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Erotic Short Stories 2

Page 5

by Lynn Hagen

  We hit Cherry Pit first, because I wanted Michael to loosen up with a few drinks and let the college boys hit on him. There was nothing wrong with an ego boost, and Michael sorely needed one.

  We’d just ordered our drinks—Michael a Blue Smurf and an ice water for me—when some lean guy dressed in slacks and a button-down shirt smiled at Michael. He had amazing green eyes and a head full of dirty-blond hair. I was so jealous.

  I ignored the stranger’s smooth-talk and Michael’s blundering replies as I looked around for any prospects. Although I’d had nothing but Richard on my mind for a month, I wasn’t going to fool myself into thinking I had any kind of chance with him.

  Even if Snob turned out to be gay or bi, he was way out of my league. Sonny and Derek had gotten lucky with rich men, but that wasn’t really my thing, and I wasn’t that damn lucky, either.

  Then I spotted him across the room. Snob. No, Richard. I needed to stop thinking of him that way. He’d been a bit arrogant that night, but I’d been a lot of drunk, too.

  Richard was sitting at a tall table with high-back chairs. He was talking with someone I couldn’t see because Cherry Pit was so crowded. I moved to my right, keeping Michael in my sights in case he needed rescuing.

  My jaw dropped when I saw Jason. He wore his twink status like a badge, and he was smiling at Richard like a cat trying to trap a mouse. I’d known Jason for quite some years, and the guy was charming, funny, and flirty. If he was trying to seal the deal with Richard, Snob didn’t stand a chance.

  And why was I so fucking jealous? I didn’t know Richard, had no right to go over there and smack Jason out of his chair. Richard was free to see or fuck whomever he wanted.

  So why were my feet moving forward, turning sideways to get to Richard as I left Michael at the bar? I looked over my shoulder, trying to spot my best friend and saw him blushing profusely. The dude in the slacks was still talking to him, whispering something into Michael’s ear as Michael took a sip from his drink.

  I now regretted not getting a drink myself as I neared Richard’s table. Snob smiled at Jason, said something I couldn’t hear, and Jason laughed.

  More like giggled.

  Was Richard gay? He was definitely sitting in a hot gay bar. If he was, was he into twinks? That wasn’t who I was. I was a little on the plump side, not lean and fit. That turned a lot of the college guys off. It seemed everyone wanted a skinny twink these days.

  I stopped moving forward, unsure of what I was doing. What was I doing? Yeah, my fantasy was ten feet from me. But if he’d really been interested, all he had to do was tell his friend Edward. Sonny’s new boo. Sonny would’ve given me the message.

  But Richard had made no such attempt. I felt foolish trying to insert myself. Clearly I wasn’t his type.

  I started to turn when our eyes locked. For me, it felt as if everyone in the club faded away. It was just Richard as he turned those steel-gray eyes on me.

  He said something to Jason before he got up and headed my way. I couldn’t breathe. I felt dizzy at his approach. Then I cleared my throat and told myself he was just a guy and to stop acting as though a god was coming toward me.

  The side of Richard’s mouth curled into a smile. This was not the man I’d propositioned a few weeks ago. I didn’t see Snob anywhere. The guy in front of me was full of confidence and had his sights set on me like a predator ready to take down his prey.

  It had been one crazy night weeks ago. The guy had turned me down then. It had been one smoldering look he’d given me. Just a second of weakness he’d given into.

  And I’d been hooked on him since. That made no sense, yet I knew he would be my downfall. Richard would be my undoing. I just knew it as he stopped right in front of me.

  I tried to play it off, as if running into him was a fluke and I hadn’t planned on hunting him down. “Hey, it’s Snob.”

  That smile on the side of his mouth grew. “I was wondering when you’d resurface.”

  That shocked me. “So, you were thinking about me sucking you off, hey?”

  My stomach did a few somersaults as he continued to stare down at me with those steel-gray predatory eyes. “You have no idea about the thoughts that have been running through my head.”

  I was frozen to the spot as he traced the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip. Richard had been thinking of me just like I’d been thinking of him. My cock hardened at that admission.

