led up to another area with stone benches and more amazing works of art. A strange tree caught her eye. She’d never seen anything like it. Moving closer, she realized it hid an entrance into the Faery Realm. Ireland had a rich history of faery mythology. She wondered how many other hidden entry points existed here. Not wanting to draw unnecessary attention, she moved along. They didn’t have time for extra visits on this trip, but she added it to her checklist for the next one.

  Eventually, they made it into a small town named Cong outside of the estate. “I recognize this place. I think it’s the setting in one of those John Wayne movies. Papa used to watch them all the time.”

  “You’re right,” Xander said. “I remember one night while Gregory and I were checking out a possible lead to find you, we stopped at a small hotel. A John Wayne movie marathon was the only channel we could get, so we watched a couple of the movies.” His brows drew together. “What was the name?”

  Xavier grinned. “The Quiet Man, perhaps?”

  “How on earth would you know that?”

  Xavier raised an eyebrow and pointed to a massive poster hanging inside one of the shop windows.

  “Right. Guess they really celebrate it here.” Xander kept walking down the street.

  “You don’t know the half of it,” Angie piped in. “It brings a ton of tourism to this town. They have fan club meetings inside the elusive Ashford Castle. There are festivals and a pub that plays the movie every day.”

  “Angie, how do you know all this crap?” Xavier asked with a bewildered expression.

  She held up her phone. “I googled it.”

  Xavier messed up her hair, receiving a death-glare in return. “I have to say one of my favorite inventions you humans created is automatic access to a wealth of information and your ability to make verbs out of anything. Makes our lives more complicated but worth it. Most of the time.”

  “Speaking of…” Kate tapped her phone. They’d been walking most of the day. “Let’s grab an early dinner and find a secluded spot to sleep. Since we spent more time exploring than we intended, we’ll set up shields and grab a couple hours of rest. Once the guests and residents have settled for the night, we can head back to the garden and get this next test over with.”

  She didn’t share the dream she’d had or how much she feared the next challenge. It wouldn’t help and Xander didn’t need anything else to worry about. Zane had become unusually quiet since Nikki informed him of his parental past. So, she decided not to intrude. Instead, she reached out to Rowena, who basically told her to follow her instincts and make good decisions. Real helpful. She forced herself to get some sleep to stop the endless tirade of possibilities in her mind.

  Night came quickly. Before she knew it, they’d returned to the hidden garden. Xander placed the shields so no one would come near the area. When they approached the edge of the entrance, four stones appeared in the ground. Each had its own symbol: phoenix, shield, lightning bolt, and pentagram.

  “What do we do?” Angie tried to step around the stones, but an invisible barrier pus
hed her back.

  “I think we each choose a stone like in a game when you pick your game piece. I’ve seen way too many movies where this goes very wrong.” Kate knelt to examine the symbols. It seemed obvious this had been designed for them, but how? Didn’t make her feel any better about what they were walking into.

  Using her hand, she shined a light over the stones. “Xander, step on the shield. It matches the one on your arm.”

  He placed his foot slowly on top. The second he touched it, his whole body became surrounded in a pale blue light. Activating the piece, perhaps? She shook away the doubts and focused on the next two pieces. She knew her own symbol would be the phoenix.

  “Angie, take the pentagram since you have witch DNA in your heritage and have begun practicing. Xavier, one of your talents is the ability to call lightning. Hopefully, if I have the two of you backwards, it simply won’t activate.” Angie groaned, while Kate fought the urge to cross her fingers for luck.

  Xavier went first. At his touch, a pale green light surrounded him. Angie followed and became immersed in a yellow glow. Everyone else had been accepted.

  Her turn. She slid her foot over the phoenix and an immediate connection clicked into place. A white mist swirled around her ankles, then moved up her entire body.

  Once all were in place, the lights faded. Before they could move forward, thorned ivy launched out of the ground covering the entryway. Another set blocked any thought of an exit.

  So, let the next trial begin. If only she knew what to do, she’d like her chances more. “Ok, any ideas how to enter the garden?”

  Xavier and Xander inspected the ivy. “It doesn’t possess any magical qualities or traps. I think we cut through it.” Xander manifested a sword and sliced through a section. The incision held, so they had to work for it.

  They all grabbed swords and hacked away. It struck her that she’d seen something like this before.

  She bumped Angie’s shoulder. “Remind you of anything?” Angie shook her head. “Remember, Sleeping Beauty when the prince had to chop through the vines to save Aurora? What on earth are we walking into?”


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