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Mystic Rising

Page 16

by J L Lawrence

  “Hopefully not a fire-breathing dragon, but who knows. Maybe we get to sleep during this one. That’d be different at least.”

  “Yeah, but no way are we going to be that lucky.”

  “Agreed. Let’s cut through this shit and face whatever is on the other side.” As the words left Angie’s mouth, the entrance opened.

  The garden had completely changed. Instead of the four beautifully manicured sections, a raised stone platform stood in the center. They walked cautiously up the stairs. Each corner once again contained a symbol. This time they represented the elements of nature. Not so obvious this time.

  Since most of her visions and her tattoo involved fire, she figured it’d be a safe place to start. She stepped on the mark, and an invisible shield surrounded her. She couldn’t break free and her power began to drain.

  She yelled out a warning to the others. “It’s creating an even playing field for whatever we’re to defeat. We have to rely on our knowledge and make good choices. It fits with the prophecy.”

  Xavier walked around, then stepped on the air symbol. His shield locked in place.

  Angie stood on water, while Xander took the earth symbol. All barriers locked in place. Once they were secured on each element, a white light floated down. It didn’t quite have a body but resembled an ethereal figure not of this world. They were only allowed to see a glimpse of what hid behind the light. It approached them.

  Angie stretched and took deep breaths. Kate had done this to her and stripped her entire life away. She’d put her in mortal danger. The nightmare haunted her. What if it had been a warning for this? “I’m sorry, Angie. I never meant to drag you down this dark crazy road.”

  “No offense, but shut up, Kate. I love you, but you didn’t bring me here. Fate did. My own obstinance did. Not you. Maybe you were the catalyst, but I love my life. I would choose this path every time and wouldn’t go back for all the world. No matter when my end comes. This thing looks ready to speak, so we better pay attention.”

  Kate nodded and focused on the bright light swirling in the center. “Mystic and companions, the time has come for your second test. Choice is a powerful weapon and must be wielded with integrity and faith. Each of you will face a warrior of my choosing. The match is only between the two so no other may interfere. After each fight, the winner will return to their assigned podium. If all of you remain standing at the end, you will succeed. If not, your chances diminish significantly. Good luck. You hold our future.”

  How had this become her life? I’m stuck in some sort of Mortal Kombat game. Cass is lucky he’s dead, or I might have killed him myself.

  A light lit up Xander’s area. His shield dropped, and he moved forward. In the opposite corner, a huge demon gnashed its teeth. He couldn’t launch energy streams, but he could manifest weapons. His hand-to-hand skill quickly gained the better of the demon. He sent two front kicks to the demon’s chest followed by one to the chin. Then he swept the legs. The platform shook with the weight of it falling. The demon dodged Xander’s blade the first time, but before it could get to its feet, Xander charged in with an elbow. Then he stood and took a final swing with his sword. The demon erupted in flames. Xander flew back inside the barrier. The first had succeeded.

  Kate held her breath as the next shield opened. Xavier. His opponent appeared to be a wizard or sorcerer. After a few moments, she figured out that Xavier couldn’t use weapons or energy. He could only access spells to defeat his foe.

  The fight became hard to follow. Both spun around and launched spells toward the other. Xavier seemed rusty at first, but then launched a solid attack. His concentration stayed focused on the task. Spell after spell hit the chest of the wizard. While he had been able to deflect most, some had slipped through and began to weaken him.

  Xavier closed his eyes and pooled his power. He sent one last spell targeted at the wizard’s chest. He erupted in flames and fell in a pile of ash at Xavier’s feet. Round two had been won. He went back to his area sealed in for the next round.

  Angie or her? Who would it be?

  The light shined on Angie, and Kate’s heart clenched. She’d known the guys would defeat whatever this thing aimed at them. But Angie hadn’t been in this world as long. She stepped forward and her opponent appeared. A smaller female demon. Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad. Angie could take that little thing.