  “What about Jason?” I crossed my arms, not so much to seem cocky but to shield myself in case he was fucking with me, not really wanting me at all.

  Richard’s nostrils flared, and his eyes became heavy-lidded. “Do I detect a bit of jealousy?”

  “Who me?” I snorted and shook my head. “You wish. I don’t even know you. Why would I be jealous?”

  I was so fucking jealous.

  He leaned in, and I could smell his masculine cologne. It wrapped around my head and made me dizzy with want and need. “You were singing a different tune the last time I saw you. As I recall, you were offering to suck my dick,” he whispered.

  He made the words sound sensual and naughty. “I was drunk as shit,” I whispered back. “You can’t hold that against me.”

  I seriously hoped he held that against me. My mouth watered to taste him, to make Snob moan in pleasure as I took his cock down my throat.

  “Besides, you have Jason to do that for you.” Why did I keep bringing up Jason? I wanted Richard to forget about the twink, not remember he had a hot little twit waiting for him at the table.

  That hadn’t been fair, though. Jason really was a nice guy. The green-eyed monster was just crawling up my back.

  A twinkle crept into Richard’s eyes. “We were discussing office gossip if you must know. He’s one of my employees and a pleasure to be around.” His lips twitched, as though he was fighting a smile. “I don’t screw around with those who work for me, Mitch.”

  Fuck, he remembered my name. I opened my mouth to ask if he wanted to ditch the club, but Michael decided to make an appearance at that moment.

  “I need to get out of here.” He tugged at my arm as he looked over his shoulder. “Please, can we go?”

  I was torn between leaving with Michael and leaving with Richard. I wasn’t an asshole, though. Clearly something was wrong with my best friend and I couldn’t ditch him.

  Richard reached into his pocket and pulled out a business card. He tucked it into my front pocket, brushing his fingers over my hard dick. “Call me.”

  The request hadn’t been said teasingly. There was a hard glint in his eyes, as if he would hunt me down if I didn’t. I nodded then took Michael and pulled him from the club. Before I walked out I looked over my shoulder and saw Richard watching me with lust in his eyes.

  Those fucking eyes.

  * * * *

  Turned out, the guy flirting with Michael had been named Devlin. I wanted to choke the life out of my best friend when he confessed that he’d become overwhelmed and wanted to leave. It hadn’t been an emergency. Michael hadn’t been hit on by some leather daddy or accosted in the bathroom.

  His shy fucking ass had been too chicken to seal any kind of deal with Devlin.

  That had been two days ago. I loved him like a brother, but I was still pissed at him. Then again, I wasn’t. I knew he had a kind soul and was shy. That was just who he was.

  But I wasn’t going to let that ruin my chances with Richard. I looked at his business card in my right hand, my cell phone in my left. Now who was being chicken and shy? I teased a lot, flirted a lot when I was drunk, but in truth, I hadn’t slept with many guys. My clubbing had been all fun and outrageous games, but it was rare when I went home with a guy.

  I’d never brought anyone to my home. This house was my sanctuary, where I came to relax and forget about the world. But Richard did something to my insides, made me want him more than I’d wanted any other man.

  After blowing out a few breaths, I dialed his number and pressed the phone to my ear. As I listened to th
e ring, for a brief second, I considered hanging up.

  “Richard Mayfield.”

  “It’s Mitch.”

  The line was silent for a moment before he spoke. “I didn’t think you would call.”

  I’d almost talked myself out of it and thrown his card into the trash. I’m glad I hadn’t. I loved his deep sultry voice. “And why is that?”

  “Sober, you seem less…extreme and outgoing.” I actually heard the smile in his damn voice. “That’s not a bad thing.”

  “That’s because I’m not…that kind of person when I’m not drinking.” Why in the fuck had I admitted that? It wasn’t as though I cared what he thought about me. But I did care what he thought about me. Why, though?

  I had to admit this was all about sex. Nothing more. So I went for it. “So, can I come by and we can pick up where I left off a month ago?”

  “You don’t have to pretend to be bold, Mitch. I like your shyness and uncertainty. Give me your address.”

