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Nothing but The Sheets

Page 23

by Stacy McWilliams

  I couldn’t move and my eyes darted around at the boys. I didn’t want her lips on me, but how the fuck did I get myself out the situation, without mortally offending her or ruining her confidence. She was a pretty girl, but just not my kind of pretty girl. She pressed another kiss to my lips and ran her tongue along my closed ones, but I refused to move, to kiss her back and after a second, she stepped back away from me.

  “Okay,” she muttered and stared at me with this kind of awestruck, worshipful fascination. “To be continued when the tour is over.”

  Her voice was breathless and babyish, which irritated me to no end. I watched her strut away from me and into the elevator that Kerr kindly called for her. As soon as she was inside, the boys all roared with laughter and I stood there with my lips still firmly pressed together, as Kerr took out his cell and snapped a picture.

  “The only time in all the years I’ve know you, Blake, that I’ve ever seen you at a loss for words and so disgusted by a woman’s kiss. You look a bit green.” He said as he clapped me on the shoulder and walked me into Ry’s room with Doug.

  All the boys were chuckling as I crossed straight to the bathroom and pulled out a couple of wet wipes, wiping her bright, red lipstick from my lips. Once I had cleaned it off and rubbed my lips raw, I took out Ry’s toothpaste and squirted some into my mouth, swirling it around on my tongue before spitting it out in the sink.

  What the fuck was I going to do about her and her stupid idea that we had a connection? The only connection with her was that she was coming on our tour. She was hired by Mason, so we didn’t have a say. She was a friend of his sister, or something, or one of his bandmate’s sisters, but fuck she was too much.

  I wondered if I could call him and see if someone else, anyone else was free. I went back out to the room, ignoring the amused chuckles and asked Ry to call downstairs to see if someone could come up and let me into my room. The manager was delighted to be able to help and informed me she would be up in a few moments with a key to my door which was a relief.

  I sat on the arm of the sofa in Ry’s suite and watched as Ry and Kerr played a zombie game on his Xbox. Ry took it everywhere with him and we always had game nights on the bus, but Doug was messaging someone on his cell with a smile. Doug had recently come out as bisexual to us and we were yet to meet the man who’d caught his attention. He made me realize how much of a shit I’d been to Marty. Although we did talk now and again and I did still see my mom from time to time, but she barely made time to see me. My grandma had made me reach out to her a few years ago, when we were on our first stadium tour and her, Don and Marty had come to one of our gigs. It was strained and awkward, but I apologized to Marty for being such a dick to him, he’d smiled and told me he was over it. We exchanged numbers and sometimes hung out if I was here in New York, at the same time as him. He never mentioned Cara though and I never asked about her. I was too scared about what I’d find out, so I left the subject well alone. A knock at the door had me bolting up and I quickly opened it to see a young blonde girl standing there, blushing as she looked up at me. She was very pretty, but too slim for my tastes.

  “Mr. Thompson. I’m here to open the door to suite three oh nine for you.”

  I gave her a smile and she swooned for a moment, before standing up taller and walking towards my suite, opening the door with her key card.

  “Thank you, Bettie.” I told her and she gave me a wide grin, before I stepped into the room and closed the door at my back.

  I glanced around and saw my cells sitting on the table, but I wanted a shower and to take off my robe. I wandered into the bathroom leaving my cells on the coffee table and only checked them after my shower. I noticed on my cell, with my old number, that I had a message from Cara.

  Cara - Hey, Blake. I don’t know what I did to upset you and I’m sorry, but please don’t get me fired from this job. I need it. I want to stand on my own two feet and make my own money, so I desperately need to work. I hope you understand, and I’ll do whatever you need to make sure that I can continue working on the tour. Ps, I’m not even sure this is your number anymore, but in case it is, I had to try. C xx

  My heart hammered in my chest as admiration for Cara battled with my desire to have her gone from the tour. She wasn’t using any of her parent’s money. She was trying to do this alone and if I got her fired, then she’d suffer more because of me. I’d do what Ry suggested and tell her she had to stay as far away from me as she could, only being around when her presence was absolutely essential.

