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Bayside Fantasies (Bayside Summers Book 6)

Page 5

by Melissa Foster

  Heat blazed a path between her and Jett, but she didn’t look away as he drank in her barely there outfit. She rolled her shoulders back, regaining control to give him a dose of his own medicine. She settled one hand on her hip and put on her best arrogant smile, openly admiring the man who looked anything but too buttoned up. His thick dark hair was windblown, and he hadn’t shaved. Boy did he wear scruff well.

  He shrugged off his black hooded rain jacket and tossed it on a chair, giving her a better view. The top two buttons of his deep-purple shirt were undone, revealing a dusting of dark chest hair she itched to touch. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, revealing muscular forearms, and as he closed the distance between them, his jeans stretched tight over his thick thighs.

  He moved more aggressively than he had at the café, exuding raw masculinity that made Tegan’s mouth go dry. His virility was not like Dean’s, wrapped around sheer size. No, this man had an innately captivating presence driven by confidence. Every woman there was dressed for sex, and Tegan knew she was nowhere near the best-looking one of them, but his eyes never left hers.

  When he reached her, he said, “Five minutes ago I was wondering how I was going to cut the night short without insulting anyone.” He stepped closer. So close, his chest almost brushed hers. “Now all I want to do is make sure you don’t run off again without giving me your phone number, because I’ve got to tell you, searching sticky-note girl on Instagram got me nowhere.”

  She laughed softly, enjoying this flirtatious side of him. “Sticky-note girl?”

  “I tried searching hot chick at Sundial Café, but no luck there, either.”

  “You did not.”

  He flashed a coy smile that was so different from what she’d seen earlier, she could do little more than stare…and wonder how many other smiles he had yet to share. Did he have a wolfish one in the bedroom? Or was he all business there? Was there a carefree smile tucked away somewhere? One that came out when he wasn’t being Mr. Suave or Mr. Business? He may not be her pay-it-forward soul mate, but she wasn’t at the Cape looking for love anyway. She’d had a couple of flings in college, but it had been years since she’d done anything so reckless. She wondered if it would be considered reckless if her friends knew and trusted him? No, she decided. It’s just impulsive. An adventure.

  He was looking at her with a playful, sexy expression, causing her pulse to quicken even more. God, he wore that look well. Maybe a fling with the object of her fantasies would help her focus on the business she was supposed to be working on.

  “I also searched Miss Fine, but you were nowhere to be found. What’s a guy to do?” His brow furrowed, and he said, “I didn’t think to search Fuckable Flirt. That’s a nice surprise. One I can definitely attest to.”

  “Wha—” She gasped, then remembered her eye mask. She tore it off, quickly reading the tag. Fuckable Flirt. She was going to kill Jana.

  “WE DIDN’T CHOOSE the masks,” the blonde said, clutching hers in her fist. “Jana made them and chose each of ours without telling us what they said.”

  She was adorably flustered, and he couldn’t take his eyes off her. He took the mask from her hand and slipped it into his shirt pocket. “Well, that’s a damn shame. I kind of got my hopes up.”

  “Who’s up for a blow job?” Colton called out from behind the bar, where he was lining up shots.

  Everyone cheered, including the blonde.

  Jett grinned hard, earning the sexiest laugh from her. “Now we’re talking. But I usually like to know a woman’s name before we go that far.” He offered her his hand and said, “Jett Masters. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  Her whole face lit up as she shook his hand. “I’m Tegan Fine.”

  “An unusually beautiful name for an incredibly stunning woman.”

  “A little cheesy, but I’ll take it,” she said teasingly. “You have quite a fan club here.”

  “It’s not just here. I’m a worldwide hot commodity.” He nodded toward the bar and said, “Shall we go get down and dirty?”

  “That depends.” She crossed her arms and jutted out her hip defiantly. “Is your arrogance here to stay?”

  He loved her directness and knew she’d walk away if he wasn’t the man she wanted tonight. That level of self-respect was hard to come by, and it was even more of a turn-on than her gorgeous curves. He couldn’t resist heating things up a notch. “Do you want it to be?”

  “Tegan! Come on, we’re going to do screaming orgasms next!” Cree hollered from across the room.

