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Loveless: A BWWM Wolf Shifter Romance (The Alpha Series Book 2)

Page 11

by Brooklyn Knight

  I pressed my lips together. I wanted to tell her that I did not simply fuck her a few moments ago. I wanted to tell her that I had made love to her, but I would not say these things.

  Not yet.

  My wolf was right. Maybe I should claim her. Apparently, if I did this, I would have the benefit of her physiological desire for me, which would keep her close. But suddenly, I wanted more than that. I had experienced her warmth, felt her affection. Her passion was unraveling me. We were, indeed, on a mission, but my focus was completely divided.

  I scrubbed my jaw and glared at her. Her resistance was starting to grate on my nerves, because despite what she was saying and the way she was behaving, I knew there was no way she did not feel what I was feeling. There was no fucking way she could deny that something was happening between us, even if neither of us understood what it might be. She was fighting it. She was fighting me.

  My jaw stiffened and I glared at her. “Fine,” I blurted.

  She frowned. “What do you mean, fine?”

  “I mean, fine – we will not fuck anymore,” I clarified.

  Shenique lifted her chin, but it quivered. “Fine, then! That’s what I was going to say anyway!”

  I leaned into her face, until our noses were inches apart.

  Her light brown eyes shone in defiance.

  “And do not ask me to stay the night with you, either. Since you are so independent, you can take care of yourself for the next two days.”

  I took the remaining towel and wrapped it around my waist before marching around her and into the bedroom.

  To my delight, she followed me. “So now you’re punishing me?” she claimed, but her tone was laced with disapproval. “All because we’re not doing that anymore, you’re choosing to make me fend for myself? Even after I told you about my nightmares!”

  I spun around, and she screeched to a halt. “Unless you consider us not fucking punishment, I am not punishing you,” I informed her. “Additionally, you said it yourself: you don’t need any help. You are a strong and independent woman. Shit, when I arrived, you were walking around, lighting fucking fireplaces, and eating biscotti, even though I told you to rest and sent attendants to cater to you. Surely you can handle a few nightmares.”

  She scowled and her eyes narrowed into slits.

  “And another thing...” I scrubbed my hand over my jaw, “you said we should not mix business with pleasure. I am simply trying to abide by the house-rules you created.”

  “Then why are you leaving me here alone?” she asked, slamming her hands onto her curves. The towel slid down a little, revealing the swell of her breasts and my mouth watered.

  “Because if I stay the night, I am certain that business will go out the window, the way it did tonight,” I informed her.

  To my surprise, she had nothing to say.

  I marched over to the dresser and pulled out clothing. The tailor had brought a rack full of apparel for her, but the only thing she would need right now was a clean night gown. I raked through my drawers until I found a button-up. I threw it on the bed. “Put this on,” I instructed. Quickly I dressed and headed out of the door.

  “So you’re leaving already?” she called out after me.

  “I am not leaving yet. I am going to search for Loveless.”

  “Wait,” she requested. “You can’t go alone. You don’t even know what it looks like. I’m coming with you.”

  “I do not need your assistance,” I snapped at her. “If its aura is as strong as yours, finding it will not be a problem.”

  Her mouth pinched.

  “And if I can’t find it, my wolf will. Now get your ass in that bed and rest.” I glared at her. “I mean it.”




  The fucking nerve of Vince! How dare he stomp up in here, unannounced, telling me what to do, like he was the boss of me? He had been gone for hours – all day, in fact – and I had been forced to wait for his return, the entire time, cringing as waves of pain assailed my nervous system. So what, if he had sent wait-staff and attendants? So what if chefs had come, baring delectable delights? He hadn’t returned, and he was the one I was supposed to be doing business with.

  And then the nerve of him to speak to me the way he had a few moments ago.

  My aura?

  What the hell did he know about aura, anyway? If anything, he should have been worried about his own aggressive, controlling... sexy...