  Her mind changed when the demon moved with incredibly fast motions. Angie became quickly overwhelmed, but fought back. Her abilities to cast spells had been taken. Only brute strength and tactical skill could win the match. She landed a few punches on the demon then caught a kick to the chest, sending her flying back several feet. Their abilities were equally matched. Fighting as a complete human, Angie would run out of steam way before the demon.

  Kate’s thoughts raced. Even if Angie could win, she might not survive. She had to help. Focusing on her internal energy, she pulled her power from every source around her. No power on this planet could keep a Mystic locked up in this cage. She’d prove it. She kept building the energy until the barrier rattled. She sent everything she had in one massive blast causing the walls to shatter.

  The mythical being reappeared and froze everything around them like hitting pause on a game controller. “You didn’t follow the rules.”

  “I don’t care about your asinine rules and stupid game. This whole thing is ridiculous. She’s my best friend, my sister. I won’t let her die. Step aside, or I’ll destroy you, too.” She tried to move to Angie but she’d been frozen as well.

  “You do have spirit. But you can’t harm me. This is a test of choice, so I’ll give you that. You can save Angie, but the trials will end and the likelihood of you receiving the light is little-to-none. Or, you can trust her to fight as you did the others, and the power is yours to gain. What is your choice, Mystic? One person who you love so dearly, or the key to saving the entire world? What say you?”

  The damn prophecy.

  Her chest heaved in pain, and her heart shattered. She struggled to find words. She couldn’t do this. Yet she had to. Angie would never forgive her if she chose her over the world.

  She forced one foot in front of the other until she reached Angie, still frozen in a fighting stance. Leaning, she connected their foreheads, then kissed her cheek. Tears flowed down her face, and she choked back a sob. “Fight, Angie. Stay alive, and I’ll do everything I can to save you. Forgive me.”

  Her feet felt encased in cement as she slowly made her way back to the cage, and her heart ached. The shield locked and time resumed. She screamed at Angie to fight, stay on her feet, and to watch out. She didn’t know if Angie could hear her but what else could she do?

  Xander and Xavier fought to break free. Xavier wouldn’t recover if he watched her die. She’d lose them both. He threw himself against the barrier as Angie received blow after blow. What if he became a distraction? Maybe she couldn’t help the active participant, but she could help those behind the shields. Sending out all her energy, she knocked Xavier out.

  The demon pulled a dagger and plunged it into Angie’s side. She fell to the ground, severely wounded. Her opponent moved to strike her sword through Angie’s heart, but she rolled out of the way at the last second. Angie grabbed the sword and slashed upward, slicing off the demon’s head. She’d won.

  An invisible force carried her back to her symbol, and she became trapped inside where no one could reach her…


  Chapter 11

  Free from her prison, Kate faced her enemy, while staying connected to Angie. Her challenger appeared deceptively human. Wide blue eyes met hers, not black or red.


  Was this part of the test? Her energy depleted once the shield had opened, but she had other ways. Holding out her hand, she intensified his aura to discover the truth. His ability to hide served him well. His powers were strong. Hers were better. In the depths of the swirling colors, she found the truth. A shapeshifter demon. Something new. Either w
ay, he needed to die fast.

  Xavier begged her to hurry. Being trapped tortured him, but she couldn’t keep him knocked out and handle her own threat. Angie’s breathing had become labored. She wouldn’t last much longer without a healing.

  Kate shut out every emotion, except one. Letting the inner anger fuel her speed and agility, she launched a full-scale attack. This poor idiot didn’t even see it coming. He lunged for her, and she crushed his nose with the palm of her hand. His arm barely missed her chin. She grabbed the same arm and snapped it in half. Following that, she stomped his knee cap, bending the leg backward. A satisfying snap echoed around them.

