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Seduce Exotic Erotica

Page 12

by Ella Hilton

  Chapter 4

  We had done many things together, my Mistress and I, while online. She had introduced me to a completely foreign world of domination and submission. It was a world I knew nothing about before meeting Carla, but one that I secretly wanted to explore. The desire for submissive commitment that I harboured in real life relationships had manifested into ideas I never thought I was capable of. Carla had used various 'props' in our online private-room sessions consisting largely of leather and stainless steel items that I had previously abhorred as toys for the mentally deranged. She showed me otherwise; that with care, understanding and above all else, trust, these things could be used to express a beauty that belied their popular reputations.

  Three items within the box: a collar, its chain and a pair of nipple clamps. I'd experimented mentally with all these things online and Carla new them to be my favorites amongst her wide array of toys. The collar was made of soft black leather, about an inch in width and studded with gemstones of all colours. It featured a ring at its clasp, undoubtedly used for attaching the short choker style silver chain.

  The clover style nipple clamps were nothing short of exquisite jewellry. Concave solid silver flowers with fine petals, fashioned to follow the curvature of the wearers breast. Each petal featured the tiniest, prettiest emeralds I had ever seen. Each of these were encircled with incredibly ornate hand engraving. The intricacy of the iris shutter clamp was reminiscent of Faberge craftsmanship. They were truly a work of art and obviously very valuable. I was later to learn that they were Siamese, crafted in the late thirties, as told by the craftsman's hallmark on their undersides. Dianne had picked them up from a fringe antique dealer in Sydney during her stop-over en route to me. It had been carefully arranged a week earlier via the Internet.

  Clutching my new treasures I threw my arms around her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I squealed, "They're beautiful!" Dianne hugged me warmly, glad of my happiness. "They'll be more beautiful on, sweetheart," she said softly. "Now stand UP!" There was a sudden command in her voice.

  Without hesitation, I obeyed and submissively replied: "Yes Mistress." I knew that the roles were now shifting. I was time for my Mistress to give me a taste of her domination in real life. "Now remove your slacks and panties." As I did so, Carla replaced her own knickers. She stood up beside me next to the bed and ordered me. "Turn around. Slowly." As I did her bidding, I knew my Mistress was inspecting me closely.

  She approached from behind. Closing in on me, I felt her body against my back. The smooth silk of her camisole was delicious as her breasts pressed into me. I felt her strong hand on my buttocks as she caressed and squeezed them. "Hmmm, nice ass," she said, in favorable critique, "we'll use that!" My breathing quickened as I remembered our online 'use' of my most rear asset; adventures I'd never yet experienced in real life. Carla knelt to the floor and began kissing my cheeks lightly, in their centers first, but gradually lower and toward the middle where they met. She squeezed my buttocks and separated them a little, providing access to my anus, kissing me lightly closer still to where I really wanted to be kissed. I widened my stance, so as to assist my Mistress to her objective.

  Whack! The smarting pain across my backside made me jump. "I didn't ask you to move, sub!" Carla stood again and looked at me sternly, but I recognized by now the playful glint in her eye. "Yes Mistress, sorry..." I replied, blushing.

  "Don't be sorry, sub, just do as I ask."

  "Yes Mistress."

  "Now on the bed, face up! We haven't much time."

  "Why not Mistress?"

  "You'll see, my pet. Now wait."

  Carla left the room and I waited, naked, for her return. The clock radio at my dresser told me it was one-fifty. So close to the next hour I wondered if two o'clock meant anything. I followed her progress through the house, listening to every familiar creak of the wooden floorboards underneath the carpet. She had revisited the loungeroom and returned with her overnight bag. She placed this at the foot of the bed and opened it. "Can you guess what I have in here, my love?" she asked without looking at me. "No Mistress?" I replied expectantly. She produced three silk scarves, two navy blue, the other crimson. As she set the bag on the floor, I had more than a fair idea of what was to come.

