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Marco & Rakia 2

Page 7

by Tina J

  “Just go, Mia.”

  “What? You don’t want her to know, I was his first love.” She looked at me.

  “Four years of his life and heart belonged to me, hun. Don’t get comfortable because I’m here for him, and I will go to great lengths to make sure, he remembers why he fell in love with me. You’ll be a distant memory, soon enough. Enjoy the dick while you can.” She laughed the entire way out the place. I picked my burger up and finished eating. I didn’t want Lizzie to know, how upset, the chick made me. Unfortunately, everything she said was on my mind.

  For the rest of the day, I barely spoke and watched as she shopped. Each store, she tried to get me to purchase more. I told her, enough money was spent on me. Of course, she said not to let Mia, get to me because Marco, left her for a reason and never looked back. Its easy for her to say. She’s not in love with a man, who has different chicks trying to kill her, for being with him.

  I love Marco, with everything I have but this is getting ridiculous. I mean, is he even worth all the shit, I’ve encountered, since he’s been in my life? I sent Ang, a text and asked her, if I could come over. She told me, not to ever ask to stop by. I had the guard drop me off there and his mom went to the house, to bring the stuff.

  I knocked on the door and took Antoine from her. He was such a happy baby and I enjoyed every moment spent with him. We walked in the kitchen and she was cooking lasagna. I know, my fat ass ate not too long ago; however, my stomach was growling like crazy. I sat in the chair, as she layered the pan and talked about her and Tech, working on another baby. I guess, me not responding caused her to stop and look at me. She placed the pan in the oven, washed her hands and sat next to me at the table.

  “What happened?” I explained everything the chick said and she agreed, that his baggage was becoming too much. She also said, I can’t run and need to discuss my feelings about it, with him. Give him the chance to fix it.

  “I don’t know, Ang. I’m not trying to run and I’m being an adult, when I say this.” I wiped my eyes.

  “I love him and he loves me. Unfortunately, is it enough for me to accept the baggage, abuse and violence, I’ve encountered, since he and I, have been together? I get running away isn’t the answer. But, I’m thinking of, how much more can I take? I have a baby to protect now and worrying about being attacked and threatened, each time, I step out the house, is crazy. So again, I ask. Is he worth it?” She took my hand in hers.

  “Only you an answer that question, Rak.” She smiled.


  “I am already starting to see growth in you and I’m proud.”

  “Because I asked, is he worth it?”

  “No, because you’re putting yourself first. You want his love but you don’t wanna fight for it and shouldn’t have to. Rak, we all know relationships are hard and you’re constantly working at it but do what you need to, for yourself and the baby.”

  “I don’t want him to be with another woman but I can’t use that as an excuse, not to leave. Ang, I thought Bobbi and Cara, were pretty but this woman is fucking gorgeous. I’m not saying, I’m ugly but she was his first love and regardless of whatever they went through, it doesn’t change the fact, she’s confident in getting him.”

  “I’m not gonna argue with anything you said. Rak, I can’t imagine what you’re going through and like I said before, you are the only one who needs to make the decision to leave or stay. I will support any decision you choose. I can’t say he will but I got your back. Me and Antoine. Right lil man.” She took him off my lap and he giggled.

  The two of us ate dinner together and even watched a few movies before going to bed. I decided to stay the night because I really needed to make a decision. She gave me a brand-new pair of leggings and a shirt, to wear for bed and I placed all my clothes in the washer. I needed clean panties in the morning. After, putting them it the dryer, I went to the spare room and laid on the bed.

  Marco, had called me again for the hundredth time. I’m sure his mom told him everything because he kept asking me, to pick up. In another text he said, she’ll never be in his life again and I wanted to believe him but it was so hard, when she was confident and they had history. I may be slow, but I’m not that slow. Everyone knows, its hard to get over your first love. Shit, he’s mine and I can’t even fathom trying to get over him, so I know what she’s talking about. I refused to answer and sent a text.