  He wasn’t a total idiot. Using his ability to change his appearance, he transformed into a dead ringer for Angie. It bought him enough space to put some of his bones back together. She forced her mind to see him as a demon and began another attack. She flipped him over her shoulder and stomped his rib cage, hearing several cracks. Apparently, he could heal quickly. He stumbled away, then turned and lunged. She grabbed his head and flung him down. Too bad his neck didn’t break.

  Angie’s heart slowed.

  Enough of this.

  Kate knocked the demon down once more and manifested a sword in her hand. It whistled through the air, and the shapeshifter’s head flew off. This type of demon didn’t flame up. Instead, it melted into a puddle of goo at her feet.


  She turned her face toward the sky. “We’ve beat your challengers. Return us home.”

  “As you wish.” The ground shook and they were all knocked to the ground. As they recovered, the garden returned to normal. They’d made it back.

  Angie groaned.

  Xavier placed his hands over the wound. “I can’t heal her. You try, Kate.”

  She dropped beside Angie and put all her focus on the wound, willing it to close. No response. She tried everything in her power, but nothing happened. Angie’s breathing became more erratic.

  Xander held onto Xavier when he began to lose control. Kate tried to block his pain and panic, so she could find a solution.

  I’m missing something. Cass’s words came back to her. Once you possess the power of the Mystic, many things will bow to your will.

  “Angie.” Kate stroked her hair and bent down to whisper softly, “I think we’re being prevented from healing you until I master the last task. I guess time is of the essence. I need for you to hang on. You’re bonded to Xavier, grab onto his life force. Stay alive. Trust me to gain the power to heal you. Promise me. I can’t do this without you. I’m not meant to. Give me time. Don’t give up, and I’ll find a way.”

  Blood trickled from Angie’s lips. “I’ll hold on as long as I can. But if I die, you have to promise me that you’ll stay strong and finish the battle. Kill all those SOB’s.” Her eyes slowly closed. Kate held her fear at bay and checked for a pulse. Unconscious, but alive.

  For now.

  Xavier managed to stop the bleeding and combined their life force. She had a human body, so he couldn’t hold her forever. Eventually, it would kill them both, because he’d never let go. His future intertwined with Angie’s.

  Xander gave him all the energy he could, but knew nothing would stop his brother from following Angie. He helped block the pain in Angie’s mind, while Kate whirled through all the possibilities.

  She grabbed the amulet. The tree trunk had been repaired from the second trial but no diamond. One more to go. “Ok, amulet where to next? Send us to the next location. Now!”

  It warmed in her hand and sent her a mental picture of the next test. Drombeg Stone Circle. It referred to the place as a portal to all worlds and birthplace of the Mystic. Sounded ominous, but she didn’t have a choice.

  She sent the guys the location, then held out her hands. They surrounded Angie to protect her as much as possible. Xavier’s face had already begun to lose color.

  The deafening tick tock of the clock resounded inside her head.

  “We have to go.” They took her hands, placing their trust in her to save Angie and finish the quest. And that’s what she damn well intended to do.

  * * *

  The power punched Kate’s chest before they landed. Drombeg Stones stood tall and proud in front of them in the middle of green fields and rolling hills. A few trees created a line in the distance. Sounds from the sea rippled, and the waves swelled in the distance.

  They’d arrived at dusk, witnessing the sun give way to the dark night sky. A cool wind caressed her cheeks like a mother’s kiss welcoming her home.

  In Irish history, this burial site dated back to approximately 1000 B.C. as part of the early Bronze Age. Historians had not been able to identify who built the massive fourteen-stone circle or what it signified. The amulet enlightened her.

  Three Mystics joined forces to create a place of absolute power and a portal into any realm in existence. Rowena didn’t even know how many realms were out there. She could go anywhere, do anything within these stones. First, she had to earn the right to enter their presence. The prophecy had been created here and given to her at the cliffs in order to protect the power.

  “Kate, Kate.” Xander shook her until she knocked his hands away.

  “What?” She turned to check on Angie, but couldn’t find her. She forced her head to wipe the remaining vision away so she could focus. “Where’s Angie?”

