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Marco & Rakia 2

Page 6

by Tina J

  “Where is Z?” Her eyes grew wide. Tech shut the door behind us, while two of the guys we came with, searched the house.

  “Marco, you already killed Dennis, why would you want Zaire too?” I forgot Dennis had a younger brother, when we were friends because he stayed out here in Connecticut. Once we found out, Z and Zaire, were the same, it all came together. He was fucking with Rakia, to get me. It probably wasn’t intentional at first but once he saw us at the club; in my eyes, he made it his mission to fuck with her. Unfortunately, she had no idea.

  “Dennis was a bitch ass nigga, who tried to take me out and lost his life. Zaire should’ve told you that, instead of making up that fake ass story, he died for no reason.” I could see shock on her face. She always did believe anything they told her. Shit, Dennis told her, Mia was his girl first and I stole her from him so he stole her back. I know, the shit doesn’t make no sense but she believed him; even though she saw me with Mia, a lot, since he was my best friend.

  “Zaire, kidnapped my girl and did some foul shit to her, looking for me.”

  “No, he wouldn’t hurt a woman.”

  “Try again. He’s foul as fuck. Now, where the fuck is he?”

  “I…I…I… don’t know. He was here earlier and I haven’t seen him since.”

  “I hope you said goodbye.”

  PHEW! PHEW! Her body dropped. I stepped over it and went to where the guys were.

  “Yo, he was on some crazy shit.” Tech said, when we looked around. This nigga had newspaper clippings of his brothers’ murder, old photos of us together and mad guns. We continued searching the room and found a laptop. I opened it up and his email account was open. He must’ve forgot to turn it off before he left.

  “What’s that?” Tech asked.

  “No clue.” I clicked on it and instantly got mad. There was the video he sent me of Rak and him, fucking.

  “Yo.” Tech stood up and moved away. As crazy as it sounds, I started watching it.

  The night he sent it to me, I saw him fucking her, shut it off and deleted it. Something told me to watch the entire thing this time and see, if I could figure out what Rak was talking about. I had to laugh because this nigga was done in less than three minutes and she didn’t enjoy it at all. He had the nerve to fall on the side, like he had a workout. Shit, it takes me longer to eat her pussy.

  I continued watching and it looked like they were arguing. The sound was very low on his computer but once I turned it up, I already knew, what was about to happen. You heard her say, she’s never done it and she’s not going to. I watched with hate in my eyes as he basically raped her mouth, came in it and told her to leave. I called Tech, in to make sure we saw the same thing.

  “Man, I’m not watching her fuck him.”

  “You know, I wouldn’t let you see my girls’ pussy or any other part of her body. I want you to look at this and tell me what you think.” He sat next to me and his face turned up.

  “He may not have forcefully fucked her but he definitely, forced her to suck his dick. She’s crying and everything. Did she just vomit?” I ran my hand down my face.

  “I’ma need to find this nigga, ASAP. He’s gonna wish he never fucked with her.”

  “Did he send that to anyone?” His question made me look in his sent inbox.

  “Yo, he sent this shit out to over 50 people.” I only know that because it says the first few names, on who you put in the mail and then the exact total.

  “Call up our boy and have him log into this computer. I want him running a virus on every person’s computer, he sent this to. I don’t care if people saw it already. They won’t be able to send it to anyone else.”

  Tech made the phone call and we sat there, waiting for the guy to log into the account. That’s the good thing about knowing people who worked for Apple. They could get into anyone’s computer, if it was from the company. He sent a virus to every email and the computers, it was sent to. He said, if anyone else opened it because it was forwarded, they would have a virus too. I told him, to check the internet on his computer to make sure, he didn’t upload it to world star, or those other social media sites. The only porn video Rakia is making, will be with me.

  “Let’s get outta here.” Doc poured gasoline all through the house. I grabbed a paper towel, set it on fire and dropped it on the floor. This entire place is gonna burn, with his mother and everything else in it. He’s gonna learn, he fucked with the wrong nigga’s woman.

