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Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!)

Page 14

by Sable Hunter

  But he couldn’t – it was too good and he was too close. His only goal was for her to come again before he took his own pleasure. He’d give her that gift or die trying.

  “Come on, angel. Come for me.” Canyon spread butterfly kisses all over her face as he continued to fill her again and again. Pounding harder. Faster. “Look at me, baby. Let go. Come with me.” Her gaze met his and he saw the most perfect look of trust in her eyes. In the next breath, she clutched him tight, her body convulsing as she came. Seeing Seren in the throes of ecstasy and feeling her pussy fluttering around him sent Canyon plummeting over the edge after her. He felt as if he were free falling, ecstasy washing over him like a waterfall. “Seren!” he bellowed, his hips continuing to buck of their own volition as he pumped into her – unwilling for this perfect storm to end.

  Seren closed her eyes and held Canyon tight, rubbing his back over and over. “Thank you, thank you. You have given me such a wonderful gift. I will treasure this moment for eternity.”

  Canyon buried his face in her neck, kissing the soft skin he found there, inhaling her scent. “No need to thank me. I loved every second of it.”

  “Good.” She nipped him on the shoulder for good measure. “Because I want to do all of this again as soon as possible.”


  She wanted him. Canyon Brady. There was no denying the look of adoration on her face. “Again?” He laughed. “Really?” Yea, sue me, he thought, he loved compliments as much as the next guy. After disposing of the used condom, he returned to bed and pulled her body next to his. Damn, he was still trembling from the hardest orgasm of his life.

  Seren cuddled to him, idly rubbing his chest. “Yes, because it was stupendous, incredible, and simply wonderful!”

  He liked her answer and he loved the feel of her naked body against his own. “So, I guess it’s safe to say you’re a fan of sex.”

  Seren shook her finger at him. “I think the most important factor is you. I like having sex with you.”

  Canyon tapped her on the end of the nose. “Aww. I thought it was because I was so good at it.”

  Seren blushed, remembering. “You know how good you are, Brady. If you were any better at sex, there would’ve been a seismic event of some kind.”

  “Oh, I rocked your world, huh?” He caught one of her errant curls and wrapped it around his finger. “Never doubt, I loved it too. You were absolutely incredible. So generous. Giving.”

  “Well, you’re more than just a giver of excellent orgasms, Mr. Brady, you’re a good man. The best.”

  Canyon shook his head; not sure he liked the turn the conversation had taken.

  “For example, I know how much you loved your son and how good you were to your wife.”

  He made a grunting noise. “A common enough trait among men.”

  His attempt to pass off her compliment didn’t deter her from adding more. “How gentle you are with the horses. How generous you are to give to cancer research.” She took his hand in hers, rubbing the broad back and prominent veins with her thumb. “I know about the little things you do for people – asking for no recognition and no pay.”

  “Seren…” Canyon was beginning to feel embarrassed. “I didn’t mean for you to extol my virtues.”

  “I know you made those knives they raffled off to help pay Ralph Corby’s medical bills. I’ve also watched you pick up baby squirrels and birds to put them back in their nest.”

  Now, he groaned in exasperation, “Oh, don’t say that out loud, I don’t want people thinking I’m an old softie.”

  Reaching down under the covers, her hand ventured over to touch his resting cock. “I’d never think that – I know how hard you can be.”

  He let out a satisfied sigh. “You’re going to have to give me a little time, angel. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. I’m not as young as I used to be.”

  “Hmmm.” She placed a kiss over his heart. “I think you’re the perfect age. Regardless, I can wait until after we rest a bit.” She gave him a wink, then bounded out of bed. “Come on, let’s warm up the roast in the crock pot and eat.”

  For a moment, he lay still, his eyes feasting on the sight before him. His cock was having second thoughts as he marveled at the unabashed way she moved around the room, comfortable in her nudity, and more beautiful than anything he’d ever seen. She slipped a gown over her head and tossed him his briefs. “If I can’t have you for a while, you’d best cover up all that manliness.”

