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His Hostile Takeover

Page 7

by Fiona Murphy

  How long will we last? Despite my fear about that, I’m willing to hang in until he tells me to go. You were right, I need to enjoy what we have, and when the time comes... I would rather have the memory of us than nothing at all. When he comes, I’ll go with him. Right now, he has to learn that he can’t order me around. If I give in too quickly, too easily, he’ll run over me for the rest of our time together.”

  “Wow! It sounds like you’re going to have your hands full with him. Are you sure being with him is a good idea? Have you really thought it through, are you sure it’s love?”

  “I’ve given it way too much thought, loving Dmitri won’t be easy, but in the end it will be worth it. Being without him isn’t really an option, it’s been three days, and every hour has felt like an eternity. Standing up to him won’t be easy, but Dmitri cares enough about me that he’ll give me what I ask for. His not manipulating me when he could have tells me that. The problem is he’s not crazy about me not bending to his every whim. I’ll just have to make sure I give him what he needs to be happy so that giving me what I need won’t be so hard for him.”

  “Wow, look at us, being grown-ups is a lot harder than it seemed when we were in our teens, isn’t it?”

  “Way harder, come on help me eat this.”

  Several hours later, Elise walked Pam out the door and gave her a hug goodbye. Turning around, she was almost back to the kitchen to clean up their mess when the doorbell rang. Assuming it was Pam having forgotten something, she didn’t check before she opened the door. Dmitri took advantage of her surprise. His hand flat against the door, he pushed it open and stepped inside. Elise stumbled back and clung to the edge of the door to keep upright. It had only been three days since she saw him, but it felt like three months. Being so close to him set off every one of her senses and her body clenched with need.

  “You have five minutes to get your things together or whatever isn’t packed stays here.” He looked at his watch. “Your time starts now.”

  His insolent order gave her the strength to stand up straight and look him in the eye. “No. Not unless we get things settled. If you give me the right answers okay but if not you leave and you can forget we ever met.”

  He turned and closed the door very softly, she had no warning. Dmitri turned and in a lighting motion had her against the wall of the foyer. Her feet didn’t touch the floor. His body held her up, a hand was wrapped around her throat in a grip that had her heart thumping painfully in her ears. She had gone too far in her bluff, she knew that now, and regretted it immediately.

  “Forget we ever met? The very words make want to be violent. I want to beat you for saying them. I want to make it so that if you ever think about saying such words again you will bite your tongue until it bleeds.” His thumb caressed the throbbing pulse in the hollow of her neck. “You have pushed me beyond my own limits.”

  “I’m sorry, Dmitri. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean it, it was a stupid bluff.” She whispered, her heart in her eyes.

  Dmitri closed his eyes and fought for control. He felt her body soften against him, accepting him and he lost it. His hand slipped from her neck to the back of her head to draw her up to him. His lips found hers and all of the fear and anger that had been building inside him over the last three days came out. She answered him stroke for hungry stroke, she met him in need and it was the only thing that soothed him. Her passion matched his, her need was his need and she was his. He had to be inside her now.

  Lifting his lips from hers, he breathed the question into her mouth, “Where’s your bedroom?”

  Gasping for air, she could only point, and he tugged her after him, undoing his tie and shirt as he went. Now that they were in the bedroom, Elise’s fears began to stir again. Early afternoon light streamed into the room, she would be naked and there would be no shadows to hide in. Then she saw his bare chest and her thoughts of her own body vanished. He was so beautiful, ridges of muscle and sinew moved as he stepped out of his pants and then he pushed his briefs down and she froze in anticipation and fear. She remembered how hard and thick he felt in her mouth, would she really be able to take him into her body without pain?

  “Elise, come here.” The words were spoken lightly, but it was a command and she moved toward him willingly. Hot, wet need flooded her body.