  Tegan’s gaze turned sultry, and her eyes remained trained on Jett as she held up her index finger in Cree’s direction and said, “Do you always give women what they want?”

  He stepped closer, and she inhaled sharply. “Want, need, it’s all sort of intertwined, don’t you think?”

  “I find it best not to think when a man is pleasuring me.” Her tongue slicked across her lower lip, leaving it temptingly wet.

  “Then we’ll get along just fine.” He offered her his arm. “Shall we?”

  She took a step forward and stumbled over her own feet. He turned just in time to catch her around her waist. She blinked up at him, wide-eyed and breathing hard.

  He tightened his grip, bringing her flush against him, and said, “Do I fluster you, Miss Fine?”

  “My fuck-me boots fluster me. You amuse me.” She arched one thinly manicured brow and said, “Are you going to hold me captive all night while everyone else enjoys blow jobs and orgasms? Or are we going to join the party?”

  “It would be rude not to join the others.” He leaned closer, inhaling the scent of sweet citrus and sunshine despite the storm brewing between them, and said, “I’m only in town for one night, but you can be my willing captive once we’re done.”

  “We’ll see about that. The jury is still out on you.” She stepped out of his embrace and slipped her arm around his. “Show me your fun side, and then we’ll decide if you can be my master for a night.”

  His cell phone rang, and he pulled it from his pocket, seeing TIA STRONG on the screen. Other than his friends from Bayside, there was only one woman in Jett’s life who ever called him on his shit, and that was Tia, his long-time assistant. She worked out of his New York office and never hesitated to bust his balls, as she’d done last night. They’d been going over his schedule for next week and he’d asked her to track down a Miss Fine who was new to the Cape and, based on the sticky notes he’d seen, might be taking over some sort of entertainment company. Tia had asked if he was thinking of taking over her company, and when he’d hesitated, eventually saying, Not exactly, she’d heard something in his voice and had figured out his reasons, immediately refusing to help track down a booty call. Tia would love Tegan, if only because she’d enjoy another woman giving him shit.

  Tegan leaned closer and said, “Never check your phone or take a call at a party, especially when you’ve got a lady on your arm. That’s strike one. See you later, Armani When It Suits You.” She sauntered over to the girls, who were huddled around the bar giggling and doing shots, and she didn’t even give him a second glance.

  Well, damn.

  The woman dropped things, tripped over her own feet, danced like a nightmare, and still she had more class than the Gucci-wearing models and upper-echelon executives he knew. She was utterly mesmerizing, and like the best deals he sealed, he wanted to figure out what made her tick.

  He sent Tia’s call to voicemail and turned off his ringer. He was in town for only one night, and he didn’t care if he scored with Tegan or not, but he sure as hell wasn’t about to strike out.

  Justin shoved a shot glass into Jett’s hand and said, “Drink up, dude. By the looks of things, this might be the only blow job you’ll get tonight.”

  He didn’t give a rat’s ass about a blow job. There were plenty of women who would dole them out like candy if that’s all he wanted. But Tegan was clearly not one of those women. Or maybe she was, but he had a feeling one night with Tegan Fine
would only whet his appetite.

  He and Justin clinked glasses and drank their shots as Dwayne sidled up to them.

  “I didn’t know you knew Tegan,” Dwayne said. “Guess that explains why you weren’t interested in picking up chicks at the Hog tonight. She’s one fine piece of—”

  “Don’t go there, Dwayne,” Jett warned. “It’s not like that. I didn’t even know she knew Harper.”

  “No?” Dwayne looked lustfully at Tegan and rubbed his hands together. “Perfect. That outfit will look great on my bedroom floor.”

  Jett glowered at him, his hand curling into a fist, surprising himself by the vehemence with which the possessive urge hit him.

  Justin put a hand on Dwayne’s shoulder and said, “Get out of here before the man kills you.”

  “What? He said—”

  “Get a clue, cuz,” Justin said sharply. “She’s checking him out like he’s hers.”

  Jett turned, catching Tegan watching him with confidence and desire. Once again she didn’t look away. Hot. As. Sin.

  Violet grabbed Dwayne by the arm. “Is your big mouth getting you into trouble again?”

