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Cowboys & Bosses

Page 4

by Piper Sullivan

  “Honey no one needs anything that sexy but we all have our reasons and yours is six feet five inches of sexy blonde cowboy.”

  I could hear the smile in her voice and rolled my eyes. “I have the lingerie I need for that. The dress needs to be fitting for a woman marrying a guy like Mason and I need to be able to wear it again.” I looked at the green one and frowned, putting it on the reject stack. “Hey!”

  My best friend scowled at me before pushing inside the fitting room. “Sage you have to make this time count honey. Don’t walk away until you’re able to say you did all you could.”

  My head fell forward and I shook my head. “I can’t.” I could hear the defeat in my voice but I was too defeated to care. “I plan to enjoy the food and lose my virginity to a man who never has and never will want me.”

  “From you said he does but he’s freaked out by it.”

  I shook my head and reached for the red dress that was entirely too darn sexy. “It’s the same thing Sierra and I need to start pulling away.” It sounded good but how do you just stop loving someone you’ve loved nearly all your life? “It doesn’t matter how he feels if he isn’t going to act on it.”

  “You could make it matter,” she urged and tugged the red dress down in back.

  “I could but I’m just going to stick with the sex thing.” And in this dress it wouldn’t be difficult. It dipped low in back, forming a vee just above my butt, with cap sleeves and a modest neckline. And it showed off tons of leg. “This dress is magic!”

  Sierra gave me a onceover and a slow smile spread. “Oh that is definitely the dress cowgirl and I have just the shoes!”

  My lips twitched at Sierra’s excitement and I looked in the mirror once more. The dress was beautiful and I felt sexy in it. Desirable. “I’m getting it even though it’s completely impractical.”

  She laughed and leaned in, resting her chin on my shoulder. “I expect every dirty detail when you get back.”

  I laughed as a shiver shook my body at the thought of just how dirty the weekend would be. “Maybe not every detail but plenty.”

  “Works for me.”

  Yeah, it worked for me too. Big time.


  The drive from Lucky Flats to Houston took just a couple hours but it was a long, tension-filled drive. For some reason Sage wasn’t talking to me. Oh, she was polite enough, but the spark wasn’t in her eyes and she wasn’t joking around or even singing off-key to the radio.

  “Everything okay?” I asked when the car finally stopped in front of the Four Seasons.

  She nodded looking up at the hotel with wide eyes. “Seriously? The Four Seasons?”

  “Is that a problem?”

  “No,” she said on a weary sigh. “I just forgot that you’re a gajillionaire.”

  I barked out a laugh at that. “Not quite a “gajillionaire” Sage, don’t exaggerate.” She was out of the car before I could open the door for her, another clear sign I shouldn’t have avoided her after what happened in her room. Taking her hand in mine we checked in and met the bellman at the elevator taking us to the penthouse.

  “You know, a normal room would have been just fine Mason.”

  I shook my head because only Sage would complain about me spending money on her. The frustrating woman had never failed to let me know that my money didn’t impress her. “Why would I do that when I can impress you with our suite?”

  She said nothing more as the elevator climbed upwards, or when we entered the one room suite. “Nice.” She looked around while I tipped the bellman and locked the door behind us. “Just one bedroom?”

  “We’re engaged Sage,” I reminded her, a hint of annoyance in my voice.


  “We don’t have anywhere to be today so I thought we could have dinner tonight.” It was already late afternoon so I figured by the time we got settled in it would be late enough for dinner.


  Another monosyllabic response. “Sage, what the hell? Are you having second thoughts about this?”

  “No, I’m not. I just have things on my mind Mason. Don’t worry I’ll be on my game for dinner tomorrow.”

  “And tonight?” I asked, arms crossed and a pointed look on my face.

  She sent me a bright smile that was as fake as a three-dollar bill. “I promise to bring my most sparkling personality. But first I need to shower, unless you want to go first?”

  “No,” I bit out. The thought of her in the shower, water sliding over teardrop breasts, soap slightly shielding other parts from view. “I mean, I’ll go after you.”

