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Page 6

by Sam Crescent


  “Whenever I got a phone call or someone came to my office, I tried not to freak out. I thought I was going to get fired over this.”

  “They couldn’t fire you. You’re too damn good at your job and they know it.”

  “You’re complimenting me?”

  “Hell yeah. They’d be crazy not to give you that promotion.”

  “Ivan, they’ll be crazy not to give both of us that promotion. If they even thought about it, would you consider working together, being a team?”

  Ivan pursed his lips and looked up at the ceiling, trying to think. “I don’t know. We’d have to have the same office. That’s a must. You’d have to wear skirts every single day, and I’d want to know what color panties you were wearing so I know to pull them off.”

  “Will you stop? I’m being serious.”

  He saw the need in her eyes. He felt it himself. He wanted her so fucking badly. All day he’d been wanting to make excuses not to go to this thing, but he also didn’t want her to worry and think he was trying to hide their relationship.

  He had nothing to hide.

  In fact, he was the luckiest man in this fucking room.

  “I’m being serious as well. I need to make these demands, so you know what I want.”

  She burst out laughing. “Fine. How about I tell you a little secret?”

  “Go on, I can’t wait.”

  “I’m not wearing any panties.”

  His cock liked that.

  Liked it very much.

  “You’re not wearing any?”


  “You know, that is just not fair. I don’t …” He glanced around the room and when he saw no one was paying them any attention, he took her hand and walked her away from the room and down the darkened hallway. He had Delaney pressed against the wall within a matter of seconds. He held her hands above her head and slammed his lips down on hers.

  She moaned, and he swallowed down each and every single noise. She was fucking killing him with need.

  He wanted her so badly, so fucking much, it was a constant ache.

  “We should get back to the party.”

  Ivan let go of both of her hands and agreed, only he didn’t move away.

  “Ivan,” she said, giggling.

  He sucked on her neck as he moved to the skirt of her dress. Lifting it up, he ran his fingers over her thighs, finding exactly what he was looking for.

  Her pussy.

  Without panties.

  His need went up two notches. “Do you have any idea what you do to me? I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you all day long. I need you now.”

  “At the Christmas party?”

  “There’s no better place.”

  He’d been wanting Delaney for so long. Having her now was a dream come true.

  Chapter 17

  “Someone might see us,” she whispered softly with a hitch in her voice. He looked down at her lips and moved his hand lower, over her collarbone, across her breasts pressed against the silky material of her gown, and over her arm.

  He placed his finger on her wrist, feeling her pulse beating wildly there, too. A low sound left him at that, at the fact she was frantic for him.

  “Even if they do, I don’t fucking care,” he said against her lips. “Do you?”

  She shook her head.

  “This is so crazy.” Her eyes were wide as she looked at him, but there was pleasure, anticipation in her voice.

  “Tell me to touch your pussy, really touch it, baby.” He liked to hear dirty shit while claiming his woman. “Tell me, baby.”

  There was clear arousal in her expression, in her body language, but she was also nervous. He knew it was a combination of the fact there were people right on the other side of the wall he had her pressed up against. He could see that on her face, and it made his cock jerk.

  She didn’t speak right away, but despite that, he felt her heat, the wetness between her thighs. He ran the pad of his finger back and forth, lightly over her slit, seeing her pupils dilate even more for him.

  He saw her resistance crumbling in the face of her lust.

  “Touch me,” Delaney said softly. When she closed her eyes and sucked in another breath, he knew she was relinquishing herself in this one moment, and giving herself over to him.

  Ivan touched her pussy. She was all slick, smooth, hot and soaked, and it was all for him, all because of him. Taking his other hand, he placed it on the wall beside her head, and held off from groaning.

  “What if someone hears, or sees us?” she asked again, but her words held no strength.

  He leaned down to bury his face in the crook of her neck, inhaling deeply. She smelled sweet, and he ran his tongue up the length of her throat.

  God, he loved her neck, how slender it was, how he could feel her pulse beating frantically right below her ear.

  “And if they do?” Ivan didn’t care if anyone saw them. It would turn him on knowing someone saw him claiming her.

  Ivan worked his fingers over her pussy lips and couldn’t stop the groan that left him at the smoothness of her flesh. He started grinding himself against her, his cock aching to be deep inside of her body.

  “Tell me how it feels.” It would turn him on like nothing else for her to admit to him that he was the one making her feel incredible. He wanted Delaney to give him this.

  He didn’t know if she realized it or not, but she was working herself on his hand, moving her pussy back and forth ever so slightly.

  He was an arrogant bastard, and he got this sick kind of power knowing that she was doing what he said, saying what she felt.

  “It feels so good, Ivan.”

  He looked into her eyes and pressed his thumb against her clit at the same time he placed the pad of his index finger right at her pussy hole.

  “When I get my cock in your cunt, I don’t plan on taking it nice and easy. I won’t be able to control myself.” Her gasp pleased him.

  He worked his fingers through her folds, moved them up and down her slit, and then started rubbing her clit back and forth, wanting, no, needing her to come for him.