  Baby Jesus in a manger, the way he had bathed me in that tub had my pussy screaming. It had started talking to me, asking me questions about the last time it had been properly fucked. I had no relevant answer. I hadn’t wanted a man this badly for as long as I could remember, but suddenly, this man was the only thing I wanted. I had begged him to stay with me. In that moment, there had been no shame. I craved him, and the sight of his dick, long, thick, beautiful... I wanted it inside of me.


  But that wasn’t the point. Vince didn’t get to tell me what to do. He didn’t get to tell me to get my ass in bed, while he went out and searched for Loveless. I still didn’t completely trust him. For all I knew, his plan could have been to get his hands on my precious potion, so he could go back and report to his brother and my sister. I was the mastermind of the operation, and he should be deferring to me, not the other way around.

  I unwrapped the towel from around my body, noticing the way my pussy throbbed from its recent assault. Without warning, another pang of something rocked me, and my core clenched.

  What had he done to me?

  He had asked me about Loveless, but I had no sufficient answer to his question. Loveless had stolen my ability to feel this kind of emotion for anyone. Well, it had in the past; but Vince... he was circumventing it. Somehow, he was overpowering it, and I couldn’t deny that I wanted him. To be clear, my body wanted him, but not my heart.

  At least not yet.

  I needed to batten down the hatches. I had a sister to save, a mission to accomplish. I was getting distracted and there was no way in hell it could happen. Vince had been distracting me since yesterday, when he opened that front door, and now that my pussy had experienced his power, now that I had fucking tasted him, everything was a million times worse.

  I scowled. “Fuck you, Vince,” I muttered under my breath.

  “We are not doing that anymore,” came a clipped response from somewhere deep in the house, and I gasped that he had even heard me. Then a door slammed closed.


  I dried off and slipped into the button-up Vince had thrown onto the bed. I couldn’t resist the urge to pull the collar against my nose and draw in a deep breath. Heavens, it smelled like fresh laundry and lavender fields, but there were also traces of Vinny’s unmistakable cologne.


  I piled my knotted curls to the top of my head and returned to the bathroom to scrub my teeth; then, as quickly as I could, I hobbled out of the bedroom and into the depths of the cozy cottage. It was rustic and completely Italian. Thick, wooden beams stretched across the ceiling, and French accents, like an antique mirror and artifacts, embellished the modest space, making it that much more spectacular

  It was gorgeous and vintage. It was also a bachelor pad.

  I grimaced. How many women had Vince brought here, I thought, because obviously, that was its main purpose. Vince was trying to charm me and make me believe that he really cared. He was doing things and making comments to try and rope me in, but I knew better than to believe him. My jaw tightened as jealousy and anger surged through my body. I stalked to the front door and shoved it open.

  “Vince!” I shouted, scanning the area through narrowed eyes, but he was nowhere in sight.

  Chilly air whipped underneath the button-up, which only reached my knees, and I drew it closer just as a flock of black birds ascended into the sky. I stepped out of the cottage and searched the area. It was midnight-dark, and I wanted to follow Vince, but I had no idea wher
e he’d gone. In fact, I had no idea where I was in relation to the attack, and that was where Loveless would have been.

  I peered ahead, trying to catch even a glimpse of Vince, or maybe his wolf. That was when I saw a purple glow ascending into the air. It was like a thin mist, but in my eyes, it was unmistakable.

  My heart lurched at the sight and I gasped.

  Wherever that was, it had to be at least two miles away, and the fact that it was nighttime gave me significant pause.

  Vince had destroyed the pack of wolves last night, but what if there was another? What if I was attacked again? There’d be no escaping this time, not in my condition.

  But if Vince was near, he’d save me, just like he had last night, I knew he would, even if he was mad at me.

  I snatched a breath and stomped through the yard, following the purple glow like it was a royal North Star. I walked for ten minutes, stepping through manicured grass, which gradually grew taller and more unruly. Thick treetops danced in the breeze, and I increased my pace as paranoia started to set in.

