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Love Like Crazy (Crazy Love Book 1)

Page 18

by Carmen DeSousa

  “Really, Jesse, do you mean it?”

  “Hey, you were the one who said I should stay for my father.” I shook my head. “It doesn’t matter. I’ll go back long enough to find an employee, and then I’ll be back.” I brushed my hands across her face. “Let’s not talk about leaving right now. I want to enjoy this time together.” I pulled her head against my chest and rested my head on her head, content just to hold her.

  Within minutes, her body went limp with sleep. I’d known she’d been staying up too late with me, then getting up before five.

  I stared down at the amazing woman in my arms, wondering how I’d gotten so lucky. I’d been so worried that I’d hurt her, or that I wouldn’t know how to please her, but now I felt nothing but pure rapture. The feelings I’d experienced making love to her were like nothing I’d ever felt, and I didn’t think I could sum up the overpowering love I’d felt as I pleased her.

  We had just two nights together and then her father would be back. Would we be able to spend the rest of our nights together? Our house was ready; we just needed furniture. Maybe we could stay there?

  Going back to Florida now would be the hardest thing I’d ever done. Not just because I would miss making love to her. I’d spent years denying myself; that wasn’t my concern. My issue was that I didn’t want to leave. I wanted her next to me every night now. She was mine, truly a gift, and I didn’t ever want to spend a day without her. As I’d suggested to Kayla, I pushed the thoughts about my returning to Florida to the back of my mind and closed my eyes, content to fall asleep with my wife in my arms.

  Hours later, based on the sun’s location in the sky, I was surprised to wake up and find that neither of us had moved an inch.

  A new scent lingered with the delicate fragrance of her hair and skin. Careful not to wake her, I nuzzled my head closer and breathed in the aroma. Blood throbbed downward through my body as the heady scent instantly transported my thoughts to the sensations we’d experienced mere hours earlier. Inching my arm from beneath her neck, I worked my mouth down her face, finding her lips.

  “Mmm, now that’s a pleasant way to wake up,” she murmured.

  I continued to plant kisses down her throat as my fingers traced patterns across her bare stomach. I took my time again, knowing that I’d have to be just as careful.

  I brushed her hair from under her neck, splaying it across the pillow, a sea of curls. I buried my face in her neck again and kissed my way back up to her earlobe.

  “You smell incredible, baby. It’s driving me mad,” I whispered as I inhaled deeply again, experiencing the way it made my body crave her. “Can I make love to you again?”

  “You don’t have to ask, Jesse. I’m yours.”

  My vision blurred slightly. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her on top of me. My lips pressed firmly to her mouth. “Make love to me, Kayla,” I murmured under my kisses, “so you can move at your pace.”

  Chapter 30 - Kayla

  Jesse wanted me to make love to him … to move at my own pace. I wasn’t sure what to do, but I let my body lead the way. To my surprise, my hands seemed to move of their own accord, and Jesse moaned with delight.

  His enjoyment encouraged me, and I experimented with ways that seemed to make him move with pleasure. Already, it was easier than the first time, but I moved slowly, careful not to put myself in pain, knowing it would upset him if I winced. I kept my eyes open most of the time and watched the elation transform Jesse’s features.

  After we both climaxed again, I collapsed against his chest, and his arms encircled my body as he kissed the top of my head. Such a sweet gesture on his part, and one he’d done from our first night. Where had he learned it from? Or was the sweet gesture a natural act with someone you loved? Someone you wanted to take care of and protect?

  Jesse inhaled deeply. “I love you, Kayla M’Lynn O’Brien.” He chuckled softly. “That’s a mouthful, isn’t it? I bet your mother didn’t think you’d have an Irish last name when she gave you your middle name.”

  “Probably not, but I love the way it sounds … especially when you say it.”

  “Mrs. O’Brien,” he said in a singsong voice. “I like the sound of that.” He rolled me over onto my side and curved his body next to mine. “So, do you think we’ll get out of bed for the next couple of days or should we start ordering in food?”