  "Now then, my sweet one," Carla said matter-of-factly, "tonight is going to be very special for you." Taking one of the scarves, she fashioned a bandana and set about making a knotted loop in one end. "I have arranged a special treat for you," she continued, "and I want you to know that my decision to do so had your safety as it's highest priority." She took my left wrist and guided my hand through the knot in her bandana. "Yes Mistress," I responded, "I trust you completely." I believed the words I said but still an anxious feeling crept over me. Carla kissed me lightly on the lips as she reassured me. "Don't worry love, it's all good, I promise you." She tied the other end of the bandana around the closest bed post at the point where the smooth round wood met it's squared anchor, a foot above the mattress. "You know that I'll take good care of you."

  Her dialog was perfectly timed. By the time I understood what she was up to, I was fully restrained. She bound my right wrist in similar fashion to the first. "Tonight, my love, you will experience the true delight of your sleeping desires." Carla tested the binds for taughtness. Very tight, but not so much to be a distraction. I enjoyed the sensation immensely, vainly struggling a little to show my Mistress she had done well. "And tonight, my love..." But her voice trailed off as she was interrupted by a noise emanating from the hall. It was a soft knocking at the front door. In my predicament, I was horrified at the prospect of visitors, regardless of the hour and the expression on my face told my Mistress of this. Looking at her watch, my Mistress just smiled...

  "Perfect timing!" she whispered in delight. "Wait here, my child..." She left the room.

  Chapter 5

  As Carla went to answer the door, my heart raced. There I was, tied naked to my own bed by a woman I had only just met that night and now there was somebody else at the door. I relaxed a little in the knowledge that she obviously had this well prepared, to the last minute as it seemed.

  A new voice, a womans voice. She sounded younger than Carla, perhaps about my own age. I could not make out the words exchanged between them for they were obviously whispering. The front door was closed and I heard them both approach the bedroom. My heart pounded. I suddenly felt very annoyed with my Mistress for forcing me to meet someone under such circumstances. I thought "like, this is going to be great. I'll just say: don't mind me, sorry I can't shake your hand right now"

  But then they walked in. First Carla, followed by this newcomer. They immediately took their places at the foot of the bed. The woman was indeed around my own age; mid twenties and was absolutely stunning. Thick red wavy hair that fell about her shoulders, framing her beautiful face of clear, fair complexion. The epitome of peaches and cream. Long dark lashes set off her brilliant green eyes perfectly. She was a heavenly vision and I was immediately attracted to her. It was difficult to assess anything else about her due to the full length cream businessman's overcoat she wore, save that she wore it well. Very chic.

  "Well, Winter," Carla started, "I'd like you to meet Jade. She will be helping us tonight." My response came stammered: "Uh, hi Jade." Jade had not taken her eyes from me since walking into the bedroom. Her steady sweet smile had not shifted in expression, nor had the warmth in her eyes. "Hello Winter," even her voice was sexy; smooth as silk with a barely discernable Irish accent, "it's very nice to meet you. Carla's told me so much about you. I think we're going to be great friends." There was a sincerity in both her eyes and voice that relaxed me further. By now I was forgetting my anxiety and playing out possible scenarios at the speed of light in my mind, several of which were more than appealing.

  Carla was standing somewhat behind Jade and took the latter in by the shoulders. "So child, do you like what you see?" The question embarrassed me. "Yes Mistress, I do."

>   "And my darling Jade," continued Carla, kissing her neck softly, "do you like what you see?" Jade had still not shifted her gaze from my eyes. The intensity of her stare left me both self conscious and flattered. "Oh yes Mistress, she is everything you told me and more." Carla was now kissing Jade around her ear. Jade momentarily closed her eyes a couple of times, basking in the pleasure our Mistress was providing her with, yet she continued to gaze at me. She was playing her role well, whatever that was. It was very sexy to have her stare at me while Carla kissed and caressed her. Suddenly, Carla stopped. "Let's begin then, shall we?"