  His hands were at her hips as he brought her even closer. Only inches separated them now. Slowly his hands moved up her body, taking the edge of the loose tee shirt with them. Sucking air in, Elise trembled as he brushed the sides of her breasts. Her arms went up as he pulled the shirt off completely. His hands again traveled down the length of her arms, back down to her breasts. Embarrassed at being back in her ill-fitting bra Elise wanted to look away but she couldn’t. A finger caressed the flesh above the Lycra, then down to her painfully hard nipples. She needed more, and moaned his name pleadingly. Reaching around her, he undid the catch with a single movement. With light sweeping touches, he moved the straps and followed the fabric down her arms and off completely.

  When at last she was bare to him, he stilled and only stared at her breasts, tight, heavy, and aching for his touch. The quiet began to fill her with fear, why wasn’t he touching her, did he not like what he saw? Her hands went up to cover herself from his gaze, but he was quick and caught her wrists in his.

  “They are the color of your sweet, soft lips. You are better than my dreams, more glorious than my fantasies.” Bending down, he kissed her lightly on her lips and then moved down her body and gave the same light kiss to each puckered nipple. She swayed and he caught her at her hips. His hands moved to the catch of her jeans and undid them, slowly, the zipper came down. He pulled and the loose jeans slid to the floor. Plain white panties were her last cover and his fingers found her wet heat through them. As he had that day on the street, he caressed her along the wet trail of her need. She was trembling and begged him to touch her properly. Her plea set him in motion and he picked her up as if she weighed nothing and laid her down on the bed reverently.

  Pulling her panties down, he lightly ran his hands over her legs until they were off her. It seemed perfectly natural to open her legs wide for his attention, where she ached so badly for him. No longer was she ashamed or embarrassed of her body, or her need for Dmitri, and it was his complete and utter appreciation of her body that caused the shame to fall away. Something this good, that felt so right, was all that mattered. There was no room for shame or doubt, just the enjoyment of the moment and feeling.

  Following her down, his heat just inches from her, Elise gave in to her need to touch him. His skin was silky soft and hot beneath her fingers. He shuddered at her touch and a thrill went through her, knowing that she had the power to make him tremble in the same way he did to her. She became braver then, and grasped him around the base of his proud cock. He hissed her name and went up on his knees. Seeing him fight for control was enthralling, he found it, and his eyes opened and found her.

  His hands went around each wrist, tender but firm. He lifted her away from him and Elise moaned her disappointment. Her hands were above her head, held in one large hand, and he kissed her hotly, wetly, and deeply. His tongue mimicked what she was waiting for and her need flared. She caught his tongue and sucked hard and deep. He growled low in his chest and ended the kiss.

  Burning hot, his mouth traveled along her jaw to her ear, sucking the soft skin into his mouth. “I know what you want sweetheart, and I will give it to you, but you have to be patient. I want to make this good for you, and it won’t be if you make me lose control. Next time, my love, next time, but not this time.”

  Slowly, so slowly, Elise believed she would burn out of control, his mouth kissed and caressed down her neck, and then finally down to her breasts. Licking the tight nipple, swirling his tongue around the pouting bud, brought a keening cry from her throat, but when he took it inside his mouth and sucked gently until the edge of pain, she screamed his name. He allowed her breast to fall from his mouth and then he began the same treatm
ent to her other breast.

  Her hips bucked up to him, seeking his attention, his touch, his cock. She fought against his hold, longing, needing to touch him, but he only tightened his grip. His other hand caressed down from her belly to the center of her need for him. His thick fingers traced the wet lips of her pussy, needing more, she opened her legs wider and her hips moved up, begging for his touch inside. Then it happened, one of his thick fingers slipped inside and she shuddered.

  “Yes, you are wet enough to take me. There will be pain I can’t prevent, but it won’t be for long and I swear I’ll make it up to you.”

  “I’m in pain already Dmitri, I need you inside me.”

  “Not just yet.” He kissed her and then moved down her body. The taste of her had haunted him for three long days, and he had to feast on her or he would go mad. He let go of her wrists and her hands went into his hair. His tongue stroked her along the lips of her pussy as his fingers had, and his hands moved to her hips, holding her in place. He began at the bottom, where her desire pooled.