  Vince would kill me if he knew I was out here right now, I thought; but I had been in that cottage all damn day, and if anything, I was grateful for the fresh air. Besides, he needed to know that he was not the boss of me. The sex didn’t mean anything. I was my own woman and I had Loveless.

  I forged ahead, my heart beating at rapid speed. Suddenly, the howl of a wolf sounded off in the distance and I froze on the spot. The echo sent shocking vibrations through my body, but the more I listened, the less fearful I became. In fact, the animal’s song was so beautiful, my eyes closed and I inhaled.

  Lavender perfume invaded my senses, and the dull ache that remained eased away until there was nothing left of it. The song stopped, but my eyes stayed closed. A thick, warm sensation coursed over my body. It was a foreign feeling, but it felt so good – even better than the crystals he had poured into my bath. In fact, nothing compared to the comfort I felt in that moment.

  After a few minutes, I pried my eyes open, and gasped when I saw the intense, violet glow moving towards me at a rapid speed.

  He was coming back!

  I turned on my heel and started to limp forward as quickly as I could, but before the cottage was even in view, the aura had intensified until I was completely blinded. I had seen what happened when Julian rested it in the bush outside of his apartment, but it had never burned this bright. It must have been the moon’s... radiance.

  I turned around and shielded my eyes, still unable to see anything.

  Suddenly, a hand clamped down on my shoulder, and I screamed, crumbling to the ground.

  “Shenique!” Vince crouched at my side, and tightened his hand on me. “Are you all right?”

  I was huffing, trying to regulate my breaths, but instantly, the purple glow reduced and my anguish disappeared. I stared into Vince’s face.

  His eyes constricted and he grimaced, holding the amulet up in my face. “Is this Loveless?” he demanded. “Why is it doing this?”

  I had no idea.

  I pulled myself to my feet and so did he.

  “What the fuck is this, Shenique?” he questioned further. “It’s potent and it’s lethal!”

  “You know what it is,” I answered twisting my neck at him. “It’s Loveless.” I spun on my heel and headed back in the direction of the cottage, but Vince grabbed my arm, making me spin back around.

  “So this is it?” he demanded. “This is the shit you drank?”

  “Why are you calling it shit?” I asked, perplexed by his demeanor. “This is what we’re going to use to break up Sasha and Remi. If it’s potent and lethal, you should be happy about it. That means our plan is going to work.”

  “That is not the point,” he claimed, confusing me even more. He huffed. “Shenique, why the hell would you do this to yourself?”

  Instantly, I bristled. “I told you not to ask me about it anymore,” I reminded him in an agitated whisper, but he bent his face close to mine.

  “You told me not to ask you about Gerald.”

  My quivering mouth snapped shut and I swiped at my brow. It was cold outside, but suddenly, I was as heated as the fireplace.

  Vince jerked me closer still. “So this is your problem?”

  “I don’t have any problems,” I retorted.

  He raised the amulet closer to my face, and I diverted my stinging eyes. “This is why you are so unreachable, why you don’t want to fuck me anymore?”

  I gasped. “Number one, the us not fucking thing was one hundred per cent your idea!”

  “But you agreed to it,” he snapped back, “without hesitation. You even said you were going to say the same thing.” He folded his arms, as if he had cracked a case.

  I grabbed my temple, shaking my head. “How about we stick to the topic,” I suggested, even though I wasn’t sure what the topic was my-damn-self. “You’re not here to reach me, Vince. We’re here together because we agreed to accomplish a common goal.” I huffed. “And how many women do you try to reach in your fancy little bachelor pad, anyway?” I asked flinging my hand in the direction of the cottage.

  “What are you talking about?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Forget it,” I advised, mainly because I still didn’t know what I was talking about. I was completely frazzled, saying shit that had nothing to do with the matter at hand. “Can we just... go back to the house? It’s freezing out here and I’m cold.”

  “Of course you are,” he snapped. “You are in only a button-up, which is why I told you to stay your ass inside.” He muttered an Italian word and raked his hand through his hair.