  I was about to break the one cardinal rule I had. Never bring a man to my house. Why did I give Richard my address? That was a damn good question. But I did, and he told me he would be there soon.

  I hung up feeling dazed. I looked around and tossed my phone aside, cleaning up the mess I’d made earlier. By the time I’d gotten my house in order and taken a quick shower, my doorbell rang.

  Another couple of deep breaths stopped me from running to the door. I calmed myself and let him in. Richard carried this kind of dominance with him, as though he were larger than life, as if he were certain of himself and always in control.

  I wanted to shatter that control in the worst way.

  He walked in wearing a business suit, which made my dick hard and my heart thump. He looked so damn suave, as though he needed to be in some sort of modeling magazine.

  My hands were clammy as I closed the door behind him and led him to my kitchen. “I have bottled water, some soda, or beer.”

  Richard looked around as he stood at my counter. “You have a cozy home.” He turned his gaze on me. “Water is fine, thank you.”

  My legs felt weak as I went to the fridge and grabbed two bottles, handing him one.

  He tilted his head and studied me. “What is it about you that has me cruising clubs to find you? I’ve never acted that way before.”

  He’d been looking for me? Was that why he’d been at Cherry Pit? “I have no idea.” I chugged half the bottle because my throat had gone bone-dry.

  Richard slowly shook his head. “Since that night at Purple Sunrise, I can’t stop thinking about you. You’ve even invaded my dreams.”

  The same held for me. It was almost as if I’d become obsessed with a man who’d looked at me as though I was below him. “You weren’t exactly nice to me that night.”

  “I do apologize for that,” he said as his jaw tightened a bit. “I’d just been through a bad breakup and took it out on you. For that I’m truly sorry.”

  Why was I standing there having a conversation with him? I didn’t want to get to know Richard. I wanted a night of hot, steamy sex before we parted ways. Getting to know him wasn’t on my agenda. I didn’t want to know about his breakup, although I saw hurt and betrayal in his eyes.

  Sex. Get it started. Leave the talking out of this. “I’m sorry to hear that. How long were you two together?” Why did I care? Why were we still talking?

  With a smile, Richard set his untouched bottle on the counter. “We both know I’m not here to cry on your shoulder. In fact, I didn’t cry when it happened. I was more pissed than anything. But that’s not important.”

  Somehow it was important to me. “Why were you pissed?”

  Richard moved closer and traced my collarbone with his finger. “Because I don’t trust easily and that trust was betrayed. We weren’t together long, but I don’t like being played for a fool.”

  The next question I wanted to ask fled my mind when he cupped my face and kissed me. It was a kiss filled with hunger and need, and I gave in, moving closer as my hands rested on his hips.

  Without losing contact, Richard slid off his suit jacket and tossed it onto the counter. His hands snaked under my shirt and played with my skin. I shuddered as his fingers grazed over my nipples then tweaked them, eliciting a moan from me.

  This was exactly what I needed. Action, not words, but I couldn’t stop thinking about what he’d just said. Richard didn’t trust easily. That shouldn’t have mattered to me as I worked the buttons free on his shirt. I needed to touch, as well, and was thrilled to reveal a muscled upper body.

  A twinge settled in my gut. I really liked Richard and told myself not to fantasize about anything lasting. The Richard standing in my kitchen was so different from Snob. And the way he looked at me? My insides were turning to jelly.

  That wasn’t a good thing.

  I grabbed his hand and pulled him down the hallway to my bedroom. Thank fuck I’d gotten the clothes off the floor and bed before he’d arrived.

  Richard pulled his hand free and stepped up behind me, curling his arms around my waist. I expected him to make a move, grab my ass or try to strip me naked, but he just held me. And I hated to admit it felt nice.

  “Are we just going to stand here and stare at my bedroom?” I chuckled nervously. My dick was hard as granite, and I wanted to feel his in my hand, my mouth, my ass. I wasn’t picky.

  He turned me and stared into my eyes, which made me uncomfortable.

  Then he cupped my face and kissed me slowly, our lips brushing, his thumbs tracing my jaw. My heart swelled at his tenderness while I circled my fingers around his wrists.