  He grinned as he pulled on some clothes. “You’re certainly good for my ego,” he muttered as an unwelcome thought came to his mind. He voiced the notion before he could stop his lips from moving. “I guess you don’t really have a choice in the matter, do you?”

  “What do you mean?” Seren took his arm, a giggle slipping from her lips as her stomach let out a small grumble.

  As they moved to the kitchen to find nourishment, Canyon tried to choose his words carefully. “You probably feel the way you do about me because you’re my watcher. If another man was your charge, you’d want him – not me.”

  Walking beside him, Seren stopped in her tracks. “I can’t even imagine such a thing.” She shook her head as she brought the pot of food from the fridge. “You’re it for me. I don’t know what the future holds for us or what will happen to me – but I could never care about another the way I care about you.” She took down bowls and began to dip roast and potatoes into each one. “Could you show me how to warm this in your microwave?”

  “Sure.” For the moment, Canyon put aside his concerns. He was probably being silly anyway. Once the food was hot, they sat across from one another to eat. Soon, they were laughing and talking. Smiling so often their faces hurt.

  Canyon couldn’t resist touching her. While he ate with his right hand, his left was letting his fingers do the walking along her forearm. The injury she’d received in the parking lot hadn’t healed like the burns on her palms. “Let’s put some more ointment on those scrapes.”

  “Oh, no. I’m good,” Seren protested. “They don’t pain me too much.” She frowned, looking at the sore places. “This pretty much confirms my suspicions. I’m human. I’ve lost all the powers of the angelic.” Giving him a small smile. “Whatever that means. It worries me a little. I don’t know how I can do my job properly in this state.”

  Canyon returned to the table with his first aid kit. “I wouldn’t worry about it. The powers that be would let you know if there was something wrong. Wouldn’t they?”

  “Yea. I suppose.” She let out a long breath. “I’m here with you, that’s what matters most to me. I still worry about how I’ll take care of you though.”

  “Stop worrying,” Canyon said as he gently rubbed healing ointment into her wounds. “Like I told you earlier, let me take care of you for a change. In fact, maybe you should consider staying here during the day while I work. I’ll come home to you every evening and make love to you every night.” Seemed like a damn fine notion to him.

  Seren’s eyes widened. “As lovely as you make that sound, I can’t do it.” She grasped his muscular forearm and squeezed. “I can’t risk being replaced. I don’t want to lose you.”

  Canyon started to tell her she wouldn’t lose him, but he bit his tongue. After all, he didn’t really understand how all of this worked. “Okay, doll. We’ll think of something for you to do at work to pass the time.” She didn’t get in his way – but God knows she was a distraction. “Something that will keep you close, but let me concentrate on my job.”

  Her mouth pooched out adorably. “You can’t do your job with me around?” She hadn’t thought of any such thing. “Why?”

  After taping fresh gauze on the scrapes, he met her gaze, lifting one dark eyebrow. “You’re beautiful. Sexy. Sweet. I want you all the time.”

  “Oh. Thank you.” She blushed and smiled. “If you have any ideas to keep me busy, let me know. I’m sure I can do something useful for someone.”

  He didn’t doubt it. The w
oman fascinated him like no other and not just because of her mystical origins. If she were just the girl next door, Seren would still be intoxicating to him. Needing to know more about her, he asked another question, “So, what do you do for fun? Or what do you think you would like to do for fun?”

  Wanting to give him a thoughtful answer, she pondered for a moment. “Before…I enjoyed playing with you. Do you remember the time you started finding feathers everywhere?”

  Canyon frowned as he put the first aid kit back together, closing the lid. “Yea, those long white ones. I found one on my pillow, one on my couch, and one on the dining room table. Was that you?”

  “Yea, it was.” She laughed as she rose to clean up the dishes. “You thought they were owl feathers. I recall you checking all the windows to figure out how that big bird got in the house.”