  She smiled again, this time it was genuine and heart stopping. “Okay then. I’ll be out soon.”

  “Take your time.” Maybe a hot shower would improve her mood. As soon as I heard the water turn on, I stepped away from the bedroom to stop the images tempting me to join her. Though based on her attitude today she might not welcome me with open arms.

  I waited. Paced the living room, stopping ever so often to stare out at the cityscape below. What the hell was up with her anyhow? She was the one who’d agreed to this scheme and now she acted like I’d dragged her, kicking and screaming, to a five-star hotel. I blew out a frustrated breath and grabbed a beer from the fridge, taking it out on the balcony to enjoy the sounds of the city. Lucky Flats was home. It was beautiful and peaceful with the sun-drenched valleys during the day, and cool starry nights. But Houston had its own charms, the sound of traffic and people moving in tandem to keep the world spinning. I could do without the scent of gasoline and pollution though.

  “Penny for your thoughts.”

  The husky sound of her voice pulled me from my thoughts and I glanced up, damn near biting my tongue at the sight of her in an oversized robe. Knowing, without a doubt, that she was completely naked underneath.

  “Just wondering which Sage was gonna show up. The fun sassy one, or the moody brooding one.”

  Her lips twisted into a soft smile. “Sorry I just…had a lot on my mind.”

  I stood and nodded, trying to slide past her and into the suite without touching her but the little minx had other plans. She stood planted in the middle of the doorway so I had no choice but to press up against her—definitely naked—body.

  “I’m just going to wash the road off. Think about what you want for dinner.” Before she could answer I turned on my heels and stomped into the bedroom, grabbing my toiletry bag and locking the door behind me.

  I wrenched the handle all the way to the right and let cold water pelt my skin to stop thoughts of Sage in here. Naked. “Dammit!” The woman was driving me crazy and I had the meanest case of blue balls known to man.

  Despite the common saying, a cold shower didn’t really help. So I turned the water to warm, soaped up and rinsed off in less than five minutes. It was still too early for dinner, so I put on a pair of worn jeans and padded out of the bedroom. “Sage?”

  “Out here,” she called and I followed her voice, finding her stretched out on a lounge, legs on display as she sipped champagne.

  “Why are you still in your robe?”

  Her brow dipped and lips pouted. “I’ve always wanted to sit around in a big fluffy robe and drink champagne. Is that a problem?”

  Hell yes it was a damn problem. But it was my problem. “Why champagne?”

  “I just felt like it,” she said quietly, eyes falling to the ground. “I’ll pay for it if that’s the problem.”

  “Sage don’t insult me.”

  She scoffed and knocked back the last half of the glass, glaring at me as she poured another. “You’re the only one who gets to be insulting, Mason? Who gets me all revved up only to leave and never come back?”

  Shit I knew we would eventually come around to this. “I’m sorry Sage. I shouldn’t have…we shouldn’t have.”

  “Just stop Mase! Don’t give me the it was a mistake line because it’s crap and we both know it. Just be honest and say you don’t want me. That would be less cruel.” Flute filled
to the rim she took another long sip as her hand shook with emotion.

  I reared back, completely surprised by her outburst. “Is that what you really think?”

  “What else should I think Mason?”

  Yeah she was right. My actions had only one interpretation without all the facts, so I had two options. I could let her keep on believing that I wasn’t interested in her and hope this thing between us would slowly fade. Or I could just suck it up and tell her the truth. Like a grownup.

  Apparently I didn’t answer fast enough because Sage pushed off the lounger, almost opening her robe completely in the process. She tightened the sash and picked up the green bottle with the gold label, glaring at me as she stepped inside. “You know what? I don’t need this Mason. Just…just forget it.” She brushed past me, but I couldn’t let her walk away thinking what she did. Big blue eyes looked up at me warily.

  I grabbed her by the waist, pushing her up against the wall with my body. Big blue eyes looked up at me warily. “You got it all wrong Sage.”

  “I do?” her voice was breathless. Deep and thick with desire, and uncertainty.

