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Cowboys & Bosses

Page 3

by Piper Sullivan

  “If we’re going to pull this off we need to be comfortable together. As a couple so in love they want to spend the rest of their lives together.” I nodded trying to figure out where she was going with this. “We never touch and other than that one kiss in front of Walt, we don’t kiss either.” She took a few steps closer, hiding a smile at the way my hands fisted around a light blue thong. “We should practice.”

  I must have hit my head earlier and was now hallucinating. “Kissing? You want to practice kissing?”

  She nodded, a solemn expression on her face that belied the sparkle in her eyes. “I think we should. For the sake of our arrangement.”

  “Sage,” I warned as she took another step closer, and another.

  “What if you go to kiss me in front of Walt, his wife or the other TPBA members and it’s awkward? Or you go the wrong way when I lean in to kiss you, or I flinch when you touch me.” She stopped in front of me, hands on my chest. “What if we don’t sell it and you look like a big fat liar Mason?”

  Dammit she made some good points and it’s not like I wasn’t itching to touch her, taste her, kiss her again. “Fine we’ll get to it later,” I told her but her lips crashed against mine and she jumped up, wrapping her arms and legs around my body so that her hot core cradled my growing erection. We fell to the bed, now surrounded by a rainbow of silk and lace while she completely devoured my mouth, licking at my tongue while she ground against me. I held her hips close, helping her find the perfect rhythm while her mouth moved from my mouth to my jaw, my neck.

  She kissed me until we were both breathless, skin flushed with desire and a satisfied grin on her face. “You’re really good at that.”

  I chuckled and held her tighter. ‘Thanks sugar, you’re pretty damn good at that too.”

  “You feel good too,” she moaned and ground against my cock, sending shards of electricity pulsing through my body. “So. Good. Mason.”

  And that was it. I couldn’t stay here in this position, with her looking sexy and full of desire as she found pleasure with my body. I needed to get up or I would strip us both and spend the rest of the day buried inside her. “Sage,” I growled and stopped her hips.


  “We can’t, sweetheart.”

  She grinned and moved again. “It sure feels like you can.”

  “Sage.” She heard the warning in my voice and smiled. “We can’t”

  Just like that the desire faded and turned to disappointment, maybe hurt. “Right,” she said and jumped off me like I was on fire. “Better finish up then.”

  The rest of the afternoon passed quickly, if quietly, as we finished boxing everything up and getting it into our trucks. She hopped into hers and I did the same with a vow to talk to her later about what had happened.

  But I never got the chance. Lily added an extra set of hands so we finished in no time before she left to get a storage unit in town. By the time she returned she’d claimed exhaustion and spent the rest of the night in her room.

  It took everything in me not to bang on her door until she opened it and finish what we started in her apartment. But I couldn’t. I shouldn’t.

  I didn’t.


  “I have never been so humiliated in all my life Sierra!” I couldn’t close my eyes without thinking about how good Mason had made me feel. How could he’d felt under me. How disgusted he looked when he pushed me away, emotionally if not literally.

  “Not even that time Mason and Jack stole your bikini when we were swimming at the creek?”

  I smiled, appreciating her effort to make me smile. “That was bad but this was worse, way worse Sierra.” I explained what had happened and felt the humiliation burn all the way down to my bones. “I just wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole. But you’d be proud I didn’t make a scene. I got off him and finished packing up.”

  “Maybe you should let him see how much you care Sage.”

  I sighed, rolling my eyes because the last thing I wanted to do after that stinging rejection was be more vulnerable in front of him. “I don’t think I can.”

  Sierra scoffed. “Of course you can. All you have to do is go for it but for real this time. Don’t go halfway. Wait until you have time to explore everything, like this trip to Houston, and go all the way.”

  I thought about her words and the longer I did, the more it sounded like something I could do. “I’m not sure Sierra. Maybe I should just use his body and when this is all over I’ll move on.”

  “Honey be serious. You think you can lose your virginity to the man you’ve been in love with half your life and then walk away unscathed?”