  “Are you hungry for something other than me?” I giggled.

  “Never, my love. But if I don’t eat, I won’t have any strength. I’m famished!”

  I kissed his hand and unwrapped his arm from around my midriff, then hopped out of bed and darted for the shower. I’d gone shopping last week, stocking up on the foods that I knew Jesse liked.

  Jesse finished his shower and strolled into the kitchen right behind me. “So, what are we making for lunch?”

  “I’m not sure yet. I bought a huge pack of chicken, though, since it seems like that’s the only thing you like.”

  “Chicken sounds good, but it’s your wedding day. I don’t want to leave either, but maybe we should go out or order in?”

  “You want to leave our honeymoon suite?” I asked, disturbed by the idea.

  “It might be a good idea.” He turned me to him, then backed me up to the counter, pressing his body gently against mine. “If we stay here, we might not finish cooking before I carry you back upstairs.”

  “Pizza, then?”

  “You’re incorrigible. Do you eat anything besides pizza?” He shook his head. “How do you keep your body in such good shape with your diet of pizza and ice cream?”

  “I’ll eat other things this week. I have chicken prepared to cook at least six different ways. Dad won’t be happy about it, though.”

  “Okay. Let’s go. It’s your birthday and wedding night after all. So if you want pizza and ice cream, then pizza and ice cream it is.”

  After we picked up the pizza, Jesse drove to the park we’d visited on prom night. We sat by the lake, pizza box in front of us, and talked of our future.

  “So,” Jesse started. “I’ll go home to pack my things and spend every waking hour looking for my replacement. Dad will just have to understand. If it takes more than a couple of weeks, I’ll drive up or you can fly down. Since we don’t have to use my money for a house, we have plenty.”

  I leaned against him. “Thank you, Jesse. That’ll be wonderful.”

  “And what do you think about going shopping for furniture tomorrow — after we spend precious time in the morning, of course.”


  “Yes, really. There’s no way I could spend the rest of the week sleeping in the next room, and there’s no way I’d be comfortable in your room with your dad in the house. And … there’s absolutely no possibility that I’d be able to go all week without touching you again.”

  I grinned. “So we’re doing it then, setting up our house tomorrow?”

  “Again, thanks to your father, we have my savings, and I’m pretty sure he saw this coming. Plus, I’ll be earning good money when I start working with your father, so we’ll be able to make that tiny house everything you wanted.” He sighed. “Only you, Kayla, a daughter of a rich realtor, would choose the cheapest house in Union County.”

  I lifted my chin. “You just don’t have enough vision, Jesse. And you haven’t seen all the great things that property has to offer yet. But you just wait, you’ll thank me for finding a diamond in the rough.”

  Jesse tugged me to him and pressed a hard kiss to my lips. “Kayla, I thank the Lord above every day that you see beyond what’s only visible with the naked eye.”

  Chapter 31 - Jesse

  Kayla and I made our way back to her dad’s house around sunset. There were still hours before it was time to go to bed, so we opted for a mushy chick flick, not always a bad idea when the woman of your dreams was in your arms. I just had to make certain she was thinking of me when the time came. After tossing all the sofa cushions on the floor, I pulled her down in front of me. I wr
apped my arms around her and just rested my head on top of hers, closing my eyes, fantasizing about ways to make her feel good later.

  I couldn’t really say what was happening in the movie as I wasn’t really paying attention. I’d never seen it, but recognized the title as a classic. Kayla had said that it was one of her and her mother’s favorites. Her hand moved from beneath mine, and she wiped her cheeks. She was crying.

  “Why do women watch movies that make them cry?” I asked, truly curious.

  “I guess it’s because we appreciate true happiness after witnessing sadness. I only like movies that make me cry that have happy endings, though. And this movie taught me something about relationships. That you need to talk to each other. Both of them loved each other, but neither could imagine that the other loved them in return. Instead, they allowed themselves presuppositions of who they assumed the other was. For example, when I met you, if it wasn’t for me your pride and prejudices would have gotten in the way of us getting together. Just because of my cousin and where I was staying, you viewed me as someone else. Someone who could never be interested in you. A girl you wouldn’t waste the time to get to know.”

