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Infatuation - A Club Destiny Novel

Page 11

by Nicole Edwards

  With his eyes locked on her expressive face, he eased the button on his slacks from its mooring before sliding down the zipper.

  “Take what you want from me, McKenna,” he ordered her, ensuring she heard the command in his tone.

  Tag could see the passion in her eyes, the need to be dominated, the need to be forced to do something out of character for her. He might be selfish in his abrupt pursuit of her, but he was going to ensure she got what she needed, as well.

  When her deft fingers slipped inside the waistband of his slacks, Tag had to hold his breath. She gently scraped her fingernails along the sensitive skin of his lower abdomen as she easily lowered his pants until they were at mid-thigh. From the second she freed his cock, Tag knew this little stunt was going to require more willpower than he’d ever had to muster.

  With his eyes fixated on her fingers, he watched as her nails raked along the spot where his leg met his torso, then lower until she was gently gliding over his balls, causing his cock to throb as it stood at full mast between them. He wanted her fucking mouth on him, wanted to watch while she blew him until he came with a vengeance.

  There wasn’t a thing she could do that would make him last longer than a few minutes, but he fully intended to enjoy every single second. One perfect fingernail trailed along the underside of his cock, then teased the flared head, before moving back up his shaft.

  Pure fucking torture.

  He’d already insisted that she take what she wanted, so he couldn’t very well tell her to wrap her mouth around his dick, but shit, he wanted to. Instead, he kept his mouth closed, his teeth clamped firmly together as he watched her pale fingers torment his swollen cock.

  When her eyes darted up, meeting his, Tag saw the hunger reflected in them and he swore he’d never seen that much want in his entire life. It was a fucking turn on like no other to see the unobstructed lust in her eyes, and to know that McKenna didn’t make excuses for what she wanted.

  Her eyes returned to her task, her fingers wrapping around his cock, gripping him tightly and slowly sliding down, then back up, her tongue darting out and swiping the oversensitive head of his cock.


  There was no denying how fucking hot she made him, but this was out of this world erotic. She wasn’t rushing, and she wasn’t doing this solely for his pleasure. McKenna was giving him the hand job of the century, and Tag was never going to forget this moment.

  One hand eased between his thighs, cupping his balls before kneading them with just enough pressure to have the breath lodging in his throat. He exhaled on a groan, wondering whether it was actually possible to die from too much pleasure.

  Then, she used the flat side of her tongue to ease along the hypersensitive underside of his cock, her head tilted to ensure he had a perfect view of every move she made. He groaned, unable to control himself because holy fuck, he was going to come before she ever took him into her mouth.

  Sweet fucking ecstasy is what it was.

  By the time she slid her lips around his cock, Tag was sweating and on the verge of losing control. She tortured him with her tongue, sucking him fully into her mouth, wrapping his dick in velvet warmth.

  “Fucking suck me, McKenna.” Tag was on the verge of being rendered deaf and dumb by the paralyzing pleasure and he knew he couldn’t take much more. “That’s it, baby. Let me fuck your mouth.”

  Gripping her hair, Tag began thrusting forcefully past her lips, the vibration of her soft moans ricocheting straight through his balls until he was damn near blind with the need to come down her throat.

  “Fuck,” he growled the word, unable to slow his pace; her fingers gently caressing his balls as her mouth bathed him in moist heat. “Aw, fuck, baby. I’m gonna come. Fuck yes!”

  It was all he could do to remain standing as his orgasm ripped through him, shattering his mind in the process and leaving him feeling... something.

  Something he was pretty damn sure he didn’t want to feel.

  Chapter Thirteen

  *** ~~ *** ~~ *** ~~ ***

  By the time the afternoon meeting rolled around, McKenna was feeling a little off kilter. Not because of what had happened earlier that morning while they were still in Tag’s bed, or even while they were in the playroom. No, McKenna felt a little deprived of that something more she was hoping for. Did it make her a nympho to be lusting after one man every second of the day?

  Considering she hadn’t had sex in almost an entire year, McKenna did feel a little unsatisfied, but only because she couldn’t get her mind off of Tag and the things she wanted to do to him and him to her.

  But now, as they sat in the largest of the three conference rooms, a little larger than the playroom, but no less sophisticated and stylish, McKenna suddenly wanted nothing more than to sneak out with Tag and go back to his private room. For some reason, she was letting herself get carried away by her hormones when she should’ve been focusing on why she was actually there. This meeting for instance.

  “Thanks for coming,” Logan McCoy greeted the room.

  McKenna had been blindsided when Logan McCoy and his wife Samantha walked into the room. The man was devastatingly handsome just like his mirror image Luke; only he was a more refined version. She could tell by the way he spoke that he was used to being in control. Even if he was just a silent partner in the club, no one would’ve known by the way that he addressed each member personally.

  “As many of you already know,” Logan continued, standing in front of the group of at least forty people, “Luke and I are currently in the process of another business venture that we feel will only enhance Club Destiny and be mutually beneficial to its members.”

  This was the part McKenna was interested in.

  “I’d like to introduce you to Travis Walker, co-owner of Walker Inc., and the brilliance behind Alluring Indulgence Resort.”