  That would work...

  It had to work.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Please and Thank you


  After Blake left, I paced around for a while and then decided to go do my shopping. I needed something to distract me, but before I left to go, I sent him a text asking him… okay, more like begging him not to have me fired. I knew he could do it.

  He was the lead singer of the headline band, but I just hoped he’d either get my message if he had the same cell number, doubtfully or let me explain to him the next day. I grabbed my little purse and shoved my wallet inside with my keys, cell, and my pepper spray. My mom had given me it when she came by after I moved in. She’d offered to buy me a place on the upper east side, but I’d said no thank you.

  Walking to the shops I found a thrift store and picked up a few pairs of jeans, a pair of sneakers and a fleece-lined jacket. It was late September and I was going to be touring with the band over the winter months, so I was sure I needed a jacket.

  I also found a great duffel bag for a few dollars, which was great because I was already using my credit card to keep my measly savings intact. I went to the dollar store and spent twenty-five dollars on road trip essentials, that I found online, including a toiletry bag, hand soap, shower gel and the rest of my toiletries. I also splurged on a few notebooks, some post-it notes, and. some new pens. My walk back to my apartment took me by a Target and I popped in to pick up some new bra’s, panties, socks, and a couple of pairs of pajamas. I usually slept in a holey tee and some barely there shorts, but I didn’t think those were suitable for a tour bus with other people. I picked up some new sleep attire and a comfort blanket that was on sale. It was a soft, gray fleece and I loved it.

  My credit card now had a small dent in it, and I made my way home, stopping by the takeout near my place for some egg rolls and sesame chicken with fried rice. While I waited, I checked my cell and saw I had a message from Blake. My hands shook so hard, I almost dropped it, I sat in the seat by the window with my purchases on my knee, as I opened the message.

  Blake - Hey, don’t worry about it. I won’t fire you or get you fired. I swear. Your job is safe, but we gotta lay some ground rules down if that’s okay. I’ll speak to you about them tomorrow.

  I released the breath I’d been holding and heard the girl call my order. I floated over to pick it up and glanced around, making sure I’d lifted everything which I had. I left, juggling my bags, and walked to the crosswalk towards my apartment. I managed to get inside and into my flat before I felt the first twinge of unease. Something was off and I wandered around the apartment. I went into the bathroom but was unable to tell what was wrong. I still had my purse, food, and duffel bag, which was full of my shopping trip items, as I stood in the bathroom. A loud noise outside the room startled me and I quickly closed and locked the bathroom door.

  I moved the shelving unit that I kept my towels on, out from beside the shower and pushed it across the door, blocking me in. The door handle twisted, and I scuttled back in alarm, as someone tried to open my door. My breath came out in short sharp gasps, as I found myself at the back of the room, with nowhere to go. My laptop and iPad were still in my purse from earlier., I’d shoved it down the far side of the bed, which would be invisible to anyone who was in my room. My cell was still in my bag and I fumbled with it as I tried to get it out. The banging got louder outside of the bathroom door and I heard a ringing as I gasped in shock, wh
en the bathroom door rattled. There was no way out and I was trapped, but I didn’t know who was ringing and I stood partially frozen in fear as the person attempted to break in again.

  “Hello.” I heard echoing around the room, and I glanced down at my hand to see Blake’s name lit up on the screen.

  “Shit, sorry, Blake. I didn’t mean to call you. I have to go. I have to call nine, one, one.” My voice was high pitched, and I squeaked in panic as the person slammed against the door again.

  “Cara, what the fuck? Are you okay? What the fuck is happening?” Blake asked and I heard a note of panic in his voice too, which surprisingly helped me to calm down.

  “Some is in my apartment and is trying to break into the bathroom to get to me, so I have to go and call the cops.”

  Blake growled, but I ended the call. I called nine, one, one and they told me an officer would be with me as soon as possible. Blake called me back as soon as I’d ended the call, but the operator who answered, asked me to keep the line clear, so I hung up on him and he instantly texted me.


