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His Hostile Takeover

Page 5

by Fiona Murphy

  Laughing as she followed Dmitri out of the elevator her nerves began to stretch. They had the most amazing day, the boat ride to see the city, the Shedd Aquarium, and a walk along the beach had ended with dinner at Dmitri’s condo. Dmitri had been right, Misha had flirted outrageously. Dmitri handled it without throwing a punch, although it had seemed a very tight grip he had around his brother’s throat as he told Misha no more flirting. After Misha’s promise to behave, Dmitri had relaxed and Elise had enjoyed watching them interact together. It was obvious that Dmitri loved and was proud of Misha becoming an accomplished heart surgeon. It was equally obvious that Misha adored and still saw Dmitri as a hero. Elise didn’t want the night to end, but knew it had to.

  He walked her up to the door of her room and slid a kiss along the side of her cheek before he breathed goodnight, and then he went into his own room.

  The next morning she dressed in the new clothes that had been unpacked for her and found Dmitri already going over a contract, coffee in hand.

  “Have you eaten?”

  “No, I was waiting for you.” He picked up her hand and tugged her to him. She went right into his lap, and sighed as she felt his thick desire beneath her bottom. “I didn’t sleep last night.” A hand slid down her thigh and her hand was in his hair pulling him to her lips. Their kiss was hot and desperate, “Sweetheart, you’re killing me here. I made the appointment for you. They can get you in over lunch. Why don’t you take the morning off and have a look in the shops nearby before your appointment?”

  “Are you sure? You don’t need me?” Surprise had her pulling back.

  “Elise, can’t you feel just how much I need you?” He moved and liquid fire shot right through her pussy as she felt him rub against her. He sighed, “Go shopping, sweetheart, I need a little time to get myself under control.” He stroked her back even as he eased her off his lap.

  Her legs were wobbly as she stood. She felt bad for him, it was obvious he was in pain and she wished she could help him. Her mind flashed to everything she had read last night. Like him, she had been unable to sleep. And despite his assurance she would be good for him, she had decided to do her best to make sure of that.

  So, like anything she wanted to learn more about, she decided to read up on making love. Until last night, her e-reader was filled with soppy ‘fade to black’ romance and classics like Jane Austen. Now, it was filled with some of the most popular erotica she could find. It had been an extremely long night, filled with things that had her panting and longing to bang on Dmitri’s door to let her in, and others that seemed downright scary. One of the things that had captured her imagination again, and again, would be the thing to provide relief to Dmtiri.

  With that thought, she was on her knees in front of him, reaching for his belt. Shock left him unmoving long enough for her to open the belt and the button before his hands were on her wrists. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m helping you get your sanity back.” He didn’t move so she did, her lips kissed him though his pants and she felt him twitch and stiffen below her mouth. He hissed her name between clenched teeth. She opened her mouth and licked at him, she remembered the word he used yesterday and the same word had littered story after story. It sounded so very lewd and so very titillating at the same time. “Don’t you want me to suck your cock? I want to know what you taste like, please.”

  She moaned as she rubbed her face against him, one of her wrists was freed when he captured her chin and brought her eyes to him. “Where the hell is this coming from?”

  “You, I want you, and I’m having just as hard of a time as you are.” Her free hand snaked into his pants and captured the hard length of his cock, through his boxer briefs. He closed his eyes and his head fell forward.

  He was working hard to breathe, she smiled as she watched him shudder at her touch. “Your first sexual experience, I want it to be better than you down on your knees.”

  Elise paused, her chest expanded at his words, they touched her deep inside. She rose, her hands sliding up his body as she did, he trembled where she touched. Sliding back onto his lap, she stroked his cheek. “My first sexual experience was like many women’s, in the backseat of a car. That first time you looked at me in the back of the car in Miami. It was scary and not nearly enough of what we both felt, but now I can see it for what it was. So, Dmitri let me do this. Let me take you back to bed and I’ll do it there. I want to do this very badly.” She was embarrassed to say it out loud, so she whispered the words in his ear, “I touched myself last night, as I imagined taking you into my mouth. I want to taste you.”