  I nodded with a slow smile, sliding my hands through her hair, over her shoulders and gliding down her arms before settling them low on her hips. “You do. I want you Sage, so damn bad. I want you so bad I can fucking taste it.”

  She sucked in a breath at my words, cheeks staining a beautiful shade a of pink. Her eyes searched mine before she asked, “But?”

  Smart woman, because there were a whole lot of buts. “But you work for me. You are my best buddy’s kid sister. You’re much younger than I am.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I’m not a kid.” Her gaze sobered, and hands that a moment ago caressed my chest now pushed at it. “Are those real reasons because to me, they sound a hell of a lot like excuses.”

  Her hands started to move again, up my chest and around my neck to play in the curls at my neck and then back down again before resting on my waistband. I groaned, “Sage.”

  “If you want me, prove it Mason. Show me or I’ll believe you’re a liar.”

  “Don’t call me a liar,” I groaned and grabbed her hips tight to pull her close enough that my hips pressed against hers, making her gasp. I needed her to know. To feel how hard I was for her, how much I ached for her. “Does that feel like a lie to you Sage?”

  Surprised blue eyes stared up at me, lush mouth slightly parted as a gasp escaped. Hell yeah I felt smug at that look. Then her hips moved, a tiny little swirl and her smile turned smug.

  “There’s an easy solution Mason. Don’t be a liar.”

  Words were useless at a time like this. The only way to prove to her that I wanted her deep down to my bones, was to show her. To tease her. My lips brushed down the column of her neck, tongue swirling around her throbbing pulse, before giving the other side the same treatment. My teeth scraped across her jaw before finally I captured her sweet mouth in hot a kiss that took her by surprise. Her fingers hooked through my belt loops and pulled me closer so my cock was pressed against her stomach, producing a shiver that shook her.

  Damn but the kiss was intense. So full of passion and want that I couldn’t bring myself to pull away. I was operating on nothing but raw pleasure to fuel me, deepening the kiss as I navigated us to the bedroom where I could lay her out, look at her and taste every inch of her until she begged me to fuck her. Sage tore her mouth away from mine, panting. “Mason.”

  The sound of my name, so guttural and low as though it was torn from her mouth, only made me want her more. Need her more. Her legs hit the back of the bed and I cupped her jaw with one hand, kissing her neck as I pulled the sash apart and shoved the robe off her shoulders. “Sage you’re so beautiful, darlin’.” She was too. Long legs, tan and toned, hips flared out like a woman’s body was supposed to. She was so soft, with a small strip of brown at her core. But sweet lord the woman’s breasts were full, so luscious they could bring a man to his knees. Pink raspberry buds hard and straining towards me had me licking my lips and leaning forward to pull one into my mouth.

  Her moans drugged me, made it hard to think about anything but tasting her. Pleasing her. “Mase,” she groaned, tugged my hair and held me closer. “Yes, god yes.”

  I need more. It wasn’t enough. Her legs shook as pleasure swamped her and I let her topple backwards, following her down because I couldn’t bear to have her away from me. Completely naked and making the most erotic sounds, Sage was so responsive I had a hard time containing myself. I slid one hand down her flat stomach and straight between her legs where she was wet and swollen for me. I dipped one finger in. Then two. Stretching her out and letting her coat my fingers, easing the path into her body.

  “Oh!” Her hips bucked off the bed as my mouth on her plump nipple drove her insane and my fingers sent her cresting on the wave of her first orgasm. “Oh, oh my…Mason!”

  “Damn babe I love the way you say my name.”

  She shook and laughed, eyes going wide as I kissed my way down her belly and settled between her thighs. “I think you can say it louder. Be a bit more colorful,” I joked.

  “Uh, Mase you don’t have to…,”

  “Oh I know. But I want to.” My tongue slid through her folds in one long swipe and she cried out, pushed herself into my mouth. “In fact, I can’t wait to. Now make sure I can hear you, okay?” She nodded and man my girl didn’t disappoint me as I licked and sucked at her wet core. Fucking her with my tongue, I looked up and saw the heated gaze aimed at me as she reached out to cup my jaw.