  Me: Marco, I’m not running or angry at you, so please don’t assume that. I’m trying to wrap my head around all the things, I’ve encountered since we’ve been together. I love you so much and I’ve been attacked, verbally, and physically because of the love, I have for you. I have to ask myself, if it’s worth it. In my heart, I know you are, trust me, I do. But our baby doesn’t deserve to be stressed out in my belly, because his or her mom is. I don’t want to lose it and I’m afraid the drama in your life, is going to do just that. I hope you understand and give me the time, I need to figure things out. I love you.” I hit send and waited for him to respond.

  Marco: Bet! Is the only response, I received? Is he upset with me? Maybe, I should’ve called him. No, be a grown-up Rakia and figure things out on your own. He has to respect your choice. I kept telling myself until, I fell asleep. I sure hope, I’m doing the right thing.


  I wanted to punch Marco’s mom in the face; however, I know he’d probably kill me. Who the hell did she think she was, putting her hands on me and in front of his new whore. Yea, Bobbi told me about her slow ass. She told me the girl Cara, she was currently sleeping with, claimed she was retarded. A man like. Marco, had no business with a woman, who couldn’t handle him. I mean, was he doing an experiment or something? Why was he settling for fish and grits, when he could have steak and potatoes?

  I admit, she was beautiful and I could see why he became attracted to her. She had an innocent look, you could tell her hair was natural and Marco, loved a woman with her own hair. He always said, he ain’t want shit falling in his hands, when he was yanking it, while fucking. Just thinking about how well, he used to handle my body, made me fantasize for a brief moment.

  Unfortunately, Dennis and I, ended up sleeping together behind his back. It happened by accident but we never stopped. I’m not going into a long drawn out story on it. Just know, we were at a party, and Marco wasn’t there. Dennis came to get me for him and on the way home, I was horny and decided to give him head. Instead of stopping me, he allowed me to continue. He pulled over on the side of the road and we had sex. It was good but Marco was better. The affair continued for the next few months and neither of us planned on falling for each other, or him finding out.

  To be honest, I was happy he did. The hiding and sneaking around was becoming too much. I saw all the hurt on Marco’s face when he witnessed us, the night of prom. It was then, I knew, he was the right one for me. Don’t ask me why, I just knew. By then, it was too late and the secret was out, about my pregnancy too. Dennis and I, went to school the following Monday and told everyone, we were a couple. People talked about us like a dog. Wondering how his best friend could do him like that and said his so-called girlfriend, was a ho.

  Tech tried to kill Dennis, while Marco, kept his head held high, like nothing bothered him. I respected him so much more, for not entertaining everyone else. Of course, the bitches began to throw themselves at him and I was pissed. It didn’t take long for them to say he was fucking everything in sight. I was devastated to know other women, now had, what I had. I tried to talk to him countless times but he would ignore me and walk past, as if I didn’t exist.

  After graduation, I ran into him and he was disgusted, when he noticed my stomach. He knew about the pregnancy but I guess, seeing it was different. He and I, spoke on children all the time but he wasn’t ready, which is why he always strapped up and checked the condom, when we finished. He wanted to have time for his family and he knew it would take a few years to get where he wanted to be. Yea, he was a hustla and already had money bu
t he wanted to be on top.

  Eventually, he did it and now he’s the most sought out man from kingpins, dealers and women. I know all about Bobbi, sleeping with him for the last few years because she blasted photos of them all over social media. I befriended her a year ago because now that Dennis was deceased, my money was low. I really wanted to live wealthier and the only person who could accommodate me, is Marco.

  Yes, I still love him and never should’ve cheated but at the time, I was young and trying to have fun. Shit, we were together for four years and we were always around each other. I even hung on the block, with him sometimes. I’ve never known Marco to cheat and I always wanted to be near him. I loved Dennis but never the way, I loved Marco. However, I knew once he found out about us, we could never be again. Now, I’m here to reclaim what’s mine and start the family, we planned a long time ago.