  Elise thought she was going to die from the pleasure of his tongue inside her. Her head went back and she sobbed his name. Her body began to tremble under the strokes of his tongue. He found the swollen tight bud of nerves and licked lightly, and then sucked it into his mouth.

  She broke apart then, into millions of tiny pieces. Dimly, she was aware of him moving above her but she was lost until she felt the blunt, swollen length of him move along her opening. The pressure of his entry brought her back down and her body welcomed him right up until the moment he breached her membrane. The pain sobered her and her body tensed against him, but he didn’t stop until he was deep inside her, and they were skin to skin. Once he was inside, he didn’t move. He was so large he filled her completely. His possession was almost overwhelming, the feeling of being stretched, of being molded to his body aroused her further. Her body welcomed him, softened to accept him farther, her body was made for him. Elise opened her eyes to see him above her, his face as if hewn from rock. She stroked his cheek and he opened his eyes, what she saw there caused her heart to expand.

  Her hands pulled him down to her lips and she kissed him, all the love she had never thought she could feel welled up inside her. She tasted herself on his tongue but she didn’t care. Her hands roamed down his back, and the play of muscles below her hands spurred her on. She moved then, her legs wrapping around his hips to take him in deeper. They both moaned as it caused him to move inside her. He tore his mouth away and his head went back. “I want more, Dmitri, I want all of you.”

  Her muscles gripped him from inside, and he began to move then and her breathing became ragged. His movements were slow and steady, but all too quickly, it wasn’t enough for Elise. Begging for more, she became frantic and clawed at his back. He sank into her and didn’t move. His head came up, his eyes were the color of molten gold and clashed with hers. His kiss was enticingly, achingly sweet, and she gripped him again within her body. He began to move then, his strokes faster, sharper, rougher, and Elise felt the storm build inside her. He urged her to let go, and she did and flew right off the edge of the world. He shouted her name and she felt satisfaction as he spilled into her.

  It felt like a long time passed before he eased off and rolled onto his back, pulling her into her arms. “How are you feeling?”

  She laughed, she couldn’t help it. Resting her hand on his chest, she laid her chin on her hand and looked up at him with a smile. “You cannot be serious. I feel amazing. I think you’re hunting for a compliment. You deserve it. Thank you for making it better than anything I could ever have imagined.” His cheeks tinged in red and she laughed again.

  He growled and flipped her onto her back. He came down on her and pushed her into the mattress, and she loved it. Her hands went behind his head and she welcomed his kiss. “I just wanted to make sure. Women have a way of saying things are fine when they are anything but. I don’t want you doing that.”

  “Dmitri, that wasn’t fine, that was spectacular.” Her hand ran down his chest and her hips came up to meet his. She was rewarded with the feeling of his cock stirring against her.

  He groaned and pulled away from her. “Elise, we can’t. Sweetheart, be reasonable, your body needs time to heal.”

  “I’m fine, please, I want you.” Her pussy clenched with need and then she felt it, an ache that bordered just this side of pain. It stopped her cold and he saw the look flash across her face.

  “What is it?” He sat up and pulled her with him.

  Embarrassed, she tried to hide her face in his chest but he wouldn’t allow it. “I guess you’re right. I ache.”

  Tucking her into him, his hands rubbed her back. “It will pass, we’ll just give it a bit of time and then there will be no more pain.”

  “How long will we have to wait? Waiting, Dmitri, isn’t in the least bit appealing.” She complained as she rubbed her cheek against his chest.

  “A day or two, and if it’s what you need, then we’ll do it. Waiting hasn’t come easily for me either. When the hotel called me and told me you had checked out, it sure as hell didn’t come as good news.” His tone was light but she heard the steel in his voice and she sighed. Because he had just reminded her that she was still angry with him.

  She pushed away from him and rolled away before he could catch her. She began looking for her clothes, she couldn’t do this naked: they would never resolve it. Grabbing her shirt she pulled it on and it was as far as she got before his hands were on her. “No, damn it, Dmitri, please put some clothes on. I’m still angry with you and sex isn’t going to resolve this.”