  Before Dwayne could get a word out, Steph yelled, “Spice Girls!” She and several of the other girls ran to the dance floor to dance to the fast-paced song. Beckett, Drake, Rick, and Desiree brushed past Jett, following them.

  “Let’s go, playboy. There are a few single ladies who need dance partners.” Violet winked at Jett as she dragged Dwayne toward the dance floor.

  “Shit,” Justin ground out. “Beckett’s moving in on Chloe and Daph. You’re on your own, dude.”

  Jett was anything but on his own. Tegan’s eyes were still trained on him. He tilted his head toward the bar and mouthed, Buy you a drink?

  She lifted a full shot glass, as if to say, No thank you.

  He tried to ignore the pang of disappointment in his chest.

  Tegan grabbed a cookie from a tray on the bar and held it up, showing him the penis-shaped treat. Her eyes narrowed, and she dragged her tongue along the iced cookie. Heat rushed to his groin. Christ, this woman…She put the cookie in her mouth. That’s it, baby, show me what you’d like to do to me. He hoped to hell none of the other guys were watching her, but he refused to look away to check. Tegan raised her brows, then chomped into the cookie, her eyes never leaving his. Fuuck.

  He knew a warning when he saw one, but the sinful glimmer in her eyes relayed a different type of warning. She was on fire, and he wanted to dive into the flames. She lifted her glass as if to toast, then downed the shot and set the empty glass on the bar without looking away. A flirtatious smile appeared on her beautiful face, and he realized she was totally playing him, gaining the upper hand.

  “Who wants to challenge the bride and groom in bra pong?” Harper yelled, jarring Jett from his thoughts.

  “We do!” Emery pulled Dean across the room.

  Tegan arched a brow, her eyes briefly darting toward Emery and Dean. He nodded, accepting the challenge to be her partner in bra pong, whatever the hell that was.

  She sauntered toward him in those fuck-me boots and that slinky skintight outfit, stopping only inches away to say, “Ready to show them who’s boss?”

  “I’d rather show you,” he said, earning a pretty blush, which was surprising, and adorable, after the show she’d just given him.

  “You can show me who’s boss,” Colton offered. He pointed up to the SAME PENIS FOREVER banner and said, “That was Jana’s doing, not mine. I’m all for variety!”

  Brock laughed as he, Cree, and Andre walked past Jett, toward the dance floor.

  Jett chuckled and shook his head. “Fools.”

  “That’s what you get for crashing a bachelorette party,” Tegan said as they went to join the others in the game.

  “Next to stopping at Sundial yesterday, crashing this party is the best thing I’ve done since I got to the Cape.”

  “Wow,” she said, taking his arm. “Just like that you wiped that first strike clean.”

  “I like a woman who doesn’t hold grudges.”

  “And I like a man who can stop flirting long enough to play the game,” Dean said, tossing Jett a Ping-Pong ball.

  The damn thing bounced off his hand and skittered across the floor. He shook his head, ignoring his brother’s and buddies’ taunts about not being good with his hands. Dean tossed him another ball. He caught it this time and eyed the colorful bras hanging on the board.

  “Any of those yours?” he asked Tegan.

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” She took the ball from his hand and said to the others, “Who’s ready to lose their shirts?”

  That started a round of lewd comments about playing strip bra pong, which continued throughout the game. Jett couldn’t believe how quickly he and Tegan fell into sync. She was wild and funny, and as competitive as he was, challenging every snarky comment from the other teams and focusing on every throw as if her life depended on it. They cheered and high-fived, laughing like college kids who didn’t have a care in the world. When they won the final round, Tegan jumped into his arms, her eyes glittering with joy, one fist shooting up toward the ceiling as he spun her around. He fought the urge to kiss her, knowing that once he got his mouth on her, he wouldn’t want to stop there. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d laughed, much less enjoyed a woman’s company so immensely.

  As the evening wore on, Colton cranked up the music and dimmed the lights, giving the party a night-on-the-town vibe rather than a crashed-bachelorette-party feel. Everyone danced, mingled, and drank, except three of the girls who were the designated drivers. Jett and Tegan traded scorching innuendos, growing closer by the minute, despite the girls constantly dragging her away for one thing or another.