  As if on cue, Jade shifted her attention from me to the floor, in a most demure fashion. The expression sat so well on her face. So incredibly beautiful. Carla now watched my eyes as she slowly released the slip knot at the front of Jades coat. As the double breasted layers unfolded with Sandy's assistance, I was amazed to discover that Jade was completely naked underneath. I immediately looked and kept looking, unaware of my blatantly dropped jaw. Jade was singularly beautiful. Textbook perfect figure, such very pale creamy skin from head to toe and most definitely a natural redhead. She looked delicious to say the least. Retrospectively, I think that language failed to provide any adjectives appropriate for one as beautiful as Jade.

  "You like this, what you see, don't you sub?" My Mistress was teasing me, it seemed.

  "Yes Mistress, very much."

  "And you would like to touch, wouldn't you?"

  "Yes Mistress, I would like to very much."

  Jade continued her demure gaze toward the floor as Carla allowed the coat to fall to the ground. My Mistress then began to caress Jades perfect, flat stomach from behind. "She has lovely skin, doesn't she sub?"

  "Perfect, Mistress"

  "And beautiful breasts, sub. I'd bet you'd like to taste them, wouldn't you?" Carla lightly traced Jades perfect breasts with her fingertips, tweaking her nipples to attention.

  "Yes Mistress." I was now straining at my binds, in a hopeless effort to be closer to these two gorgeous women. I did so want to taste this new beauty before me.

  "Well tonight, sub, Jade and I are going to fuck you up! Jade's going to fuck that sweet asshole of yours like I know you want." The words shocked me. My Mistress had rarely spoken to me in such fashion and I knew she meant business when she did. "And I'm going to fuck that little cunt of yours till you can't bear it anymore"

  "Oh yes, Mistress!"

  "But you will bear it for me, won't you sub?"

  "Yes Mistress," I was breathing noticeably quicker now. "I will bear it for you."

  Breaking away from Jade, Carla approached me and sat beside me on the bed. Jade followed suit at the opposite side. They both began tracing their fingers lightly across my body; Carla concentrating around my neck, Jade at my breasts. It was a heavenly feeling and my breathing gave my feelings away. Every so often, they would both kiss me softly on my lips. First Carla, then Jade. I took their offerings with great hunger. Oh, the kisses were all too short! I wanted their mouths against mine, our tongues to entwine. They had me on fire, these two and they knew it.

  After a few moments, they both leaned across me, above my breasts and kissed. Slow, opened mouth, allowing me to see their tongues meet and dance sweetly. They both now had one of my breasts in their hand, lightly kneading my nipples between thumb and forefinger. It was my first menage a trois and undoubtedly the sexiest moment of my life. The fire between my legs was increasing in intensity and I vainly tugged at my bonds. Between their french kissing and the constant stimulation of my nipples, I couldn't stand it!

  Carla was the first to break. Taking the clamps from the bedside table, she passed one to Jade. "Help me, love." It was clear to me that Jade and my Mistress had played together before, for they flawlessly mirrored each other in action. Leaning in toward my breasts, they both took me in their mouths. I moaned loudly; very loudly. Flicking my elongated nipples with their tongues, I felt the electricity flash though my body. They sucked and nibbled on me so perfectly, looking into each others eyes. Sweet biting, the pain I so badly craved. I wanted to die now, in perfect bliss! Then, together, they guided my now fully erect nipples though the iris aperture of my new toys. The cold metal made me gasp. Still in unison, my adoring sisters tugged my nipples through with their teeth, guiding the clamps as far down as possible. Snap! Snap! The springed shutters collapsed around me, barely a second apart, sending a sharp pain shooting through my breasts. I gasped. The sensation was electric and I held my breath in shock for a few seconds.