  He picked her up and they crossed the room in record time. He sat on the edge of the bed and set her down beside him. She was up on her knees, pushing him down. He went easily, with a sigh. She was so excited she fumbled as she pulled the zipper down, and then he was there. Pushing down his pants and his underwear, her pussy clenched at the sight of him springing free. He was so big, both long and thick around. Her hands caressed him, learning his heat and the silk of him and then she leaned down and licked the tip that had a drop of moisture like a tear for her. The taste was different, salty, tangy and oddly sweet. Opening her mouth wide she sucked him into her mouth. A hand twisted in her hair and the taste and feeling of him in her mouth was intoxicating.

  She took him as deep as she could, and then let him slide from her mouth. Licking along the length of him again, and again, finding the taste of him addictive. The feeling of him inside her mouth was the only thing her body knew. His hips went up to meet her mouth and she became wet for him, wishing he was inside her empty pussy. She moved down then, to the base of his shaft, she found the soft silky pouch of his balls. Sucking the sac into her mouth, she loved the feel of it there. He moaned her name. Her attention was back on the long length of him and trying to take him deeper into her mouth. He murmured a plea and she complied, one hand stroking him as she worked to take him in her mouth. He warned her then that he was going to come and she was ready. When it happened, she welcomed it, pleased that she had brought him to that point. The taste of him lingered in her mouth as she continued to move on his now limp cock.

  He pulled her up and across his chest. She was content to lay there as she felt his trembling die out. His hand was in her hair again, and he brought her up to meet his gaze. “Now that I can finally think straight, you need to tell me where that came from really.”

  “I just want to please you. Even though you seem sure I’ll please you, when I couldn’t sleep last night, either, I decided to read about it. I, maybe, read some stories that would help me know what to do when the time came.”

  “It isn’t about me, it’s about you. I don’t want you doing anything you feel you have to do. Sweetheart, those stories aren’t always real about what happens and how you feel when the time comes.”

  “I didn’t feel like I had to. I really wanted to. I wanted to know what you look like, what you feel like. I’m not worried in the slightest about me. Something tells me you have more than enough experience to make it good for me. It was surprising how much I liked many of the stories.”

  “Did you really touch yourself last night, thinking of me inside your mouth?’

  “Yes, I kept getting wetter and wetter, and then I couldn’t take it anymore. Some of the things in the stories seemed scary, others very appealing and that was the most appealing of them all.”

  “When the time comes, your pleasure will be the most important; if something scares you or doesn’t appeal, then it won’t happen.”

  “I’ve never doubted that about you for a moment. Can I stay with you today until my appointment?’

  He shook his head, “I still think you should go check out the shops. My apologies, but I didn’t realize until yesterday that I neglected shoes to match your new clothes. There are several shops in the area for you to purchase what is needed.”

  She sighed. “Okay, but can we at least have breakfast together?”

  “Yes, in a minute, I wan
t to hold you for a little while.”

  His words thrilled her that he wanted to hold her, it wasn’t anything she would have imagined coming from him. Just to lie in bed with her in his arms seemed the last thing he would do. Maybe it wasn’t just sex, maybe when the time came they would make love.

  Chapter Four

  Stalking down the sidewalk, Elise looked at her watch for the fourth time and saw it was only five minutes later than the last time she looked, she still had an hour and a half. After a quick shopping trip, she had satisfied the need for new shoes, but unlike Dmitri, she had kept the number low, as well as the heel. The driver had stowed her six new pair, which was far more than she had ever owned at one time, in the trunk, and promised he would return for her. Adjusting her glasses, she caught sight of an eyeglass shop that promoted glasses ready in an hour. What really caught her eye was the optometrist next door that advertised she could walk out with contacts.