  I started to argue, but then realized she was right. “You’re right, Kayla, I was prideful and prejudiced. It seems like forever ago, though. But also, if it weren’t for Gram and your father willing to listen to reason, you would’ve left me without giving me a chance to explain.” I cringed at the memory of how much pain I’d felt at the time, which was nothing compared to the agony I’d suffer if I lost her now. I buried the thought quickly; we were here … together.

  I smoothed my hand down her arm to her hips, then up the front of her sexy threadbare T-shirt. For pajamas, Kayla wore only T-shirts and different styles of sleep pants. I loved them.

  “That’s true,” she said. “See … we need to make sure we always communicate.” Kayla clutched my arm and pressed my hand to her lips. She traced sensual circles on the back of my hand as her fingers trailed down the inside of my arm. Chills thrilled through my entire body. I wished the movie would end.

  As if she’d heard my silent appeal, she whispered, “This is the best part, Jesse.”

  I peered up at the 75-inch flatscreen that made the scene feel so lifelike. It felt like Kayla and I had been transported back to eighteenth-century England.

  The first rays of sunlight filtered through the trees. Long grasses and cattails danced softly in the morning breeze. The heroine watched as the hero of the story strode across the moor, his long overcoat flapping in the mist. The background music was entrancing, the scenery captivating. I drank in the scene, happy to share the moment with my passionate bride.

  The gentleman on the screen admitted his affections, and I had to admit, it was a good line, very romantic.

  Thinking it was the end, I quickly reached to turn off the TV.

  Kayla turned in my arms so she was facing me. “That wasn’t the last scene, but we can watch the rest some other time. As long as I see his second proposal, I’m good.”

  “I didn’t know. Are you sure?”

  “Positive.” She lifted her lips to mine.

  We lay there for untold minutes, just kissing each other, until I couldn’t restrain myself any longer. I scooped her up in my arms, then threw the afghan that was on the back of the couch onto the carpet. I lowered her to the floor, then hovered over her.

  “I want you so much, Kayla. You wouldn’t think it was possible, but it’s as though the fire inside me has only been fanned.” I locked eyes with her, wanting to know what she wanted. Her eyes burned with intensity as she arched up and pulled me on top of her.

  We made love again, and then I carried her up to her bedroom. She would fall asleep in my arms and then be there when I awoke, as it should be every day of our lives. I shouldn’t have promised my father. I should just call him and say sorry, but I couldn’t. More than likely, Kayla wouldn’t allow me to anyway.

  She fell asleep in my arms again. I looked down at her angelic face and kissed her forehead. We had forever. That thought would help me make it through the time away from her again, hopefully for the last time.

  Rays of sunshine seeped through the blinds. The golden sunlight touched Kayla’s hair and skin, causing her to literally glow under the streams of light. She stirred, and I couldn’t resist kissing her.

  “Morning, sleepyhead. I thought you woke up at five?”

  Kayla’s eyes popped open. “What time is it? I have to take care of the horses.”

  “Seven. If you hadn’t woken up in the next few minutes, I was going to have to use my powers of persuasion. Can the horses wait a half an hour?”

  “Just this once, I suppose. What exactly are your powers of persuasion?”

  “According to you, actions speak louder than words, so how ’bout I show you?” I asked.

  And I did.

  Making love to her was easier and better every time. Each time, I tried something new to please her. Based on her accelerated breaths and soft moans, my research had hit the mark.

  I wondered how long the honeymoon would last. I’d be thrilled to love her morning, noon, and night, but I knew that wasn’t realistic. Until then, though, I’d relish being newlyweds as long as it lasted.

  Kayla and I started our first morning as a married couple with the simple act of eating breakfast and discussing the best place to start purchasing furniture.

