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His Hostile Takeover

Page 6

by Fiona Murphy

  “Yes, these terms are amazing. How did you get them to agree to these? I had gone to them twice to look at a partnership, and my terms were nowhere as bad as these. The first time they listened and turned me down flat, the second time they weren’t even open to discussion. I was so sure, since they were our main distributor, they would accept.”

  “They knew you were on the ropes, my sweet. They thought to pick you up for a song when you failed. But don’t worry, as you can see, I made them pay for their greed. Only ten percent of your workforce was cut, and those were mainly support and they were provided with a six weeks’ severance. Three men in the factory accepted nice retirement packages, but other than that, no more loss of staff, agreed upon for the next ten years.”

  Tears slid down her cheeks and he sighed, stood, and pulled her into his arms. “It makes me crazy to see your tears. Please don’t cry.”

  “I’m sorry, I’m just so happy. I know you did this for me and you didn’t have to, thank you.”

  “Not have to? Of course, I had to. I know the future of the company still hung heavily on you. The way you devoured every piece of paper about the company that crossed your desk made it clear, which was why we pounded it out by email.”

  “I just felt like such a failure, all those people depending on me and I couldn’t keep it going.”

  “Don’t you dare talk like that. I’ve already told you before, and I meant it, you were the only thing keeping that company going for the last two years. I know every hard decision you made, and I wouldn’t have done it any differently than you did. Sometimes, things are too far gone to be saved. No more tears, smile for me and a kiss for a reward?”

  She smiled, at his request and happily gave him both.

  They had lunch in the room and worked through it. She was annoyed that she had managed to get her blouse dirty with pasta sauce and rushed to splash it with cold water. Distress filled her as the stain wasn’t moving and she took off the blouse and used the hand soap to help clean it. A moan of anxiety escaped her, it wouldn’t come out.

  “Elise, sweetheart, it isn’t a big deal. I’m sure the laundry service knows how to deal with the stain, and if not it’s just a blouse.” He was leaning against the door to the bathroom, not trusting himself to get closer to her. Her bra was sensual in its simplicity, white and sheer with just a touch of lace at the scalloped edges. Only her distress was keeping his cock from getting so hard he wouldn’t be able to walk.

  His casual dismissal of the waste of the blouse reminded her of just how different they were, and it stung. “Dmitri, this blouse cost almost what I made in a week. It will take me a few months to pay you back for everything you bought me, but the clothes are also well made enough that they will last just as long. I’m just not able to throw it in the trash and shrug it off.”

  Standing straighter at her words, he frowned. “You are not going to pay me back for the clothes. Those were a necessary part of the job. Just as the phone and the laptop I’ve bought you.”

  Elise finally remembered she was only in her bra and for a moment she blushed, but her anger at his order was enough to keep her from running for cover. “So, the woman I replaced, did you have to buy her new clothes? Yes, most of the clothes were work related and I can admit the clothes you bought, compared to the ones I had, were better. That makes it all that much more necessary to pay you back for them.”

  “It isn’t happening, Elise. I don’t need the money; it was a pittance to me. Put it down to a perk of the job.”

  “More like a perk of being your next bed warmer. Yes, some of the clothes were necessary, but it also felt like I was a new toy being dressed for your pleasure.” She knew she was pushing it, and even as she said the words, she regretted them. Yet, it had been bothering her, more than she would like to admit. Him buying her the clothes, so she would be up to his usual beautifully dressed standard for a lover.

  Anger flared within him until he saw the shadow of doubt in her eyes. It was hard, so very hard, but he reined in the anger and sighed. “Elise, tell me what this is really about, because I don’t think it’s about the clothes.”

  “I wasn’t good enough to be seen with you as your lover without them. That’s why you bought them.” She whispered the words, and was ashamed of them.

  Shock punched him in the gut, and Dmitri was so at a loss for words he did the only thing he could, he walked away. How she could believe what she said, he had no idea. The only way he could think of to prove her wrong was to take her to bed and he still wasn’t sure she was ready for that. This agony he was suffering for the need for her body was his penance for taking a virgin he had no intention of keeping.