  Elise checked her watch again. She still had an hour and a half, how long could an eye exam for contacts take?

  Opening up the door to the hotel suite three hours later, she felt oddly let down to find it empty. A note on the closed laptop told her Dmitri was in the gym, so, with a sigh she continued into her room to put away her packages. Opening the packet of birth control, she hoped they would be as gentle on her hormones as the doctor had promised, and took one while she remembered. She set out the new contact case and lens solution, and cleaned up the mess of the empty boxes. As she entered the main room, the door opened and Dmitri spotted her. The smile that lit his face when he saw her caused something to shift in her chest and catch her breath.

  She was in his arms, her arms wrapped his waist, breathing in the scent of him.

  “I missed you too. How did the appointment go, and where are your glasses?”

  “It went okay, she was nice. She promises the pill that she gave me won’t cause all the problems I’ve had before. Since I had forever before my appointment, and I’m really not a shopper, I ended up getting a new pair of glasses and contacts. I got the glasses as back up, in case I didn’t like the contacts but they are so comfortable I barely feel them. What do you think?” She looked up to see him studying her.

  His expression grim, a finger traced her cheek and along her jaw. “I remember when I first met you I wanted you to get rid of them, but that has come back to haunt me. I’m selfish and possessive and I hate that now everyone else will see easily the beauty I alone detected behind all that you buried yourself under.” His kiss was hard and claimed her. Elise clung and was lost in the passion he created like a tornado inside her. When he ended the kiss, she felt lost and weak.

  His phone went off, indicating he had received a text and they both sighed. It was back to work for them.

  The day passed quickly, and she loved the way his eyes lingered on her throughout the day. It was just as hard for her to drag her eyes off him. Sooner than she expected he called an end to their workday. She couldn’t hide her surprise; it was only just past six. Normally, they would have stopped at seven and ordered down for dinner.

  “I want you to go get dressed, your new clothes are in your closet. Put on something pretty for me, sweetheart, and we’ll have dinner out. I have made reservations for us at seven, so that will give you a half hour or so.”

  “Dmitri, we don’t have to go out. We can eat here.” She couldn’t help that the words came out in a breathless rush.

  “I’ve made reservations and we are far too close to a bedroom. Go, my sweet.” His eyes glowed and she blushed and did as he bid.

  In her room, she scanned the beautiful clothes and ran her hands over them with a flutter of excitement. Without hesitation, she went to the dress she had first gasped at when she saw it. The whole time she had stood in front of Dmitri she had held her breath, hoping he would give a nod to it. It was a silky ice blue cocktail dress that made her eyes even bluer, and hugged her curves; flaring just above her knee. She felt sexy and surprisingly confident in it. There was no doubt that she looked good in the dress. Tugging out fresh panties and bra, mere wisps of silk that felt amazing against her skin, she couldn’t contain her excitement. Dmitri had taken off yesterday for her and was taking her out to dinner, not eating in front of their laptops while he dictated to her.

  In front of the mirror, she ran a brush through her hair. He had allowed her to pull it back in a ponytail but she remembered the glow in his eyes when he pulled the clip from her bun. Washing her face she sighed at the meager make up she had with her. She wasn’t fussy normally, and wore only mascara that was half used and over a year old and bright gloss. She sighed, she was nowhere as beautiful as the women she had seen him with. Then she remembered the dressing room and being held in his arms this morning. It didn’t matter if she knew she wasn’t as beautiful as those women, Dmitri thought she was beautiful, and he wanted her.

  That knowledge stiffened her spine, as she got ready.

  Stepping out of her room, she saw him leaning against the arm of the couch and he took her breath away. It struck her that even though she had seen him in suit after suit and he always looked gorgeous in them, for some reason the black suit with the snow white shirt and plain black tie was something he hadn’t worn before, and it fit him to perfection. His hair was ruffled, she knew he ran his hands through his hair when he was on edge. A little smile tugged at her lips to know she had put him on edge.

