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Seduce Exotic Erotica

Page 13

by Ella Hilton

  Jade returned the flannel to the water and left it there, setting the bowl a little further back, out of harms way. She looked expectantly to Carla who gave her a single nod. Jade then climbed on top of me facing my backside, with her feet against the headboard either side of my head. I quietly thanked God for the mirror as the vision was beautiful. Carla stood up and moved to the foot of the bed to watch. Grabbing my cheeks firmly in her hands, Jade separated me as far as she could. She bent her head forward and began to trace her tongue down the crack of my ass. It was heavenly and I moaned gutturally. Her tongue danced around my anus, not quite making contact. "Oh, yes! Oh, that's nice!" I whispered loudly. Then sweet Jade did it for me. Her hot tongue pressed straight onto my anus and slid inside. "Oh yessss!" I screamed. I had always loved being touched there and had secretly harbored a strong desire to go this much further. And now, there was no holding this beautiful woman back. Jade drove her tongue in deeper and deeper, breaking only to collect more saliva with each pass. She licked hard and fast all around and on my anus, flicking it in and out. I moaned louder and louder. I felt my clitoris hardening amongst this most intense pleasure. The fire within me was raging out of control.

  Carla came around toward my face. As I lay there, rocking with pleasure, she reached under my neck and carefully pulled the choker chain free. She slid the collar round so the chain was properly at back. Jade continued feverishly licking my anus. I hoped she would never stop. As I felt myself approaching orgasm, Carla jerked the chain hard, pulling my head up. "Is this what you wanted bitch!?"

  "Yesss Mistress, unhh!"

  "And you're truly my little whore now, aren't you bitch!?"

  "Ahhh, yesss Mistress!"

  "And you want more now, don't you whore!?"

  "Yes Mistress, I want more!" I was almost screaming.

  Not releasing the strain on the choker, Carla addressed Jade. "Enough Jade! Get my harness."

  "Yes Mistress." came the reply. Jade stood up and went to Carla's overnight bag, quickly finding the harness and matching dildo. Carla suddenly dropped the chain, allowing me to collapse completely, panting heavily and shaking from the orgasm that almost was. Carla helped Jade into the harness and fitted the dildo to the front. It was black and large and I idly wondered why the real thing was never that big.

  "Up on your knees, sub!" Carla commanded. This proved a little difficult because of my restraints, my close proximity to the headboard and the ecstasy I hadn't fully recovered from. In the end Jade guided one of my knees forward, providing me a hold with which to lift myself up from. She then took her place behind me and guided the dildo between my legs, rubbing against my now soaking cunt. It felt tame compared to her tongue further back, but good nevertheless and allowed me a little more time to relax my breathing. Carla pulled on my chain again, lifting my head toward her. "I was right about you all along, wasn't I Winter?"

  "Yes Mistress, you were."

  "And I'm right about this too, aren't I?"

  "Oh yes, Mistress."

  "You want this bad, don't you sub?" Her dialog and the use of the chain were making me stir again. It was almost primal.

  "Yes Mistress, I want it bad!"

  She knelt on the bed beside us, facing me. She wrapped the chain around her hand until it was only a couple of inches from my neck. Still pulling me up hard, her other hand took mine and together we held the bedpost. Jade had her instrument well and truly slicked now and I felt her withdraw from against my lips. Then I felt the tip of the dildo lightly pressing at my anus. Carla and I looked into each others eyes. She knew this was my first time and I knew she would be there for me. "I give myself to you completely, Mistress." I stammered, a single tear filling my eye. In my mind this was as much for her as it was for me. "I know love," she whispered as she leant in to kiss me. Our mouths opened slightly and we found each others tongues. My Mistress was so delicious. My breathing was very jerky in anticipation for what I knew was about to come. Carla continued to kiss me deeply as the pain struck. It was more intense than I had expected and inhaling sharply, I froze. Jade had entered me gently, but suddenly and with easily half of the available length. She stopped and waited for Carla to indicate that it was alright to proceed.