  His gray eyes sparked with lust when he pulled away. I started to take my shirt off, but he did it for me, slowly, revealing my decent body for him to view.

  “I know I’m not in shape like you.” I’d never felt the need to explain that I didn’t hit the gym and I ate like shit.

  He shook his head as his eyes ate me up. “There’s no need to make excuses. You’re perfect.”

  That was a damn lie, but I let him get away with it because it boosted my ego.

  My shirt fell to the floor, as did his. Now our upper bodies were exposed, but I was dying to see his cock. I lowered to my knees and slid his fancy shoes off, shoes that shined in my dim room as I set them aside. I peeled his socks off. Jeez, he even had pretty feet.

  And I normally hated feet.

  I reached up and unfastened his slacks as he watched me intensely, the gray in his eyes growing darker. My heart thundered and my cock wept as I peeled the material back to reveal a pair of black boxer briefs that held a huge wet spot.

  Richard wanted me just as badly as I wanted him.

  I mouthed his cock through his underwear, and Richard hissed, sliding his fingers through my hair. This wasn’t straight-up fucking. This was sensual, slow, and I continued to tell myself not to fall for him, to fall for the way he looked at me as though I was more than just a booty call.

  “It won’t bite,” he teased as he slid a finger under my jaw. “You talked all that shit about sucking good cock. Show me you can back up your words.”

  “Asshole. “I grinned and tugged at his underwear and slacks until they pooled at his ankles. Richard stepped out of them, and he was bared naked to me.

  I might not have been with too many men, but with those I’d shared a bed with, I’d perfected cock sucking. I loved feeling the heavy weight in my mouth, the taste of pre-cum, the hard length that fucked my throat, and I was addicted to the taste of cum.

  Richard had a nice-sized cock, long and thick and bent just slightly to the left. I teased the thick vein on the side with the flat of my tongue, eating up the clear liquid leaking from the slit, and listened to Richard hiss out a breath.

  Then I swallowed him all the way down my throat. He balled his hands into fists, tugging at my hair before releasing his grip and massaging my scalp, as though he’d noticed what he was doing and tried to correct it.

  I pulled back. “You don’t have to
be gentle with me. I can take it.”

  His eyes flared with desire, and he gave a short nod. I took his cock back into my mouth, and Richard didn’t hold back. He gripped my hair in a stranglehold as he fucked my mouth, hissing and moaning as his hips shot forward and back.

  And I took it all, the roughness, the pulling of my hair, and the greedy need that filled me up and overflowed through my body.

  Just when I thought he would come, Richard pulled back, closed his eyes, and let out a long breath. “I want to come in your ass.”

  My cock pulsed in my jeans at those words. He let go of my hair, and I stood, getting rid of the rest of my clothes. I grabbed the lube and a condom from my dresser drawer and handed them over.

  He kissed me again, as though he couldn’t get enough of my lips. Our cocks brushed together, and I sucked in a deep breath, but Richard kept eating at my mouth, driving his tongue down my throat.

  I trailed my hands up his chest, using my palms to cup his impressive pecs and my fingers to tweak his nipples. Richard nipped my lower lip and pulled away. He walked me to the bed and lay me down, and his mouth went down on mine, again.

  I’d sucked his cock and we’d kissed, that had been it so far, yet I started to crave him in ways I’d never wanted anyone else.

  “You lips are so fucking sweet.” Richard gave me a few more short kisses. “I’ve never kissed anyone this much before.”

  He wouldn’t hear me complaining. I loved feeling Richard’s lips against mine, although I wished I felt other things against me, like his dick against my ass.

  “Do you plan on getting this started?” I asked.

  “What I plan is to enjoy myself with you. Why are you trying to rush this?” One of his brows arched. “Is your boyfriend coming home soon?”

  I wanted to tease and say “yes, so get on with this,” but my gut told me to go with the truth. “No significant other. I’m just horny as fuck and want your cock in my ass.”

  He kissed me one more time before he slid down my body. Was Snob about to suck my cock? My heart ramped up as he circled the head of my dick with his tongue. My thighs tightened, and I curled my hands into the sheets as I looked down at him.


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