  “I knew the moment I saw you in that dress that I should have said no to it. You are far too sexy in it, and it clings to your sweet curves like my hands long to. Yet, I saw you glowing in it with happiness, and I couldn’t tell you no. Now I am paying the price, you are so sexy and beautiful you take my breath away. I will have to suffer as other men look at you, and seethe with desire and jealousy. You owe me a kiss for this torture you are going to put me through.”

  She went to him, her hands against his chest she ran them up over him and it made her melt to feel him tremble beneath her touch. Her hands were around his neck and she brought him down to her lips. He took over from there and her head swam with the intensity of his kiss, hungry, he ravaged until she was shaking. He felt her reaction and ended the kiss with light fluttering touches against her mouth and along her cheek.

  “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have touched you, feeling the way I do right now. Forgive me, sweetheart?”

  She could only nod, speech wasn’t something she was capable of just yet.

  “Thank you, come along. We don’t want to be late.” He guided her from the room with a gentle touch at her back.

  Dinner was a restaurant she had read about but never thought she would sit in. They were in the Hancock building, and she was grateful she wasn’t afraid of heights, because the views would have had her running for the door. He laughed when she admitted to him what she was thinking. Over the next few hours, he was at his most charming and she was captured in his spell. She told him about her one, lone trip overseas to meet with their distributor, and they had traded favorite scenery of the city. She was embarrassed to admit that one trip was the only time she had been outside of Alexandria. He promised her that it wouldn’t be the last time. Elise was able to draw out of him how much he enjoyed the city and it’s slower pace and the fact that the people in Chicago were so much nicer than New Yorkers. He enjoyed being near his brother, between them both having hectic schedules it wasn’t often they could enjoy time together.

  She was grateful to hear him speak again of Sonia without a trace of longing. A tiny spot of jealousy had remained after he called her his best friend. He admitted he couldn’t think of her as anything other than a friend, and seemed genuinely happy that she had met and fallen in love with a lawyer who had worked within their firm, but had struck out on his own.

  It was late when they got back to the hotel, and Elise couldn’t help but get tense at how he would end the night. When he dropped a soft kiss on her forehead and went into his room, she felt relieved yet also very sad.

  The next morning
she was up early and wasn’t surprised she was dragging a bit, she hadn’t gotten much sleep last night. With a sigh, she knew it was because she wanted Dmitri there with her. Even though she knew she was asking for heartbreak she couldn’t take the longing anymore. Today, if Dmitri didn’t instigate it, then she would just have to tell him she was ready and pray her voice didn’t tremble when she said it.

  Dressing quickly, she picked out a black skirt from one of the many work skirts and a pale blue silk blouse. Her hands fluttered with apprehension over the underwear in the drawer. They were all so pretty, all romantic, not a single pair of panties or bra were plain or boring. There were a few thongs but she didn’t feel brave enough for them yet, and with a sigh she picked out a dreamy sheer white bra and the matching panties.

  Dmitri was already at the desk, his hands flying across the keyboard and she had a moment to watch him, and revel in looking at him. He must have felt her gaze on him because he looked up at her and smiled in welcome.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart, I was up early and have already had breakfast. Would you like me to have something sent up?”

  “It’s okay, I’ll order. Would you like more coffee?” At his nod she placed her order and made her way to her seat, he shook his head. Without a word, she knew what he wanted.

  Moving to him, she leaned down and offered him her mouth. His kiss was soft and welcoming and she sighed into his mouth as he ended it. She sat down content and happy. Pulling the clip from the contract she needed to translate, she began to read through it and pulled up a new word document to begin work.

  An email came through and as she read it, happiness filled her so much she thought she would burst from it. “Dmitri! When were you going to tell me?”

  He looked up and the happiness that shone from her told him what she was talking about. “Not until the deal was done. No deal is done until it’s signed on the dotted line. I take it that’s the signed deal?”


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