  Carla had stopped kissing me and held her face to mine, cheek to cheek. She had relaxed the chain and was now stroking my hair. After what must have been a full minute, I exhaled and breathed again, deeply. Blinking my eyes I looked up at Carla whose expression was half smiling, half inquiring care. "You o.k. love?" she asked. "Uh umm, yes, I think so." I said, now at least able to consciously consider the pain I was experiencing. My sphincter was on fire! But even as I thought about it, I could feel the pain dissipating. "Yes, I think I'm alright." I was blustering a little. "That's o.k. pet. It's hard at first." She looked to Jade. "Slow babe, just take it slow."

  I felt Jade move again, out a little this time. There certainly seemed to be more pain than pleasure and I wondered if this was really what I wanted. I winced a little. Carla caught it and asked again. "O.K.?" I laughed a little. "God, they make these things pretty big, don't they!?" It relaxed the mood greatly. We all laughed and Jade hugged me, one hand around my stomach, the other against my shoulder. She kissed me loudly on the shoulder, proclaiming "You're a doll, Winter!"

  With that, it became easier and I did forget the pain a little. Jade slowly moved into me and out again, each time using more and more length. By the time she was able to use the full length, it actually started to feel satisfying, deeply satisfying. I looked again into the mirror to watch Jade slowly pumping me. She looked so sexy in the leather harness and the image of her fucking me turned me on more. God, it was starting to feel good, really good.

  "Fuck!" I thought "This is good!" There was no need to say it aloud. My eyes were closed, my mouth wide open and I was allowing myself to rock back and forth with Jades motion. Carla could see I was beginning to enjoy myself. I opened my eyes again and stared at the mirror. The scene was straight out of my fantasies. Now I could die!

  The vision of my submission in the mirror was enough to get me off on it's own. After all, such a vision had many times before whilst masturbating alone. Jade was such a beautiful woman. Her breasts bounced a little with each stoke and I thought about taking them in my mouth. Her slender waist and hips, seemed incapable of delivering the wrenching treatment I was now loving. Increasing her speed a little, she leant over me as before. This inhibited her movement a little, but the proximity of her breasts and torso against my back was worth it. I was breathing deep and hard in time with her movements. This was truly the most satisfying sexual experience of my life and my head was spinning. Jade moved a hand down my stomach and into my pubic hair. Her fingertips barely against my clitoris, she began to stimulate me further. It sent shocks of electricity straight to my nipples, still constantly stimulated by the clamps. As Jade rubbed me harder, my breathing increased rapidly. She worked her fingers toward my vagina. I felt myself losing control. "Unhh, that's so good!" I panted. "Yes! Fuck me, fuck me good!" Jade responded with more pressure, slamming against my ass with every long, deep stroke. "Oh yes, yes, yessss!" It was building within me, an intense orgasm. I was vaguely aware that my teeth were clenched and I was digging my fingernails into the bedposts.

  Sensing I was about to climax, Carla grabbed the chain and yanked my head up again. Her face against mine, she spoke low, almost growling: "Whose whore are you, bitch!?"

  "Ohhh, yours Mistress! Ahhh!" Jade now had two fingers inside my cunt and was raking them up against my inner walls. I ached for it. It felt wild and unbridled. She was pumping me so hard now that I had to push back against her to avoid hitting the headboard.

  "Come for me, bitch!" Carla ordered.

  "Yes Mistress! I'm going to come! Ohhh!" I was so very, very close. I was shaking uncontrollably.

  Carla pressed her mouth against mine, forcing her tongue inside. She passionately kissed me deep, long, dirty. I was being stimulated all over my
body. My Mistress' passion finally sent me over. My body jerked and shook with violent spasms of delight as I experienced the deepest, longest orgasm of my life. "UNHHHH! OHHHH! OHHH GOD!!!" It rocked through my entire body, wave after wave of pure ecstasy.