  “That’s it, baby.”

  He wanted her screaming his name as he fucked her, wanted her scratching his back as he pounded his dick in and out of her. He wanted her legs around his waist tightly, holding onto him as he claimed her in every irrevocable way.

  “I want to fuck you,” he said against her neck.

  “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I want my cock in your cunt. I want you giving me everything because you need me as much as I fucking need you.” He stroked her faster, harder, and knew she would get off in a matter of seconds.

  He slowed his actions, and as a result she dug her fingers into his chest. “I want you to tell me you want me inside of you,” he said low, husky.

  “Oh my God,” she whispered. Delaney started moving her hips back and forth, grinding her pussy on his hand with faster motions.

  He wanted to keep going, wanted her to come all over his fingers, to get off right at this party, for him, because she couldn’t help herself.

  But finding reserve and self-control, he pulled away from her only an inch. She made this soft sound of disappointment, and he fucking loved that. He lifted his hand, feeling her pussy cream coating his fingers, and showed her the product of what they’d just done. She was breathing harder now, and when he moved his fingers closer to his mouth he heard her stop breathing altogether.

  He licked her cream off, groaning at how sweet she was.

  “Tell me,” he demanded.

  “I want you inside of me.”

  He lifted his hand and ran his thumb over her bottom lip, loving the little sound she made. When he dipped his finger into her mouth and looked into her eyes, he watched the plethora of emotions cross her face.

  She wrapped her lips around the digits, licked at his flesh, and moaned softly. He pulled his hand away and cupped he
r chin, holding her immobile.

  He moved an inch closer, ground his cock against her belly, and placed his lips so close to hers he knew once he started speaking they’d brush together.

  “Baby, I’ll admit something to you that I’ve never said to anyone.” He paused before continuing. “You’ve had a power over me since the moment I saw you.” And then he crushed his mouth to hers and kissed her like he was starving.

  And he was. But only for Delaney. Only ever for her.

  Chapter 18

  A couple of days later on Christmas Eve, Ivan stared down at the ring he’d purchased for her. Yes, it was an engagement ring but considering how fast their feelings had changed for one another, he knew it was the right thing.

  He’d dropped Delaney off at home last night and gone to the most exclusive boutique to find the perfect ring.

  He wanted people to see the ring and to know Delaney belonged to him.

  Now, sitting in his car, ready to go and see her, he had to wonder what the hell he was doing.

  Marriage was a huge step.

  Their bosses didn’t care about their relationship. In fact, after their little escape at the party, their bosses had been waiting to congratulate them. They expected good things from the two of them.

  To Ivan, he wanted to share the promotion with her.

  No, not just the promotion.

  He wanted to share everything with her and that included his life.

  Staring up at her apartment building, he couldn’t believe he was still sitting outside in the street when he could be inside, enjoying a hot cup of cocoa.

  Delaney didn’t know he intended to visit her today.

  He tried to clear the fog that seemed to be filling his head of late.

  “What the hell are you doing, Ivan? You hated each other a couple of weeks ago. Not a lot has changed.”

  Only, it had.

  In his thoughts, he recalled how she’d smiled at him. The way she reached out to touch him. The kisses, the caresses. There was more to Delaney than he first thought.

  “You’re not doing anything here. Get your ass out of the car.”

  He opened the door, climbing out into the cold air of the morning. Closing and locking it behind him, he headed into her building. Someone was coming out, so he didn’t need to alert her to the fact he was heading on up.

  Taking the steps two at a time, he rushed up to her floor, and then he paused once again.

  Why was he so fucking nervous?

  This made no sense to him and if anything, it pissed him off.

  Lifting his hand, he knocked.

  He’d need to get his head examined if he let this continue. It was driving him insane.

  Delaney didn’t keep him waiting, opening the door immediately.

  She threw herself into his arms, and he lifted her up, breathing her in.

  “You came. I didn’t know if you’d come or not and then I realized we didn’t exactly make plans today. I’m so pleased you’re here.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and her lips brushed across his pulse.

  He carried her over the threshold, loving her giggle as he did so.

  “Am I too heavy?”

  “No. You’re perfect.”

  She let him go and dropped down to the floor. She tilted her head back, smiling up at him. “Are you okay?”

  “I am.” He looked past her shoulder. “You got a tree?”

  “Yes.” She tucked some hair behind her ear. “I started decorating it. Want to help?” She held up some tinsel. “I don’t have any plans and I bought a small turkey. Would you like to stay?”

  “You’re inviting me for Christmas?”

  “Yes. If you’d like to. I imagine with your parents you’ve got lots of plans.”

  “I’ve got no plans other than spending the day with you. You’re not getting rid of me now, you know that.”

  She laughed. “You’re sticking around?”

  “Yes. I’ll be here.” He wrapped his arms around her, sucking on her neck, flicking his tongue against her pulse. “You know, I think this will work a lot better if you’re naked.”

  “You’re bad, Ivan. I’m not getting naked to decorate the tree. I’ll fall in and have pine needles everywhere.”