  Zaire (Z)

  “Shit, keep sucking it.” I pumped in and outta this chicks mouth. I’d been fucking her for the last two years. She did stop for a minute, when she caught the same shit, Rakia told me, I gave her. We both ended up, going down to the clinic and got treated.

  “I’m cumming.” She sucked me dry and I fell back on the bed. I loved the way, she handled me. No one could compare to what she did for me.

  “You still with the weird bitch?”

  “Don’t talk about her like that?” She sat up.

  “Let me find out you really like her.”

  “And if I did, why does it matter to you?”

  “It doesn’t, however, she must not be keeping you happy, if you’re here.”

  “Whatever.” I picked up my phone that was going off. I was unsure of the number but answered it anyway.


  “Yo, where you at?” I looked at the number again and the voice, was unfamiliar. I didn’t understand why someone was asking where I was.

  “Who this?” He laughed in the phone.

  “Your worst fucking nightmare.”

  “Who this?” I stood up and felt the chick rubbing on my dick, to get hard again. I slapped her hand away.

  “When’s the last time you saw your mother?”

  “This morning. Yo, who this?”

  “Bro, you should turn on the news.” The person hung up.

  “Turn the TV on.”

  “We’re reporting live from Arsonia Street, where a fire broke out, about an hour ago and the firefighters, have been trying to get it under control. We’ve been told, a woman lives here with her son but no one knows, if either of them are home. We’ll bring you more when we have it.” I fell back on the bed.

  The scene behind the reporter was horrific. The house was damn near burned to the ground. The only person, I could think of to do this, is Marco but he lives in Jersey. Why would he come way up here, unless Rakia told him something? I felt my phone vibrating again and it’s the same number, that called a few minutes ago.

  “Where’s my mother?” I didn’t even say hello.

  “You don’t think she made it?” He was being funny.

  “Look, nigga. You fucked around and kidnapped the wrong niggas woman. Then you forced your dick in her mouth and made her vomit. To make matters worse, you lied to your mom about the death of your brother. It’s all good though. Your time is coming and very soon. I’ll be in touch.”

  “FUCKKKKKKK!” I shouted and started getting dressed. Why did I even think to go to war with him? Dennis had me thinking he was weak, regardless; of what the streets said. I left the chick sitting there looking crazy. She probably wanted to ask questions but I never gave her the chance. I picked my phone up and called Rakia.

  “Hello.” She sounded asleep.

  “BITCH, you told Marco, what I did to you?”

  “Zaire, why are you cursing at me and I didn’t tell anyone. I’m embarrassed it even happened. Why are you calling me this late for nonsense?” I’ve never known her to lie and I can’t say she is now but if she didn’t tell him, how did he know? Then it dawned on me, that I sent the video. However, he would’ve known a lot sooner. He must’ve saw it on my computer. How could I be so stupid? I’m mad because I should’ve never moved in with my mother, when Dennis died. She too, was on my back about getting him, yet; I’m the one, who’s doing all the work.

  “The motherfucker is up here, killing peoples’ mom and burning houses down.”

  “Marco, wouldn’t do tha
t Zaire.”

  “What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you retarded or slow? Bitch, I just said he was here.” I sped in and outta traffic, tryna get to my mother’s house. I heard the beeps in my ear, informing me, she hung up. I called her back.

  “What Zaire?”

  “Call your nigga up and tell him, to back off, or I’m gonna kill you.”

  “Zaire, why would you say that? I never did anything to you.” I felt bad for putting her in the middle but he put my mother in it. I planned on leaving Rakia alone and only going after him but its war now.

  “I’m gonna enjoy taking your life, in front of him.” She hung up again and this time, I didn’t call back.

  I grabbed the hoodie I run with in the mornings, threw it on, put the hood up and walked down the street, to where my mom lived. I parked my car a few blocks over, in case, those niggas waited for me to show up and luckily, I did. Marco and Tech, were standing in front of a truck with a couple other dudes, smoking and talking. They bold as hell but I got something for their ass. I pulled my gun out and this stupid ass lady, screamed.