  “What are you doing to me? My god, Mason. Yes, oh yes.” Her hips swirled, grinding into me as my tongue slid in and out of her body, licking her wildly while she made the most delicious cries I’d ever heard. One final swipe of my tongue and I pulled her clit into my mouth, sucking hard until she flew apart, crying my name over and over like it was her own personal prayer. “Good god, Mase,” she chuckled.

  “You look so damn beautiful.” She did too. Lips pink and swollen, nipples hard as her chest heaved and skin flushed pink and slicked with sweat.

  “You make me feel beautiful,” she admitted shyly but her hands weren’t shy. The moment I slid up her body, her hands went to my waist unfastening my pants and taking my cock in her hands. “I want you Mase. Now.”

  She looked so sexy lying there with her chocolate hair spread over the pillow. “Don’t move.” I stood and removed my pants, chest puffing with pride at the way her eyes widened in surprise. “See something you like?”

  “You know I do,” she answered, licking her lips as her gaze never left mine.

  I settled on the bed between her legs, brushing my dick against her dripping wet pussy. She moaned and then she froze.

  “What is it?”

  “I need to tell you something, but only because I think you should know. But I need you to know that I want this. I want you. Tonight.”

  I nodded, waiting. Hesitant. What could she say that would put that look on her face. “You can tell me anything Sage.”

  Her grin was sardonic at best. “I’ve never done this before.”

  “This? Sex without a relationship?” She wouldn’t be the first woman to say it and probably not the last. “It’s not a big deal.”

  “No. Sex, Mason. I’ve never had sex before. With anyone.”

  What? “How is that even possible?” She was gorgeous, smart, sassy and she could ride a horse better than half the men I knew. “Did you go to school with idiots?”

  She smiled and shook her head. “It just never happened.”

  Probably because Sage was the kind of girl you married, not the kind you used for one incredible night of pleasure. I began to pull away and I saw her body sink further into the mattress.

  “I think you should think about this Sage.” If she was looking for romance and love and happy ever after I wasn’t her guy.

  Sadness flashed across her face, but it was quickly replaced with anger. “I should think about it? You can’t just be honest wi
th me, can you?” Pushing at my chest she slid off the bed and bent to grab her robe.

  “Come on Sage. Let’s get dressed and have dinner like we planned.”

  “You do whatever you want Mason. You always do.”

  “Sage you can’t be mad that I’m trying to do the right thing!” I called to her as I dug a pair of boxers from my bag before pulling my jeans on.

  She appeared in the door way, robe pulled tight, arms crossed over her chest. “You mean assuming I don’t know my own mind or what I want? Tell yourself what you need to Mason, I don’t care.”


  * * *

  “In case I haven’t said so yet, you look stunning tonight.” She really did. I thought she looked damn fine in jeans, but the deep blue lace top dress she wore drew the eye and wreaked havoc on my ability to focus. And the skirt only showed of long shapely legs punctuated by a pair of fuck me pumps that had my mind going straight there. She looked like a beautiful woman any man would gladly have on his arm, without regard to where she worked or who her brother was.

  And she wasn’t giving me the time of day.

  “Thank you,” she said politely. No smile. No sparkle in her eyes. Just a civil word of thanks.

  I heaved a deep sigh. How in the hell would people believe we were in love and engaged to be married if she barely tolerated my presence? I had second thoughts. Hell I was having third and fourth thoughts too, and I wondered if we could get out before the door opened.

  But the door opened, and Walt appeared with a pretty plump blonde at his side. “Mason Manning and his little lady, Sage wasn’t it?”

  Then the most amazing thing happened. Sage’s face spread into a blinding smile and she took Walt’s offered hand. “That’s right, it’s good to see you again Walt. And this beauty must be your wife?”

  Nancy smiled, a blush coloring her cheeks as she extended a hand to Sage. “I’m Nancy and I’ve heard wonderful things about you Sage.”

  Sage looked shocked but she quickly recovered and hugged Nancy. “I find that hard to believe, but you must tell me about this wonderful house. It’s like a Texas castle, fit for a queen.”


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