  As Jade pulled out from my anus and relaxed her hand, resting it on my cunt, I collapsed with her on top of me. I was shaking. My breathing was so hard I felt like I might burst. Carla kissed me sweetly on the lips. "Good girl." she whispered and proceeded to untie my restraints. Jade was tenderly kissing my neck, now holding me lovingly by both shoulders. The relief was immense when my arms were finally allowed to come to rest at my sides. I was totally and utterly spent.

  "Thank you," I breathed, somewhat incoherently, "Thank you both."

  "Anytime, sweet Winter," Jade whispered, kissing my ear tenderly, "anytime..."

  "Sleep now hon," Carla said softly, accurately assessing my ability to continue, "we'll play again tomorrow..."

  The End.

  Our Night

  Standing there at your bedroom door, I fidget a little, watching you light the last of the many candles in the room. It is aglow with a soft shimmering light. The bed has fresh hunter green sheets on it with rose petals thrown across it making an invitingly soft haven for us. Vases of roses stand on the bedside tables, along with a bucket with a bottle of champagne and two crystal glasses. There is a plate with a cover sitting beside the bucket. I am amazed by your thoughtfulness, down to every last detail, and a smile plays on my lips.

  But I am still nervous. I know you....but I don't. We played this scene a hundred times, this and so many others. But I never touched you till today. Our minds had touched, even our voices over the telephone, but I never felt the touch of your skin until I felt you reach your hand out to mine at the restaurant this evening. Your pictures could never do you justice. Your words sound so much sweeter coming directly from your lips. I knew that all those months of our chatting had been wonderfully preparing me for this night, in your arms.

  You turn around to look at me. The firelight dances in your eyes. As you walk toward me I notice that you look so handsome in your black silk robe and boxers. Stopping two steps away from me, your eyes look me up and down.

  "Please turn around," you ask.

  Slowly I turn for you. The hem of my long cream colored robe and gown brushing softly against my bare ankles. When you had asked me questions, I remember you asking me my measurements, but I never dreamed it would be to clothe me in such a beautiful outfit for our first night together. Stopping, I face you once again, a soft blush on my cheeks.

  You take a step closer to me, not quite touching, but close enough to feel the heat from your body. You lay a hand on my cheek. Tilting my head to brush my skin against yours, I close my eyes to the pleasure. Your lips touch mine, just a feather of a kiss. Then it is gone. My eyes open to look deep into yours. I see a passion burning there, and I know there is one in my eyes too.

  Taking the final step, you take me in your arms. My arms wind around you, holding you close to me. You press your body to mine as you claim my lips with a passionate kiss. Your tongue dancing across my lips as you kiss me, begging for me to open to you. Letting you enter, your tongue softly searching for mine. The tips meet and begin to play a game of hide and seek, touching then retreating.

  Your hand runs up and down my side, feeling the silky material excite my skin. You move your hand up to brush across the side of my breast, softly caressing it, inching slowly up my neck. You touch my face briefly, and move your hand to my hair. Tugging out the pins holding my curls, they tumble around my shoulders in a golden waterfall. Your hand dives deep into my hair, holding the back of my head, pressing me slightly closer to your kiss.

  You step back, and I look deep into your eyes. I can see the passion raging there, the wanting and needing.

  "Come with me?" you ask, holding out a hand to me. You lead me to the bed. Walking around behind me, your hands resting on my shoulders as you whisper into my ear. "Tonight is just the beginning my love."

  My body tingles as you draw the robe from my shoulders and let it fall to the floor. You sweep my hair aside and place a kiss behind my ear. Sighing, I close my eyes to the sensation. You move your lips down my neck and across my almost bare shoulder, slowly moving the strap that is there off and down to my arm. Your lips trail soft kisses over my skin, my body tingling where you touch me. Your other hand slowly sliding the strap down on that side as well. Your hands move from my arms to rest softly on the lace that is covering the tops of my breasts, and you gently pull me back into you. Your chest against me and your breath warm next to my ear.

  "You are so sexy my love, and I have waited too long." The words make my body shiver with desire. "But I will wait, just a bit more, till I have given you all the pleasures I have promised."