  “I didn’t say unscathed.”

  “Okay. Good. Then do what you think is best.”

  “Thanks. Let’s have lunch and go shopping soon, okay?”

  “Call me. Good luck,” she said and ended the call just as I made my way to my new bedroom where I shed most of my clothes before stepping into the bathroom across the hall.

  The hot shower spray felt amazing on my sore muscles, pulsing through me as it washed off the dirt and grime of the day. Working with horses was my absolute favorite thing. The smell and the dirt, were not. The shower was quick and I wrapped a towel around me, cinched under my arms and crashed on the bed. I just needed a moment before I went downstairs in search of food. I heard a knock but I wasn’t quite ready to get up yet so I just said, “Come in.”

  Mason. He gave me a look I couldn’t decipher. “You sure?”

  I nodded, thinking Sierra’s advice. “Yep. Come on in. What’s up?” Damn he always looked so good but never more than when he was fresh from the shower, blonde hair wet and curling adorably.

  “I have something for you.” His voice trembled with nerves, something I’d never heard from Mason before so I sat up, crossed my legs and leaning back on my hands.

  “Oh yeah,” I asked, smiling at the way his gaze strayed to my legs. “What?”

  Mason held up a little black velvet box and my heart stuttered because this moment right here, was so much like I’d imagined it as a girl. “Time to make it official.”

  Not exactly the declaration of love of my dreams but that’s why they’re called dreams, right? And it was just what I needed to remind myself that this was fake. Phony. I was just his faux fiancée. The box opened and I felt tears pool in my eyes at the princess cut diamond on a white gold setting. The smaller diamonds surrounded the big one sparkled in the late afternoon sun. Blinking the tears back I shook my head. “It’s gorgeous Mason but it’s too much, considering.”

  “I do believe that’s my choice,” he responded with a smile.

  I shrugged because he was right and held out my hand for him to slide the ring on, tamping down the giddiness that rose inside of me. But when he dropped down to his knees, resting one hand on my thigh and sliding it up and down, distracting me from his words. But soon enough the cold metal was on my finger and his mouth closed in on mine, leaving me feeling even more confused and turned on than ever. Why was he kissing me now when a few days ago he couldn’t?

  I didn’t understand but I knew enough to know just how powerless I was when it came to this man. “Sage, you are so beautiful,” he growled. His mouth once again fell to mine, hypnotizing me until I fell under a spell where I could only please him. Please myself. His mouth was warm and soft, his jaw prickly with a day of growth. When he wrenched his mouth away I whimpered but it quickly turned to a gasp at the way his lips fell across my skin. My jaw, my collarbone and down to the spot between my breasts. Wait, when did he remove my towel?

  Truthfully I didn’t care, not when his lips felt so magnificent on my skin. Not when his tongue dipped into my navel, drawing a gasp of surprise from me. And certainly not when his tongue slid between my folds and licked me until I felt so hot and bothered, so frenzied that I grabbed his hair and pulled him closer. I needed him closer and I didn’t know why until he spread my thighs wider and speared me with his tongue, sending up some
invisible mountain where I floated back to earth as my body shook. “Oh my goodness!" His tongue slowed and shivers shook my whole body while I called his name over and over. “Mason,” I groaned and he looked up at me with a cheeky grin.

  “Sage,” he growled, his brown eyes seemed black with desire.

  He kissed his way up my body and I found I wanted to return the favor. My hands went to his waist, popping the stud on his jeans and sliding the zipper down so I could reach in and touch him. “So soft,” I moaned and his hips thrust into my hand. “But so, so hard.”

  “Sage,” he warned but I was feeling bold. Adventurous as Sierra’s words rang in my head. This would hurt like hell when it was over but if it all felt as good I felt now, it would be so damn worth it.