  There was a small round of applause that broke out, followed by the sexiest cowboy McKenna had ever met walking before the crowd of people. Looking relatively the same as he had the last time she saw him, Travis wore a long sleeved, button down black shirt tucked into those sexy as hell dark Wrangler’s and a belt buckle, but it was that black Stetson pulled low over his ruggedly handsome face that attracted so much attention. He was a mystery.

  For the next half hour, McKenna forced herself to pay more attention to Travis’ speech and less to his sexy southern drawl; although she was pretty sure some of the other women in the room had a more difficult time than she did. Watching the presentation flashing by on the screen outlining the overall concept of this mega resort that was currently in the construction phase was definitely worth her attention. The grand opening was going to be spectacular, he told them, and McKenna was bound and determined to be invited.

  Glancing around the room, McKenna’s gaze landed on the sexiest man in the room standing toward the back, talking to Luke and Cole. It wasn’t the first time in the last thirty minutes she’d sought him out either. Her body was like a heat seeking missile, and Tag was the intended target.

  Everything about him seemed to catch her eye – from his hard body encased in that expensive charcoal gray suit, to that sheepish grin of his. And especially the way his eyes met hers across the room and that subtle nod of acknowledgement followed by that heart stopping smile he seemed to have only for her.

  They were now nearly two days into the seven day exclusive, yet McKenna was more interested in seeing Tag naked and making him lose control than she was in learning more about the club that she was supposed to be scouting.

  One playroom. Really?

  McKenna had been an invited guest to several of the swinger’s clubs in the area. She didn’t turn down the opportunities from a research only perspective, and compared to those, a number of them made this one look like a child’s clubhouse. There had to be something about Club Destiny that had these people forking over big bucks just to be exclusive members. She knew damn well they didn’t spend exorbitant amounts of money for a public space
to congregate and have sex. Hell, they could find that in their own living rooms.

  Nope, she was missing something.

  She had yet to see the rest of the club, and she wondered when Tag was going to take her on the grand tour. From what she’d seen already, McKenna knew the front area was reserved for the general public club and bar that saw a vast number of people on any given night. Then there was the second floor which housed the handful of private rooms, one large playroom, a couple of meeting rooms that she was just privy to today, as well as what appeared to be the club’s private office. But, she wasn’t naive enough to believe that she’d seen all of it yet. For one, McKenna happened to know that there was something downstairs, beneath the private wing reserved for members only.

  There weren’t any doors leading to the area from the main club that she knew of, nor did she think it was the kitchen area because it would’ve been too large for what they catered to.

  No, there was undoubtedly something beneath the floor they were currently on, and heaven help her, McKenna wanted to know what it was. But when her eyes met Tag’s, once again her mind went blank, and the only thought that flittered through was one that involved smoking hot sex and two naked bodies.

  McKenna managed a subtle smile, but her attention was suddenly diverted to the three women approaching her. Several others in the room were paying careful attention to them as well, but to her dismay, the three beauties that attracted so much male attention looked intent on something and McKenna realized they were clearly moving in her direction.

  “McKenna, meet Samantha McCoy and Ashleigh Thomas,” Sierra said by way of introduction. “Sam, Ashleigh, this is McKenna Thorne.”

  Ashleigh was the first to hold out her hand, her grip gentle as they shook. “I know you.”

  McKenna forced a smile, wondering exactly what would come out of Ashleigh’s mouth next. This was how it always was whenever she met or was introduced to someone new. They knew her, but they didn’t know from where. Most of the time, to her relief, they knew her because they were a fan of her magazine, but sometimes, it was because of the other magazine her image had been imbedded in.

  “You’re the owner of Sensations, Inc.” Ashleigh smiled brightly. “I am absolutely addicted to your magazine.”

  “Thank you.” McKenna managed to speak, though she felt the intense interest coming from Samantha and it made her just a tad uncomfortable.

  “I meant to congratulate you earlier today, Sierra.” Hoping to deflect the three women, McKenna focused on Sierra and the baby news. “The three of you must be ecstatic.”

  “Well, I am, I can tell you that much.” Sierra laughed. “I’m not sure Luke and Cole are going to survive the pregnancy though. They’ve become so overprotective; I barely get a chance to take a shower by myself.”

  Samantha laughed, and McKenna felt the tension ease between them. “Honey, you being pregnant has nothing to do with the three of you being in the shower, unless you consider that’s probably where the baby was conceived.”

  Sierra blushed prettily.

  Samantha directed her attention once again, and McKenna smiled, meeting her head on. There was no time like the present to get this out of the way. She could tell by the look in her eyes, the woman knew who she was and how she recognized her.

  “I have to agree with Ashleigh,” Sam grinned, “I’m definitely a fan of your work. Your blog is the first thing I review each morning, especially since you began pursuing Tag.”

  “He’s definitely catching the attention of my readers,” McKenna offered. “After that first post, my website blew up with interest. Just want to give the readers what they want.”

  “So how is the exclusive coming along?” Samantha asked, her gaze still firmly planted. “Is Tag showing you anything you didn’t already know?”