  I stepped on the porch of the new condo, I purchased and felt a piece of steel on the back of my head. No one knew, I was in town so who the hell is here? I tried to turn around to see who it was but he wouldn’t let me. It no longer mattered because I smelled his cologne. He wore the same kind, that day at Bobbi’s. I unlocked the door and he pushed me in. I had to use my arms to stop me from falling flat on my face. I stood up and turned around to see Marco standing there, with an aggravated look on his face.

  “Hey baby.” He smirked and yoked my ass right up.

  “If you ever say anything else to my girl, I’m gonna do to you, what I should’ve done a long time ago.”

  “You’re putting hands on me, for her?”

  “You had no fucking right to approach my mother, or spit those bullshit ass lies to Rakia. Then you call her names. You don’t even know her.”

  “Marco, please let go.” His eyes softened up and he released my shirt.

  “Stay the fuck away from her.” He went to the door.

  “So that’s it. You don’t love me anymore?”

  “Nah, Mia. What you did, can never be forgiven. As far as love, I’ll always have love for you because you were my first. But you’ll never get my heart again and that’s some real shit.” He put his hand on the door and I ran over there.

  “Move, Mia.” I slid under his arm and made him face me. He turned his head and I used my hand to make him.

  “I messed up Marco.”

  “I don’t wanna hear that.”

  “We were young Marco.”

  “So, the fuck what Mia. I could’ve had mad bitches but I didn’t.” He moved away from the door and sat on the couch.

  “I’m sorry.” I let the tears fall. I really did love him and wanted to love him again. Not just for the money but to show him, I’m serious.

  “Mia, it took me a very long time, to love another woman. I’m not trying to lose her.” He sat there with his arms on his knees.

  “Are you in love with her?”

  “Very much so. She’s gonna be my wife.” He said it without flinching.

  “I thought you said, you’d never marry anyone but me.” I stood in front of him and lifted his face.

  “That was before Mia. If we broke up and you were with another nigga and came back, I’d be ok, with taking you back. But that was my boy, my partner, he was like, my other brother. What were you thinking?” He laid back on the couch and I moved on his lap.

  “I wasn’t Marco and I’m so sorry for hurting you.” And just like that, we were engaged in an aggressive, yet, passionate kiss. I knew he still loved me and this only proved it.

  I removed my shirt, and bra and his mouth found my breasts. He sucked on them gently and caressed them, in a way, only he knew how. I stood up, removed the rest of my clothes and watched him lick his lips. I wasted no time, getting on my knees and pleasing him. He was pumping in and out my mouth and I enjoyed, taking all of him in. I placed one hand under his balls and felt his body stiffening up.

  “Ahhhh.” He spit all he had in my mouth and I swallowed, every last drop. Say what you want but I’m getting my man back. I walked in the room and grabbed some condoms. Yup, I knew he’d come around after hearing what I said to his girl. I also knew, he wouldn’t trust me in the beginning which is why, I never opened the package. He blew his breath out and took them from me. He never said a word, slid the condom on and fucked me silly. I remember him being good but his stroke game, was outstanding and after going most of the night, I wanted more. He refused without protection, so a bitch got dressed, went to the store and picked up more.

  “Mia. I shouldn’t be here.” He said. I kissed down his chest and placed him in my mouth. He ignored his conscience and gave me what I wanted, three more times. We literally didn’t stop until, the next afternoon. His phone went off so many times, he ended up turning it off. I didn’t give a fuck. I snuggled up under him and fell asleep in his arms, just like old times. I finally had my man back and no one, is going to keep me away.


  BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! I heard someone banging on my door. I looked up and Marco was still knocked out. The clock on my phone read, ten at night. We must’ve slept the entire day away.

  BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! BOOM! The banging continued. I threw my robe on, shut the bedroom door and went to see who it was. I opened it and was shocked to see him. He moved past me and went straight to my bedroom.

  “Tech, what are you doing?”

