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Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  He was off the floor and pulled her into his arms once more. For long seconds, he did nothing but hold her, and she absorbed all of it.

  “This is fucking crazy, isn’t it?” He murmured the words against her head.

  “No crazier than it has been.” She closed her eyes and rested her head on his chest, hearing how fast his heart was beating.

  He’d been so nervous.

  God, she fell in love with him even more.

  “Your family may not approve. I’m certainly not up there in financial or social standings like the people they are used to associating with.”

  He pulled back, this serious expression on his face. “And I’ll tell them to fuck off, that I love you more than anything else, and if they can’t understand and accept that, then they can get the fuck out of my life.”

  She felt her eyes widen at the sheer intensity and truth in his words. “God, if I didn’t love you already, I would have surely fallen for you right now.”

  He grinned and pulled her in for a kiss. Ivan stroked the seam of her lips until she opened for him. Delaney moaned, moving her tongue along his, knowing that there wasn’t any place she’d rather be then right here with the man she loved.

  He pulled back and took the ring out of the box, grabbed her hand, and slipped the diamond on. It felt heavy.

  It felt perfect.

  Who would have thought this was how she’d be spending Christmas? Not only was she not alone, she was with Ivan, her future husband.


  One year later

  Ivan stared at his reflection without an ounce of doubt inside himself. The wedding hadn’t taken too long to arrange, and for that, he was thankful. His parents weren’t happy that he wouldn’t allow them to help.

  They wanted some big lavish affair with photographers, press, and all of their friends. He told them no. He and Delaney were going to be the ones in charge of their own wedding, and that meant from the venue to the flowers, and even the cake. They’d be the ones to have the final decisions on everything.

  At first, they’d been pissed and refused to talk to him.

  He was more than happy with that. Spending all of his spare time with Delaney out of the office, he didn’t even notice his parents had stopped speaking to him, so it was no problem for him. Eventually, they gave in, especially after he and Delaney both got the promotion at work. Since they’d been together, they’d been working as a team on several clients and of course to impress their bosses. They came up with a plan to show how well they worked together with the best of results as well.

  They were both in charge of several large clients and they’d both gotten raises. He saw how happy it made Delaney.

  Staring at his reflection in the mirror, he knew he didn’t want to wait another moment to be married to her.

  Leaving the room in the church, he made his way to the alter where the priest waited. Their guests mingled in the crowd, and he stood waiting.

  Glancing down at his watch, for a short time, he had a little panic attack, thinking she was going to run from him.

  When the Wedding March started and she appeared, Ivan knew better than anyone that she wouldn’t run.

  They loved each other.

  This was what they both wanted.

  He waited as patiently as he could while she walked down the aisle. He only had eyes for her.

  No one else mattered to him.

  Just Delaney.

  With each step drawing her closer, his love for her grew.

  When he moved toward her, all he wanted to do was lift the veil.

  He didn’t. Taking her hand, he led her to the priest, staring into her eyes. The veil didn’t hide his woman. He knew every single inch of her perfectly.

  The church faded away and the words the priest was reading did as well.

  Nothing existed for him but this woman.

  The love of his life.

  The woman he’d been working so closely with for so long.

  He’d nearly let her get away.

  He listened to her vows and he spoke his, knowing them without needing notes or a card. When it came time to kiss the bride, he lifted her veil and there was his beautiful woman.

  As he kissed her, finally making her his wife, the crowd cheered.

  He didn’t let her go though.

  Sinking his fingers into her hair, he heard her moan and his cock hardened.

  He knew he wouldn’t be able to make love to her right here in the church, and he released her. Taking hold of her hand, he locked their fingers together.

  What started out as a Christmas secret had become so much more.

  Even though that blizzard had scared the shit out of him, he’d gladly go back and relive it again. It had brought him to Delaney, and for him, that was the best thing of all.

  Outside, in the warm sunshine, with their one photographer waiting, they took their pictures.

  “How are you feeling?” Delaney asked.

  “On top of the world.”

  “You weren’t tempted to run? Not even a little?”

  He laughed. “No. I thought you’d run.”

  “Not a chance, big guy. I don’t want to go anywhere where you’re not.” She placed her hand on his chest. “I believe you asked me to spend the next fifty plus years with you.”

  “I did.”

  “You know what I’m like about work. There’s nothing I want more than to know I can complete every single task set out for me.” She went onto her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips, the camera catching the moment. “And that means spending every possible moment with you that I can.”

  “My family hasn’t scared you off?”

  “They terrify me but not enough to scare me off. I love you, Ivan. Always.”

  He gripped her neck, tilting her head back, and pressed his lips to hers. Hearing her moan that sweet sound meant the fucking world to him.

  As the camera caught the moment, he knew deep in his heart that there would never be anyone else but Delaney for him.

  The doubters at work had given them a month before they broke up.

  Not only had they not broken up, or had a personal fight—they’d had plenty of work ones—their relationship was stronger for it.

  “I want the world with you,” he said. “Everything. The kids. The life. All of it.”

  “Good.” She nibbled her lip. “I’d like to start a family with you right away.”

  “I’ll never turn that down.”

  He pulled her in close, grabbing her ass, and knowing that making babies was about to become a favorite hobby of his.

  Where to find the Sam Crescent:





  Where to find the Jenika:










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