  McKenna felt as though there was a double entendre in Samantha’s comment, and she suddenly felt like she was in an interrogation room, the heat of the overhead lamps making her sweat. If she wasn’t mistaken, Samantha harbored a little resentment toward her. She just didn’t know what could be the cause.

  “It’s been interesting.”

  Samantha briefly glanced across the room, and McKenna followed her gaze. When she noticed Tag was the intended recipient of Samantha’s attention, she realized instantly what was upsetting the other woman.

  Being that McKenna’s job entailed knowing the dirty little secrets of the city’s most prominent residents, she was well aware of Logan McCoy’s intense fascination with threesomes and sharing his wife with other men. Though Logan was entirely too discreet for her to find out exactly which man was his current third, his wife didn’t have quite the same level of conservative control as he did. The way Samantha was looking at Tag now told McKenna everything she didn’t want to know.

  It also explained why Tag was hell bent on taking things so slow.

  Heat suffused her as she thought back to that morning and their early dawn foreplay – the only time Tag had actually put his hands on her since she’d been there.

  “Are you and Tag...?” McKenna fought the urge to slam her hand over her mouth as the words spewed forth, unable to be stopped.

  “We were.” Sam nodded, a sad smile on her face. “I think his interest has been successfully diverted.”

  McKenna didn’t know what to say to that. A flurry of emotions coursed through her, one being a powerful, black rage that pounded through her veins followed by overwhelming nausea that threatened to erupt violently. If Tag was currently in a relationship with Logan and Sam, what the fuck was he...?

  Shaking off the thought, McKenna realized both Sierra and Ashleigh were staring at her like she had grown three heads and they were currently snapping their teeth. “I’m sorry. Had I known...”

  What the hell was she apologizing for? Tag was the one who should be pleading his case, not her.

  “No, no.” Samantha locked those glowing green eyes on her. “It’s not like that, McKenna, and I apologize if that’s what you thought.” Although Samantha seemed sincere, McKenna’s heart didn’t quite believe the words coming out of her mouth. “What Tag does is his own business, and I assure you, I was well aware of his interest before he even talked to Logan about this exclusive. He’s not that type of guy.”

  Sam’s assurance didn’t do anything to ease the anger pulsing like a bad tooth.

  “Is it safe to assume we’re going to get some more juicy stories about Tag?” Sierra asked, looking a tad uncomfortable as she glanced back and forth between Samantha and McKenna.

  “Oh, yes. You’ll get all you can handle.” McKenna bit the words out. “I’m sorry, I need to go. It was great to meet you all.” She met Samantha’s eyes once again before she abruptly turned and found the closest exit, never once looking back as she hastily made her way out of the room and down the hall.

  Despite the anger that made her ears ring, McKenna was totally consumed by a mortifying sense of loss which made positively no sense.

  What the hell had she been thinking?


  Tag had been watching the four women from the moment Samantha made her way over to McKenna. Since he never took his eyes off of them, he was also privy to the look Samantha sent his way, followed by McKenna’s knowing stare.

  As soon as McKenna separated herself from the other three women, Tag didn’t need to guess what had transpired between them, although he had no idea what Sam could’ve said to piss McKenna off to the point she was fleeing like an injured animal. Or why Sam would’ve said anything in the first place.

  Excusing himself from the conversation he was having with Travis Walker, Tag calmly followed her out of the room although she was walking at a much faster clip than he was.

  Just when she would have swung the door leading down to the main club open, Tag planted his hand firmly against the steel, effectively stopping her. She might be pissed, but Tag’s own ire was increasing as rapidly as she’d been trying to get away, especially after she had ignored him wh
en he called her name.

  Crowding her between the door and him, Tag waited for her to turn around. She was eerily still for two beats of his heart before she turned and leveled him with those exotic eyes. What he saw reflecting back at him was so unexpected, he took a step back.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” she questioned. “How the fuck could you do that to me?”

  Ok. McKenna was obviously pissed. If he hadn’t known by the way she stormed out, he would’ve figured it out because he wasn’t sure he’d ever heard her say the F word so many times in one breath.

  “What did I do, McKenna?” Tag had never been one to play games, and he wasn’t about to start now. If she was pissed, he was sure she had a reason, but he wasn’t going to play the guessing game and try to figure out what had made her that way.

  “You’re fucking Samantha McCoy and you had the balls to...?”

  Tag stopped McKenna short, pushing her up against the wall. Her sharp intake of breath told him that he’d startled her, but the anger in her eyes didn’t let up.

  “First of all,” he moved in close, their mouths nearly touching, “my personal life is my business. Not to be shared with anyone. Got that?”

  She didn’t nod her understanding, but Tag knew she heard the underlying message loud and clear.

  “Second of all, I don’t play games, McKenna. If I was fucking anyone, I wouldn’t have had my dick in your mouth a few hours ago.”

  Tag might not have permanent relationships, but he didn’t play around with multiple partners at one time. Not outside of any multiple partner situations anyway.

  “Sam told me that you and she were...”

  The words died on her lips, and Tag saw the understanding in her eyes, followed by a raging inferno of heat. She certainly understood.


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