  “DO IT!” Marco shouted and came walking towards me. This nigga is crazy. I let one shot off and missed.

  “You ain’t no street nigga, which is why you missed. I am though.” He pulled his weapon out and I took off running.

  “Keep running nigga, you won’t get far.” People started running and thank goodness, they did. He wasn’t able to get me, with everyone in the way. I looked down and noticed he shot me in the leg but I refused to stop. Some woman was going in her house, so I bum rushed my way in. I pulled my gun out and told her, she better not scream.

  “Close the door. I’m not tryna kill you.” She did like I said and mentioned she was a nurse. How ironic is this? She grabbed some things and started working on me. I passed out when I felt her, digging the bullet out.


  “Where the fuck am I?” I sat up and saw some lady asleep on the chair. I forgot she helped me. I limped to the window and looked outside. Those niggas were still out there. Who the fuck are they waiting for? Do they sleep?

  “Where you at?” I called Mary up.


  “I need you to come get me.”

  “What’s the address and you owe me.”


  “Man, I know all about the bounty on your head. My brother told me.” I forgot he was in the streets.

  “Supposedly, they know you’re on some street and waiting for you to come out. You’re gonna have to slip out and come over to New Britain. It’s always crowded on that street, so they won’t see you.”

  “How long?”

  “Give me twenty minutes.” I went through the back and through the neighbor’s yard. She said twenty and its probably going to take me that long to get there, with my fucked-up leg. I made it down the street with my hoodie on. Every car riding by, had me paranoid as hell. I finally made it to New Britain and Mary, was just pulling up.

  “Where to?”

  “I don’t even know. I can’t go home, or to school. Can I stay with you?” She sucked her teeth.

  “How did your corny ass, get caught up with men like them?” I explained everything to her and she shook her head, in disappointment.

  “You go to law school, Zaire. Your future is set. Why would you try and avenge your brother’s death? Those are street niggas, who got this whole state and others on lock. Do you know my brother told me, there’s a 100k bounty on your head? He said, it’s probably gonna go up, each day until they find you.” I put my head back.

  “Did you really rape and kidnap his girl?”

  “It wasn’t like that.” I tried to show her the video but forgot my phone in my car. I told her what happened.

  “You’re a dead man walking. Look, you can stay for a few days but you have to go after that. I can’t have them tearing my shit up, looking for you.”


  “Nigga, you lucky, I’m giving you a few days. After what you just told me, I should kick your ass out, or take you back to them. I can’t believe, you would do some shit like that.” She said and stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. I got out the car and went in the house. All I wanted to do was lie down and calculate my next move. I called my cousin up and told her, I’d be there in a few days. She’s the only other person, I have. Plus, I know she hates Tech’s wife. The two of us working together, will for sure, get those niggas.


  “Wake up, honey.” I heard and turned over, to see Marco’s mom, Elizabeth, who told me to call her Lizzie, standing there smiling and holding the phone. She came in late last night and tried to talk but I had to ask her if we could do it tomorrow. I guess, she’s ready.

  “I’m tired.”

  “I know but Marco, is on the phone. She passed it to me and walked out the room. I sat up and yawned, before saying hello.

  “Hey ma. Did you sleep well?”

  “Yea, did you?” I should’ve told him about Zaire but I’ll wait until he gets home. Now, that he has me in his house, I’m not too worried about him finding me.

  “I haven’t slept yet. Where I’m at, required me to stay up all night. Listen, my mom is going to take you shopping, for clothes and whatever else you need.”

  “Marco, I haven’t gotten up yet,”

  “It’s after eleven, Rak. If you wanna sleep all day, when I get there, you can.”

  “Fine!” I tossed the covers over my legs and stood up.

  “Are you acting like a brat?” I pouted my lips out, knowing he couldn’t see me.

  “No.” He laughed.

  “Do me a favor Rak?”