  He ignored her order, but went still at her last remark. His hand on her arm swung her around to him. “You are angry with me?”

  “Yes! Don’t you take that tone with me, Dmitri. I warned you about leaving me there and you refused to discuss it. You made a proclamation, and expected me to bow to it. That isn’t going to fly if we keep going.” She swiped at her hair as she stared at him. It was so hard to remain angry when he was so close and so very naked.

  “If... we keep going? Don’t throw that word around, because it isn’t a fucking option. You got that? You belong to me.”

  His words sent a thrill through her, his words gave her hope. Hope that this wasn’t just about sex, there could be more on his side than he was letting on. Knowing she was pushing her luck she shook her head, “I belong to no one.”

  “Bullshit! You are mine!” His hand moved into the tangle of her hair and his grip wasn’t kind as he pulled her back to meet his hard gaze. “Say it, damn it. Say ‘I belong to Dmitri.’ Don’t push me, Elise.”

  His words set her body on fire all over again and again she was wet with need. “I belong to Dmitri.” It was a breathy whisper that escaped her.

  Her shirt was gone and his mouth was hot on her breast. He sucked her nipple deeply into his mouth and his hand moved to her aching heat. He found the nub of pleasure and caressed her until she came apart in his arms.

  When Elise came back into her body, she sighed, it wasn’t fair, he touched her and she went up in flames. Who was she kidding? He didn’t even have to touch her. She considered leaving the matter until later, but knew it couldn’t wait. Now that she knew what he wanted from her, she needed to know just where she stood in his life, before she left with him. She was splayed over his chest, he was lost in thought, one hand played in her hair, and the other was above his head. She pushed up to straddle his body and she immediately had his attention. His eyes were bright with heat and suspicion.

  “Tell me why you left me in Chicago.” He swore, and shook his head as she inched farther down his body until she could feel his cock begin to stir against her. “Tell me, Dmitri.”

  “Fuck. Fine. I didn’t want Wyatt Hopper anywhere near you. He was eying you at the last meeting. If he was looking at you then, he would have made a move—with your beauty on show and not hidden as it had been before. I had the deal all but closed. I couldn’t fuck
it up by beating the shit out of the man for coming on to you.” His hands went to her hips to keep her from moving.

  Elise was stunned, she hadn’t been expecting his response. “Dmitri, that’s crazy. Wyatt Hopper wasn’t attracted to me, he’s gay.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “He’s gay, only close family know, but he’s been living with a man since his marriage broke up six years ago. One of the secretaries sniffed about how proud she was of her boss for giving to charities for gay causes. I did some digging and found out.”

  “Elise, the man must have looked at you half a dozen times at that last meeting. I’m not crazy.”

  “Well, when I was checking into him, I did see a picture of his daughter and we look a lot alike, without the glasses and bad clothes.”


  “Dmitri, I don’t want to stay hidden every time you think someone is looking at me. I didn’t notice Hopper staring at me and I don’t care. All I care about is you. How am I supposed to do my job like that? You hired me to be your assistant, go where you go and be by your side while you work. How can I do that locked in an office?” He tensed beneath her and something flashed across his face, and it all clicked into place. “Dmitri, why did you hire me?”

  “Because you are extremely intelligent, your efficiency in languages, and the fact I would have to be an idiot not to.”

  His jaw locked and she knew she had asked the wrong question. She leaned down, planting her hands flat on his chest.

  “Dmitri, why did you hire me as your PA?”

  His jaw worked and she didn’t realize she had been holding her breath until he yanked her down to him and kissed her until the room spun around her. He didn’t stop until she was limp and boneless, sinking into his heat. He lifted her away, only inches separating them, his breath tangling with hers as he spoke, “Fine, I admit it. I took one look at you, and wanted you underneath me. I would do anything to make that happen. So, instead of sending you on to New York, as planned, to learn the basics and find a place for you there, I sent back the PA who really wasn’t up to standards. She had remained on the plane for that meeting with her third migraine of the week. I’m not sorry for it.”


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