  Carla sat up and admired their handiwork. "Thank you, my sweet," She leant across me and kissed Jade on the cheek. "That's perfect. Just one more thing and think we're ready." She handed the collar to Jade, smiling at me. "I know you want to wear this for me, child." I was beginning to feel giddy with stimulation and I wanted more. I wanted it all. "Yes Mistress." Jade slipped one end of the collar under my neck, feeding it around to the other side. Negotiating the end through the buckle, she pulled it just tight enough to be still comfortable and tested the slack by placing two of her fingers between it and my neck. Carla slid the collar around my neck until the o-ring for attaching the chain was in the center of my neck, at the front. She attached the choker and tugged sharply twice, testing the link. It made me blink, but not complain. I could hardly wait for it to be used forcefully. I wanted it hard, badly! The chain was neatly placed between my breasts, extending just below my navel.

  "There, child," Carla said, stepping back to take in this picture, "this is how I want you for me." It always made me happy to know my Mistress was pleased. "Yes Mistress." Looking now to Jade, Carla went on. "Pet, go find the kitchen. Bring back what you need." Jade looked up and smiled. "Yes Mistress." When she had left the room, Carla's eyes returned to mine. She smiled sweetly and kissed my cheek softly. "Girl, you're in for a treat!" I was about to find out how perfectly Carla had matched us.

  Chapter 6

  I heard noises in the kitchen. Cupboards being opened, pots clanging together. I wasn't concerned. I was sure that Jade would find whatever it was she was looking for. I was still feeling somewhat euphoric from the last twenty minutes activities. Carla untied one of my wrists and started around the bed toward the second. "What's happening now, Mistress?" I asked innocently. "Quiet love, all will be clear soon." She released my other binding. "Turn over, love, face down." She took the pillows from the bed and lay them neatly on the box seat under the bay window. I completed her instruction without hesitation or comment. Carla returned and proceeded to tie my wrists again, gently tugging each to ensure they were tight. When both restraints had been replaced she sat down beside me and began lightly stroking my back. It was very soothing and I showed my appreciation by sighing softly and closing my eyes.

  "Pet, your not nervous, are you?" Carla asked. There was sincerity in her voice.

  "I trust you, Mistress"

  "Good pet. I know you're going to enjoy what Jade has for you very much."

  "Thank you, Mistress"

  "What for, pet?"

  "Just for everything, Mistress."

  "You are sweet, my child." Carla leant down and kissed my neck softly. I did feel safe now. My disappointment in her actions had long fled and although a little tired now, I was still excited about what was to come.

  The next thing I knew was a warm, wet sensation against my shoulders. Jade was sitting on the bed beside me, while Carla was still there, on the opposite side. Jade was sponge bathing me with warm soapy water and a flannel. With the benefit of the wardrobe mirror, I could see that at some point she had visited the linen closet in the bathroom and found the towels too. I must have dozed off for a minute, for I never heard her leave the kitchen. "Lift up a little, pet." Carla said holding a towel. Difficult as it was under the circumstances, I managed to raise my abdomen a little from the bed. Carla fed the towel under me and with Jade's help straightened it out. "Good girl," she said when they were done, "wouldn't want to spoil this pretty spread." J
ade continued her sponging. Her bedside manner was delightful. Using the flannel, she softly caressed my neck, shoulders, and back, occasionally stopping to rinse in the bowl she had filled and set on the side table. It was delicious; like a soft, warm massage. Her movements were loving and slow. I felt like purring. All the while, Carla stroked my face and my hair.

  As Jade ever so slowly worked her way down to my lower back, I felt my desire stirring once more. When she began on my buttocks, I knew it was well and truly there. I felt her gently rub down the center of my cheeks to just above my anus. On the next pass, she almost touched it and I moaned. "See?" I heard Carla say and caught the two of them smiling at each other through the mirror. Jade rinsed again, leaving the flannel much wetter this time. Before making contact with me, I felt several drops of the warm water drip between my cheeks and trickle down to my anus. It felt wonderful. Carla then spread my cheeks apart for Jade. I felt the flannel rub full down the length of the crack and firmly come to rest right on my anus. Jade pressed a little with her fingertip. Oh god, it felt so good and I let them both know. "Ohhhhh!" I moaned. Jade rinsed again and returned a little harder and a little wetter, this time rubbing all around my anus. "Ohhhhh, God!"


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