  “What do you like, Jesse? I think an eclectic blend of antiques and sensible furniture, nothing trendy or new-age, would be nice. The only items we need to buy brand-new are a bed and sofa, then we can find the rest of the items in pre-owned furniture stores and antique shops.”

  “We can afford new furniture,” I grumbled. “I told you we have more than thirty thousand in savings since, thanks to your father, we don’t have to purchase a house.”

  “And I told you, I don’t need all fancy, new stuff,” she retorted. “I want a new sofa and bed, of course, but used tables and dressers can have so much more character. Trust me.”

  “I trust you, Kayla. This won’t take long, though, will it?” I flashed my most devious smile. “I want to get back home soon … to take advantage of the few precious days we have together.”

  “No, we’ll start with the bed and sofa, and maybe a table. And then, since you trust me, I’ll look for pieces when you’re gone.”

  Daylight passed swiftly and, before I knew it, another day ended. We’d found some good pieces. What we couldn’t fit in the truck, we placed on hold to pick up tomorrow. I agreed to stay another night at her dad’s house, and tomorrow we’d move into our first home.

  In the kitchen, I watched in awe as Kayla cooked. She did wonders with chicken. I typically just tossed breasts in the oven and boiled rice, but she’d prepared grilled chicken so tender I was able to cut it with a fork, and a rice dish I’d never experienced outside a restaurant.

  “Where did you learn to cook, Kayla? This is wonderful.”

  “I read and research too, Jesse.” She smiled warmly as she echoed my words from yesterday. “Also, I’ve been cooking for the last six years. I’m a little concerned with leaving my father to fend for himself; he’s never had to take care of a home. He and my mother moved from their parents’ houses in with each other, then when she passed, I stepped right in. Unlike you. You’ve been taking care of yourself for nine years, haven’t you?”

  I nodded. “This is nice, but as I said, I don’t expect anything. I’ll pull my weight. I don’t ever want you to feel trapped. If there’s something you decide you want to do, I want you to do it.”

  A provocative smile flashed across her face. She got up and walked to my side of the table, then lifted my hand, pulling me to my feet. “We’ll clean up later, then.”

  Warmth washed through me at her take-charge actions. “I was talking about career moves, but this works, too.”

  We spent the next morning rolled up in blankets, discussing our future. We talked about our house, my career and college,
and eventually children. We both agreed that we were entirely too young to have children, but weren’t sure what method we should use to prevent pregnancy. Kayla was enthusiastic about counting days, even though it wasn’t a reliable means of contraception, but suggested if we were close on either side, we could use protection.

  “I have a request, then,” I said. “It may sound strange, but can you keep a calendar where I can see it, so I don’t have to ask and spoil the mood? I can just be ready.”

  “Okay,” she acquiesced. “But if you’re concerned that I’ll get pregnant and feel trapped, that’s not the reason. I want kids, just not now. We should have some time to ourselves. If it happens, though, I’ll be okay with that too.”

  We finished picking up the rest of the furniture before noon, then returned to the house to meet John for lunch. He’d said he wanted to take me out starting today. I’d miss Kayla, but I knew it’d only be for a few hours.

  Tomorrow she’d have to go back to school. But John assured me that we’d start the work days early so we could have our afternoons together all week.

  John and I were driving to the first site, so we had some time alone in the car. I decided to be like him and not beat around the bush. “Sir,” I started, but then paused. Taking a deep breath, I continued, “I’ll be honored to call you Dad, but I’d like to have a conversation with you as Kayla’s father before I do so.”

  John simply nodded.

  “Kayla and I went shopping yesterday and have started furnishing our new house, and I know we’re married, but I’d told you that we’d wait till December, but —”

  John held up his hand, interrupting me. “I don’t need details, Jess.”

  I nodded. “Of course not. First of all, thank you for our talk and for giving us alone time; it helped me make the correct decisions. I just wanted you to know that if it’s okay with you, we’ll be staying in our home tonight. And although I have to return to Florida to settle up with my father and bring back some of my things, I’ve decided to come back as soon as possible. I can’t leave Kayla for three months. I’ll never leave her like this again.”


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