  There was silence outside, and I stood shaking in the bathroom, before I lowered the lid and sat on shaking legs as my cell rang again. Blake’s voice rang out as I answered the call and I breathed a sigh of relief when I heard him.

  “Cara, are you okay?” He asked in a panicked voice and I smiled, listening intently, and holding my cell away from my face, so I could see if the cops called me back.

  “I’m okay, Blake. I came into the bathroom because I had a weird feeling, then I heard a noise, so I locked the door. I’m now sitting here with Chinese takeout, that’s going cold waiting on the cops to get here.”

  I spoke to him in a low reassuring voice and I was touched to know he’d been concerned enough about me to call back.

  “Okay, as long as you are okay.”

  He took a deep breath and I wanted to ask him why he was so concerned about me, when he didn’t want me around, but I bit the words back and swallowed around the lump that appeared in my throat.

  My cell lit up and I had to end the call with him, even though I didn’t want to.

  “Blake, I have to go. The cops are calling me.” I muttered and I heard him sigh.

  “Okay, take care and I’ll speak to you later. Bye.”

  He hung up and I quickly answered the call. The cops were apparently at my door and asked me to go out to meet them. I quickly moved the shelving unit back into place and opened the door, peaking around my room, but nothing looked out of place. Even so, I ran to the door and opened it, to see two cops standing there. One was tall, with blond hair, fair skinned with piercing blue eyes and the other, older with greying hair, bushy eyebrows, and a beard on his round face.

  “Hi, did you call nine, one, one about a break in?” The older one asked and I nodded, stepping aside to let them in.

  “Is anything missing?” he asked me, and my eyes scanned the room.

  “Not that I can see.” I answered, but I moved aside to let them enter and they stepped into the room, wandering around and checking out the small space.

  “Nothing appears to be out of place. Are you sure you didn’t just imagine it?” The younger cop asked with a frown and his partner stepped in front of me, glaring at me.

  “You know you can be arrested for wasting police time, young lady?” The older cop asked, and I backed up, holding my hands up.

  “I didn’t make it up. I swear.”

  Both cops eyed me suspiciously and my legs shook as they stood staring at me. My eyes went to the bathroom door and I could see dents in it that hadn’t been there earlier that day.

  “Look at the bathroom door. Those dents weren’t there earlier,” I pleaded with them and they both shrugged.

  “Well no offence, but we can’t know that.”

  The younger cop said as his eyes swept the room, he turned and walked towards the door, opening, and stepping back in surprise, as Yani and Blake stepped into the room. Yani’s eyes scanned the room and he moved towards the wall, behind my bed. There was a draft on the left-hand side, so I always slept on the right-hand side. Blake stepped into the room and moved across the room to stand beside me.

  “Hey, are you okay, Cara?” he asked as he eyed the cops as they stood staring at him with open mouths.

  “Sorry to ask but are you Blake Thompson from Angels of Discord?” the younger cop asked, and Blake gave him a terse nod as he stood stiffly beside me.

  “Oh my god, I’m a huge fan. I remember this one time at one of your concerts ...” he began but Blake wasn’t looking at him, he was watching Yani as he tugged on the wall and opened a passageway.

  He glanced at the cops with raised eyebrows and then turned to face us.

  “Cara, get your stuff. You won’t be staying here tonight.”

  He then spun to face the cops and glared at them.

  “I assume you’ll be investigating where this corridor leads and apologizing to Ms. Daniels.”

  Both cops shrugged and walked towards the gap as Yani glared at me and I darted round, putting all my things into bags, and pulling my purse from the far side of the bed. Thankfully, nothing had been taken, but when I was done, having stuffed my duffel bag and a tug along case, which was under my bed. I was careful when I packed that because Vic was inside, and I didn’t want Blake to see my vibrator and assume I was some kind of sad, lonely spinster girl, even thought that is exactly what I was.

  I also dug out some other large, tote bags which I stuffed full of my clothes and shoes, notebooks, and toiletries. Once I was done, my eyes scanned the room and I grabbed my pillow from my bed as Yani and Blake picked up a few tote bags each and Yani grabbed my case to carry them downstairs. I also had a chest full of clothes, but he advised me we’d need to go back to pick it up another day, because it wouldn’t fit inside the SUV.