  I used my feet to shove his pants and—good god!—cotton boxer briefs down his legs and pushed him onto his back. I was under no illusions that he went willingly and that jut made me feel bolder. On my knees I gave his body a long slow look and he was even more gorgeous than I thought. Skin tan and pale at turns from the time he spent outdoors. Well-muscled with a broad chest and narrow waist with a sexy vee leading down to a long thick cock, jerking at my perusal. “This is some body Mason. Some amazing body,” I told him and kissed each of the six ridges at his midsection, down his pelvis before grabbing his length in my hand.

  “Sage,” he growled but I ignored him and focused on the beauty in my hand.

  I stroked it a few times and felt it harden in my grasp and a tiny drop of liquid appeared at the head. Curious I leaned in and swiped my tongue across it. Salty but not bad, and that was good enough for me to put him in my mouth, taste him and enjoy the heaviness of him on my tongue. The sounds he made were strangled. Tortured but the slight movement of his hips told me he enjoyed it. For that matter, so did I. I groaned and his fingers weaved through my hair, not moving just touching me. Connecting with me.

  A door slammed downstairs and a voice sounded. “Anybody home.”

  We both froze at the sound of Tanner’s voice but I still held Mason in my mouth and wasn’t ready to let go of him. I wasn’t ready to stop so I didn’t, at least until he tugged my hair. “What?” He gave me a look and I knew my fun was over. Dammit, not again! I slid away, off the bed and over to the open bag on the floor to grab underwear. “Better go then.”

  “Sage,” he began but I cut him off.

  “Don’t Mason. Don’t tell me what a mistake it was and how you can’t when you started it. Just go. If you want to finish you know where to find me but I won’t hold my breath.” I held my tears though because I couldn’t let them fall. If Mason knew how I felt he might feel compelled to give me what I wanted. And if he didn’t want the same thing, I didn’t either.

  “I do,” he said and quietly closed the door behind him. But he didn’t come back that night or the next. Or the night after that. And that’s when I knew. He wasn’t interested in me. He was horny and I was available and offering.

  I could live that would, hell I would I have to for the foreseeable future. But that didn’t mean I would give up completely. He didn’t want me, fine. But he wanted my body and I would give it to him. Soon. In exchange I would get a few lessons on how to please a man and learn what pleased me in bed.

  Now that was a plan free of heartache.



  * * *

  “I was starting to think you were a figment of Lily’s imagination,” Tanner drawled from the doorway of the therapy barn.

  “Nope. A real-life person.” Shadow was done for the day so I stepped back from the all black Tennessee walking horse with a pat and turned to Tanner. “How’s the season going?”

  He flashed the grin that had broken many hearts in Lucky Flats and I’m sure all around the country. “It was going great until Mystique decided she was ready for a vacation. I’m hoping you can look at her and tell me what’s wrong.”

  He looked genuinely worried about his horse and I nodded. “You know I will, just put your name on the digital list so I know to pick her up.” He had a beautiful paint horse that stood tall, performed like the champ she was and apparently was as temperamental as the rest of the Manning clan. “Want to give me a clue?”

  He raked a hand through wild blonde curls that seemed to define the gene pool. “She’s favoring her back legs and taking it easy on the front right shoulder area.”

  “Okay,” I told him and made some notes. “How about you, are you doing all right?”

  “Don’t need a doctor if that’s what you’re asking.”

  At his ornery tone I said nothing and just continued to add notes on Shadow. Lord save me from grumpy men.

  “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?”

  I frowned and looked up at him. “My training is complete Tanner. I need to fulfill my hours and that’s it but if you want someone else to look at your horse there’s nothing I can do about it.” I really thought him of all people wouldn’t question me but I should have known better.

  “I mean with my brother. He may be dumb and blind but I know you’ve had at thing for him forever.”

  I turned and wiped the sweat from my palms on my jeans, leveling him with an icy stare. “And if you don’t tell him he will continue to be clueless.”

  “But why? This stupid ruse could be just the thing.”

  I wished it was, more than anything but I couldn’t keep getting my hopes up. It was exhausting. “It could be but it won’t. Mason just isn’t into me and if I have to accept it so do you.” Damn that hurt to say but it was true and once our fake engagement was over I could finish my hours and go start my business. Maybe on the other side of Lucky Flats. Or farther.