  He laughed. “You’re right.”

  “So, come on, let’s get this looking all festive.”

  She held out some baubles and they worked together to get the tree decorated. It was a small one, suited to her apartment.

  His parents always had a large tree for the hallway. In fact, they had several trees all around the house.

  Delaney played some carols and the whole time, he was very much aware of the ring burning a hole in his pocket. When it came time to put the angel on top, Delaney gave it to him to do the honors.

  Once he slid the angel on the tree, he stepped back and stared up at their work.

  “Let me grab the mulled wine. Two seconds.”

  Delaney stepped away from him and he watched her go.

  Staring up at that angel, he felt this overwhelming sense of home. The scent of pine filled the air, and carols played in the background. Delaney came back with two glasses filled with warm mulled wine.

  “Merry Christmas, Ivan.” She clinked her glass with his.

  She stared at the tree while he looked at her.

  Ask her.

  Don’t leave it another moment.

  He opened his mouth, about to tell her.

  “Let’s turn the lights on,” Delaney said.

  He pressed his lips together and waited as she flicked the switch and white lights brightened the tree.

  Delaney stepped back again.

  He placed a hand on her shoulder.

  “It’s so beautiful,” she said. “I’m so pleased you’re here.”

  “Delaney, there’s something I want to talk to you about.”

  She turned toward him. “That sounds serious.” She sipped at her mulled wine. “Is everything okay? You look a little worried.”

  Ivan took another sip.

  “It is serious.”

  “Oh. Let me turn off the music. You don’t want to have to fight to be heard.”

  Ivan waited as she turned the music off.

  She pushed some hair off her face and smiled at him.

  He opened his mouth and the doorbell rang.

  “I’m so sorry. I’ll get that. Hold your thought.” She handed him her glass and he stared down at the cups.

  Minutes later she returned, holding a basket.

  “It’s from the office. You know they like to send a gift basket as thanks. Where were we?”

  “Delaney, I know this is really fast and that we’ve been mostly enemies but”—he handed her the glass and reached into his pocket—“I want you to marry me.” He held the box out for her to see. With a glass in his other hand, he couldn’t open the lid.


  “Please, Delaney. I’m not joking around. This is serious. I want you to be my wife because I’m in love with you.”

  Chapter 19

  Delaney couldn’t move, couldn’t even speak. He popped the lid and she stared at the ring Ivan produced, this massive solitaire, the light hitting it and making it sparkle. She felt her heart beating so hard against her ribs, knew she probably looked shocked, with wide eyes and an open mouth.

  And she was shocked, beyond belief.

  Never had she envisioned Christmas Eve going this way. Hell, she hadn’t even thought Ivan was the type of man to propose or get married.

  But she’d be lying in saying she hadn’t envisioned marrying him, being his wife, having a family with him … the whole shebang.

  “Delaney, baby, say something.”

  She finally lifted her gaze to Ivan, closed her mouth, and inhaled deeply through her nose before exhaling it out again. What was she going to say? They hadn’t been together that long, but this felt so real and right.

  Being with him felt like perfection.

  “Say something,” he
whispered. “You’re starting to freak me out.” He chuckled softly, but she heard the nervousness in his voice.

  She inhaled deeply, trying to calm herself. “You love me?”

  His body relaxed slightly. “More than you’ll ever know.” He smiled. “I know this is fast, that our relationship didn’t started off the best. But spending that night with you in the office changed everything for me, Delaney.” He took a step closer to her. “I’ve fallen madly in love with you. But the truth is, I think I’ve always loved you. The banter between us, your stubbornness. Your strength. All of that endeared you to me.”

  Oh. God. This was really happening.

  And then she felt wetness slide down her cheeks, and she realized she was crying. She lifted her hand to brush away the tears, but Ivan was already doing that.

  He ran the pad of his thumb underneath one of her eyes, gathering that droplet before bringing it to his mouth and kissing it, as if he were trying to get rid of her sadness.

  But she wasn’t sad.

  She was happy, unbelievably so.

  And then she couldn’t help herself anymore, couldn’t stop the happiness that exploded from her.

  She launched herself into his arms, kissing him senselessly, smiling like a fool. It was several moments later when she finally forced herself to pull back and look up at his face. He looked confused at first, maybe not sure of her reaction.

  She closed her eyes and shook her head, still grinning.

  “I love you so much, Ivan.” She said the words that she’d kept secret for longer than she even wanted to admit.

  “You love me?” He was the one to ask that question now.

  “More than you’ll ever know.” And she said the same thing he had, meaning every damn word.

  “Delaney, I want you to be my wife. I want to grow old with you, have a family with you. Before you came along I felt like a shell of a man. You are the light of my life. Marry me?” And then he got down on one knee and lifted his hand up, showing her the diamond ring again.

  She covered her mouth with her hands and nodded. “Yes,” she said behind her hands and then realized he probably couldn’t hear because it was muffled behind her palm. Letting her arms fall to her sides, she chuckled. “Yes, Ivan. I’ll marry you.”


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