  Blake fell into step beside me as we left the building and I saw the creepy guy from upstairs watching us from his window. I didn’t say anything to Blake, but Yani noticed my stare and nodded to show he understood what I was looking at and what was freaking me out. He helped me climb into the car and passed me my duffel, purse, and Chinese food, while Blake sat beside me with a few bags on his knee. My case was in the trunk and so were the other bags, but nothing else would fit inside, as Yani closed the car door and went to speak to the cops who’d came.

  “Blake, thank you for coming.” I told him with raw emotion in my voice, because he didn’t have to. He could have stayed away and left me with the cops, but he came to make sure I was okay.

  “Cara, it’s fine. I’d do it for any of my employees.”

  His words put a wall up between us and he didn’t look at me, but I didn’t know where I was going to go. I had nowhere. My mom and dad were in Idaho. Josh was upstate in his flat and my older siblings were all dotted about the world. I only had twelve hundred dollars in my bank account and my credit card only had three hundred left on it, so I was really screwed.

  “Fuck,” I muttered and ran my hand through my hair, putting it up in a top knot, with one of the hair ties I’d stuck on my wrist when I was packing up.

  Blake didn’t respond because he was staring at his cell with his teeth clenched. I wanted to ask him if everything was okay, but I didn’t have a clue how to ask. My eyes began to water as I wondered if I could maybe ask Ross to drop me of with Beth and Aim’s, for a few nights. There wasn’t much room in their loft and I’d be totally under their feet, but I had to ask.

  “Blake, can you hold my takeout for a minute. I need to get to my cell.”

  My voice was low and muffled, he gave me an odd look as I passed over my food. I felt around in my purse and managed to find my cell and tug it out. I had a missed call from Beth which was perfect, but when I called her back, she began prattling on and on about Blake and this other singer hooking up.

  “Beth, stop. Beth.” I tried to cut in, but when she got going, it was best to just let her go until she was don

  “Cara are you there?” she asked, and I lifted my cell to my ear, grinning at my best friend as she made cooing noises down the line.

  “I’m here Beth. I need to ask a favor. Can I come stay with you for a few nights?”

  She sighed and then I knew I was in trouble.

  “You know I’d say yes normally, but Aim’s skeevy boyfriend is in town and with him here the loft is way too small. Anyway, what’s wrong with your place? Is that creepy guy still watching you?”

  Her cheery voice made tears well up in my eyes and I knew I’d have to call home and ask my mom and dad for cash.

  “It’s fine,” I told her, trying, and failing to hide the break in my voice that said I was upset and about to cry.

  “Cara, what is it babe?” she asked in a panicked voice and I choked out a laugh.

  “Nothing, it’s just I got a job today and I’m going to be out of town for a bit from Saturday, so I wanted to spend some time with you before I go, that’s all.”

  My lie was perfect, and I was so relieved when she bought it.

  “Yeah, that’s cool. Is it better money?” She asked and then she went off on how we were too poorly paid to be able to survive in New York. I didn’t have to say anything much and then I heard someone call her and she sighed.

  “Gotta go babe. I’ll call you tomorrow and we can arrange to meet up before you go.”

  With that, the line went dead and I took a deep fortifying breath, closing my eyes for a moment and then scrolling through my cell until I reached my dad’s cell. I could call my mom, but she was working this week and I was sure she said she was on call, so I didn’t want to worry her. My fingers hovered over the button as Yani climbed into the front of the car. Ross was standing at the hood on his cell, so we sat in silence waiting for him, as I tried to build up the courage to call my dad. Blake wasn’t even looking at me and I was so embarrassed about having to make this call in front of him, when he was a mega millionaire, but I didn’t have a choice. If I didn’t make it, then I’d be sleeping in an alley until the tour left. I took one more deep breath and pressed the call button. It rang and for a while there was no answer, then my grams answered my dad’s cell.


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