  “That’s what I’m trying to tell you. Look.” He pointed inside the large circle of stones.

  “Oh, no.”

  Angie lay inside the center of the stones like a sacrificial offering. A blue protective mist surrounded her. Kate couldn’t reach her mentally, and Xavier confirmed that he’d been cut from her as well. Their life forces had been ripped apart, and she’d been placed in some sort of stasis. At least they could see the rise and fall of her chest. Alive, but barely.

  Xavier tried to walk into the circle, and the strange mist surrounding the stones threw him back about twenty feet. Then, he took a running start and tried diving in. Results were the same, except it sent him farther away from the stones. Xander grabbed hold of him and locked him in place. He wouldn’t be able to control him long.

  She grasped the amulet. “What do I do?”

  Enter the mist. This passage is only for one. The final test is for the Mystic alone. A warrior, a healer, a lover, or all three. I wonder which you’ll prove to be. The amulet turned cold. She hated that thing.

  Xavier finally accepted the fact Angie would be kept safe for the moment. He sat outside the circle, trying to connect and comfort her. Xander walked over as she sorted through all the possibilities. One thing became clear. Kate would have to enter the stones alone. If she succeeded, Angie might live. If she failed, death would be certain, so no failure today.

  “I can’t let you go alone.” Xander pulled her against him. “I’m your Guardian. It’s my entire purpose to protect you.”

  She kissed him softly and cupped his cheek in her palm. “Protecting them while I complete this task is helping me. I know you’ll give me as much time as possible to save her. Xavier is too distracted and can’t maintain the shields. The task is mine alone. I must cross into the mist.”

  His grip tightened around her waist. “We don’t know where it leads or what’s on the other side. It could be a trap. What if you need me? This is crazy. I can’t lose you.”

  “You won’t. Trust me to master this test like every other challenge so far. I’ve always found a way, and I need you to believe that I can do this one more time. My opponent in the mist is myself. I have to prove my worth and heal damage from the past. I won’t fail.” She slid her hands around his neck to hide the tears in her eyes. She hoped this wasn’t the last time she’d see them. Fear haunted her heart.

  She broke their kiss. “It’s time. I have to go.”

  “Make sure you return to me. I can’t live without you. You own my heart, Mystic.”

  Smiling through the pain, she stepped back. “Bet your ass I’m coming back. Our journey doesn’t e
nd here. My heart is yours for eternity, Guardian.”

  She faced the swirling mist and squared her shoulders. Before she could move, he grabbed her arm. His expression exposed the fear inside. His eyes were full of tears.

  “Return to me.”


  Getting a head start, she ran and dove straight into the strange, pulsing mist.

  * * *

  Not exactly what I expected.

  Kate’s landing had been uneventful, but she didn’t know where she was. She took a few steps and saw two windows. One reminded her of the Faery Realm covered in trees and flowers. A small cobblestone path split the scenery. The other looked more like the Hell Realm with jagged rocks along the degraded pathway. If she had a choice, it’d be an easy one.

  The strange mythical guide she’d become accustomed to seeing in the trials graced her with its presence. Time for the instructions, I guess.

  “You may choose which path you take. Either can lead you to your final task.”

  Easy enough. What’s the catch?

  “However, each offers a different path to your goal.” She pointed to the one filled with light and rainbows. “This world is full of knowledge and contains answers to all your questions. But beware, the warmth and wonder of this place has held many beings captive for years. It’s easy to lose your way when your entire body and soul are content. No evil can exist in this realm of beauty and light.” So, she had to stay focused. No big deal. But what if she did get distracted. Lingering too long could cause Angie to die.

  She exhaled. “So what’s behind door number two?”

  The creature flickered and extended a light into the darkness. “This path leads you into a dark and deadly forest. You will face many demons and other creatures on your quest to cross the realm. However, this choice provides the shortest route to save your friend. The price for passage is to face your deepest fears.”


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