  Your lips suckle softly at my neck and your hands press my breasts, softly grabbing and squeezing. You nip gently at my neck and I smile. Reaching down to pick me up in your arms, you hold me close to you. Our eyes lock as you lower me to the bed and sit beside me. I see the passion and wanting there reflecting from my own eyes. Your fingertips brush across my cheek and you smile at me.

  You reach for the bottle and pour a glass full, handing it gently to me. Taking it, I sip at the champagne. Watching me, you lean forward to lick at my lips, tasting. Take another sip, I offer you my mouth. Your lips meet mine and you suck the liquid between my lips into your waiting mouth.

  Leaning back, you smile at me. You reach over to the table and uncover the plate sitting there. I look and see big bright strawberries. You take one by the stem in your fingers and drag it across the stiff mound of whipped cream in the dish on the plate. As you bring it to my lips, I open my mouth slightly and bite down on the ripe fruit. A bit of juice runs down my chin and peaks of white stay on my lips. Your tongue quickly licks up the juice and up and across my lips, only to end in another soft kiss. You offer the strawberry to me again, feeding and licking me, tasting both the sweet fruit and my mouth. One after another, we share the sweet taste. You offer me my glass again, washing away the sweetness, feeling the tartness of the champagne tingle on my tongue.

  As I sit there, your hand reaches down to cautiously raise the hem of my gown. Smiling at you, I give you permission. Slipping underneath and caressing my leg, your hand pushes the hem up higher. It moves gently up my calf, over my knee to my thigh. It rests there and you lean in for another kiss. Passionately we kiss, and I will your hand to move higher, to feel the warmth hidden there. Your hand inches higher till your fingertips brush across the fabric that covers my mound. I gasp at the fluttering touch.

  Standing up, you pull me with you. Your hands softly brush across my shoulders and down my arms. Your fingertips run across the tops of my breast, pushing the lace gently down them, until my nipples peek out the top. Your head bends down slightly to place a soft kiss on the top of each mound. You push the lace and material down, over my breast, baring them to your gaze. You smile.

  "So lovely," you whisper. The palms of your hands cover the nipples and your fingers squeeze gently.

  You push the gown down, past my stomach, over my hips, till it slips down, forming a pool at my feet. Stepping back, you stare at me in the candlelight. A blush comes to my cheeks, and I look down, nervous and worried of your thoughts. Your fingertips touch under my chin and you raise my face to look into my eyes.

  "You are so beautiful."

  I reach out to touch you. Pushing the robe from your shoulder, I feel the heat of your body. It slides to the floor with mine. My hand trails down your chest, touching you tentatively. You grasp my hand and hold it tight to your heart. I feel it beating, fast, hard. Stepping closer to me, you kiss me passionately, our bodies pressing together. You lay me back down, letting your eyes wander over my body again.

  Sitting beside me, you reach into the ice bucket. You place a piece of the ice to my lips, watching me suck at it. Your hands trail the ice down my t
hroat, and across my breast, teasing at one of the nipples standing erect for you. The water drips down the side of my breast. Taking the ice away, you swoop down to suck the nipple into your mouth, covering it with warmth. I breathe a shaky sigh. Your hand moves the ice to the other nipple that you give the similar attention. My body squirms on the sheet, the rose petals beneath me giving off their strong perfume.

  You reach into the bucket for another cube and trail the ice lower, letting it melt on my skin. Your tongue follows it, hot after cold. I shudder. Moving it lower, you swirl it around my navel, and to the edge of the cream colored panties. Stopping to look at me, a smile dances in your eyes. You rest your face on my silk covered mound and inhale. My juices are flowing. The back of your fingers brush against my mound, feeling the dampness. Looking back up to me, you run the ice over the outside of my panties. I shiver, feeling the coldness mix with my heat. The ice melts quickly, leaving a trickle of water to run between my thighs.

  Hooking a finger in the waistband of the panties, you tug them down. Lifting my hips to help you, your head swoops down to place a kiss on my exposed mound. Your lips follow my panties down, moving down my legs to shower my knees and feet in kisses.


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