  Frightened that she was right, and Dmitri was avoiding the answer to her statement, her hands shook as she tossed what was likely a ruined blouse into the hamper and pulled out a clean one. It took what felt like forever to do up the buttons; she was still shaking so badly. Leaving her room, she found him on the couch his head in his hands and his posture looked defeated. Knowing she had done that to him, could do that to him, had Elise in tears.

  She swallowed her pride. It didn’t matter if she hadn’t been good enough without the clothes. Facing the facts head on, her clothes had been horrible. Had she been photographed with him, she would have been mortified to know others would have inevitably compared her to his past lovers, and she would have come up sadly short.

  “I’m sorry, never mind what I said. It doesn’t matter.” Sinking onto the couch beside him, she hugged him.

  “Don’t say you’re sorry, and don’t apologize to me for what you are feeling. Please don’t cry. I can’t stand to see your tears. I should have known when I broke my rules for you I would pay for it. Your appeal to me had nothing to do with or without the clothes. I wanted you from the beginning. In the past, I’ve bought women clothes because it made them happy. This time, yes, I did it for my pleasure because you have such a beautiful body that was just being hidden or squashed behind your clothes.” He sighed and she put a finger to his lips.

  His words soothed her and told her what she needed to know. She kissed his cheek. “I shouldn’t have said that to you, because it was just me being scared and using that to keep you at bay. I can see what I wore before, as it was. I can admit, without the new clothes I would have felt inadequate at your side. That’s what scares me a little, if you hadn’t come right out and told me you were attracted to me, I would never have even dreamed of us being together. You are so out of my reach it would have seemed like I was reaching for the moon. I am sorry and you deserve the apology. You have done nothing to deserve me hitting out at you to keep you away, when I want you just as badly as you want me.

  When I woke up this morning, I thought I was ready, but I think I chickened out, and that argument was a way of pumping the brakes.”

  Relief flooded through him so quickly it took his breath away. Catching her small hand in his, he kissed the finger across his lips and then pressed his lips against her palm. Feeling her shake at his touch made him so hard he ached, and even though he knew he shouldn’t, he pulled her into his arms. She sank into him and his senses were flooded with the scent of her wet heat. His need to know the taste of her was fierce, and it shamed him that his touch was hungry instead of gentle, as he felt it should be. He cupped her heat and she gasped and moaned his name. Then she rocked her hips against him. It was all the encouragement he needed. It thrilled him, the wetness of her panties along the seam of her lips, and the pooling beneath her. Her mouth found his as his tongue swept into her mouth his fingers slipped beneath her panties and slid along the seam of her, and her body quaked against him.

  Feeling her juices multiply at his touch made his head swim. His little virgin was almost ready for him. Almost, but not quite yet, he allowed only a single finger to slide inside her. She was so wet she was practically dripping for him, and it made his cock so hard he was afraid he’d lose control. Elise moaned his name and he fought for control, to remember her pleasure was w
hat he needed to focus on. Later, when he had shown her all that she would enjoy, and she became comfortable in his bed, he would reap the rewards. But if he scared her, he could damage her fragile outlook on sex and love, and the thought of doing that to her terrified him.

  “You told me you touched yourself while you thought of me the other night. Have you touched yourself again, my sweet?” He pushed into her tight channel and found the evidence of her virginity still intact. Knowing the first time he entered her would bring her pain caused him to soften almost immediately.

  With a blush, she nodded, kissed his neck, and then her tongue played along his skin. “Now that I know what you look like the thought of you inside me was a little scary, but I still want you so badly. Dmitri, oh—”

  Whatever she was going to say was lost in a gasp as his finger found the tight bundle of nerves and toyed with it lightly. Her head went back and he loved watching the play of emotions across her face. He needed to put them both out of their misery. Caressing the sweet little nub with gradual pressure, she came apart in his arms with a high-pitched cry of his name. Pulling her tighter against him, he held her while she trembled. With a sigh, he removed his fingers from beneath her panties, but he allowed himself to taste her as he sucked his finger in deeply with enjoyment. She was sweet, so very sweet, was all he could think as his tongue tasted her.