  “Why did you do that?” He couldn’t help but smile at her. “Did you like messing with me?”

  “I did and I do.” She winked at him as she closed the door of the dishwasher. “I teased you with the feathers because you gave Sue Ellen Bennet the credit for the good luck you had at the carnival when you won that big teddy-bear for her. The pink one. I’m the one who made the pins fall after you missed your first two turns.”

  “Huh.” Narrowing his eyes, Canyon studied her face, recounting those seven faint freckles scattered in a delightful pattern over the bridge of her nose. “I didn’t know you did things like that for me.” He frowned considering what else she might’ve been responsible for over the years.

  “I did everything I could for you.” She sat next to him and stared at the wood grain of the table as if it was endlessly fascinating. “What I was allowed to do, at least.”

  “You left the feathers to tease me, you say?” His mind went back to that time. Over two years ago. “Funny, I can’t even remember what Sue Ellen’s face looks like.”

  “Good.” This made Seren smile. “I didn’t like her. She wasn’t good enough for a man like you.” It still made her mad to remember how the woman talked about Canyon behind his back. She’d been more concerned about his money – or lack thereof – than she was about him. “I left the feathers to take your mind off her. And the songs on the radio too.”

  “What songs?” Canyon asked, confused.

  She looked up at him through long eyelashes. “The angel songs. Every time you turned on the radio, I made sure the disc jockey played an angel song. Kiss An Angel Good Morning, Earth Angel, In the Arms of an Angel.”

  “Angel Flying Too Close to the Ground,” He remembered the songs now. “Is that what happened to you? Flying so close to the ground your feet couldn’t resist touching down?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe. Looking back, I guess I was jealous of Sue Ellen. I didn’t realize it then, but I just felt desperate for you to realize I was around.” Seren laughed sadly. “I left heart-shaped rocks lying about for you to spot. Butterflies. Hummingbirds. I tried to show myself to you through the beauty of nature.”

  “Maybe you did.” Canyon grew serious. “I couldn’t bring myself to date anyone else.” He looked at her in wonder. “I guess I was waiting for you.”

  “I’m glad you don’t have to wait any longer.” She rose from her chair and came to him, kneeling at his feet. Her gown fell from one creamy shoulder. “I still don’t have any answers about why I’m here, but I’m so grateful I am. This time with you will be the highlight of my existence.” Seren put her hands on his thighs, massaging the hard muscles she found there. “I don’t want to waste a second of it.” Lifting her face to his, she asked him sweetly, “Could we go back to bed now?”

  “Yea, I’d like that. Very much.” Canyon didn’t give her a chance to move. He picked her up and walked upstairs to his bed, lying her down on the mattress. With great care, he removed her gown, then stripped off everything but his briefs – tossing the clothes to the floor next to the bed.

  Before he could join her, Seren reached for him. “I want to touch you. May I?”

  “Be my guest.” He lay down next to her, his blood pressure rising as fast as his cock. “Consider myself at your mercy.”

  Seren chewed on her lower lip as she considered this opportunity. “Hold on.” She leaned over and flipped on the light next to the pickle jar full of roses. “The sun’s going down, I want to see what I’m doing.” Settling next to him, she surveyed his big, beautiful body – caressing him with her gaze. “There’s so much of you. And you’re so wonderfully made.” Straddling him, she began to touch him everywhere, endlessly fascinated by the planes and angles of his form.

  Canyon tried to be still, but the most beautiful woman in the world was driving him crazy. And it wasn’t just her looks, she was gorgeous from the inside out. Alive. Vital. “What’s on your mind, pretty girl?” The look of rapture on her face took his breath away as she ran her palms over his chest, her fingers tangling in his chest hair.

  A look of mischief came into her eyes. “Can I kiss you? All over?”

  “Oh, hell, yea.” Canyon swallowed, thoroughly on board with whatever her heart desired. “I want your hands and mouth on me.”