  “Lock the door and then face time me back, when you’re about to get in the shower.”

  “Ugh, ok.” I hung the phone up and used the bathroom before calling him. I started the shower and waited for him to answer.

  “Put the phone on the shelf in the shower and get in.”

  “Huh?” He started laughing.

  “I wanna watch you.”


  “Stop being nervous, ma. It’s just me and you know, I’m not about to let anyone see what you got.” I was nervous at first but did it.

  “Put some soap on the rag and lather it, all over your body.” I did what he asked and I could hear him, saying damn.

  “Wet your hair.” My head went under the shower head.

  “Lift your leg on the bench and massage your clit.”


  “Come on ma. I miss you and this is all, I get until, I get home.” I smiled and did what he asked.

  “Pretend, it’s me, sucking on it.” I closed my eyes and bit down on my lip. I’ve pleasured myself a lot but never with a man on the phone, or even in my presence.

  “Shit, you look so fucking sexy.” He continued talking and I noticed, he had his dick in his hand.

  “I need you Marcoooooo. Oh my God, I’m gonna cum.”

  “Cum for me baby. I wanna see it.” I rubbed faster and heard him moaning louder. My body released its juices and I could hear him saying, he did the same. I raised my fingers and put them to my lips.

  “You should be tasting this.”

  “Hell yea, I should. Thank you Rak.”


  “I know, you went out your comfort zone to accommodate me and trust, I’m gonna make it up to you. Fuck, I can’t wait to see you.”

  “Anything else, you need from me?” I had my index finger in my mouth.

  “You play too much.” He smiled and told me to finish washing up and he’d see me soon.


  “Is that all you need from the Apple store?” His mom asked. I purchased a new laptop, a case for it, a keyboard cover and an IPad. I was going to get a desktop to keep in the extra room. He told me to get it and use it for doing my schoolwork, so I didn’t always have to use my laptop but I thought it would be too much.

  “Yes. I’m going to wait and get the desktop la

  “No, you’re not. We’re getting it now.”

  “But, I don’t have the desk, or any furniture in the extra room to put it on.”

  “Minor things, honey.” She walked to the salesperson and requested a brand-new desktop. I tried to talk her out of it. Her ass, was determined to get it and told me to leave her alone. After it was paid for, she had the guard take all of it, to the car so we could do more shopping. I was weary because that was over four thousand dollars already, in one place.

  She dragged me in the Louis Vuitton store, where I fell in love with a few purses, a book bag and some slippers. I picked up a belt, some glasses and a wallet for Marco. We went into Neiman Marcus, Prada, Gucci and so many other stores. I had to take a break to eat, because I was starving.

  We walked into Joe’s American Bar & Grill. I desperately wanted a cheeseburger and fries, with a strawberry-banana smoothie. We sat down and as we waited, I saw his mom turn her face up. I turned around and a woman was coming towards us. Lizzie stood up and tried to get to her first.

  “Hello, ma.” She said and I heard a loud ass smack. Everyone in the store turned around. The chick didn’t react and stared at me.

  “Why the fuck are you here?”

  “This must be the new girlfriend.” She walked over to me and this woman, was beyond gorgeous. Her body was amazing and whoever did her makeup, had to be a professional. She reminded me of a younger Jennifer Lopez.

  “Mia, what do you want?”

  “Besides, my man back, not much.”

  “Bitch, he hasn’t seen you in years. Did you forget what you did to him?” I couldn’t believe how rude Marco’s mom was being to her.

  “Doesn’t matter. When I saw him the other day, he wouldn’t look at me and we both know why.” The lady brought my food out and I couldn’t wait to eat. I picked up a fry and placed it in my mouth, as the two of them, went back and forth.

  “And why is that?” His mom folded her arms.

  “Because, one look at me and his feelings will resurface. Marco, never really got over me, so stop pretending. Plus, I know, this young, special needs looking chick, ain’t doing shit for him.” I sat there speechless. Why did she think I was special? Do I look it?


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