  “Dmitri, I was ashamed of how wet I get for you, but watching you do that, makes me wetter than before.”

  “Do not be ashamed at your sexual desires, be they for me or anything else that arouses you. Sex is a need that is just as important as the need for food or air. There should be no shame in what we do or feel. I love how wet you are for me. It shows me in ways you don’t yet feel comfortable sharing, how much you want me. You also taste so good to me that I’m looking forward to bringing you to climax with just my tongue in your sweet pussy.”

  His words once again shocked her and she pulled him down to her to kiss him silent because, dear lord, she just didn’t think she could take anymore. For the first time she was demanding. Dmitri allowed her tongue to roam within his mouth, tasting and stroking until they were both breathless.

  Dmitri pulled away, rested his forehead against hers, and answered the phone she hadn’t heard ringing. “What?” He bit out the word.

  She could hear Drew sounding insistent and Dmitri was tense against her. “Buy the damned stock and have the plane ready to go by nine tonight. No, Elise will remain in Chicago. Since this will be complete before I even get there, there won’t be a need. Hopper will fold easily.”

  Elise stiffened at the thought of remaining behind and pushed off him. Dmitri gave her a look but allowed it, and went to the desk set up as he agreed with whatever Drew was saying. Ending the call, he tossed the phone on the table and brought up his laptop.

  “Get me the notes on Hopper.” He ordered as he scanned his email.


  She had his attention now. “What did you say?”

  “I said, no. Not until you tell me why I’m not going with you, and it had better be a good reason.”

  He stiffened and glared, “There’s no need. Hopper’s son-in-law has given us the ‘in’ we need. Tomorrow is only to wrap it up for him.”

  “Not a good reason.”

  “It’s a good enough reason if I say it is.” He tensed as she shook her head and went toward her.

  “No, Dmitri, you won’t kiss me into compliance. If you leave here without me, I won’t be here when you get back.” His eyes flashed, and for the first time Elise was afraid of Dmitri.

  His hands went around both her arms in an unforgiving grip, and pulled her tightly against him. “Know this, you aren’t going anywhere. You belong to me. You run and there is nowhere you will be able to hide from me. Do you understand me?” He shook her once and she nodded, anything to appease him.

  “You are staying in Chicago and I’ll be back by tomorrow night. Now get me the Hopper notes.” He let her go and sighed as he turned away.

  She nodded and retrieved them. She was extremely quiet the rest of the night, and after picking at dinner, she gave him her cheek as he went to kiss her goodbye. He wasn’t having it and kissed her until she swayed in his arms.

  Closing the door behind him, she leaned against the cool wood. She allowed herself a few deep breaths before she made her way to her room and began to pack. It didn’t take long. She was leaving behind the beautiful clothes they had fought over only hours ago, and the cell phone he had bought her. Changing into her own jeans and tee shirt, she almost immediately hated the clothes she wore. Only twenty minutes after she had closed the door on Dmitri, she left the room herself.

  The bustling airport had a plane leaving in two hours, and it would get her close enough she could then take a train into Alexandria. As she waited, she told herself she was doing the right thing. But when she boarded the plane, she burst into tears at what she had done. Closing her eyes, she told herself, she could get through this. How could it hurt so badly, if it was over before it had even really begun?

  Dmitri wasn’t surprised to be told that Elise had left the hotel and was on a flight to Maryland. He was angry, but not surprised. He had seriously screwed up, he should have given in to her and brought her. It was jealousy, pure and simple, that had made him leave her behind.