  Jett stood by the bar with Justin, Andre, and Violet, trying to concentrate on what Andre was saying about his and Violet’s last trip overseas. It was a futile effort. He couldn’t tear his eyes, or his thoughts, off Tegan. She was dancing with Chloe and Steph. There was nothing sexual about the way her body flailed and jerked, but Jett was spellbound. Off the dance floor Tegan was an unusual mix of playful and sensual. But on the dance floor? He was pretty sure everyone else saw her as a hot mess, but all he saw was a beautiful, carefree woman bursting with confidence. He’d never seen anything so enticing.

  Man, he missed being that kind of happy. It seemed his thoughts, actions, every business deal, every frigging step he took, was weighed down by the ghosts of his past. When he was on the Cape, he couldn’t wait to leave—and when he was gone, guilt ate at him. But tonight, being with Tegan, kept that ugliness at bay.

  He thought back to earlier in the evening when they were toasting Gavin and Harper. Colton had offered Tegan a glass of champagne, and she’d set her sexy eyes on Jett and said, Thanks, but this tall glass is all I need. Then she proceeded to pick up his champagne glass and lift it to her lips, like that drink was all she was after. But she’d stopped short of taking a drink to lick her lips, and he swore he’d felt her hot, slithering tongue on his flesh. She was bold and confident, but she had an underlying sweetness that he couldn’t wait to get to know more intimately. He was usually excellent at reading people, but he couldn’t decide if Tegan was simply dipping her toes in the sexual teasing pool and pulling back before she got too wet—or if she was a master seductress.

  Justin nudged Jett and said, “Why aren’t you out there dancing with Tegan?”

  “I will be. Soon. I’m enjoying watching her.” He took a sip of his drink. Tegan stumbled. His gut clenched, and he pushed from the bar, but Emery caught her, and the two of them burst into hysterics. He chuckled and said, “She’s so fucking cute.”

  “She is,” Justin said. “Every time you two are near each other you look like you’re ready to tear each other’s clothes off, but you might not want to get too close when she’s dancing. You could get a black eye.”

  Jett met his amused gaze and said, “I’ll take my chances.”

  Andre pulled Vio
let closer and said, “The best women dance to their own beat. I know mine sure does.”

  “Come on, big boy. Let me show you my moves.” Violet dragged him toward the dance floor.

  Jett had known Violet for years. When she’d first come to the Cape, she’d been tough as nails and had walls as thick as stone. Despite being half sisters, she and Desiree had barely known each other, but they’d committed to running the inn together for the chance to rebuild their relationship. He’d been amazed at Violet’s transformation. She was still badass, but she was softer and more loving toward her sister and friends, and of course, now Andre. Every time Jett saw her, he thought of his own family, and in the back of his mind he wondered if he and his father could ever come that far.

  But those were thoughts for another day.

  He had watched Tegan dance long enough. He needed to be closer to her, to hear her laughter and see the sparks in her eyes when he touched her. He looked across the bar and said, “Hey, Colton, think you can queue up ‘Sex on Fire’?”

  “Queue it up? Dude, look at me. I’m the stoker of heat.” Colton began dancing and said, “Sex with me is always on fire.”

  Justin chuckled.

  Jett gave Colton a deadpan look.

  “Oh,” Colton said dramatically. “You mean queue up the song.” He pointed at Jett and said, “Gotcha. I’ll follow it up with ‘Slow Hands’ and other sex-inducing songs for the rest of the night. I’ve got your back, even if I’d rather you had mine.”

  Jett laughed and shook his head.

  “Jett is finally making his move,” Justin said.

  As Colton queued up the song, Jett strode toward the dance floor. Tegan’s back was to him. Her arms reached for the ceiling as she flung her head and ass from side to side. Chloe looked over Tegan’s shoulder, and Jett held a finger up to his lips. Chloe grinned and nudged Steph, and the two of them took a few steps away, allowing him to move in front of Tegan. Her eyes were closed, like she was lost in the music. In his mind, Jett unraveled that thought and dragged it into a bedroom, seeing her naked beneath him, eyes closed as their bodies moved to their own wicked beat.


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