  “Damn,” his shoulders fell and he flashed a dimpled smile. “Does this mean another decade will pass before I see you again?”

  “Nah I’m going to settle here in town, well maybe on the outskirts if I can find land for my business.”

  “Why not rent some from us?”

  “Please,” I held up a hand. “Don’t go there and don’t mention it to your brother.”

  “Whatever you say kiddo.”

  “Five years Tanner. You’re five years older.”

  He laughed and clapped his hands together, startling the horse behind me. “But in wisdom I am so much older.”

  “Whatever you need to tell yourself old man. Hope the ladies aren’t turned off by the gray.” I grabbed the reins and guided Shadow out of the barn, heading to the stables.

  “I think you’re wrong about my brother Sage. He feels something but he’s too damn honorable to act on it.”

  Tears stung my eyes. “And he doesn’t think I’m worth more whatever he thinks he’s honoring by keeping his distance. Same result Tanner. He doesn’t want me. I’ll see you for supper.” I took the time to cool down Shadow before brushing her down and giving her a carrot. “You’re a good girl,” I told her and took the long way back to the house, intent on letting the sun work its magic on my mood.

  “There you are Sage! Whatcha doing?” Lily found me sitting behind one of the barns on a bale of hay.

  “Just thinking kiddo, what are you up to?”

  She shrugged and lifted her arms so I could help her up. “Nothing. Looking for you. Daddy told me to come get you for dinner.”

  “I’ll be in soon.”

  “What are you thinking about?”

  I looked down at Lily with her expressive green eyes, more and more freckles popping out from time spent in the sun. “Just life.”

  “Are you mad at me Sage?”

  “Of course not you’re my favorite kid in the whole world.” That seemed to satisfy her because she stood, hugging me and smacking a kiss on my check.

  “You’re my favorite too Sage. I love you.”

  Finally the words I longed to hear from a Manning. “I love you too Lily bug.” She scrambled off the bale of hay and I scooted off and followed slowly behind her.

  By the time lunch was finished I couldn’t wait
to get away from Mason. He didn’t do anything wrong but just looking at him, so handsome and carefree now that Tanner was home caused something in my chest to tighten uncomfortably. I wasn’t ready to give up on him but I had to. It was for the best. Luckily Sierra, the goddess that she was, saved me from another moment of awkwardness.

  “Hello Manning Family! Can Sage come out and play?”

  “I wanna play!” Lily bounced in her seat, happy to see the feisty redhead.

  “Me too,” Tanner added with a gleam in his eyes.

  She gave Tanner her sauciest look. “Sweetheart you’re not ready for all this. Stick with the buckle bunnies.”

  Mason sat back, sipping his beer amused at their interactions.

  “What’s a buckle bunny?”

  I stood to rinse my plate, hiding a smile. “I think that’s a question for your dad Lily bug. I’ll see you later,” I told her with a kiss to the cheek and then made a quick getaway out the front door.

  “That wasn’t very nice,” Sierra told me as she hopped in her big pink pickup and revved the engine.

  I shrugged. “I’m not feeling very nice but I need a dress for this dinner.” It took less than fifteen minutes to drive into Lucky Flats and find a spot a few doors from Hem & Haw, the only place in town to buy formal and semi-formal wear. Inside we both sent a wave and a smile to Raven the owner who’d been in town for less than a year.

  “Cocktail dresses are on sale, thirty percent off,” she called to us before returning to her e-reader.

  “What about this?” Sierra held up two dresses neither of which I had enough curves to wear.

  “Those are more your style than mine. Go try them on and I’ll keep looking.” I found a few black dresses that would be appropriate for dinner and bonus points because I could wear them again.

  “Nope. No way. No black.” She went through two racks at top speed, yanking a few options from them and shoving them at me. Start with the green and end with the red,” she told me and pushed me into one of the four dressing rooms.

  “I don’t need anything this sexy,” I pouted through the dressing room walls.


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