  He had seen Wyatt Hopper eying Elise since the first meeting. The last time, the man had lingered over her hand and smiled at her. Dmitri had wanted to put his fist in the man’s gut then. The only thing stopping him had been that Elise was completely unaware. To take Elise back to Miami now, her beauty unhidden, her curves lovingly displayed, wasn’t an option. Hopper would make some sort of move and Dmitri would make the man bleed for it. He couldn’t allow that. He had to remain in control. Even now, everything in him wanted to order the car back to the airport and to go after Elise but he wouldn’t allow it. He would wrap up the Hopper acquisition and tear the company apart piece by piece, with satisfaction.

  Despite what Elise might think, she wasn’t getting away from him. He would go after her and he would find her and he would make her pay for walking away. She would never walk away from him again. He would make it so wild fucking horses couldn’t drag her away from him.

  Chapter Five

  The doorbell rang and caused Elise to jump. Making her way to the front door, she peeked through the window to see Pam waiting. She didn’t know if she was relieved or sad, it had been three days since she walked away from Dmitri. Opening the door, she faked a smile and moved aside for Pam to come in. She was hiding in Jasper’s house, she hadn’t thought it safe to go home to the apartment she shared with Pam. Greg had no idea she was here, Elise had found out he was staying with a very rich banker’s daughter.

  “Hey, thank you so much for bringing my stuff with you. I just think it’s safer to stay here for now.”

  “Of course, don’t thank me. I brought us some pizza, you can thank me for that. I also need to talk to you about something.”

  Elise took the pizza box as Pam set down the suitcase and took off her jacket. A frisson of fear went up her spine, she hadn’t seen Pam looking so serious in years. “What’s the matter?”

  “It’s me. I’m the matter and I just want to say I’m sorry. The past few days made me see what a brat and drain on you I’ve been for years. You let me, but it wasn’t fair to either of us. I just want you to know that I’m going to do better from here on out. It kills me, you get back crying your eyes out over Dmitri, and while you’re crying, you’re worried about rent and me having a job. Don’t worry about the rent, I’m going to take care of it. I got a job, a good one, it has benefits and everything. I promise you, I won’t get fired.

  I also have a horrible confession to make. Two years ago at your company Christmas party, I had sex with Greg. I could say I was drunk and stupid, but I wasn’t drunk enough that I didn’t know what I was doing. It was a horrible thing for me to do, knowing how you felt about him. I deserve it if you
don’t want anything to do with me.”

  Elise picked out a few pieces of the pizza and sat at the breakfast table. “I’m glad to hear that Pam, I really am. Please don’t feel bad, like you said, I let you do it. And I know about you and Greg. I saw you, and it didn’t bother me then, and it doesn’t bother me now.”

  Pam was stunned. “You knew?”

  “Yes, and it didn’t bother me because it wasn’t Greg that I loved. Sure, I was sixteen and for maybe a year the crush was real, but after my great-aunt died, it became less about Greg and more about protection. Greg has never cared about anyone but himself. If Greg had ever turned to me with love in his eyes I would have run in the other direction. Losing my mom and Bernice so soon after one another, it made me want to stay safe from loving someone and then losing them again.

  It’s taken the last few days being here in this house, desperate to figure out where I’m going, to realize I can’t move forward without figuring out how I came to be here. Saying I was in love with Greg was a way of keeping other men at bay, keeping myself away from anyone who might get close.”

  Pam ignored the pizza and sat down across from Elise, “I am so relieved to hear that. I feel awful about what I did. There’s just one thing I have to ask you, if you figured that out, what are you doing here? Why haven’t you gone back to Dmitri? Don’t look at me like that, I know you. You wouldn’t have figured out all of that if you hadn’t also figured out you’re in love with Dmitri.”

  “Loving Dmitri doesn’t make everything okay. I’m more terrified now than I was before. I love him, how and when it happened, I have no idea, but it did. Dmitri isn’t an easy man to love; he’s demanding, controlling, ruthless, and manipulative. He’s going to run rings around me without even working at it. He’s all of those things, but he’s never used them against me. Even when it would have been so easy, I wouldn’t have known it for what it was. That gives me hope about us, but I’m not sure if it’s because he’s being careful because I’m a virgin or if he cares enough to make this last.


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