  “Okay. Good. I shall take my time.” Wriggling her hips, she settled herself on him, bending to place an open mouth kiss on his neck. “At last,” she whispered with a breathy sigh.

  “What?” Canyon shivered beneath her, wondering if he would survive.

  Rising, she looked into his eyes as she began to rub his chest, massaging his pecs luxuriously. “You’ll never know how I’ve longed to touch you.”

  “Oh, yea?” he croaked, his voice breaking a bit under the strain of containing the urge to take control and bury himself inside her once more. Canyon groaned a bit when he saw her go all dreamy-eyed. “You wanted to touch me, huh?”

  “It wasn’t anything dirty,” she said quickly as she stroked his arms.

  Canyon wondered if she was aware her hips were moving the slightest bit – shifting her weight back and forth. He could swear he felt dampness where her pussy sat atop his upper thighs. “Of course not. Although…there’s nothing wrong with dirty.”

  “I felt a reverence for you.” She caressed his abs, her fingers skating upward to rub his nipples.

  “God!” He jumped at the sensual onslaught.

  She gave him a chiding look as she continued the erotic massage. “Language.” And then she smiled at him, a smile which made Canyon feel warm all over. “I cherish you. I love you so.”

  “Seren, I can’t...” He couldn’t say those words. He’d sworn never to say those words again. To never have those feelings again. They only led to pain. To loss.

  “No matter.” She shook her head, bending to kiss a trail down his chest. “Love doesn’t have to be reciprocated to be real. Love is a gift.” She swirled her tongue in his navel and he shuddered in response. “Canyon?”

  “Yea?” He lifted his own hand to push her hair from her face.

  Seren slid one fingertip beneath the elastic waistband of his briefs. “Once, a while back, I saw a photograph on your computer.”

  “Hmmm, were you looking over my shoulder?”

  “Sometimes,” she admitted softly. “The photo was of a man and a woman. They were fully clothed, but she was on her knees in front of him. His hand was on the back of her head and it appeared her face was here…” She laid her palm right over his burgeoning cock. The only thing keeping it flat to his stomach was the strength of the stretchy fabric of his underwear.

  “Oh, yea?” He was shaking with excitement. “You liked the way that looked?”

  Seren nodded. “I don’t really know what she was doing, but the expression on the man’s face stayed with me a long time. He looked as if he’d been given a glimpse of the gates of heaven.” Holding his gaze, she slid one finger over his briefs and traced the shaped of his cock. “What were they doing?”

  Canyon swallowed, his hips lifting slightly of their own accord, undeterred by her slight weight. “What were they doing?” He licked his lips. “Do you reme
mber what I did to you earlier?”

  She blushed prettily. “How could I forget? What part?”

  He raised one hand to touch her in the valley of her breasts, letting the fingertip slide leisurely down to her Venus mound. “When I kissed you here. Between your legs? Did you like that?”

  Seren shivered. “Very much.” She smiled shyly. “You know that. You could tell.”

  “I could tell, yes. You came hard. And I loved doing that for you.” He closed his eyes as she ran her finger up and down the length of his dick. “The woman was doing something very similar to the man.”

  Seren touched the tip of her tongue to her bottom lip. “I want to do that for you. Will you show me how?”

  Canyon muffled a groan of anticipation. “Are you sure you want to do that? Take me in your mouth?”

  Seren salivated at the thought. “Very much. There is no part of you I don’t love.” She began to tug down his briefs, scooting back a little on his legs to give herself some room. “Will you help me?”

  Canyon chuckled. “Do I look crazy to you?” He lifted his hips to help Seren divest him of his underwear. She moved away long enough to allow the garment to be pulled down his legs, his cock springing free. “Every man wants a woman to do that for him.”

  “And you’re definitely a man.” Her breath was coming in small, excited pants. Slowly, she extended her hand to grasp him, attempting to wrap her fingers around his ample girth. Moving her thumb up and down his length, Seren smiled as the shaft jerked against her palm. “I love this. So hard, yet so vulnerable.”


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