  “And what does that word mean?” I demanded, jerking my neck forward.

  “It means fuck,” he whispered. “Now let’s go.”

  I rolled my eyes and followed.

  When we reached the house, caterers were bustling inside, setting the table. Delicious aromas filtered through the rooms and my tummy rumbled.

  “You are hungry,” Vince commented, as if he was talking to himself.

  “Um, yeah,” I replied. “Remember, I was trying to get a snack when you intercepted my move.”

  He slid Loveless into his pocket and ignored me. “Bring me a robe and set an additional place at the table. Make it quick,” he barked to the attendants. Instantly, they picked up their paces. Within minutes, a stunning dining table was fully prepared, complete with gold cutlery, bone china plates, and wine glasses, and an attendant presented me with a silk robe, just as Vince had commanded.

  Vince shrugged out of his leather jacket, and before it was fully off his back, someone was there to receive it. His jaw was set, as he pulled out my chair.

  “Sit down,” he commanded.

  I cleared my throat, but obeyed.

  He walked over and stoked the fire a few times, before returning to the table and positioning himself in front of the steaming dishes. An uncomfortable silence prevailed as a butler took a serving spoon and started putting tender cuts of meat and herb roasted potatoes on my plate.

  Finally, Vince alleviated the tension. “Why are you so angry?” he asked.

  “Are you seriously asking me that?” I charged him. “You’re the one who came back raging for no reason.” I shook my head at him. “Why are you so angry, is a better question.”

  The butler finished serving the food and then stood off to the side, but Vince waved him away. The man hustled out of the room.

  Vince ran his hand through his hair and pressed his back against his seat. “I am angry about Loveless,” he muttered.

  I shook my head, confused. “I thought you agreed with the plan,” I said. “Now you’re backing out?”

  “This has nothing to do with the plan, Shenique,” he said. He huffed out a chortle. “I am angry that you consumed it. From the way it almost consumed the grass it was lying in, it is obvious how destructive it is, and the effect it has had on you is also undeniable.”

  I rolled my eyes away from him.

  He sounded lik
e Julian.

  I didn’t have time for this shit.

  “Who is Gerald?” he whispered, ripping me out of my thoughts.

  I gasped and my body turned as rigid as a pole. “I told you not to – ”

  “I know what you told me,” he acknowledged.

  My eyes fluttered. “You promised you wouldn’t...”

  “And I know what I promised, but...” his words trailed, and when he leaned forward, his gray eyes were shining. I waited for him to say something, but no words followed.

  I sighed and rolled my eyes towards the ceiling. “Why do you want to know?” I whispered. “Why do you need to know?”

  “I don’t know, but...” he shook his head. “The fact remains that I do, and if we are working together, I want to know the truth about you and this potion. I want to know why you felt you had to commit suicide by ingesting it.”

  My jaw stiffened. “I never felt like taking my own life, Vince.”

  He grunted and ripped Loveless out of his pocket. He slammed it on the table and pressed his back against the seat. “Yes, you fucking did.”

  I choked on emotion. I picked up my utensils, determined to eat, determined to ignore him, but my hands shook. So did my mouth.

  Finally, I dropped the fork and knife. They clanked against the china, slicing into the uncomfortable silence. I covered my face with my hands and rubbed my burning eyes. When I dropped them to the table, I glared at Vince.

  “There are only two people who know this story,” I muttered.

  “I am willing to be the third.”

  I stared at him. “How do I know I can trust you?”

  “You asked me this already,” he reminded me, and then he fell silent.

  I picked up my utensils and put them back down. I pinched the bridge of my nose, trying to erase the burning behind my eyes. It didn’t work. I returned my focus to Vince, who was sitting across the table, staring past my eyes and into my soul, as if he already knew the story.

  I huffed. “There was a man,” I said. My voice was a crass whisper. “Sasha’s father. His name was Gerald.” I cleared my throat.


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