  “Don’t say shit to me, bitch. You knew exactly, what the fuck you were doing.”

  “What?” He ignored me and went in my room.

  “Marco, get up.” I could tell he was out of it still. Tech, told him to get up again.

  “Shit, what you doing here? What time is it?”

  “Nigga, I’ve been calling you all night and day. Here it is the next night and you still laid up with this ho.”

  “Come on Tech, don’t call her that.”

  “WHAT?” I was shocked he defended me and I think Tech, was too.

  “I’m saying, she didn’t make me come or stay here.”

  “Righttttt. Well, why you were laid up on your own, Rak has been to the hospital for stress and high blood pressure.”

  “Say what?” He started rushing to get dressed and Tech, walked out the room.

  “What happened to her?”

  “Look Marco. Maybe its best you stay away from her for a few days.” I stood there listening to them.

  “Why would you say that?”

  “One… you have a bunch of hickeys on your neck. Two… you stayed here all night. She worried herself to death because she wanted to talk to you and your phone was off. And last but not least, it looks like you have some unfinished business here. What the fuck were you thinking, sleeping with her.” He gave me a disgusting look.

  “Tech, my business, is my business.” That surprised me. The two of them never disagreed on anything. Tech, nodded and was on his way out.

  “You right. Do me a favor though?” He turned around.

  “When you’re out doing your business, let Rak know, so she isn’t crying half the night, worrying that someone killed or hurt you. Let her know, you’re fine and fucking the next bitch.”


  “Nah, she has my wife stressing out and that shit don’t sit right with me.” His wife? I didn’t even know he was married.

  “I’m out.” He looked me up and down, with a snarl on his face and slammed the door. Marco, fell on the couch. I could see how torn he was but it worked out for me. His chick was mad and I got the dick. Who could ask for anything more?


  Trying to figure out this nigga and why he fucked with the bitch, who broke his heart and fucked his best friend, is the least of my worries. Unfortunately, I had to find him because Rak, ended up in the hospital. The doctor said she was stressed out so bad, it caused a spike in her blood pressure. She didn’t need any medication but was told to take it easy, or she could possibly lose the baby. Ang, had me sitting there, damn near all day. I was going to leave sooner but then she’d get mad.

  Once the doctor gave Rak the
discharge papers, I dropped her and Ang, off at the house. She asked where I was going and I said, to find Marco. I knew exactly where he was, because he mentioned going over Mia’s and threatening her, to stay away from Rak. I asked if he wanted me to come and he said no. He would only be a minute and was coming to speak with Rak, at my house. Well, that was yesterday afternoon and here we are the next night and his ass was over there knocked the fuck out. I’m not judging him for doing his thing but when I have to lie to my wife about where he is because she’s best friends, with his woman, it’s a problem for me.

  If that’s not an issue, I still had to try and find out who sent this dude, to run my wife off the road. He was trying to kill her and I had no clue, who would want to hurt her. It couldn’t be Zaire because I don’t think Rak, ever mentioned Ang and even if she did, he wouldn’t know who she was. Again, it leaves me in the dark and it bothered me. Ang, went out with my son and someone still managed to get her. The crazy part is, no one bothers her, when we’re out together. Should I assume, the person doesn’t want me dead? All I know, is I need to find out who this person is and fast.

  I walked in the house, locked the door and found my wife and her best friend in the living room, on opposite couches; asleep. I picked Ang up and made our way up the steps. She woke right up when I laid her on the bed. I started undressing and walked in the bathroom to shower. I had a long day and this hot water would definitely, relax me.

  “Did you find him?” She asked and stepped in with me.

  “Yea. I don’t wanna talk about it, right now.” She nodded. That’s what I loved about her. If I said, I didn’t wanna talk, she’d give me my space until I was ready.

  “I love you Ang and I promise not to ever hurt you again.” She gave me a weird look. I messed up once and she took me back. I can’t imagine her giving me another chance, if I did it again.


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